Gun Game (Male Reader x Girls...

By HaremWriter

643K 9.7K 12.5K

[Discontinued] Can you imagine Deadly Hand-Held Weapons turning into Cute, Sexy, and Attractive Girls? I can... More

Chapter 1: First Gun
Chapter 2: Past Tragedy
Chapter 3: New Law
Chapter 4: The Purge
Chapter 5: F.N.G.
Chapter 6: Guest
Chapter 7: Tactical Dolls
Chapter 8: New Year, New Life
Chapter 9: Aftermath
Chapter 10: New Home
Girls Recap #1
Chapter 11: Grifon & Kryuger
Chapter 12: 16Lab
Chapter 13: Love for Guns [18+]
Chapter 14: Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Chapter 15: Orchestra
Chapter 16: 404 NOT FOUND
Chapter 17: Guns Under The Sun
Chapter 18: Commander
Chapter 19: Past Rejection
Chapter 20: Most Wanted
Your Powers and Guns
Chapter 21: Getting Answers
Chapter 22: The Phone
Chapter 23: Upcoming Storm
Chapter 24: Before the Storm
Chapter 25: Best Defense
Chapter 26: Healing Her Master [18+]
Chapter 28: Captured
Chapter 29: Search 'n' Rescue
Chapter 30: Unexpected Event
Chapter 31: Tsunday
Chapter 32: Demon With A Shotgun
Chapter 33: VA-11 Hall-A
Chapter 34: To Ireland
Chapter 35: Terrorist Anomaly
Chapter 36: Rage
Chapter 37: From Russia With Love [18+]
Chapter 38: No Russian
Chapter 39: Naughty List...
Chapter 40: 4th Grade Reunion
Chapter 41: Fairies
Chapter 42: Feast Before Dawn
Chapter 43: Harem Problem
Chapter 44: Oath
Chapter 45: Walk In The Park
Chapter 46: Guns 'n' Chocolate
Chapter 47: Pyramid
Chapter 48: 12. 4. 7. 13. 74
(Real)Chapter 48: Shell Shock
Chapter 49: Future Standards
Chapter 50: New Dawn
Chapter 51: Troubles Ahead
Chapter 52: Pack-a-Punch

Chapter 27: Out With 404

10.4K 149 447
By HaremWriter

Another day, another daily life with your T-Dolls, right now you were in your room getting ready to head too the mall, of course your not going alone, Task Force 404 is also going with you, why are you going to the mall you ask? Well, shopping of course, what else are your going to do in the mall besides that? Anyway, once you finally got ready, you started to head out of your room and wait for the 404 girls.

Y/N: Okay, what should we do first when we get there, I just hope they don't buy too much or other wise, I'm gonna be broke...

You said to yourself as you make your way to the front door on the mansion, the 404 girls already got themselves ready to go, even G11 got up and got dressed to go to the mall with you and everyone else which is a surprise....considering she sleeps a lot and doesn't want to go anywhere...

Once you reached the front door of the mansion, Task Force 404 was standing waiting for you, you also saw them wearing different clothing then there typical combat be honest, they actually look good in them.

Y/N: Wow, you girls look nice in those clothes

UMP45: Heh, you don't look bad yourself master, Kalina said we have to make a first experience for you

UMP9: It does feel nice wearing different clothes other then our combat ones for once

UMP40: I'm just glad we get to have a day with master, its like a harem date for you huh master?

You chuckled a bit with a little blush on your face as you scratch the back of your head a bit once UMP40 said that, I guess it is going to be a harem date of you with the 404 girls today....

Y/N: Well, I'm ready when you girls are, shall we?

G11: Master, when we get to the mall, can I have a body pillow of you?

Y/N: U-Uhhh, s-sure...I don't mind...

HK416: What happened to your other body pillow?

G11: ....

G11 didn't reply to HK416's question, now that you thought about it, you didn't know G11 had a body pillow before.

G11: Lost it....

Y/N thought: How can you loss a body pillow?


Time skip as you and the 404 girls made it to the entrance of the mall, as you and the girls walked in, as expected, the mall is full of people, some people were shopping some stuff, going to different shops while others are just walking around and talking to each other.

Y/N: Alright girls, we meet at the food court in three hours, until then you girls are free to do and buy what ever you want....just don't spend too much...and don't get into trouble...

UMP40: Okay! Come on 9, lets go shop some new panties~

UMP40 said as she took UMP9 with her and rush off through the mall, you sweat drop a bit of what UMP40 said, buying new panties huh? I wonder why, G11 then pull on HK416's jacket to get her attention.

G11: I need you to come with me 416....I feel small walking around with this many people...

HK416: *sigh* fine, but I'm not carrying you...

G11: Then-

HK416: I'm not holding your hand either

G11: .....bitch

G11 then started walking through the mall passing a few people that was taller then her, HK416 followed close behind her, since G11 looks like a child, people might get curious as of why a child is walking around without a guardian.

Y/N: Sometimes, I can't tell if G11 is a kid or a deadly marksmen...

UMP45: G11 does have a unique personality, she can be lazy when she's not doing anything and she can be serious in a gunfight

Y/N: Huh, guess that's a quirk of being a T-Doll huh?

UMP45: Heh, you have no idea...

Y/N: Anyway, what about you 45? Your not going shopping?

UMP45: Got to keep an eye on you master, your a wanted man remember?

Y/N: Heh, please, this is the mall UMP45, what kind of idiot would start a shootout in a mall wheres a lot of people and security around?

UMP45: Hay, you never know, anyway, my point stands, I'm just gonna go were you go master, not because different mercenaries are after you...

UMP45 then walked up to you closely like, face to face closely, you got nervous and confused as to what she's doing while you having a little blush on your face.

UMP45: Its because I care about you~

UMP45 then gave you a quick peck on your cheek as she step back away from you a bit, the blush on your face grew little, you weren't expecting UMP45 to do that...I mean, she's has the hots for you dude....and so does the other girls...

UMP45: Heh, what's with that blushing face of yours? Come on, are we just gonna stand here or you gonna take this girl around the mall?

She asked you as you stood there a bit giving her a smile, you then walked up to her and then hold her hand, UMP45 was surprised when you hold her hand as you started taking her through the mall.

Y/N: I'm gonna choose the option B for you

UMP45 just chuckled a bit as smiled, she then took a gently grip on your hand as you two started walking around the mall, as you and UMP45 walked around, other people saw you two holding hands and started to gossip.

Civilan1: Aww, what a cute couple~

Civilan2: Wow, that's one lucky guy to have a girl like her...

You and UMP45 heard a few of the people gossiping about you two as both of you were passing by them, it didn't bother you and UMP45 too much but it was a bit embarrassing to hear.

UMP45: So....M4 SOPMOD2 told us how amazing you were in the kitchen the other night~

Y/N: Huh?!

You looked towards UMP45 as she had a devilish smirk on her face as she looked back at you, you were embarrassed of what she said as you blushed knowing her and the other girls that M4 SOPMOD2 told them that you had sex with her.

UMP45: She couldn't stop talking about it either, which makes me wonder...

UMP45 then grab hold of your arm as she pulled it closer to her, she then started whispering in your ear which shook you a bit.

UMP45: I wonder which one of us is gonna have sex with you next~

She said as she pull away from your ear and continues to hold your hand, you looked away from her as you had a blush on your face while UMP45 had a devilish smirk on her face looking at you.

Y/N thought: Things are going to be complicated with these girls, I just know it...


Time skip as you and UMP45 arrived at the food court, you two saw the other girls as they already got a table ready, you also saw them with a few bags with them...good thing not a lot, you and UMP45 started walking towards them.

Y/N: Hay girls, got some shopping down I see

UMP9: Me and 40 bought a few new clothes for all of us to try on

UMP40: And shoes!

G11: I finally have a body pillow of master, here, wanna see it?

G11 then pull out a human size body pillow of you, once you saw it you were surprised as it looked exactly like you....and your half-naked too.

Y/N: P-Please hide that G11, I don't want people seeing me half-naked...

HK416: I was surprised that the person who made the pillow got every detail right...kinda creepy if you ask me..

Y/N: is creepy...anyway, who's hungry? I'm buying

Girls: Me!

Y/N: Of course...


fter you bought the girls food, you and the 404 girls were now eating and having conversations to one another, while you and the girls were having a good time together....someone from a distance was stalking you.

???: Confirmation on the target...but theres too many witnesses here, I can't eliminate him yet...

???: Relax, just be patient....we're not eliminating him...

???: We're not?

???: No, we're not, we're capturing him, boys move in, its show time...


While you and the girls eating and having conversations to each other, a few policeman was walking through the crowd of people to get to you, the girls witness this as they warn you.

UMP45: Master, a few police officers are coming this way...

HK416: Yea...and they seem to be in a hurry to get here...what do we do?

Y/N: Relax, I don't want any trouble, they'll probably just gonna ask a few questions, no matter what NOT pull your guns out..

UMP40: But master...

You gave them a serious expression on your face, once the girls saw how serious you were, they understand as they continue to eat there food.

After a bit, a police officer arrived to you and the girls as he started asking questions.

Police Officer: Excuse me sir, do you mind if I have a moment of your time?

The police officer said to you as you examine him closely, you then examine the other police officers that was behind him, the other police officers got there hands on there holster that was carrying there gun.

Y/N thoughts: Why are they ready to get there guns out?

Y/N: Of course officer

You said as started to get up, once you got up, the police officer hand you a gun in your hand, you got confused and so did the girls as witness it, you looked at the police officer in front of you that gave you the gun as he looked at you with smirk, the officer then force you to pull the trigger of the gun as you shot him, once the gunshot was heard, everyone around you except the other police officers and the 404 girls started to run and panic.

Y/N: What the-

Girls: !!!

The police officer then fell back to the ground as lay there bleeding out, the other police officers quickly pulled out there guns as they pointed at you.

Police Officer2: Drop your weapon! Now!

Y/N: But I-

Police Officer2: I said drop it!

The other police officer hollered at you, the 404 girls then quickly got up and was about to summon there weapons out but you stop them before they could.

Y/N: Girls don't!

You commanded them as they stood still with a worried expression on there face, you did as you were told, you toss the gun at the police officer as you then got on your knees with your hands on top of your head, the other police officer quickly walked up to you and hand-cuffed you.

Police Officer2: Sir, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?

Once the police officer asked you then, you shook your head no as for his reply, you then looked at the police officer that you shot as we was getting treated by the medics that just showed up, you then look towards the 404 girls as they all have a worried expression on there faces.

A group of police officers then escorted you out of the mall and in the back of a police car, once you got in, you saw the 404 girls with the same worried expression on there faces, then the police car started to drove off through the road, leaving the 404 girls behind.

UMP45: Master....

UMP9: What do we do...?

UMP9 questioned to the others as they all continue to look through the distance to were the police took you off.


???: Yes sir...we have him captured....understood sir...

???: Well?

???: Orders are to wait...

???: Figures...


Welp, looks like you got captured by the police, I wonder what's gonna happen next, until then I'll see you in the next Chapter, bye-bye!

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