Redemption of the Dragon King

By adventreader221

59.8K 667 179

It is not known by many, but the truth is that Acnologia was not always a monster. He was once a human that h... More

Acnologia vs Fairy Tail-The one sided fight
An Unexpected Reunion
A Family Quarrel and the Unexpected Arrivals
StoryTime, and a Chance to Change
Catching up with the fairies
Drunken Beach Night and Family Reunion
A long overdue conversion
Learning about a father's past
A chat between Sky and Apocalypse
Shocking Revelations, The Trial of Power, and The Fated Meeting
Father-Daughter Bonding Time
A Lucky Break Appears and A Romantic Evening
Let the Games Begin
Day 1
Day 1 after
Day 2
Confession and Assault on Sabertooth
Day 3
Day 3 pt 2
Rage of the Dragon King
Operation: Fairy Stars
The Battle Royal Rages On, Darkness Descends
Invasion Part II: Battle of the Slayers and the Mages
Invasion Part III: Battle of the Kings! Acnologia vs Ghidorah!
Invasion Aftermath and Nightly Confrontations
Celebrations and a Declaration of War

Dragon Invasion: Arrival of the Promised Time

1.6K 16 11
By adventreader221

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new installment of RDK! I know this chapter is late, but things were complicated for me these past few months. After my trip to the Dominican Republic, I was not at my home for nearly a month. Plus I had to work on personal things in my life. Not to mention I am working to take a certified exam for my profession in these upcoming months. So I have been very busy. Again I apologize for the late update.

The second reason this has taken so long is that I was not satisfied with it. This is one of the three big climaxes this story will have. Its the end to the first major arc I have been building up to since the third chapter. So I wanted these next chapters to be as perfect as possible. But it was not easy. The third reason this took so long was the fights. I had to write/re-write several fights. Not to mention, all the original fights I also had to write. This made the following chapters very hard for me to write as writing an entertaining fight, but also has a good pace and realistic is not easy. I have to plan out the entire fight from beginning to end and also work on how affects the area around them.

So yeah I have been busy. All I can ask is for your continuing support and feedback on the chapters. Now, this grand finale will be broken into three or four chapters. If I made you guys wait until I had everything till the end of the climax done when the gate is closed, you would not have seen the update until October at the earliest. Thankfully all the fights have been outlined, so I just have to type them in the order they will go.

I will say this chapter will focus on the fight with Future Rogue, the Eclipse Gate opening, Naruto's revelation, the early dragon fights, and a few more surprises. I hope this satisfies all of your anxiety and enjoy the ride!

Dragon Invasion Part 1: Arrival of the Promised Time

Everyone was left completely stunned as they continued to stare at the older version of the shadow dragon slayer. They never expected to see another person from the future aside from Mirai Lucy! Just what is going on?!

However, not everyone was looking at Rogue with confusion, some looked at the man with mistrust and others with anger. Those latter looks came from the remaining Garou Knights as they got back on their feet to glare at the older shadow mage.

"You bastard! What did you do to our comrades?!" Kamika demanded

Rogue smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" The three knights roared as they charged at the older teen in front of them. All the while, Future Rogue was smirking in amusement. Wendy's eyes widen in concern. "WAIT! It's a trap!" she warned, but it was too late.

Kama tried to swing his blades down while Cosmos launched her vines with Kamika launching several of her magic paper. However, Future Rogue merely raised his arm as it was coated in a shadowy aura. With one swing, he ripped apart all the incoming attacks and sent his would-be attackers away several feet, injured and out cold.

Everyone looked in shock at how easily Future Rogue managed to dispatch the last members of the Garou Knights. Everyone gets tense as they prepared to defend themselves to fight, but were surprised when Future Rogue simply chuckles.

"Relax. I did not come here to fight any of you. Unfortunately, the fools on the ground would never listen to reason. As you all should know."

"If you didn't come here to help us, why are you here?" Mira asked in a suspicious tone.

Future Rogue tilts his head as he gives them a small smirk. "To open the door."

"The door?" everyone asked in confusion. "Do you mean the Eclipse Gate?" Lucy asked as Future Rogue nodded. "That's correct."

"There are two ways that the Eclipse Gate can be used. The first is the obvious way. It can be used as a gateway to travel to either the past or the future. The second way is the Eclipse Cannon. This is the only weapon that could defeat the 10,000 dragons."

"WHAT?!" everyone exclaimed in shock.

'IT CAN DEFEAT THE 10,000 DRAGONS?!' Mirai Lucy screamed in her head. Why had she never heard of this before?!

"Wait so you're our ally?" Yukino asked in a confused tone.

"We can defeat the dragons now!" Natsu cheered with Happy.

Lucy sighed. "That's a relief."

Wendy's eyes narrowed. "Hang on. What's the catch?" she asked in a suspicious tone.

"It's not as simple as the rest of you are thinking. Seven years in the future, I came from, the world is completely dominated by dragons. Only 10% of humanity is still existing, hiding in constant fear that they will be destroyed."

"That's depressing to hear." several muttered. "And on the very top is the ruler of that world in the future is Acnologia."

"WHAT?!" everyone shouted in shock and horror. Future Rogue nodded. "That's right. Acnologia sits at the top of the world with no one being able to challenge his rule. Any that dares to try is completely eradicated."

"What about Zeref? And the Kaiju? The gods? Couldn't they do anything?"

"They all tried with everything they had, and they all failed. The gods did not seem to care enough to intervene. But there was one thing I and several others noticed about Acnologia."

Everyone tilted their heads in confusion. "What was it?" Happy asked as Future Rogue frowned.

"Something had changed in Acnologia after the GMG. He was far more brutal. More vicious in tearing his opponents into shreds. He didn't even look like he enjoyed it like before. It was like he finally snapped and is always on a rampage against everything and everyone in his way. When anyone manages to ask why did he change, he would always say the same thing. You took everything precious to me, so now I will do the same to all of you. This world has scorned me for the last time, so now I reject it and everyone that lives on it!"

'Oh Daddy.' Wendy sadly thought, knowing exactly why her father changed. 'Be wary Wendy. I don't trust this guy at all.' Wendy mentally nodded. 'Agreed. It's similar to how we felt about Arcadios, but the difference is I can tell there is malice behind his facade.'

"What happened to Naruto Marvell?" Natsu asked. Future Rogue shrugged his shoulders. "No one knows. They never heard from him after the GMG."

He sighed. "Back to the matter at hand, we need to stop this as no one else is currently capable of fighting a dragon, regardless of your magic," Rogue stated. "That's where you're wrong. I bet if we all work together. We can do this." Natsu retorted in a confident tone.

Future Rogue shook his head. "It's not that simple. On this day, someone prevented the gate from being opened and that decision led to our destruction."

"What do you plan to do with this person?" Mira asked with trepidation. "Simple. I am going to kill them." Future Rogue grimly answered.

Several of the mages flinched, while Wendy and Loke narrowed their eyes. "Isn't that a bit extreme?" Carla inquired. "There should be another way to stop this person." Lucy pleaded.

"Sometimes words are not enough to change a person. This person must die to save millions to billions of lives that currently live in the world."

"Who is this person, anyway?" Natsu asked. Everyone tensed as Future glared at the group, and one person in particular. "That person is YOU! Lucy Heartfilia!" Rogue exclaimed as he launched a shadow blade towards the stellar mage.




"Gah!" Everyone looked in shock and horror as Mira Lucy took the attack in the chest. The future stellar mage coughed out blood as she collapsed to the floor.

"MIRAI LUCY!" everyone exclaimed. Lucy was immediately at her future self's side. "Hang on! We can heal this! We can..." Lucy began saying as Mirai Lucy shook her head.

"Forget it. This is the end for me. I want to tell you that I never closed the gate." Mirai croaked as blood oozed out of her wound and filling the floor.

"I know you wouldn't! But why did you save me?!" Lucy exclaimed as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Because if you die, I might disappear. Even if it didn't happen, I couldn't let you die." Mirai explained. "Heh. It is weird to die right in front of yourself. What a strange feeling."

"Please don't die!" Lucy pleaded. "It's fine. I don't mind." Mirai Lucy replied. "WHY?!"

"Because I got to meet you. I got to see everyone again. It makes me happy." she said with a weak smile.

"LUCY!" Happy cried as flew to Mirai Lucy's side. Mirai weakly raised her hand as she patted Happy's head. "Why are you so sad? I am not from this world or this time. Your Lucy is right there. So there's nothing to be sad about."

"Lucy is still Lucy! Of course, I will be sad about your death! You're our friend. We love you!" Happy exclaimed with everyone in tears.

"Stupid Cat," Mirai muttered fondly. She then turned to her past self. "Lucy let me see your guild mark."

Everyone looked on in shock at the stump where Mirai Lucy's right arm should be. "You're right hand." Lucy quietly muttered.

'Natsu look! I got the fairy tail mark!' Natsu and Wendy began to tremble uncontrollably in rage.

"How nostalgic. Brings back so many memories. Memories of everyone. I can't wait to see everyone from Fairy Tail again." Tears slowly fell from her eyes as they slowly began to close.

"Protect the future." Those were the last words she spoke as Mirai Lucy passed away.

"So she wasn't aware she closed the door." Future Rogue muttered out loud.

Lucy looked up in rage as she glared at the future shadow mage. "Is that all you can think about?! I would never close that fucking door you goddamn prick!"

Future Rogue narrowed his eyes. "Maybe not now. But you will. And that is enough for me."

"You fucked up in the head aren't you?!" Lucy exclaimed. Loke tried to attack Rogue in his anger, but he was swiftly sent flying back.


"So long as you live there's a chance the gate will be closed. Your actions. My actions. Everyone's actions are decided by fate!" Future Rogue exclaimed as he fired a torrent of shadows at Lucy.

"To hell with your fate!" exclaimed Wendy and Natsu as they sent a torrent of wind and fire to block and nullify Rogue's attack.

"We choose our fate. But if you're so inclined...." Wendy began.

"We'll just have to burn it away." Natsu finished.

"We promise we will protect the future!" the two slayers proudly proclaimed.

"Lucy get away from here!" Natsu ordered as he continued to glare at Rogue with tear-stained eyes.

"But-" Lucy began before Mira grabbed her and pulled her and Yukino along. "We don't have time for this. Let Natsu and Wendy handle this! Remember you and Yukino have to meet with Hisui-hime."

The rescue team, minus Wendy and Natsu, began to leave with Loke and exceed carrying the Garou Knights. "You're not getting out of here alive!" Future Rogue protested as he dashed towards them. But he was quickly intercepted by Wendy and Natsu as they sent him back a few feet.

"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" Future Rogue roared but stopped by Natsu and Wendy. "SO STAY PUT YOU BASTARD!"

Future Rogue gave the two slayers, an annoyed glare. "I knew you would get in my Natsu, but I never expected this from Wendy. Though, you are very different from the one I knew."

"Guess that shows that the future is never set in stone." Wendy retorted.

[Fairy Tail OST: Dragon Fight]

"Regardless if you die here or during the invasion, the result will be the same," Rogue said as he sank into the shadows. "Have you always been like this?" Natsu asked as he kept his eyes on the shadows. "It's been seven years. Everyone changes." Rogue responded. "Not like this," Wendy replied.

"Now die you two! Shadow Daggers!" Future Rogue shouted.

"Tenryu no Kaiten!" Wendy summoned her sky rotation to repel the attack from her and Natsu. Future Rogue smirked in amusement. "Impressive."

"You took someone precious to us...." Natsu began in a hushed tone as he was enveloped in a fire and lightning aura with Wendy was going into her drive mode.

"So prepare to die!" Wendy exclaimed as the two slayers dashed towards their adversary.

"Gah!" Rogue grunted from Natsu's swift uppercut into his gut. Before he could get his bearings, Wendy appeared right above him as she shouted, "Tenryu no saiga!" Wendy roared as her sky talons sent Rogue skidding across the hall.

"Raienryu no...."

"Tenryu no...."

"HOKO!" The two dragonslayers roared as they launched their signature attacks as the two attacks headed right into Future Rogue, who did not attempt to dodge. The future slayer merely crossed his arms as he smirked at the incoming attacks. "Fools," he muttered before he was enveloped in an explosion of fire, lightning, and wind.

The two transformed slayers glared at the dust cloud caused by their attacks, waiting for their opponent to appear. They knew it would take more than that to beat him, let alone kill him. However, that did not stop their eyes widening when the dust cleared for them to see Future Rogue in the center of the explosion with no injuries.

"HOW THE HELL ARE YOU NOT INJURED?!" Natsu and Wendy exclaimed.

"I told you fools before, people change after seven years." Future Rogue retorted.

"Seven years or not, there's something off with you," Wendy growled as her face scrunched in disgust. "Your scent reeks of dragon flesh. What did you do to yourself?"

"Hehe...Hahahaha! So you noticed that, huh? Well since I am going to kill you both here, I will humor you." Future Rogue gave them a demented smirk. "I realized I needed to become stronger than I was. The first thing I did was kill Sting before absorbing his magical power along with the lacrima inside his body so that I could obtain the power of White dragonslayer magic. Although there was something else I found."

"I found Weisslogia's soul inside of Sting's body."

"WHAT?!" the two slayers exclaimed in shock.

"HIS DRAGON WAS INSIDE OF HIM?!" Natsu shouted in shock. How in the hell did his dragon end up inside his body? Those two claimed they killed their dragons to become true slayers. So what the hell was going on?!

Wendy was just as confused about this revelation. 'Why would his dragon be in his body.....OH MY GOD!' Wendy exclaimed as she had an epiphany. 'That's where our dragons are! Inside of us!'

'DING! DING! GIVE THE GIRL A PRIZE!' Dark Wendy exclaimed in a mock cheer.


'Yes, but now is not the time for this, Wendy.'

'We will have a LONG talk after this Dark.'

'Hai. Hai. Whatever you say. Now focus back on the bastard.'

"That's right. I never found out why he was inside him as it did not matter to me. So I devoured his soul and did the same to Skiadrum's soul, who was residing in my soul. After that, I used my newfound power to kill several weaker dragons and devour their flesh to get even stronger."

Natsu and Wendy looked at him in shock and horror. "You are sick in the head," Natsu muttered in disgust as the future slayer shrugged nonchalantly. "All in the name of achieving my objective." Future Rogue was soon enveloped in a black and white aura. "But enough talk let's continue this."


"I know."

Rogue dashed forward along with Natsu and Wendy doing the same.

"Kaaryu no....."

"Tenryu no......"

"Hakueiryu no...."


Shockwaves of fire, wind, and shadow-white rippled across the area of the hallway in massive shockwaves that ripped the surrounding apart. Wendy tried to land a sky claw with Natsu attempting a fire talon attack, but Rogue merely jumped into the shadows again. Wendy and Natsu growled at this. "I am getting tired of that cheap move," Wendy growled in anger.

"Same here." Natsu gritted out. Suddenly they felt a sudden shift as they turned to see Future Rogue jumped out from the shadows behind them with his arms charged with shadow and white magic.

"White Shadow Pulse!" Future Rogue shouted. "GAH!" the two mages of Fairy Tail grunted as they skidded across the floor. Both roared as the released their magical power to nullify the attack. Wendy and Natsu then dashed forward and launched a flurry of attacks against Future Rogue, who managed to block and parry each one with relative ease.

"You two are strong, but you lack any coordination to work together." Future Rogue lectured before grabbing Wendy's arm and Natsu's leg. Wendy growled as she tried a roundhouse kick, but Rogue simply ducks before slamming Wendy into the ground. The sky dragon coughs out blood as she was impacted into a crater from the slam. Natsu shouts in concern as he charges his free hand for his next attack.

"Raienryu no Hoken!" Natsu shouts as he is about to launch his next attack, but Future Rogue smirks as he lets go of Natsu and forms a black portal between the two.

"Black Mirror." Future Rogue muttered as the breakdown fist was absorbed by the portal before disappearing. Wendy had gotten out of her crater as she jumped at Rogue. The future slayer merely raised his hand as the black portal reappeared with Natsu's Hoken coming right out and straight into Wendy. Wendy's eyes widen as she had no time to dodge and thus crossed her arms and braced for impact. The Hoken attack slammed into her as Wendy gritted her teeth as the burning sensations from the fire and the electricity dancing around her body as she was slammed into the wall across from them.

"Wendy?!" Natsu screamed in shock and confusion. "Oh, attacking your comrades, Natsu? I thought fairy tail mages were above that." Future Rogue mocked.

Natsu whirled to glare at Future Rogue. "What did you do?!" he snarled. "Black Mirror. A special spell of shadow dragon slayers that absorbs attacks and allows me to reflect them to my opponents."

"But our Rogue never used something like that." Future Rogue scoffed. "That is because the fool has never tired taking his dragon slayer magic further than what he was taught. Just like the rest of you. None of you have ever tried to truly master your art. Wendy is so far the only one to take her magic further than what she had in her arsenal, but you all still fall beneath me."

"We'll see about that!" Natsu roars as he lunges at Future Rogue again. Meanwhile, Wendy coughed out to get some air as blood, spit, and bile oozed out of her mouth. She could feel her skin singe from the burns she suffered from the attack. While nothing permanent had been inflicted, it did not make it any less painful.

'Oi, you still up for another round?'

'Yeah, just give me a minute to breathe. These burns are nothing to scoff at.'

'Yeah, Natsu is no slouch. Don't worry I am sending you some of the power to help speed up your healing.'

'Thank you. I may just have to use THAT.'

'You sure? Not that I mind as I want to rip that bastard as much as you do, but are you ready to show that side of you. There's no turning back after this.'

'I am ready.' Wendy replied as she began to get back on her feet. 'HEADS UP!' Wendy's head shot up as she narrowly dodged an attack that would have pierced her head. She looked up too late to see Future Rogue uppercut her into the air. Future Rogue appeared above her as he grabbed her head as it enveloped in a white and black aura.

"White Shadow Eruption!" Future Rogue roared as he slammed Wendy into the ground as a pillar of white and shadow magic erupted from the crater formed from the collision.

"WENDY!" Natsu shouted in concern for his fellow slayer. He lunged forward to aid her but gasped in pain as he was impaled into the wall behind him with several shadow constructs in the shape of swords. He grunted in pain as he looked down to see his shoulders, palms, and upper thighs were impaled with blood oozing out of the wounds. Natsu gritted his teeth in pain as blood dripped from the sides of the mouth.

He looked up to glare at Future Rogue who was shaking his finger at him as if he was lecturing a child. "Now Natsu. Wait for your turn. I will get to you soon enough." He said before turning to the corpse of Future Lucy. "But first let me get rid of the trash that's becoming an eyesore for me."

Natsu's eyes widen when he heard this as he began struggling against his confines. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!"

Future Rogue looked at him with a bemused smirk. "Why are so protective of a corpse? She is just trash. I killed her like the trash she was and now I will get rid of her corpse just like the trash she is." Rogue explained as his palms were charged in magical energy.

Natsu paused as everything began slowing down all around him. Everything became black and white with the only noise he could hear was his heartbeat.





'I need to move!' Natsu screamed as he struggled against his restraints. 'Dammit move!'




'I couldn't beat Gajeel without Lucy, I needed to eat etherion to fight Jellal, I would have died without Gajeel helping me against Laxus, Gildarts played around with me, I couldn't do anything alone against Hades, and Acnologia treated us like nuisances!'

'Why can't I win on my own! Why can't I save anyone close to me?!'


'Protect the future.' the last request from Future Lucy before she passed on.

'No. I won't let this end here. This won't mean anything if I don't win this!'


'I want to win. I......need to WIN!' Natsu roared in his mind as something cracked inside his body. Natsu's eyes disappeared as they began to shine a deep blood red. Rogue was about to blast Lucy before he paused as he felt a malevolent magical energy rising behind him. He turned his head, only to jump to the side as he dodged a swing to his face as the attacker's arm slammed into the ground as several chunks of debris flew into the air.

Future Rogue skidded a few feet away getting his bearings as he looked up in surprise at who attacked him. It was Natsu, but something was off. He had gone under a transformation that he had never seen before. His hair was more untamed with several blood-red highlights. His arms and legs had become much more demonic in appearance. His hands and feet became sharp claws and took a blood-red color, his eyes were completely blood red with yellow pupils, and his body was expelling black and crimson flames from several areas in his body.

Future Rogue looked at this new transformation with a critical eye. "Ho? What's this transformation? You never showed something like this in the timeline I originated from. Is this a new power you have obtained in this timeline or did you just need a trigger to cause this transformation?"

Natsu just continued to glare as the flames continued to be expelled from his body. "I am going to kill you."

Future Rogue tilted his head in amusement. "Ho?"

"You took my precious person from me, so I am going to kill you."

"A little dark for you? Though not like I am one to talk." Future Rogue said before giving Natsu a come hither motion. "Then come and show you me your desire to kill me."

Natsu growled before he disappeared in a blur. Future Rogue's eyes widen before crossing his arms and blocking a right hook to his face. The dual slayer skidded across the hall from the sheer force of the attack. His eyes widen as he felt his arms being pulled apart as he looked to see the angry visage of Natsu Dragneel.

Natsu reared his head back as he took in a deep breathe. Rogue's eyes widen as he knew what was coming. He quickly turned into shadows as Natsu roared, "Juhokaaryu no Hoko (Curse Fire Dragon's Roar)!" as a stream of black and crimson flames ripped through the hallway. Rogue appeared several feet behind Natsu and was shocked to see the devastation caused by his attack. His roar carved through the entire hallway and caused everything around the carved crater to melt as it oozed down to the carved ground.

'Unbelievable he melted the stone around the hall with ease. He never could do something like that before or in my timeline.' Rogue thought before he flinched as he looked down to see his arms had scorch marks around his arms. 'He burned my arms! Just what is he?' he looked up to see Natsu turned towards him as he roared with black and crimson flames erupting from his body.

Future Rogue smirked. "Alright then. Let me humor you." Future Forgue said as his magical energy erupted from his body. His hair became untamed and rose upwards and took on a somewhat spiky appearance. The right side of his body became completely black with several white scales appearing on the left side of his body. "White Shadow Mode." Future Rogue said as he looked at his opponents. "Show me your moves, Natsu Dragneel."

Natsu roared as the two lunged at one another. "Juhokaaryu no Tekken (Curse Fire Dragon's Iron Fist)!" As Natsu launched a fist covered in crimson and black flames.

"Hakueiryu no Tekken (White Shadow Dragon's Iron Fist) !" Future Rogue retaliated with his iron fist covered in white and shadow magic.

The two iron fists collided against one another as flames and shadow light magic rippled once more across the arena. Natsu tried to slash Rogue's face, but the dual slayer disappeared into shadow before appearing a few feet away from him. Rogue then swiped his arm as Natsu grunted in pain as he felt something blast his shoulder. He looked to see a white blast hit his shoulder.

He turned to Rogue as the wound slowly healed. Rogue looked intrigued. "Hmmm. It seems your powers have a demonic nature to them." he inquired before he smirked. "Too bad for you as my white slayer magic's holy nature is a hard counter against you."

Natsu growled as he dashed towards him. Rogue simply smirked before disappearing in a white flash. Natsu grunted as a cross-shaped slash appeared in his chest. He turned to glare at a smirking Rogue. He lunged forward and went into a flurry of attacks, but Rogue blocked each one with his arms coated in white slayer magic.

"You may have power, Natsu Dragneel, but it seems you have no clue how to use it! White Lance Barrage!" Rogue said as he launched a flurry of lances that pierced Natsu skin as he roared in pain as he skidded several feet away. Natsu was about to get up but paused as he saw a white magical seal below him. "You're finished! White Pillar of Destruction!"


"HAHAHAHA! Go into oblivion Natsu Dragneel!" Natsu growled as he ignored the pain he was feeling as raised his fist as he charged his magic into his fist. "Juhokaaryu no Hoken (Curse Fire Dragon's Breakdown Fist)!" He roared as he slammed his attack into the seal as the sigil cracked before completely shattering. "What?! You destroyed the sigil with your bare hands?!" Rogue shouted in shock.

Natsu growled as he glared at Future Rogue and was about to lunge if he did not get blasted into his side. Natsu roared in pain as held his side in pain as he fell to his knees. He looked up to glare at Future Rogue's glare.

"I wouldn't let go if I were you. My attack blasted all the skin off along with some muscle tissue, which is now causing you to bleed profusely. Your arms are the only thing keeping you from fainting due to blood loss." Natsu growled as his hands ignited into flames. He growled at the pain he felt, but he endured it. Rogue looked stupefied to see Natsu get back up and saw severe burns around the area he hit.

"You burned the wound to close it up. Rather reckless, but an effective method nonetheless. But I see that I have played long enough with you." Natsu lunged again but was trapped by several shadow tendrils.

"Hakueiryu no Ashiginu (White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk)!" Natsu roared in pain as he felt his body being cut again and again all over from every side. Rogue appeared in front of Natsu with both hands over his head as they glowed in white and shadow magical energy.

"This is the end! White Shadow Execution!" Rogue shouted as Natsu roared in pain as a giant explosion enveloped the two.

Wendy coughed as she was finally regaining her senses from Rogue's sucker punch. She turned to see everything enveloped in a giant dust cloud.

'What happened?'

'You were knocked out, and Natsu kept fighting and it looks like he snapped before gaining a slight edge over Rogue. But then Rogue transformed into his dual-mode and began to overwhelm Natsu.'

'Damn it.' Wendy cursed at herself for getting so easily knocked out. When the smoke cleared, Wendy's eyes widen as he saw Rogue hoisting Natsu by his throat.

"And that is the end of that." He said before tossing Natsu to the side as he groaned in pain. Rogue looked up to Lucy's corpse. "Time to finish what I started." He began to walk forward before he stopped as he felt something grab his leg. He turned to see a semi-conscious Natsu holding his foot.

"Wait. You're not getting near Lucy." Natsu coughed out slowly as he glared at Rogue with blurry eyes.

"You are a stubborn mage, Natsu. But this is the end of the line for you." Rogue said as he sent Natsu into the wall with a shadow slash. He turned to the corpse as he pointed at the body with his open palm as it glowed with magical energy. "Farewell, trash." Rogue fired his attack as Natsu shouted. Suddenly Wendy appeared in front of Mirai Lucy's corpse and took the brunt of the blast onto her back.

"What?" the two mages said in confusion. Rogue merely sighed in annoyed exasperation. "You fairy tail mages are too stubborn to quit when you were ahead." Rogue then walked towards the injured sky maiden. "So do you have anything to fight me with, Wendy Marvell?"

Wendy said nothing as she continued to look down at the corpse of the future Lucy with her eyes shadowed. "You were Nakama, Mirai Lucy. You were my family." As she says this, steam began to rise out of her body.

"You're going to pay for this." The steam soon disappeared as a spiral of dark violet energy swirled around her as she continued to tremble in rage. Wendy raised her head as her dark whisker marks appeared on her cheeks and her eyes were blood red with black slits.


[Naruto OST: Need To Be Strong]

Wendy's magical power continued to rise as the spiral of energy began to expand outwards. Rogue slight moved back as he felt the energy was releasing. "What is this power? It's so dark and malevolent. Not like the eclipse or even my own. It feels even darker than what Natsu was releasing. It's so vile and repulsive that it fills me with dread."

The spiral began to converge at the top as it formed the head of a large fox with rabbit-like ears, razor-sharp teeth with blood-red eyes glared down at Future Rogue. Below with Wendy, her hair began to take a darker shade of blue as steam erupted from her wounds as they slowly closed and disappeared.


Wendy turned as she glared at Rogue with every ounce of hatred she could muster. Her hands and feet began to gain claws as her teeth became sharp as fangs and a purple aura began to bubble out of her body and envelop her form.

'Her magical energy continues to rise. It's off the charts.' Rogue thought before he stopped as he heard chuckling. He turned to see the source was Natsu. "What so funny?"

"You're so screwed. You're about to feel Wendy's true power when she gets angry. The power she inherited from her father. Let's see you handle this."

Rogue turned to see the transformation had nearly completed as the aura had covered her entire form like a cloak and took the shape of a fox with a pair of wings on her back. The most noticeable thing was the dragon symbol on her chest.

'Ready Dark?' Wendy growled in her head.

'Ready when you are! Now raise some hell!'

"Sky Dragon Queen Mode!" Wendy and Dark roared as the excess energy ripped out of her body. Rogue covered his eye from the sheer force of power Wendy was releasing. He looked to find Wendy had disappeared. His eye widens as he felt a fierce right hook connecting with his face and sent him flying back.

Rogue skidded across the ground for several feet before he managed to stop himself. He looked up to see Wendy already above him to launch another attack at him. Rogue dips into his shadow as Wendy's cloaked fist shatters the ground he was standing on. Wendy growled as she saw that her prey disappeared again. She was getting sick and tired of this game of cat and mouse. Future Rogue quickly rose behind her as he tried grabbing her ankle. However, this was a mistake as he reeled his arm back as he looked to see the skin on his hand burned off as he slowly healed them with his white slayer magic. Wendy quickly turned and slashed at Rogue's unguarded chest. Rogue jumped back, but Wendy still managed to be cut as he felt the burning sensations from Wendy's cloak.

Wendy lifted her arm as the cloak extended forward in the shape of her arm and grabbed Rogue's leg and dragged him back. "You're NOT going anywhere, except for a one-way ticket straight to HELL!" Wendy roared as she raised her other arm as magical energy began to gather into a familiar sphere with an additional violet sphere covering it.

"You think I'll let you hit me with that without fighting back?! Foolish naivety!" Future Rogue shouted as he gathered white and shadow magic into the palm of his hands.

"Tenryu no Kyuubi Rasengan (Sky Dragon's Nine-Tailed Spiraling Sphere)!"

"Unison Raid: Holy Shadow Dragon Fang Flash!"


A massive explosion erupted from the collision of the power attacks as shockwaves once more ripped across the hall. The explosion was so large compared to the previous ones that it caused several parts of the ceiling to collapse below. Wendy and Natsu got sent flying into the ground near Future Lucy's corpse.

Wendy and Natsu groaned as they slowly got back. Wendy was still in her cloak as she got her bearings on her surroundings.

'What happened?'

'You were wailing on that emo bastard and your attacks collided and causing a massive explosion.'

'Ugh. I can still feel my ears ringing from the explosion.'

'I would advice ending this soon. As I doubt the hallway will last any longer.'

Wendy looked up to confirm her partner's concern. The ceiling above them was cracked in several areas with several chunks gone. She could see that the entire area was slightly shaking with small pieces of debris falling around them. She needed to hurry up. 'Hai.'

She glared forward as she saw the silhouette of her opponent. Future Rogue came out with only minor scrapes and injuries with the biggest injuries are the burns around his arms. However, the arms were covered in a pale light as the burns slowly disappeared.

Future Rogue tried out his arms once they were healed. He then looked up and gave Wendy his annoying smirk again. "I must say, you have truly surpassed my expectations, Wendy Marvell. I will admit that I have been underestimating your capabilities. I never expected the youngest of the slayers to possess such a dark and vile power. A power that reminds me of Zeref. I wonder where your father got it from."

Wendy growled at the remark as cloak boiled with Natsu getting up and igniting his fists.

"You're not going anywhere, Rogue," Natsu swore. "We shall see. But first I must ask...." Rogue said as she showed a familiar necklace. "What do you make of this?"

Wendy's eyes widen as she looked down to see her necklace was missing. Natsu and Rogue had to cover their eyes as Wendy began to release more of her dark power with the cloak boiling even more like boiling water in a pot.


Rogue chuckled. "Oh, now that's a threat. Let's see you go through with it." Rogue mocked as he crushed the necklace. Wendy felt her body freeze at what Rogue just did. One of the few permanent gifts from her father. One of the few things that connected her to him was now gone. All for this bastard's sick pleasure. Wendy let a monstrous roar as dark violet shockwaves erupted from her body.

"YOU BASTARD!" she roared as she lunged at Future Rogue with Natsu not too far behind.

[Meanwhile at the Eclipse Gate]

"We must finish our preparations for the dragon invasion. Akame-chan. Kurome-chan. Remain near me at all times." Hisui ordered.

"Hai, Hime-sama." replied her two personal guards.

'The gate will finally be opened.' Darton thought. 'Let us all watch over Hisui-hime's will until the very end. Watch over us Arcadios.'

"Have there been any sightings of dragons approaching the capital?" Najenda asked one of her reporting officers. "No ma'am! There have no sightings from the East, West, South, or North." the soldier replied.

"How are the evacuations?" she inquired. "They are going smoothly, ma'am. We nearly have all civilians evacuated and moved into the safety shelters outside the city borders."

Hisui sighed as she looked at the gate in front of her. "I truly hope we can settle this with one blast. It would take years to refill the Eclipse Gate again with magical power."

A few feet away from her and the gate, the Fairy Tail Rescue Team was watching from behind a few bushes and shrubs. The only one missing was Loke who left to avoid his magic being absorbed by the gate.

"We ended up right at the Eclipse Gate," Lucy muttered. The rest were watching the rallying of the troops as they prepare for the zero hour. Mira looked at the additional company of the Garou Knights as they continued to look on in silence.

"How are you guys?" she asked.

"Battered. But we can manage." Kama answered.

"Ugh. Never thought we would be saved by criminals." Kamika said in an annoyed tone. "How humiliating." Cosmos sighed in a semi-depressed tone.

"Oh don't worry so much. Now that we've kicked your ass. We can now hang out and party together." Happy cheerfully exclaimed.

The three Garou knights looked at the exceed as if he grew an extra pair of wings and heads. "Where the hell did you get that idea?" Kamika asked in an incredulous tone.

"Oh come on. A good portion of our enemies become our allies." Happy replied with the other senior members of Fairy Tail nodding in agreement.

"He's not wrong." Mira happily agreed with the knights and Yukino looking at the rest with sweat drops.

"You can come out now," Darton asked as he looked at the bushes the team was hiding in. The group flinched before emerging from their seclusion.

"The Garou Knights?!"

"Wait why are they missing two members?"

"I wonder what happened?"

"Lucy-san. Yukino-san." Hisui said as she walked up to the stellar mages. "I want to apologize for all the trouble I have caused you. I promise to give you a proper apology once this is all over. Also congratulations on winning the Grand Magic Games."

"WINNING?!" the fairy tail mages exclaimed in shock. That shock quickly turned to giant grins as they cheered at their guild's victory. "Why exactly are you here?" Hisui asked in a curious tone. She expected them to have gone to meet up with the rest of the guild. So are they still here?

"To make sure the gate is opened. Tell me, why are you opening the gate now if no dragons have appeared yet?" Lucy asked as she stared at the princess. "Simply put, it takes time to prepare and open the gate. If we waited until the dragons appeared, we wouldn't make it in time."

"Can this Eclipse Cannon defeat 10,000 dragons?" Hisui looked down as she bit her lip in contemplation. "I can't guarantee anything. That is why my father ...his majesty is preparing for the worst-case scenario."

[Central Square]

"I apologize to all you mages that participated in the GMG that wish to celebrate. But this country is endangered and I require your aid."

"10,000 dragons?" Makarov muttered in shock. 'Naruto, I understand now why you kept this a secret from everyone else. The question is will we survive with you on our side?'

"We couldn't do anything to Acnologia. What are we supposed to do against 10,000?" Evergreen asked in concern. "To be fair, Acnologia is more of a special case than the norm." a nervous Lisanna reasoned.

"Still 10,000 won't be a walk in the park," Cana replied with a slight slur.

"So this is what father was warning us about," Erza muttered to herself. She looked up to look for him but frowned when she could not find him. Before she could say anything, she heard someone call her. She turned and smiled at the two familiar faces approaching her.

"Wally! Sho!" Erza exclaimed happily as she brought the two in a tight hug that the two equally returned. "Long time no see!" the two said. The three released their grip as they looked at one another.

"You're looking well." Erza complimented. "Sorry we didn't meet up earlier, but things have been hectic for the last few days."

Erza laughed as she nodded. "Yes, and they are going to get even more out of hand."

Meanwhile, Anna and Irene were discussing the incoming invasion. "So we were right. This does involve the Eclipse Gate. And I asked them to never use the gate again." she sighed in annoyance as she shook her head. "Honestly."

Irene gave her a small pat on the back with a reassuring smile. Anna returned that smile in gratitude. "Anna, shouldn't you talk to the royal family. You are acquainted with them." Irene asked in a curious tone.

"I doubt they would listen to me as they seem pretty adamant on opening the gate," Anna replied.

Irene frowned at an unpleasant thought came up. "You don't think....."

"Possibly, but we will have to wait and see."

"And if it the worst happens....?" Irene asked as Anna gazed at her as her eyes burned with determination. "Then we fight."

Before Irene reply, they turned to see their guild approaching them with Quatro Cerberus by their side. "Anna-sama. Irene-sama." Kagura began, "We are all ready to fight!" she declared proudly.

"WILD/YEAH!" the members of Quatro Cerberus and Mermaid Heel cheered enthusiastically in agreement.

Anna and Irene couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Looks like the two guilds are getting along nicely."

"Just remember. We're the sexy ones." Arana teased.

"Anna-sama. Irene-sama." Seilah spoke up as she approached her two mistresses, "Have you heard from Naruto-sama?" she asked in concern tone. She had not seen him near his wives and he has not been seen since the end of the GMG.

Sadly, both Anna and Irene shook their heads. "Not yet," Irene answered. Seilah dropped her head as she was concerned where Naruto could be. Irene and Anna noticed Seilah's mood and both brought the horned girl into a comforting hug. "Don't worry. I am sure we'll see him very soon." Anna assured as Seilah nodded as she enjoyed the warm embrace.

"Dragons," Sting muttered.

"It's only fitting we get involved," Rogue replied.

"Fro believes in you all!"

"Where is the Lady?" Rufus asked Orga. The lightning slayer scoffed. "What do I look like? Her keeper?"

"As if you would ever get that right." a familiar voice called out. The members of Sabertooth turned to see their missing members along with their new master. "Master Dobengal! Lady Minerva!"

"All the guilds joining forces...." Ren began.

"What beautiful perfume." Ichiya finished. "A battle of mythical proportions!" the members of Blue Pegasus exclaimed in unison.

"It's been a long time since we last worked together," Lyon said to Gray. "Just don't slow me down," Gray replied with a smirk. "Funny I was going to say the same." Lyon countered with a smirk.

"Where is Wendy-chan? Is she okay?" Sherria said as she looked around to find her fellow sky mage. Juvia patted her on the shoulder. "Yes, Wendy is okay. Don't worry I am sure you'll see her soon."

"Hai!" Sherria cheered with a slight blush. Juvia went stiff as she felt a jolt go up to her spine. 'My love senses are tingling!' she mentally exclaimed.

"I know this a lot to ask, but we can't defeat these dragons alone. Cannon or not." The King of Fiore stated as he bowed his head to all the mages in the square. "Please Magic Guilds, cooperate with us. I ask for your power to fight these dragons. Help me save our country."





Tears welled up in the king's eyes again as he bowed in gratitude. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you-kaboo!"

"HUH?!" shouted nearly everyone in the square as they comically stared at the king.

[Cliffside near the square]

"What a mess," Doranbolt muttered in exasperation. "All these wizards in one location."

"Eclipse Gate." Lahar began, "Its existence alone conflicts with at least 30 different laws." He soon began to rub his temples at the migraine he felt rising. He quickly turned to his partner. "We need to contact the magic council."

"Lahar. Doranbolt." The two whirled around to see a familiar escaped mage standing before them. "JELLAL!" the two shouted in shock before quickly getting on guard.

"Why are you?" Doranbolt demanded with an edge, but Jellal was not fazed. However, before he could speak another person made their presence. "Relax you, idiots."

The three turned to see a familiar blonde mage appearing out of a dark portal. "Naruto," Jellal said as the three continued to look at the new arrival.

Naruto rolled his eyes as he gave Jellal a hand gesture. "Go on." Jellal nodded as he turned his attention back to the two councilmen.

"I need a favor from you two," Jellal stated. Lahar and Doranbolt looked at one another before anxiously looking back at the stellar mage. "What do you want?" Lahar asked. Jellal sighed as he spoke, "We need you to bring the Oracion Seis here."

"WHAT?!" the two councilmen shouted in shock."ARE YOU INSANE?!"

"Why would you..." Lahar began before he was interrupted by Jellal. "We are going to have 10,000 dragons here. We are going to need all the dragonslayers we can get. Not to mention the Oracion are powerful allies to help increase our forces. Not to mention Cobra would probably be more willing to listen if you have his allies with him as well."

"You could also ignore us and let the country burn to the ground," Naruto interjected with a shrug. "Your choice."

Lahar and Doranbolt glared at the two annoyance before finally sighing in defeat. "Fine." Naruto was about to say something, but he was cut off as he clutched his chest in pain. "GAH!" he grunted as he leaned down from the pain he was feeling.

"Naruto! What's wrong?!" Jellal asked in concern. He knew that if anyone was going to survive this night, they needed Naruto. So seeing him in pain was a serious damper to his hopes. "I felt a sharp pain to my heart. Something is wrong. I can feel it in my bones. It's like....." Naruto's eyes widen in horrific realization. "ANNA!" Naruto quickly stood up as he summoned a portal to his wife. The three mages were left in confusion but shook it off to focus at the task at hand.

"Anna!" Naruto called out as he came out of his portal. As he feared, his wife was also clutching her chest in pain as well.

"Naruto!" Irene called her husband as he approached the two. "Is she ok?" he asks in concern, but Irene simply bites her lip. "I don't know. She was normal just a second ago before doubling over and holding her chest in pain. Naruto did you..."

Naruto nodded."Feel the same pain? Yeah." Naruto grabbed Anna's shoulders as he brought her close to him and allowed her to relax in his warm embrace. "Anna," he says softly. Anna took a shuddering breath as she calmed herself from the pain she felt. She looked up at her husband with a pained expression as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Naruto something is wrong. I can feel it in my bones. Something has happened to the girls. Please go to them." Naruto nodded. "I promise I will get them," Naruto stated as he summoned a dark portal. "Please be careful." Anna pleaded as she gave him a quick peck on the lips, followed by Irene.

"I will," Naruto promised as he jumped into the portal.

[Eclipse Gate]

"Look at that! The moon is turning red."

"An eclipse."

"The same day your dragons disappeared."

"Now it's the day the dragons will reappear."

"Its midnight. Open the gate!" Hisui ordered. "The gate is finally opening...." Lucy muttered as she looked at the large doors opening.

[Back with Natsu and Wendy]

"What's going on?" Wendy asked as she looked around to see the entire hallway shaking. "What's that noise?" Natsu wondered.

Future Rogue gave a victorious smirk. "The gate has finally been opened. Still, that girl will find a way to intervene and close the door."

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Wendy roared as she prepared her next attack. "LUCY WOULD NEVER DO THAT!"

"THAT'S RIGHT! LUCY WOULD NEVER CRUSH EVERYONE'S ELSE'S FUTURE!" Natsu declared as fire and lightning was inhaled into his opened his jaws.

Future Rogue scoffed. "Hmph. Not like either of you can stop me."He began to inhale to launch a roar attack but paused when several glass orbs appeared around him.

"Flash Forward!" a familiar voice shouted as the orbs shot forward and attacked Future Rogue from every direction he was surrounded in.

The two mages turned to see two familiar faces. "Ultear! Meredy!" Natsu called out in surprise. The two ladies of Crime Sorciere smiled at the two before refocusing on the dust cloud where Rogue was standing. Unfortunately, when the smoke cleared, Future Rogue was gone.

"Wait where is he?" Meredy asked in confusion, but Natsu and Wendy growled in rage. "That bastard escaped." they gritted out. Ultear and Meredy looked worried and wondered how they could calm their allies down. Fortunately, their salvation came from just behind them.

"That's not important at the moment." Wendy's and Natsu's eyes widen as they finally managed to calm down a bit. The two turned to see Naruto coming out a portal.

"Daddy," Wendy said in her normal voice as her features returned to their original form.

Naruto quickly walked up to the two as he patted them on their shoulders. "Are you two okay?" he asked.

"Yes, but...." Natsu began before looking back at the corpse of Mirai Lucy. Wendy looked down as she clenched her fists in anger.

Naruto looked up to the corpse of the older stellar mage as a frown appeared on his face. "I see," he said softly.

"We need to go after him." Natsu declared, but Naruto shook his head. "Not now." Before Natsu and Wendy could argue, he raised his hand to stop their retorts. "I know how you feel, but I need you two to head outside with everyone else. The gate is being opened. Curaja!" Naruto called as both slayers were enveloped in green auras as their wounds were healed and their magical reserves were restored.

Natsu tries his healed body as he gives Naruto a nod in gratitude. "Thanks. Now to go after that bastard." Natsu said as he went through the portal as it closed again.

Naruto and Wendy looked at one another in silence. He was about to speak, but Wendy spoke up first. "Sorry." Naruto blinked at this. Why was she apologizing? Before he could ask, Wendy answered his unspoken question. "For losing the necklace."

Naruto's eyes soften as he brings Wendy into a soft hug. "Wendy it's ok. I'm just glad you're okay."

"I still lost the gift you gave me." Wendy retorted back. Naruto sighed in exasperation. "Don't worry so much, Wendy. I swear you are like Hinata."

Wendy couldn't help, but let out a small, but soft giggle. "Thanks." Naruto let go of the hug as he opened another portal for Wendy. "This portal will take you to the Gate. I want you to protect your sister and everyone else there for what is coming. Are you ready?"

Wendy nodded but frowned in thought as she remembered her realization about the dragons. Naruto noticed Wendy's hesitation as he asked, "What's wrong?"

Wendy looked up with a conflicted look in her eyes. "About Grandeeney...." she began, but Naruto stopped her. "Wendy I promise I'll tell you once this is over. I promised you, remember?"

Wendy smiled as she went into the portal as it closed. Naruto turned to Ultear and Meredy. "You guys should head out too."

"What about....." Meredy began in hesitation as she gestured to the corpse of Mirai Lucy. Naruto took a deep breath and sighed slowly. "I'll handle it. Just give me a few minutes."

Neither argued as they saw look in Naruto's eyes. "Alright. See you soon, Naruto." Ultear said as she and Meredy teleported out of the hallway.

Naruto walked over to Mirai Lucy as he bent down and waved his hand around the corpse. Suddenly several ethernano particles began appearing as they converged in front of Naruto in a semi-large sphere. Naruto's eyes glowed white as he clasped the sphere into his hands and witnessed the last memories of Mirai Lucy.

[Fairy Tail OST: Past Story]

"Everyone! Where are you?!"

"Someone help me!"


"Gaaaaaaah!" Lucy screamed in pain as arm was enveloped in flames.

"It's gone. My guild mark is gone. Gomen Natsu." Lucy cried out as her arm turned to dust and all that was left was a stump. A reminder of what she had lost.

"It's up to you Lucy. You can stop all this."



"I'm glad I got to see you one last time. Protect the future."

Naruto's eyes close as he looked down as the dead visage of Mirai Lucy. Tears fell onto her cold cheeks as they flowed down from Naruto's eyes and cheeks. "You have been through so much. I am sorry that I couldn't save you from all this suffering, Lucy. I'm so sorry Layla. I failed you. But I promise you, I will not fail this time." Naruto promised in a resolute tone. He waved his hand as Mirai Lucy was enveloped in a cocoon of darkness before disappearing. Naruto dried his eyes as his body was covered in a blue and black magical aura. Naruto glared up at the ceiling as it trembled from the opening of the Eclipse Gate.

"This means war. And war requires armor." Naruto stated as he was covered in a cocoon of darkness.

[Eclipse Gate]

"Everyone!" Wendy called as she came out of the portal. "Wendy!" everyone cried in surprise and joy. Carla immediately dashed towards her partner and gave her a tight hug. Wendy smiles as she pats her back as she whispers that she is okay.

"Are you okay? And where is Natsu?" Mira asked as she saw no scene of the fire mage.

"Yeah, dad healed me so I am completely fresh. Natsu went ahead of me. So he should be somewhere around." Wendy explained as she looks up as the doors of the gate are completely opened. The opening is covered in a brilliant flash of light and releasing an incredible amount of magical energy. "So this is the Eclipse Gate when it's opened." Wendy wondered out loud.

"It's incredible."

"I'm shivering over here."

"Can't say I blame you. We might be able to beat the dragons with this."

"So much power being released from a single location."

"We did it. We can now save our country."

"It's still too early to celebrate," Wendy said as looked to Lucy and got concerned when she got a glazed look in her eyes. "Lucy?" she asked in concern. Lucy did not respond as she continues to look at the gate with that same blank look in her eyes. Before Wendy could speak again, Lucy began walking forward to the gate. "We need to close the gate."

"WHAT?!" She screamed in shock as everyone looked at the two in confusion. Lucy shook her head as her eyes returned to normal as she rushed to the princess. "Hisui-hime, you need to stop this! You need to close the gate!"

"Lucy what are you talking about?!" literally everyone in the vicinity shouted.

'Did our sister lose a few screws in her head?' Wendy could hardly argue with Dark's thought. Just what the hell was Lucy thinking?!

"You can't! This is the only weapon we have against the dragons. If we close it now then we are doomed!" Hisui argued as she frowned at Lucy. Akame, Kurome, and Najenda huddled around Hisui and Lucy in case the stellar mage tried anything.

"You're not understanding! This thing was a mistake. The person from the future knew this would happen!" Hisui and several others looked at Lucy in confusion. "What do you mean-"

"I received this information from my spirit, Crux. This thing currently connected to 400 years in the past!" Lucy exclaimed as everyone became wide-eyed, but before anyone could react.....





"Oh, no..." Lucy paled.

"Hime-sama!" Najenda cried as she helped Hisui back onto her feet. "I'm fine."


A large silhouette could be seen coming out of the gate. "N-N-No way." a soldier stuttered out.

"Y-Y-Y-You have got to be kitting me." a fearful Happy got out.


"Shit has truly hit the fan now," Wendy said as sweat came down her face.

A dark silhouette's shape was now frightening to everyone in the surrounding area. It was a large quadrupedal creature around 70 meters with a set of large wings. It was extremely muscular creature covered in large, thick, swirl-patterned scales all over its body, except for its underbelly that was covered in porous holes. Finally, the......creature had jagged markings around its mouth and snout. The creature was a...DRAGON!

"A DRAGON CAME OUT OF THE GATE?!" nearly everyone exclaimed.

The dragon let out a bellowing roar that was so loud and powerful that it caused sonic shockwaves to ripple across the area. Several soldiers and the mages were sent flying from the sheer force of the roar. The shockwaves of the roar even ripped apart the very ground the dragon was standing on.



Back at the gate, the dragon rose its right paw before slamming it back down. A massive shockwave rippled from the collision and sailed through the ground and continued going into the city for miles as it ripped apart the area around the shockwave.

"What the hell was that?" Gray wondered.

"It came from the castle," Lyon replied.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Erza stated as her body tensed at what she was feeling.

"This power," Makarov said as his fist clenched.

"How are we supposed to fight this?" Happy asked out loud.

"Damn. This can't get worse." Carla muttered to herself.



Just as the soldier shouted, several dragons began walking out the gate as they took into the sky. Every minute, a new dragon came out of the gate and took its place in the night sky.

'She just had to jinx it.' Wendy felt her eye twitch at Dark's antics. "You just had to say it." Carla could do nothing but bow her head in embarrassment.

Hisui fell to her knees as tears welled up in her eyes. "What have I done?" she asked herself. "It's not your fault princess." Najenda tried to reassure Hisui with Akame and Kurome trying to help her. "My country will be remembered for spilling the blood of the innocent."

Lucy got in front of Hisui as she grabbed her by the shoulders. "Hisui! Listen to me! I need you to talk to me."

"My fault," Hisui mumbled again. "Damn," Lucy swore as she gave a determined glare. "Sorry about this," Lucy said as she reared her arm back.


"Wake up!" Lucy shouted right into Hisui's face. Hisui flinched from the sting of the slap as she blinked a few times. "L-Lucy?" Hisui finally got out as she got her bearings again.

"How do Yukino and I close the gate?" Lucy quickly asked. Hisui turned to the gate as dragons continued to come out. She turned back to the blonde stellar mage. "Use the Zodiac Keys."

Lucy nodded in gratitude as she got to her feet. "Yukino!" Lucy called as she began running to the gate. "On it!" Yukino replied as she ran forward to catch up to Lucy. However, another dragon came out and let out a roar that sent the girls flying back. "Kyaah!" the two stellar mages cried.

"I got you!" Wendy shouted as she caught Lucy while Mira caught Yukino. "You're safe."

"Thank you, guys!" Lucy replied with Yukino also nodding in gratitude. "Thank us later! You need to close the gate." Wendy said as the two mages nodded as they got up again to walk to the gate again.

While this was going on, every mage became tense as a large number of dragons began appearing in the night sky. Everyone was getting nervous at the prospect of fighting so many dragons at the same time, despite their assurance to their king. Buildings shuddered before crumbling as the roars of the dragons tore through the sky and everything around. And it did not stop. As time went on, more and more dragons came out into the gate and filled the night skies as dark obstructions that blackened the night sky. Suddenly, without any warning lightning began flying in the sky as it became enveloped in dark clouds.

"What's going on?!" several of the mages shouted in shock as they looked up at the skies.

Anna and Irene narrowed their eyes. This huge magical energy enveloping the area wasn't from the dragons. This was something else. Or rather someone. They both turned to one another and nodded as they reached the same conclusion on who was causing this storm. Several of the other high ranking mages could feel the unnatural feel of the storm. Their teeth rattled, chills fell down their spines, and their bodies shivered from the power they were feeling from the storm.

"The heavens have grown restless. No doubt something has been disturbed." Jura muttered.

"I do not doubt it," Gildarts replied. "Yet it feels so familiar."

"It's him. It would seem he is done playing around," Makarov muttered to himself.

"Then this party is going to start," Laxus said with a smirk.

"Ready Yukino?" Lucy asked. Yukino nodded. "Hai!" The two held their hands together with their foreheads leaning on the other.

"Oh Celestial Spirits of the 12 Golden Paths," the two chanted in unison.

"Lend me the power to seal this evil!"

"Open! Twelve Gates of the Zodiac!"

A giant magic circle appeared below the two stellar mages as the zodiac keys floated around the two girls before glowing a beautiful golden light. Twelve lights shoot of the keys as the twelve zodiacs appeared from their gates; from Loke to Aquarius. No words needed to be spoken by the spirits and their mages as they knew the situation and what was required of them.

Immediately the twelve simultaneously dashed toward the open doors of the eclipse gate. Six spirits took one side of the two doors and began pumping their celestial magic into the doors as they tried closing the gate. However, that proved easier said than done as the door refused to budge. Suddenly a giant silhouette flew out of the gate and into the skies.

The spirits quickly went back to trying to close the door before anything else could come out. Unfortunately, luck was not on their sides as another dragon tried flying out, but slammed into the doors of the Eclipse Gate. The closing of the gate now became a tug of war between the spirits trying to close the gate and the dragon trying to get out.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Lucy exclaimed in exasperation. "Damn it, it won't budge any further!" Loke shouted in annoyance.

"These dragons are trying my patience." the female Pisces muttered to herself. "C' mon you idiots! Put your backs to it! We can do this!" Aquarius shouted to her fellow celestial spirits.

"Is this the end?" several soldiers muttered as they helplessly saw a dragon trying to get out of the gate. Then without any warning lightning crackled around the night sky, which got everyone's attention. Just as the dragon was getting out of the gate, a massive lightning bolt flew downwards and struck the dragon with a large....


Everyone looked on in shock as the dragon's head was obliterated with ease as it fell back into the gate and the celestial spirits took the opportunity to finally close the gate before disappearing in a flash of gold. Most of the men wanted to celebrate the closing of the gate, but the dragons in the air and the unexpected death of the dragon gave them to pause from doing so.


"Yes Lady Najenda!" one soldier called as he saluted his commanding officer. "How many dragons came out of the gate?" Najenda demanded.

Sweat poured downed the soldier's head as he gulped a few times before answering. "Around 157, ma'am."

Najenda gritted her teeth as she looked at all the dragons that came out of the gate. While 157 was more manageable than 10,000; that did not make this any easier for everyone. The general was forced out of her thoughts when she heard a loud boom. The explosion drowned the entire area in silence as everyone turned to the eastern side of the city. Everyone felt the hairs on the back of their heads rise as they saw a huge dark mist heading towards them at incredible speeds.

"W-What is that?" one soldier asked.

"Hang on I see something in the mist! It looks like a person!" another soldier replied.

"Who the hell could be in that thing?!"

"It's my dad!" Wendy exclaimed in a cheerful tone.

"WHAT?!" literally everyone shouted.

The mist landed a few feet from everyone as it all converged into the person that created the mist. When it all cleared, everyone was shocked to see that Naruto indeed was the one standing before them, but his attire was different. He was wearing a suit of armor. The armor was black scaled platinum with the design of a red dragon on the front. The two shoulder guards had the heads of dragons carved into them while he had his waist covered with the tail of the dragon covering them. His eyes practically glowed with power as he made his way towards the gate as lightning continued to strike his form as it illuminates one giant cumulus clouds in the sky that were in the shape of a dragon head with its maw open wide as if to devour them. Everyone continued to watch in complete awe and fear of the Dragonslayer King.


"Holy shit."

"Tou-san, you came!" Wendy cheered as he gave Naruto a tight hug. Naruto chuckled as he returned the hug. "Oh course my dear. I promised you that I will make sure you and everyone will live to see the next sunrise, didn't I?"

"Lucy Hearfilia. Yukino Aguria. You two just had to meddle in affairs that you had no business butting into." Everyone turned to see Future Rogue coming out of the shadows. Wendy growled at the sight of the one that murdered her sister.

"You." Wendy was about to lunge at him, but Naruto held her down from doing anything rash. "Let me go! This bastard needs to die! For what he did to Mirai Lucy!" But one look from Naruto told her to restrain herself for now.

"That's the man that told me about the future," Hisui commented. Najenda's eye narrowed. "So you're the one that tricked the princess?"

Future Rogue scoffed. "Hmm, not my fault that she and her family were so easy to manipulate." Akame and Kurome stiffen as they reached for their blades



"Though I must be thanking you all." Rogue mocked with a smile. Everyone became apprehensive about that. "What do you mean?" Mira asked.

"I mean that 10,000 dragons would have been a nightmare to control, but over 100 is much more manageable."

"Control?" several people muttered as Naruto's eyes narrowed towards the future shadow slayer. Lucy's eyes widen in recognition. "This ...This was your plan all along, wasn't it?!"

Future Rogue smirked. "That's right." he then turned his attention to Naruto. "I never thought I would meet you in person Naruto Marvell. In my time, you never appeared again. You simply disappeared from the history books."

Naruto grunted. "Yeah well that was your time and this is now. I chose to stay. And I choose to fight. Fate? Destiny? I choose them and no one else dictates my actions."


Everyone stopped as they heard a very loud screech. It was so loud that every mage and dragon looked/turned to the source of the noise and no one could believe what they were seeing. The creature that emitted the screech was around 100 meters, and easily dwarfing any of the other dragons in the air with it.

The creature was covered in golden yellow scales every inch of its body. It had no arms and instead had two large bat-like wings with a wingspan that was easily 150 meters, which would make sense to be able to maintain such a huge body. However, what got everyone's attention were the three serpentine necks connected to the top of the body with three dragon heads at the end of the long necks with a pair of horns on top of their heads. Golden lightning began to dance around its body before it let out another bellowing screech.

The screech was so loud and powerful that sonic and electrical shockwaves sent everyone except Naruto, Irene, Anna, and Future Rogue to the ground and destroyed several buildings that were near the golden monstrosity. Everyone got back up as they looked on in abject horror at the monster's incredible power.




"That thing is...."

"It's strong. I can feel its incredible bloodlust and desire for destruction. That thing is a monster in the truest sense of the word."

"This just got a lot harder," Irene said as she glared at the golden monstrosity. "Be careful Naruto," Anna whispered.

"You have got to be kidding me. He's here as well?" Naruto growled in anger and annoyance.

"Dad, who is that monster?" Wendy asked as she stared up at the monster.

"Ghidorah." Naruto gritted out. "Ghidorah?" Wendy and several others said. Naruto nodded. "That's correct. One of the strongest Kaiju-dragons to ever be documented."

"KAIJU-DRAGON?!" everyone exclaimed.

Future Rogue let out an ecstatic laugh. "That's right. Normally most kaiju have a unique appearance compared to the other creatures that exist on Earthland. However, there are some exceptions to this. Ghidorah is one of these. It's one of the few Kaiju that can be considered a dragon as well. The best part is that his species is considered one of the strongest Kaiju in existence." Future Rogue gave his audience a wide grin. "With him here, my plans will go much more smoothly."


"Go and find all the mages around the city and destroy them and then the world will be ours!" All the dragons then flew into different sectors of the capital city.

"The dragons are listening to him?!"

"He said something about controlling. Wait! Is it a spell?!" Lily exclaimed. Future Rogue smirked. "That's right. The secret to controlling dragons. Dragon Tamer Magic."

"I have never heard of magic like that." Happy wondered out loud.

"That's because it doesn't exist yet. I created it seven years into the future. I originally planned to use it on Acnologia, but it did not affect him."

Naruto snorted. "Of course it wouldn't," he said in annoyance. Naruto turned his attention to Future Rogue. "What do you hope to accomplish from all this?"

"To challenge and defeat Acnologia! And with his defeat, I will take my rightful place as the Dragon King!"

"Big talk, asshole." Naruto and Wendy mocked. Future Rogue jumped onto the paw of the first dragon that appeared out of the gate. "I leave them to you.....Zirconis."

"Hey, he's the dragon we met in the cave." Happy said. Naruto sighed in annoyance. "Another familiar face."

"IT'S HERE!" Nab exclaimed. "THIS IS A DRAGON?!" Warren exclaimed equally in shock and horror.

"Its body made completely out of flames," Laxus muttered as he and everyone around him tensed up. "BRACE YOURSELVES EVERYONE!" Makarov warned.

"MY NAME IS ATLAS FLAME! NOW HUMANS PREPARE TO TASTE MY HELLFIRE!" proudly proclaimed the now named Atlas Flame.

"GAH!" everyone shouted as they were blasted from the heat waves. "HOLD STRONG, BRATS!"

"SABERTOOTH PREPARE FOR COMBAT!" Dobengal ordered to everyone as a maroon-colored dragon and a blue scaled dragon with fins landed in front of them.

"Let's do this together!" Sting exclaimed as everyone launched their attacks on both dragons. However, to their shock and horror, the dragons came out without a scratch.


"We couldn't even land a scratch!" The two dragons then began their assaults on Sabertooth and the other mages around them.

"This reminds me of the old days, Anna." Irene joked as she blasted one dragon away.

Anna smirked as she summoned her signature weapon, Lambent Light, a rapier. She easily cut the head of one dragon that got too close to her personal space. "You sound like an old woman, Irene." Anna teased.

Irene blushed in embarrassment. "AM NOT! I am just reminiscing a bit." Anna just giggled a bit as she jumped back from a swipe attack as she and Irene were back to back. "Let's reminisce after we survive this night." Irene pouted but did not complain as the two charged against their next targets.

"Nothing will be able to stop me. Not even Acnologia can stop me." Future Rogue proclaimed as he flew on top of his dragon. He turned his attention to something standing on the spire on one of the tallest buildings still intact. Or to be more precise someone.

"Natsu Dragneel." Future Rogue muttered. "Kill him, Motherglare." The dragon raised its claw and slammed it into the spire, but Natsu used his fire magic to propel himself from the spire before it was destroyed. Natsu right above Future Rogue as he roared,

"Kaaryu no Hoko!" Future Rogue merely fired a dark pulse that canceled out the fire spell. "Pathetic," Natsu growled at Rogue's mockery as he landed on top of Motherglare.

"Look around you. None of the humans are having any luck in fighting the dragons." Natsu looked down to see everyone struggling against the dragons that they were facing.

"Is everyone alright?!" Makarov called out to his guild members. The other mages groaned as they got back up. "Barely, but yeah." several of the mages replied.

"Hmm, you humans survived my initial attack? Are you all wizards?" Atlas asked in a curious tone.

"We more than ordinary wizards." Makarov said as he grew into his giant form, "We are connected by our bonds as a family!" Makarov tried to hit Atlas with a swift right cross.

"Gah!" Makarov grunted in pain as he reeled his arm back from the burns "Master!" everyone shouted in concern.

"Then I will burn your family bonds along with your bodies!"

"The master's attack didn't work?!" Atlas Flame snorted. "No matter how strong you are, you're mages that can never match the power of a dragon so long as you remain human!"

"Damn he's strong."

"Sting! Rogue! Now would be a good time to show us the power you used to kill your dragons." Orga shouted at the two slayers.

Sting and Rogue held their heads down. "That's only half true." Sting began. "Our dragons were on the brink of death when we killed them." Rogue finished.

"It doesn't matter! Just start using your magic against them." Dobengal ordered.

"Never thought a dragon would be so strong at full power." Sting said, "But I refuse to let them destroy our friends." Sting went into his dragon force from. "Ready Rogue?" Rogue turned into his dragon force form. "Yeah." Sting nodded as he turned to the dragon in front of him. "Then let's go!"

[Blue Pegasus]

"Try my armpit perfume!" Ichiya shouted. "Dragons have a strong sense of smell. So this will paralyze it!"

"Unfortunately for you, I have no nose." The Stone Dragon said.


"You humans are still the same foolish, yet amusing race even after 400 years." Before the Stone Dragon could anything, something slammed onto the top of its back.


"Move away you idiots!" a familiar voice barked out.

The Trimen's eyes widen. "COBRA?!"

"But I thought he was in prison?" Ren asked in confusion. "I got a temporary recess for good behavior," Cobra replied as his arms were coated in poison magic.

"You did well in such a short amount of time." Lahar complemented Doranbolt as he was heaving heavily from exhaustion.

"Yeah I just hope this is enough." the teleport mage sighed as he got back up. "I hope we don't get fired after this."

"Let's worry about that after we get through tonight." Lahar and Doranbolt looked forward with a battalion of rune knights behind them, ready for combat.

"You did all this to fight Acnologia?" Natsu inquired. Future Rogue nodded. "And when I defeat him, I will be the New Dragon King."

"The only king I acknowledge is Naruto. Not you. And not Acnologia." Natsu proclaimed.

Future Rogue scoffed. "By the end of this, no one will stand in my way. Not even he will stop me." Natsu smirked. "You sure about that?" Natsu ignited his arm in flames before slamming it into Motherglare with a large...


"AAAAHHHHH?!" Motherglare roared in pain. "What the hell?..." several people said as looked at the smoking back of Motherglare in the night sky.


"NATSU!" Lucy exclaimed happily.

"ALRIGHT!" Happy cheered.


'Hear you loud and clear, Natsu!' all of the dragonslayers thought.

Future Rogue was not perturbed by Natsu's proclamation. "Hmm, fools. You only prolong the inevitable. Motherglare!"

"GRAAAAHHH!" Motherglare roared as several objects were fired out of its abdomen. The object landed all over the capital where a dragon was located.


"Are those...."

"Eggs?" The 'eggs' shook before they hatched to reveal bipedal dragonoids lunging towards all of the mages.



"As if the big ones weren't already troublesome," Laxus muttered before turning his attention back to Atlas Flame with Zeke by his side. "All of you go and help others. I got the big guy!" "Grrr," Zeke growled as Laxus smirked. "Back at you partner."

"Wait, Laxus! You can't fight alone!" several mages shouted.

"He won't be." Evergreen began.

"He has us." Bickslow continued.

"The Thunder Legion will back up Laxus!" Freed finished.


"Did you not hear what Natsu said?" Mavis asked as the remaining mages turned to her, "Only a slayer can fight a dragon. Gajeel, Erza. Go find another dragon. The rest of you focus on supporting another slayer or fighting the smaller ones." Everyone nodded as they split up into different groups.

"Erza we'll back you up," Wally said as he and Sho followed Erza.

"Thanks," she said in gratitude. Suddenly a golden light appeared in front of them.

"What the-" Erza began before she stopped as she saw who was in front of her.

"Made it in time," Jellal said with two companions, Midnight and Richard/Hoteye.

"Jellal?! Midnight?!" Erza exclaimed in shock. Midnight just smirked. "Long time no see."

"Jellal?!" Sho and Wally shouted in shock with a small undertone of anger. Jellal looked back at them as several emotions played in their eyes. "I know you have some words with me, but let's save that for later." Sho and Wally narrowed their eyes at Jellal before nodding.

"Brother how could to see you!" Richard exclaimed happily. Everyone nearly face faulted at the emotional whiplash they felt. Though Wally looked just as happy to see his older brother.

"Save the waterworks after we're done!" Erza barked at the two. The brothers quickly nodded. "Yes ma'am!" the two exclaimed. Erza nodded as the group began running again to fight off another dragon.

'Ready to go, Akiza?'

'Hai!' Erza's eyes soon became slits as she once again felt her dragonslayer magic fill her body.

"Ready Gray?" Lyon asked as the two mages and Juvia were about to face an army of dragonoids. "I'm always ready."

However, before they could attack a black and red streak knocked several of the hatchlings away. "What the-" before they could say anything a familiar speed mage revealed themselves. "Long time no sees, ice strippers." the new arrival snarked. The man's attire consisted of a black skin-tight bodysuit with red lines going down the arms, back, and legs of the suit. The man was Sawyer, otherwise known as Racer.

"Racer?!" Gray and Lyon shouted in shock.

"Hey, Juvia!" Meredy happily exclaimed.

"Meredy?!" Juvia shouted in shock. Lyon looked at the new arrival as a small blush formed on his cheeks. 'Cute.'

"I love to catch up, but we need to focus on this." Racer gestured towards the hatchlings as they began surrounding them again. The group nodded as they turned back on the enemy and charged.

"Together we are going to beat you," Natsu said fiercely. Future Rogue scoffed. "Fool. You know nothing of the true power of a dra-"


Everyone, mages, and dragons alike paused as they heard a large explosion. They all turned and were shocked to see a dragon with his head destroyed falling to the ground. They all turned to see the source of the attack came from the gate.


"He killed it one blast."

"Damn, that ruins any entrance I had." said an unknown feminine voice. Everyone turned to see a familiar white-haired stellar mage. "Angel?!" the members of fairy tail exclaimed in shock.

"Sorano-nee," Yukino said with a shocked and nostalgic tone. Everyone snapped their head at what Yukino just said. The mages continued to look between the two as their jaws continue to drop to the ground. "Hello, little sister." Yukino was about to speak, but Angel raised her arm. "I know you what to chat, but we have other pressing matters."

Angel turned her attention to Naruto gazing at the sky as the dragons near the vicinity shook in fear as they continued to stare at Naruto.

"Are they scared of him?" a random soldier asked. "Looks like, but why?"

"THAT WAS NICE SPEECH NATSU." Naruto's voice boomed throughout the entire capital.

"That voice! It's Naruto!"

"It's him," Levia muttered.

"So he's here as well." the marron dragon, Scissorhead, growled.

"The king will fight in this battle as well," Atlas said in an excited tone.

"Of all places for him to be in." the stone dragon said in a grim tone.


Naruto looked up at Ghidorah, who glaring down at him as yellow lightning flashed around the kaiju's body. "ISN'T THAT RIGHT, GHIDORAH?! THAT'S WHY YOU HAVEN'T MOVED? YOU ARE WAITING FOR ME, RIGHT?" Naruto mockingly asked.

Ghidorah growled as it let loose another screeching roar as lightning erupted out of its body. Naruto smirked as he began to laugh uncontrollably. "KU-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"I think he's lost it." Naruto gave everyone an excited smirk. "AT LONG LAST MY PATIENCE HAS FINALLY BEEN REWARDED!" Suddenly an enormous magical aura erupted out of his body with a geyser of blue and black magical energy.

"What is this magical power?!" Najenda exclaimed as she was nearly blown away from the sheer force of power that Naruto was releasing.

"ITS MIND-BOGGLING?!" Kurome shouted back as she and Akame stabbed their blades into the stone pavement to keep themselves from being sent flying.

In the capital, Levy shivered as she felt Naruto's magical pressure that he was releasing. "This magic. It feels familiar." Gajeel's eyes widen as he remembered where he felt this power from. "There's no way."

[Fairy Tail OST: Dragon King]

"I AM THE BLACK DRAGON THAT PERSONIFIES THE APOCALYPSE!" Naruto began proclaiming as his body became completely black with his white eyes and mouth being the only visible parts remaining. "I MOCK DEATH, YET ENVY FOR ITS EMBRACE!" His voice began changing as a pair of wings and a tail erupted from his body. Blue tribal markings appeared on Naruto's arms, face, back, wings, and tail. "I WILL BECOME THE BLACK DRAGON OF THE APOCALYPSE THAT WILL OBLITERATE EVERYTHING FROM EXISTENCE!" Naruto's shape took a familiar quadrupedal appearance as it began to grow in size.

"MY NAME IS ACNOLOGIA! I AM THE DRAGON KING! SKREOOOOOOOOK!" Naruto let out a triumphant roar as he released a massive shockwave to rid himself of his excess energy as he stood at his full dragon height of around 70 meters.

Everyone, literally everyone, that did not know Naruto's true identity had their jaws on the ground as their eyes nearly popped their heads.






Acnologia turned to see several dragons destroying the city around. He growled as he took a deep breath as the air was sucked into his maw.

"What's he doing?"

"I don't know, but is it me or are his marks glowing."

The tribal markings were indeed glowing as everyone in the vicinity could hear a whirring sound as something was building up. Naruto reared his head back before roaring "Hakai no Hoko!" He launched a devastating breath attack that hits a dragon dead in the center from several kilometers away!

The blast ripped right through the dragon as Naruto turned his head as the blast traveled horizontally and ripping through any dragon that was unfortunately in its way and causing massive explosions along the way. Naruto made a complete 360 around the entire capital and killing every dragon that was caught in the blast. The explosions caused by the attack caused the capital to be temporarily enclosed in a wall of an inferno.

Naruto turned as several dragons flew towards him. Naruto gave a feral grin as he raised his arms as the forearms glowed before transforming into two giant curved blades. "Destruction Blades!" Naruto roared as he cut one dragon in half before bisecting another one with ease. Naruto then tried to slice off the head of a third one, but the dragon managed to catch the blade with its jaws. Another held the other bladed arm as a third dragon tries to attack Naruto on the back, but the dragon was quickly stabbed through the heart by Naruto's stinger tail.

Another rushed to strike Naruto's chest, believing him now to be vulnerable. Naruto deactivated his blades and grabbed the two dragons by their throats and crushed their throats in an instant. Naruto's eyes glowed as the frontal dragon was about to strike. "Solar Flare!" The dragon was blinded by a bright flash. The dragon then felt something strong and sharp bite down on his jugular. Try as it might, it could not escape the powerful jaws that held him in place.


However, any resistance the dragon had ended as Naruto crushed its throat and ripped its jugular into ribbons as its body fell to the ground. Naruto chewed up the muscle tendons and tissue in his maw as blood dripped down his chin. Naruto couldn't help it as monstrous laughter erupted from his throat. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH, How HAVE I MISSED THIS! THE BLOOD! CARNAGE! IT HAS BEEN FAR TOO LONG SINCE I'VE HAD THIS MUCH FUN! COME YOU WORTHLESS MAN-EATERS! SO I CAN REMIND YOU OF WHO IS YOUR KING!"

A large herd of the man-eating dragons flew towards Naruto from every direction to overwhelm. Naruto's eyes seem to gleam in delight as his tribal markings glowed once more and blue electricity dance around his body. 'Fools.' he mocked as Naruto roared, "All Vanity!" Naruto was encased in a dark blue sphere of energy before he fired numerous energy lasers in every direction and striking and killing every dragon that was unfortunate to be caught in its extremely huge range.

As the bodies of the numerous dead dragons fell around him; Naruto roared as he released a pulse of energy that disintegrating the corpses of all the dragons near him. Acnologia gave a triumphant roar as he turned towards Motherglare and Ghidorah. Everyone was left in awe of the destructive capabilities of Acnologia. They knew he was strong, but this was beyond what they had ever expected.



"Damn. That's what I call firepower." Laxus commented.

"I would expect nothing less from that scally bastard," Gildarts said.

"Sugoi Tou-san," Erza said.

"He's incredible." several people said aloud.

"His power is more frightening than I could have ever imagined."

"He's defeated so many on his own. We might just have a chance now." an awe-stricken Najenda spoke.

Future Rogue snarled in anger. "So Naruto was Acnologia all along, huh? Well, this changes nothing. This is my chance to get rid of him and anyone that may challenge my reign as Dragon King." Motherglare reared its head back before launching his roar attack. A stream of eternano headed straight towards Naruto. But the dragon king was not impressed as he smacked the roar with the back of his clawed arm and sent it flying into the sky as it detonated and illuminated the sky for a few seconds.

"Is that the best you fools got? You'll have to do better than that to hurt me." Naruto mocked as Motherglare growled in outrage that a former human was speaking to him like that. Before Naruto could taunt Motherglare again, he was forced to dodge a yellow lightning bolt. Acnologia looked up to see Ghidorah sneering down at him.

Naruto smirked. "Oh you must itching to fight me, but don't worry Ghidorah, you'll get your fight." Naruto turned his attention to a specific location on the east side of the capital.

"ANNA! IRENE!" Acnologia called out to his wives. "DON'T YOU THINK IT'S TIME FOR YOU TWO TO JOIN ME UP HERE!"

"OF COURSE WE'RE JOINING YOU!" Irene responded as she was enveloped in a dark pink magical aura. Anna smirked. "AFTERALL, WHAT'S A KING WITHOUT...." she began.

"HIS QUEENS!" the two said in unison as Irene turned into her dragon form with Anna riding on top of her head.

"KICK-ASS ANNA-SAMAM! IRENE-SAMA!" everyone from Mermaid Heel cheered.



"Anna, I believe it's time to summon him," Irene said to her co-wife. Anna smiled as she dug into her pockets. "Yes, I do believe so." From her pocket, Anna took out a platinum celestial key with a gold crown embezzled on the bottom of the key. "Open Gate of the Cosmos: Celestial Spirit King!" Anna called out as a massive magical sigil appeared in the night sky as a pillar of energy erupted from the seal as it landed onto the ground. From this pillar came the familiar figure of The Celestial Spirit King.

"I have come by your call, my old friend." the king said in a regal tone.


"The Celestial Spirit King?! SHE HAS THE KEY FOR THE KING?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Better yet, why does this Anna woman look like Lucy?!" several mages shouted, mostly from fairy tail.

"I can't believe it," Yukino said in awe at the sight of the king.

"Holy Shit," Angel muttered.

The Celestial King turned his attention to Acnologia. "It's been a long time, Naruto."

"That it has been. Are you prepared to fight by my side again, old friend?"

"I have been waiting for 400 years, my comrade. I won't pass it off now."

"NARUTO!" Irene called out. "I KNOW IRENE!" Acnolgia and Irene raised their claws to the air. "BATTLE ENCHANTMENT: DRAGON'S BLESSING!" A massive green magic sigil appeared above the skies as it covered the entire capital. Suddenly every mage in the capital and soldier is enveloped in a green magical aura.






"It feels like my enchantment spells, but much stronger!"




Naruto sighed as he focused on Acnologia. "Now then just one more thing to do."

"My sleeping brethren, heed my call! Awaken from your slumber and fight for your king once again. AWAKEN NOW, MY ELEMENTAL KINGS!" Naruto roared as unbeknownst to him and the rest, his chest had a green glow before it disappeared again.

"GAH!" Natsu grunted in pain as he fell to his knees, clutching his stomach. "What the hell?!"

"What's going on?!" Gajeel hissed in pain.

"What is this." A kneeling Sting grunted. "What's happening to us," Rogue said in a similar position to Rogue.

Future Rogue's eyes narrowed in recognition. "So that's his game."

Natsu looked up at Future Rogue in confusion. "What are you-"

'Natsu.' a familiar voice spoke. Natsu perked up at the voice. "What?"

'The time has come for me to awaken. My king has called for me. I and the others must answer his call!'

"Igneel! What do you mean?! Where are you?!" Natsu frantically said as he looked back and forth, trying to find Igneel. Natsu grunted again as his abdomen began to glow. 'Gomen Natsu. The truth is....'

"So it's true. You here the whole time." Wendy whispered. 'Forgive me, child. I wanted to tell you, but I did not think you were ready yet. But now that no longer matters..'

"Kaa-san." an emotional Wendy replied as a sky blue pillar fired out of her body.

"Grrrr," Gajeel growled. 'As stubborn as always.' Gajeel's eyes widen. "Metalicana," Gajeel muttered as a green and black pillar of energy was released from his body.

'Sting, it's been a long time. You have grown.'

'As have you, Rogue.'

"Weisslogia," Sting muttered as white pillar fired off of his body. "Skiadrum." an equally shocked Rogue said as a black and violet beam erupted from his body.

From the five pillars of lights, five dragons came out of them. The very same dragons that had disappeared for 14 years. The same dragons that the three dragonslayers had been searching for and had now been found. Naruto promised them their location and now he has given it to them. Ignnel, Metalicana, Grandeeney, Weisslogia, and Skiadrum have now reappeared into the world after disappearing for over 10 years. Everyone looked on in complete shock as they could not believe that another bombshell had been dropped.

"Damn, that guy knows how to fulfill a promise," Gildarts said with a smirk.

"My brethren, are you ready?" Acnologia asked as his allies cheered/roared in agreement.

"Then my dragons and mages. TO ARMS!" Acnologia declared as he charged right into Ghidorah as the golden kaiju descended towards him. The battle between the dragons and mages had now truly begun!

The Invasion has now officially begun. Naruto has revealed his true identity. How will everyone react once this is all over? Only time will tell. Now I hope you all enjoyed the battle with Future Rogue. I needed to have at least two fights in this to make up for the long absence. Yup, Natsu has his first exposure to the power of E.N.D. I was wondered why he never at least tapped into that power when he saw Mirai Lucy die. He didn't even go into dragon force.

I hope you guys enjoyed my homage to Naruto's first rage out using Kurama's power with Wendy. As the saying goes; like father, like daughter. Also, how many of you were surprised by Ghidorah making an appearance? Let me know if anyone guessed he would be the big bad. Naruto's armor is based on Vlad's armor from Dracula Untold for those who are curious.

The destruction blades Naruto used in this chapter were based on Blue Dragon's Crushing/Rusty Nail. The Battle Enchantment: Dragon's Blessing is based on a chapter of Fairy Tail's 100 Year Quest. Wendy uses an enchantment on her team that gives their magic dragonslayer qualities to fight the water dragon-god. It also shows their guild marks changing to have a dragon appearance.

Finally, the chant that Naruto does before transforming is a reference to the Juggernaut Drive from High School DxD.

The next chapter will either focus on either that battles of the dragonslayers, or both the battles of the slayers and the mages. I am not sure yet. And of course, we will end it with the epic clash between Acnologia and Ghidorah.

Until Next Time, Please Like and Review and I will see you soon!

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