Her Guardian Angel

By littleredd123

120K 1.8K 104

Kaylee Little is a normal La Push High School graduate. Except she was just diagnosed with a serious illness... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.

Chapter 23.

2.5K 34 1
By littleredd123

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, it belongs to Stephanie Meyer. I only own Kaylee and all of the other original characters!

Kaylee glared down at the plate of spinach and cod fish that was sitting in front of her. Her mom was so intent on getting her iron up to a healthy level that she made Kaylee eat a ridiculous amount of protein throughout the day.

For breakfast, she usually ate iron-fortified cereals with dried fruit. Lunch and dinner usually included beans, leafy greens, and some type of meat. Her nutritionist told her not to just purchase iron supplements, but to also get multivitamins as well. It had been about two weeks or so since she had went and been diagnosed as anemic.

Jacob sat next to her and shoveled the cod fish into his mouth, but he picked around the spinach. "If I have to eat this stuff, you have to eat this stuff." Kaylee said, bringing a spoonful of spinach up to his mouth. He pressed his lips together tightly and shook his head, so she moved to sit on his lap.

"Please baby? You won't eat this, even for me?" Kaylee asked, her voice sad. She poked her lower lip out into a sad pout, and she could see him begin to waver. He sighed through his nose and opened his mouth, grimacing when she shoved the green leaves into his open mouth.

"That wasn't too bad, was it?" She giggled at his disgusted face. He swallowed the food and took a big drink of milk, sitting the empty glass back on the table.

"You're the one that needs it. You need to eat all of this, and then we should go for a walk. Get some fresh air and sunlight." Jacob said, watching Kaylee pick up a very small spoonful of spinach. She rolled her eyes, feeling him still staring at her.

"Fine. Let me finish this and we'll go." Kaylee sighed. She sadly ate the rest of the spinach and fish and went upstairs to grab a pair of shoes. She wore a pair of regular jeans and Nike Shocks, along with a simple t shirt. Jacob rinsed both of their plates off and placed them in the dishwasher. Kaylee smiled happily at him.

"That was sweet of you. You didn't have to do that." She hugged him, loving the feel of his muscular body pressed against her small frame. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her temple, leading her out the door.

"Let's walk to the store. It's not too far, and I need to pick up my schedule for the week and see what they want me to work." Kaylee suggested, smiling happily at him. He agreed and the pair went to the grocery store to pick up her schedule.

The manager was very happy to see Kaylee, and she hugged her tightly. "How are you feeling, sweetie?" She asked, handing her the schedule. She quickly skimmed it, they scheduled her for Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night. She didn't mind it, so she handed it back to her manager and smiled.

"I'm doing better. They told me a few weeks ago that I was anemic, but it is a common problem with cancer patients, so they're trying to help me the best they can." She smiled at Kaylee sadly and hugged her again.

"You're doing fabulously. I'm proud of you. You're a great worker, and great student, and most importantly, you're a great person." She told Kaylee, causing her to grin in response. Her manager was a genuinely sweet woman.

After Kaylee and Jacob left the store, they just walked around La Push, joking and laughing. The sun felt nice on her skin, and she ran her fingers through her hair. When she did that, she noticed a large clump of strands came out. She tossed it to the side silently, not mentioning it to Jacob, and watched the wind blow it down the sidewalk.

It bummed her out. She had been anticipating the hair loss for a while now, but if she was being honest with herself, it made her feel sad inside. Her heart ached in her chest. Her hair had always been her favorite thing about herself. She swallowed back the tears and the lump in her throat and smiled at Jacob when he told her about the fight that Quil and Paul got into over the last hamburger.

"Sounds like something Paul would do." Kaylee said, laughing. They walked at least two miles, and then she decided that they should turn back around. "I'm getting tired." Kaylee admitted, feeling like a weakling for getting tired already. Jacob could probably walk ten miles without breaking a sweat.

He held her small hand in his large one. "Baby, it's okay. We went a lot farther than I was expecting. I'm glad you had enough energy to do this." He kissed her head. Jacob was always so proud of her small accomplishments, and she enjoyed when he praised her.

When they got back to the house, Kaylee collapsed on the couch and sighed with relief. "Now I need a nap." She told Jacob, making him chuckle.

"If you want a nap, you go ahead and take one." Jacob said, cuddling with her on the couch. She dozed off not too long after they sat down. She woke up about an hour later to the phone ringing. Kaylee groaned and got up to answer it. It was Billy, looking for Jacob.

"Hey baby, it's your dad." She said, handing it over to him.

"Hey dad, what's going on? Bella's back? Wait, what? What do you mean she's sick? Dad, I don't understand. Okay, okay. Bye." He hung up the phone. "Dad said that Bella and the leech are back from their honeymoon, but she's really sick. She must've caught something. But he told me we need to go see her." Jacob told me. Kaylee nodded.

"We can go now if you'd like." Kaylee suggested, standing up and stretching her tired bones. Jacob drove them to the Cullen's house in his prized Rabbit, and Kaylee fiddled with the radio station on the way there. "I wonder what's wrong with Bella? I hope she's okay." She fretted.

"She's a tough girl. I think she'll be fine. Dad said we have to see her to understand what's going on, which doesn't make any sense." When they pulled into the Cullen's driveway, Carlisle was standing out there waiting on them.

"Good afternoon, Jacob. Kaylee." He said, looking pained.

"Hi Carlisle. How is Bella doing? Can we see her?" Kaylee asked, stepping closer to the door. Carlisle sighed. He stepped aside and let them in, and she smiled widely when she walked into their beautiful home. If Carlisle was worried that Bella was too sick, or even contagious, he wouldn't have let Kaylee in the house with her compromised immune system. "Hi Bells, how are - .." Kaylee trailed off when she walked into the room and saw her.

She was lying on the couch, looking extremely fragile and weak. Kaylee had never seen anyone look so sick. Her skin was pale and paper thin. Her bones were slightly protruding. Her hair was brittle and breaking. "Bella .." She heard Jacob breathe beside her.

"Hi guys, I wondered when I would be seeing you." She said, her voice shaky sounding. Kaylee's heart ached for the poor girl.

"Bella, honey, are you okay?" She asked quietly, stepping towards her on the couch. Rosalie jumped in front of Kaylee, her stance protective.

"Back off, Blondie. She would never hurt Bella." Jacob growled, stepping between Rosalie and Kaylee. She ignored them both, going around them to stand in front of Bella. Edward was standing behind her, behind the couch. His eyes were black, the circles under them dark.

"It may not look like it, but I'm actually really great." Bella smiled weakly at Kaylee, and she raised her eyebrows in response. She looked like absolute hell, how was she doing great? "Rose, can you help me up so I can show them? Kay, I've been waiting to tell you." Rosalie brushed past Kaylee and helped her up, her cold skin giving Kaylee a chill.

Bella had one had pushing her body off the couch, one holding her lower back. Her stomach was engorged and bulging, and Kaylee gasped at the sight. Her arms, legs, and shoulders were bony and thin, but her stomach made her limbs look even smaller. Edward grimaced as he looked at his wife, and Alice also looked away. Rosalie watched her happily.

"Bella .. You're pregnant?" Kaylee choked out. She held her stomach happily, her face beaming. Jacob looked like he was going to be sick. Kaylee felt her head start to spin as she looked between Edward and Bella. She was pregnant? With a vampire's baby? Kaylee placed her hand on her forehead, and everything started to go dark as she collapsed.

A/N: I wanted to thank everyone for all the love this story has received! We've reached over 15,000 reads and over 450 favorites! I can't even count all of the people that have added this story to their reading lists, and I'm forever grateful. I know I take a long time to publish chapters, so I want to thank you for your patience and love. I appreciate all of you! 

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