Pregnant After One Night Stan...

By Coookiedoough

466K 11.6K 1.6K

One night, one night that changed your whole life. One night out with your friends and you meet one guy, one... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Bonus part - Christmas special

Chapter 4

21.8K 601 47
By Coookiedoough

- Y/N what's wrong, are you ok? He said, lightning the couch lamp behind you so he could see your face better.

- I don't know, but I think there is something wrong with the baby.

*Chapter 4*

Jungkook drove his car really fast to the nearest hospital. During the whole ride he held your hand tightly, stroking it with his thumb as he was saying calming words to you. Once you arrived you two walked to the counter by the entrance. Jungkook talked to the woman behind the counter and told her what happened, she lead you to your own room and after a while a doctor came in.

- Y/L/N Y/N? The doctor asked.

- Yes that's me. You said.

- It says here that you have experienced pain in your lower stomach?

- Yes that is right.

- When did you start to feel pain? The doctor asked, looked at you and then taking of his glasses, putting them on top of his head.

- I was asleep and then I woke up around 2am because of the sudden pain. You looked at Jungkook and he took your hand in his comfortingly.

- We will have to take a few tests before we can tell what caused the pain. He explained.

- Of course.

- Ehm, what kind of tests doctor? Jungkook asked.

- A blood test, heart rate of both the baby and Y/N, we are also going to take an ultrasound.

- B-blood test? Jungkook asked, his eyes widened as he stared at you.

- Is there a problem Jungkook? You asked.

- It's just that I can't really see blood. He admitted.

- Just look away or something. You said and chuckled.

He glared at you and you couldn't help but laugh. He sighed and a small smirk spread across his face.

- I have to leave now but one of my colleagues will come to run the tests.

- Thank you doctor. You said and the doctor left.

You and Jungkook were left alone in the room. The smiled faded from your face as you once again remembered what you were here for. You were so scared that something bad had happened to your little baby. You let the tears fall down your cheeks from your eyes again. You looked at Jungkook and he had tears in his eyes as well. He saw that you looked at him so he quickly wiped his tears away, taking a deep breath and went to your bed. He was trying to be strong for you but deep inside this whole thing about not knowing what the problem was, really broke him.

- What is something really bad is happening to the baby? You asked crying.

- Hey, we will get through this. Jungkook said caressing your cheek softly.

You both heard a knock on the door and in came what you guessed was your new doctor.

- Hi Y/N I'm here to run a few tests on you now. The doctor said.

- Yes of course. The doctor took a blood test on your and then it was time for an ultrasound and listen to the heart beat.

The doctor putted the cold gel on your stomach and then looked at the ultrasound. After a while the doctor's face expression changed into a concerned one and she turned to face you and Jungkook.

- Is something wrong doctor? Jungkook asked worryingly as his eyes were big and teary.

- Ehm, I can't see anything wrong with the baby but I can't find the baby's heartbeat. She explained.

The panic started to grow even more now, I looked around the room as more tears fell down. Jungkook saw that and then he took your hand in his squeezing it tightly.

- I will call another doctor in to see if they can find the heartbeat.

The doctor pressed a red bottom and in came two other doctors. Your doctor explained what had happened and then the doctors tried to find the heartbeat. After a few minutes a low, fast sound started to came out of the speakers in the room. The sound grew louder and clear and you could hear the baby's heartbeat again. The panic faded away and was replaced with relife. Jungkook hugged you because he was so happy that the baby was alive. The tears turned into happy tears and Jungkook pressed his forehead against yours, his salty tears dripped down on your face as he was crying too.

- We found the heartbeat and it sounds good and healthy, now we just have to wait for the result of the blood test to come back so we can see why you were experiencing pain.

You and Jungkook walked back in your hospital room waiting for the doctors to come back with the result. The doctor came back and when she walked in she sat down on a chair in front of you with the result in his hands.

- So Y/N it seems like you have experienced abdominal pain. Witch is totally normal during pregnancies, we find nothing wrong with the baby and your blood result was very good. It was a good thing that you came in today though. The doctors words made you extremely happy and you looked at Jungkook smiling.

- Thank you so much doctor. You said shaking her hand.

- No need to thank me I'm just doing my job. So Y/N if you feel anymore pain don't hesitate to come in, better to be on the safe side.

- Yes I will. You said.

You got cleared out of the hospital and then Jungkook drove you back home to your house.

- It is still very early in the morning but I don't think I can sleep. Jungkook said laughing as he walked in after you

- Me neither. But one thing I know is that I'm super hungry, so let's make some breakfast. You said laughing as you walked into the kitchen.

You and Jungkook made some pancakes and after breakfast you two decided to go out for a walk to clear your minds. As you were walking you saw many couples with baby carriages. You and Jungkook looked at them not believing that in just a few weeks that would be your new life.

*Few weeks later*

The week's passed and you and Jungkook grew more and more closer each day. You didn't want to admit it but you had started to grow feelings for him. You meet Jungkook a couple of times a week, mostly because he was scared if you would feel pain again but you were now so far along in your pregnancy that you had an appointment at the doctors once a week and Jungkook always followed you there.

You were on your phone talking to Y/F/N after Jungkook just had dropped you of home after your weekly scan.

- So how was the baby? Y/F/N asked.

- She is fine and healthy. You said.

- How are you?

- I'm good as well.

- How is Jungkook? Y/F/N asked teasingly.

- He is fine.

- How are your feelings towards him?

- Why so many questions Y/F/N? You teased back.

- Why are you avoiding the questions Y/N?

- Because I don't know how I feel towards him. That was a lie, you definitely knew about your feelings towards him.

- Well I don't buy it. I still think you two will end up together. But I will stop asking about him...for now. Your friend said and started laughing.

- Thank you, now how has your day been? You asked changing the subject.

Your friend and you talked for about an hour about random stuff and later ended the call. Just as you were about to place your phone down on the table, it started buzzing in your hand. You looked at the caller id and noticed that Jungkook was calling you.

- Hello Y/N how are you? He asked.

- Hello Kook, I'm fine and you? You said.

- Oh I'm good, I was just wondering if you wanted to come over and maybe cook some dinner and watch a movie? He asked sounding almost nervous.

- Sure, can I come by in an hour?

- Yeah that's perfect. Well, see you soon. Jungkook said.

- Yeah see you. You hung up and then went into the shower to get ready.

After about 40 minutes you were done. You drove to Jungkook's house. Once you arrived you knocked on the door and Jungkook opened. He wore a loose black shirt with black pants, his hair was messy and you could see tha het just got out of the shower. He looked really handsome with his wet, curly, long hair.

- Hi Y/N. He said as he stepped aside to let you in.

- Hi Kook. You said as you walked in.

The two of you started cooking and he put on some music. You were both singing along to the song that was playing. He had an angelic voice as he hit each note perfectly. You stopped what you were doing and just stared at him while he was singing.

- What are you staring at? He said laughing.

- You. You simply said.

- Why?

- Because I still can't get over your angelic voice. You said.

Jungkook just laughed looking down at the floor, his cheeks and ears turning bright red.

- Anyways let's go back to cooking, we don't want the food to get burnt now do we? He said changing the subject.

Once the food was ready the two of you sat down and started to eat the home cooked meal.

After dinner the two of you started to clean the table and wash the dishes. Jungkook had put on loud music again and the two of you were dancing and singing around while cleaning. You stood with your back facing Jungkook while you were drying some plates, what you didn't see was that Jungkook had put on a slow song. You then felt a pair of hands coming from behind, taking the plate and the towel out of your grip and placed them on the counter. He then spun you around so you were now facing him. He had a smirk on his face as you looked him with a questioning expression. He placed his hands on your waist and then he started dancing with you. You laughed at him and placed your hands around his neck as he moved you around the kitchen floor. He spun you around and that made you both laugh. The song ended but the two of you kept on dancing. You placed your head on his shoulder and he places his on the top of your head.

- Y/N? He suddenly said.

- Yes, Kook? You said still with your head on his shoulder.

- I know we have only meet a couple of weeks ago and we still don't really know each other. And those weeks has been like a rollercoaster and you literally changed my whole world. I never thought I would start a family with someone I meet at a bar. Jungkook said laughing at the memory.

You looked up at him and he stared deep into your eyes. His beautiful, sparkly, brown eyes meet yours and you smiled.

- Kook...I. You started but he cut you off with placing his soft lips on yours.

The kiss was sweet and loving. Even if you had kissed before it still felt like the first time. Maybe it was because last time you were really drunk, but you never imagined how much you have been craving to taste those cherry lips on yours. Jungkook broke the kiss to catch his breath. He places his forehead against yours and stared into your eyes smiling his cute bunny smile.

- I'm pretty happy that I meet you at the bar that night Y/N. He said, you laughed at his words.

- I'm pretty happy I meet you that night too Kook. 

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