
By PunkRockPenguin

6.1K 578 49

Ash Cinder never asked for this life. As a child he'd been happy, but after his mother died and his father r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 26

157 14 0
By PunkRockPenguin

Ash let the guests congratulate him on both the wedding and the coronation for the next few hours. Reedrick mercifully called the evening to a close. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us for such an exquisite time. However, I do think it may be time for our new king and queen to start working on giving us an heir."

Ash felt his face color and his surprise showed as Kamya pulled her hand from his. His confusion only grew as Kamya, queen - former queen Sabhira and several noble ladies left with Kamya.

"You do understand what's next, don't you?" Reedrick's face betrayed none of the concern lacing his hushed tone. "As the newly married king and queen, your union must be witnessed. And you better learn to hide your emotions quickly." Reedrick added as the horror showed on Ash's face.

"I didn't expect voyeurism to be a part of the monarchy." Ash bit out.

"It isn't." Reedrick corrected his displeasure apparent. "Your marriage is a contract and the contract must be observed. This way no one can claim it illegitimate on either side. And if my daughter falls with child tonight, this removes doubt of the child's parentage."

"Will everyone here be there?"

"No. Most aren't invited. I'm not any happier about this than you are. Remind yourself that your wife is my daughter." Reedrick warned. His voice barely reaching Ash, the excited chatter drowning him out to wandering ears. "Now, let's get you out of here."

Reedrick led Ash out and the nerves that threatened to suffocate Ash tightened their stranglehold. The ladies were preparing Kamya as the men cheered on, congratulated, and encourage Ash. Ash was in his nightshirt that fell to mid thigh so he could feign some modesty and dignity as he entered his bedchamber. Kamya was waiting for him in a lacy nightshift, thicker than the one she'd tried to seduce him in. It left much to the imagination.

"Hello." Kamya cooed.

"Hi." Ash smiled back.

Kamya closed the distance between them and placed a gentle palm on his cheek. "Me. Just me. That's all you focus on. Ignore them. They aren't here." Kamya murmured. "It's just us. This is our moment." Kamya promised before she leaned up on tiptoe and gave Ash a chaste kiss. Ash's shoulders dropped as his arms went around her waist and he deepened the kiss. Kamya's arms wound around his neck and pulled him down to her. Ash's hands rested on her hips as he leaned into the kiss and the two started edging to the bed.

The raucous cheers distracted Ash and every time he tried to pull away to address them Kamya's grip tightened and she held him against her. "Just us." Kamya panted when she finally came up for air.

Ash's eyes darted around the room before settling on the honeyed brown of her eyes. "Just us." Ash agreed. He did his best to ignore the others in the room as he pulled Kamya to her bed and gently lowered her down. "Just us." Ash repeated as he laid down next to her. He tried to commit every piece of this moment to memory. The way her hair fanned out around her. The look of lust and admiration in her eyes. The gentle softness in her fingers in her undeclared request. Ash closed his eyes as Kamya kissed his lips then peppered kissed down his jawline to his neck.

Ash groaned at the desire pooling low in his gut. As reluctant as his heart was, there was no denying his body wanted his wife. His hands explored the curves of her body. He paid careful attention to which spots caused her breath to hitch or a soft moan to escape her kissable lips. Slowly Ash lifted her nightshift until her modesty was as protected as it could be in this situation and two become one. Ash groaned in ecstasy. He hadn't imagined this could feel so good. Kamya moaned as Ash filled her. Kamya took the subtle lead and it didn't take long for their hips to move in synchronization and the world fell away.

Kamya had been right, in this moment, there was only the two of them. When Ash spent himself a wave of exhaustion fell over him and he collapsed just to Kamya's side and he was surprised to find that no one was in the room with them anymore.

"Where did they go?" Ash puzzled.

"They needed to witness our union. They don't get to see everything tonight." Kamya assured him her fingers tracing his chest. "Let me lock the door, then I'll show you what it truly means to be husband and wife." Kamya ensured her door was bolted before she pulled her nightshift over her head and stalked over to Ash. "Off with yours."

Ash stared at his wife unsure but pulled his own nightshirt over his head. Kamya's mouth watered at the sight of her husband. He was quite the specimen. His years of hard labor on the farm had left Ash with lean muscle and hard angles. If she didn't have her hands on him, she could almost swear he was carved from marble itself. Kamya wasn't sure what she wanted to do first. Her fingers trailed down his hard pecs and abs and she relished as he squirmed under her touch. Kisses soon followed her hands caresses.

"What do you want?" Kamya murmured between kisses.

"What?" Ash blurted as his brain struggled to think through the fog she'd created.

"Tell me what you want. What do you want to do to me? What do you want me to do to you?"

"I - I - I don't know." Ash sputtered.

Kamya pressed a gentle kiss to Ash's lips and moved his hands to her breasts. "Ash, I'm yours now, completely, every part of me." Kamya kissed Ash's forehead. "I want you to know you can come to me with all things. You are my husband and my king and this won't be easy, but here in our chambers, you do not have to hide or pretend. Bring yourself, your true self, and I will do the same. We're all we have. No one else will understand our battles. They can't. That's why kings have queens and queen have kings."

Ash pulled Kamya into a hug. "I have no idea how we're going to do this, but I am grateful that our country is safe for now and I don't have to do this alone." Ash confessed into her hair. Kamya let Ash cling to her like the only solid thing in the world and understood what Ash needed tonight.

Kamya let Ash hold her for a long moment as she gently stroked his hair. "In time this will become normal too. You have the makings of a great leader and I believe in you."

Ash snorted. "I'm glad someone does." Ash pulled away with a deep breath. "What happens next?"

"Tomorrow we announce the succession of the crown and we'll have more than our fair share of guests. Some will pay homage, most want to gawk at the new royalty."

"And what of your parents?"

"My father was the rightful heir to the throne, my mother was the queen due to her marriage. She's not Albion blood like I am. When my father rescinded his crown, hers too was forfeited, but she's still the queen mother. And my father thinks I don't know what's going on, but I do. I have more in my head than wedding plans. I read too. I know what that marks mean and what it might mean for me and why this was all rushed."

"What do you know?"

"I know that's the same signature markings of the Black Curse, the favorite of the Red Queen. It hasn't been seen for nearly a millennia and the fact that it was used the night we were nearly assassinated makes everything both more convoluted and clear. Do you understand why so many countries were willing to do trade with us?"

Ash shrugged. "Convenient location?"

Kamya sighed and smiled. "Not quite. Do you know of ley lines?"


"They're the natural lines of power. Our country sits where three lines converge. If we chose to use that power against other forces, we could have one of the most powerful countries in the world. Instead we use that power to spread peace. It was my great grandparents' idea and they figured out how to manipulate that power to create peace. It's complicated and the main reason we aligned with the Seelie. It was their spells that secured the power. Since then, Albion has prospered."

"Something's changing?"

"Oh yes, something has changed in the spellwork. It's possible that it's just weakening as time goes on, but we've had more conflict as of late than we have since it was evoked."

"I had no idea."

"Why would I let my capital city know? Uncertainty and unrest in a country is how monarchs fall and die." Kamya stood up and pulled on her robe and handed Ash a fur lined silk robe. "I've already had an assassination attempt. The last thing I'm going to do is give my people reason to think that such actions are warranted." Kamya gauged Ash's reaction and watched him mull it over. "That being said, when we catch that bastard I'm going to have him tortured for everything he has then have him publicly drawn and quartered and make a spectacle of it to send a message to any other would be opposers."

Ash's eyes snapped to Kamya's. Gone was the giggling bride who was giddy about finally being married. In her place was a regal woman who would make tough choices if her family was threatened. "I didn't expect that."

"Ash, I play my part very well. People will underestimate me. I won't give them a reason to suspect I can be as ruthless as my mother. They love my father so they respect him, but they fear my mother so they respect her. I'd rather rule by love, but if need be, I can do unpleasant things." Kamya revealed. "I just take no pleasure from such actions and have no desire to do such things." Kamya shrugged. "But if pushed I will do whatever is necessary and practical. When one is in a position such as ours, then wants fall to the wayside. If my people will let me, I will be my father's daughter and lead as such. I only pray they allow such leadership." Kamya sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around herself. Ash scooted closer and pulled his own robe on.

"What happens next?"

"In theory we should swear fealty then do our wedding tour, however, that may not be feasible. The tour part, that is. Swearing fealty isn't optional, especially because the queen is your grandmother and all the world knows now."

"I don't know how this works."

Kamya shrugged. "We'll have to ask permission to go see them, in their kingdom, and when they permit it, we go and swear our allegiance to the Summer Court. Then we find the answers we're seeking."

"Which answers?" Ash asked carefully. He wouldn't be the one to disclose information Reedrick had confided in him, that wasn't intended for his daughter.

Kamya's eyes warned him not to play coy. "Ash, I'm your wife, I'm your queen. I am not a fool nor will I play one with you. You know which answers."

"The curse?"

"Yes the curse. We can't both go seeking answers and you do not know how to run a kingdom."

Ash nodded, grateful that this wasn't going to be forced haphazardly onto his plate. "Do you have any leads?"

"No, but I'm sure Tritos does, and if he doesn't Mother has a network of spies and there are few things Puck doesn't know. He was there for the Great War after all."

"He was there?"

"Of course."

"How old is he?"

"Puck is ancient, even among his kind. Powerful too, that's why he can remain uncourted. Honestly, do you really know so little of your own history?"

"Kamya, I only found out I'm one of them the night of your assassination attempt. Before that, the only time I left my farm was the sell my wares. The history of the fair folk wasn't included in my education."

Kamya pursed her lips thoughtful for a long moment. "Well, you'll learn quickly enough. You've been a quick study so far. Father is impressed with you."

"He is?"

"Of course." Kamya clasped her hands in her lap and stared down on them. "Thank you, by the way. I know this isn't what you actually wanted. Even still, I'm grateful it was you." Kamya cupped Ash's cheek and leaned in for a chaste kiss. "Thank you for doing this for me, for Albion."

Ash shrugged. "Once I was in it, I was in it."

"I hope we can find happiness in this predicament. I hope you do above all else. I will do all I can to help you with that." Kamya vowed.

"Kamya, I don't know if I can be happy. I scarcely remember what that feels like."

"What happened when you were growing up?"

Ash shook his head. "It's in the past now. It cannot be changed. I'd prefer to just move forward."

Kamya couldn't deny the curiosity burning in her chest, but relented. "If you ever change your mind, I have ears to hear." Ash nodded his eyes downcast to his lap. "You look tired. It's been a long day. Are you ready for bed?"

Ash gave an embarrassed grin and nodded. "Very much so."

Kamya gave him one more peck before she pulled her covers out and snuggled beneath them. She and Ash situated themselves comfortably against each other. Ash was surprised at how perfectly she fit against his side, how easily his arms wrapped around her shoulders and back as she laid her head on his chest. "Good night, husband." Kamya yawned as she snuggled closer.

"Good night, wife." Ash kissed the top of her head as he closed his own eyes and let sleep pull him under.


Anyone else a little surprised by Kamya? What do you think of her?  Of Ash?  Of them together? 

Preview: Amos faces the music of his actions

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