
By gotthatbrainrot

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((Sequel to Cosmic Mix Up and Robin's Cousin)) It has been two years since Thanos attacked and Wanda has retu... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
thank you

chapter five

230 6 0
By gotthatbrainrot

Billy's POV


Such intense pain.

That's what I remember waking up to on the bioship. I didn't mean to explode the ship, it wasn't even me who did that. Well, it was, but I wasn't in control.

It was like someone else was in the driver seat as soon as I opened my eyes and the more I fought it, the more pain I was in. The more I fought it and tried to hold my powers back from whoever was trying to control them, the more they tormented me.

My body was a mess of white hot pain and agony as I fell from the sky strapped to the table. I could see the rest of my old team falling and I felt conflicting emotions.


I felt guilt and anguish, whoever else was in my body with me felt the glee and joy over the pain my powers were inflicting.

Gritting my teeth, I fought against the other force inside me to mutter a quick spell. "No one...shall...get my actions."

My forehead exploded in tortuous pain as soon as I spoke the words and I let out a screech, tears cascading down my cheeks, mixing with the sweat that was pouring out of me due to my efforts.

I slammed into the ground, my bonds snapping due to the impact of my landing. With a groan, I rolled off the table onto my trembling hands and knees. I could hear the approaching footsteps through the roaring in my ears but I could care less.

A hand touched my shoulder and my head snapped up of its own accord, my eyes narrowing at my twin brother. "You! How dare you touch the Demiurge?!" My voice rang out, but it wasn't me who was speaking.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it. You are all powerful and a super badass, cool. Can we get that mind control spell off you now?" One of my ex-teammates called out, their weapons drawn and ready.

Yes, please!

"You believe you pathetic mortals can challenge me?" I cackled despite my need to vomit. "This should be amusing. Give it your best shot."

I fought as hard as I could against the force controlling my body, only being slightly successful as the bolt of lightning meant for Nightwing's torso hit the ground in front of him instead, sending him flying through the air. Luckily, he landed on his feet.

Scarlet Witch came at me next, sending one of her hex bolts at me. I managed to fly out of the way, right into the path of Superboy's punch.

I went tumbling to the ground, thankful for the moment to catch my breath. Well, not thankful for being punched because it hurt my body, but thankful that I could analyze the situation.

My body summoned black fire, surrounding the lot of us and keeping our movements limited. I mentally groaned, watching as Quicksilver and my brother ran at me at the same time. I knew my body was not quick enough to dodge, but a spell might work and that is exactly what the other being inside of my body thought.

"Can't touch this."

They both phased through me as I turned intangible for half a second, surprising everyone there including myself.

Is there no limit to what I can do?

"Billy, please. Fight this!"

What the hell do you think I've been doing, twiddling my thumbs?

I felt a hand close around my neck, surprising both me and the other presence. I looked up to be met by the cold glare of the Scarlet Witch. She squeezed my neck tightly, cutting off my airflow and effectively stopping me from muttering any spells.


"Wanda! Don't kill him!"

She rolled her eyes at my brother's words, her eyes glowing scarlet as she whispered her own magical words. "Be free, Billy Kaplan." She stepped back a few steps after releasing her hold on my neck, joining everyone in watching me curiously.

I felt my body began to writhe dramatically as I collapsed to the ground, my eyes rolling back in my head. My forehead began to burn once more, the most intensely it has ever had before. I let out a guttural shriek of pure agony as my body filled once more with white hot pain, all my nerves on fire.

"Fight it, Billy. You can do this!"

Tears were pouring out of my eyes as I grit my teeth, the taste of copper filling my mouth as the blood dripping from my nose entered my mouth. I groaned, forcing myself to fight harder, muttering a spell of my own. "Begone, Klarion." I heard a disembodied laughter in my head before a weight lifted off my chest and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Someone snorted and I opened my eyes to see Tommy covering his mouth, laughter in his eyes. I quirked my eyebrow in question and he burst out in snickers. "'Begone, Klarion'? Really?"

I shrugged, shakily getting to my feet with the help of my brother and Tim. "What? It rhymed."

"But what if it wasn't Klarion?"

"Who the eff else would it be, Jason?"


We hobbled our way towards the mountain entrance after I waved away the flames, entering our base of operations to be met by the stern glares of the Justice League. I shrunk back, hanging my head in shame.

"I am so so-"

"Save it. Fix M'gann." Batman grit out, sending a shudder down my spine.

I nodded, almost having forgotten what I did to my friend. I followed the procession down to the med bay, being met the sight of M'gann hooked up to life support machines with Artemis and Wally by her side.

The two of them glared at me when I entered but I held my hands up in surrender. "I'm free of Klarion's control. I come to fix this mess I put her in."

"You better, or so help me-" Artemis growled, stopping when Wally put a hand on her shoulder.

I noticed the wedding rings on both their hands and the way Artemis was holding her stomach and I paused. "Are you two...expecting?" They glared at me harsher and I gulped, lowering my gaze. "Right, congratulations on the wedding by the way."

"Just fix M'gann."

I nodded, walking past everyone as I tried my best to ignore their glares and judgmental stares. I placed my hands on M'gann's head and focused my magic on healing her. I felt the now light blue again magic flow through me and into her, I could feel it work to repair the damage I did to her.

After a few minutes, I stepped back with a sad smile. "She should be waking up any minute. If you'll excuse me-"

"Oh no, we are not making the same mistake of letting you out of our sight again." Roy spat.

"I don't get it, Wanda was mind controlled by the Light and you all forgave her, what's so different about me?" Everyone was silent for a moment, contemplating their answers. I sighed, hanging my head. "It's because she's family, isn't it? And because I killed half of you? And because I rewrote time, giving up my memory and my powers, all though I didn't know I can't give up my powers because they are me, which set this all up? That's it, isn't it? I cause more trouble than I'm worth."

"Billy, that's not tr-" Tim tried to defend me, but Jason cut him off.

"He's got a point, you are pretty troublesome. We should've killed you on the bioship."


"What? It's better he knows what we are all thinking. Billy, the truth is, the only reason you are still alive is because of your brother and the other's moral code of not killing. If I had my way, you would be dead."

I nodded numbly, turning to the rest of my ex-teammates. "You should've killed me when you had the chance."

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