The Queen of Darkness

By AuralKill

50K 1.7K 334

With Zeus' death, Samira and Hades continue to rule the Underworld, as well as their new kingdom by default... More

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•t w e l v e•
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•t w o•

4.5K 139 35
By AuralKill

c h a p t e r~t w o•

"Wakey, wakey!"

My eyes snap open, wide and alert before closing on instinct. The sun felt warm on my face, and the light shown through my lids.

"Fuck," I mumble, covering my head with the pillow. "Get out!"

"Is that how her majesty should speak? Those aren't words of a lady." Aly says disapprovingly, ripping the pillow away from me.

I groan, "Aly, please. I barely got any sleep last night!"

Aly gasps and I open one eye, a confused look on my face. Her bright green eyes glint mischievously as a smirk appears. "A certain someone?"

I shake my head, finally gathering the strength to sit up. "Or lack thereof," I yawn, placing my hand over my mouth.

We both glance over to the empty side next to me, and my heart aches just a little.

"Hey, but at least he made reservations for something right? That means he'll be able to enjoy this day with you," she sits at the foot of my bed, setting a hand on my leg. "And if he doesn't, I'm sure Desa and I can knock some sense into him." She jokes, patting my leg.

I let out a soft laugh, pushing my hair from my face. "Anyways, why'd you come in here screaming like a crazy lady?"

Her eyes light up and she stands suddenly, "Since we weren't able to do what we planned yesterday, I moved it to today!"

I groan playfully, giving in. "Fine! Get out so I can get ready!"

She claps, making her way back out. "Yes! And by the way, we're heading to Los Angeles!" She squeals before rushing out of the room.

After a quick shower to exfoliate my skin, I pin my curls up with a butterfly clip, leaving a few tendrils to hang around my face.

I pick out a black cotton button up dress, paired with white high top converse.

Minutes later, I'm walking out of the room and into the kitchen to grab a light snack. Desa and Aly are picking at the fruits on the table, in deep conversation.

"Hey babes," I greet, reaching in the fridge for a water bottle.

Desa whistles, her eyes traveling down my legs. "Damn, call the fire department because Samira is flaming that dress!"

I roll my eyes, a light chuckle leaving my lips.

"Honestly though, your curves are everything!" Aly exclaims, dragging out the 'g'.

Dru, the demon that interrupted Hades and I yesterday walks in, stopping in his place as he glances between the three of us.

I blush as his gaze drops to my legs also, before dragging up to meet my eyes. "Am I interrupting something?"

I clear my throat, shaking my head. "If it was as important as what you interrupted yesterday, I'd say yes. But as of right now, you saved me." I reply amusedly, pushing my hair from my face.

He smiles, showing a full row of perfect white teeth. "That's good then. I wouldn't want to be a bother once more."

I return his smile, taking the time to fully observe him.

He was actually pretty handsome. In a rugged kind of way. His dark eyes were framed with thick, black eyelashes and a pair of thick eyebrows to go with. His hair reached the top of his ears, and he had a small cut below his high cheekbones. Light scruff lined his strong jawline. He was dressed in casual attire, a white shirt with a black leather jacket to go over it paired with light blue jeans and combat boots.

He approaches, his boots thudding against the glossy floor. I tense ever so slightly, wariness running through my brain.

"'Scuse me, your majesty. I just want a water."

My face becomes hot as I move out of his way, a small apology leaving my lips.

He grabs a bottled water before turning, giving us a bow. "Ladies." Then, he disappears.

I turn to the girls who are looking at me in astonishment.


"Who was that hottie?"

"Hades would be piiiiised," Desa whistles, jumping out of her seat.

I shake my head, ignoring them. "Let's go before it's too late."

We arrive in Los Angeles a few hours later, and I sigh in contentment as the warm autumn air brushes against my legs.

"Let's enjoy this warmth before it hits the end of September. Then, we won't be able to wear skimpy clothes to show we're hoes."

I roll my eyes, "I'm basically married, you're probably going to get knocked up by Ares soon enough if y'all keep doing that shit everyone hears every damn night and Desa is locked up with Felix."

Desa chokes on her spit as we walk into the spa, her glare turning on me. "No! I am single and free and ready to mingle."

I raise an eyebrow at her, clearly unconvinced.

She sighs, "Fine. You're right. My days are over." She says with mock disappointment, rolling her eyes.

I laugh, slapping her arm. "You were just taking one for the team."

I glance around the room, my eyes falling on the over six feet men that stood around the area. It was cleared out, and the only people who were in here were the scary looking men with pitch black glasses—the meat heads—the girls and the women who would be working on us.

Lots of drinks and deep conversations later, we were on the last part of our relaxing day as we had already gotten waxed, picked, plucked and everything else anyone could get.

I walk into the penthouse by five fifty five, Aly and Desa following closely behind me.

I wouldn't be surprised if we traveled to all the states, and in each one he had a place.

"You go and freshen up or whatever, and then we'll come in to do your makeup and hair!" Aly exclaims, her eyes lighting up more than it already was due to the small level of alcohol in her blood.

I gaze at them apprehensively, "You sure you're not too drunk?"

Aly smirks, and I give her a large fake smile before walking down a hallway into what appeared to be a kitchen.

I gasp in awe, glancing up. The ceiling was open, a window spanning across the top. The darkening sky was revealed, hues of pink and purple blanketing the atmosphere. Lights sparkled in the sky as a shadow of the moon hid behind them, waiting for it's time to showcase.

I take in the rooms surroundings, from the dark cabinets to the touch screen fridge. It was also matte black.

Of course. Anything to represent the Lord of the Underworld.

I turn, noticing a rose resting on the dark marble counter, along with a hand-written note.

I smile softly to myself, walking over to grab it.

You are the light in my tunnel of darkness, my single red rose within a garden of dull flowers, and my one and only Queen.

Happy Birthday my love, and for many more years to come.

I love you.

P.S. Follow the trail

I sigh contently, my heart warming in my chest. I walk around the counter, glancing upon a trail of petals leading down the hallway and into a room.

I place my hand on the cracked open door, pushing it open slightly.

A white, silk dress rests on the bed, paired with black high strapped heels.

My eyes widen and I walk into the room, my hands coming over the fabric. It was soft and smooth to the touch, a cool feeling spreading throughout my fingers.

By six forty-five, I am fully dressed as I check myself in the mirror.

The dress fit me perfectly. Cupping my breasts, adding a lift and showing a little bit of cleavage. The front of the dress was an off white, and the back was black and they joined on the sides of the dress.

My hair was in a high, neat ponytail with my natural curls brushing against my shoulders.

Thanks to Alyssa's expertise in makeup, I was able to have a natural look using minimal products.

My brown eyes were now brighter, almost a honey color as they sparkled in the mirrors surrounding lights.

"You look hot," Desa mumbles, her mouth full of ice cream.

Alyssa nods, "Hades will not be able to keep his hands off of that ass of yours."

I take a deep breath in nervously, checking my hair and outfit once more. "You guys sure?"

They respond with loud "Fuck yeahs!"

I laugh, giving them both kisses on the cheek. "It's time, I believe."

Desa places the whole ice cream cone in her mouth, sucking the excess off of her fingers as she nods. "Let's go Aly."

As we step into the elevator, my heart begins to thump against my chest.

Desa glances at me, a smile forming on her lips. "No worries, babe."

I nod at her, returning her small smile.

The doors open, and a limo sits right before us. Felix and Ares stand there, their eyes widening.

"Wow!" Feliz announces, offering his hand to help me.

I take it gracefully, a small blush forming on my cheeks. "Thank you," I mumble.

"You look great, Your majesty." Ares smiles, a dimple forming in his cheek.

Then, I feel a slight buzz. A pulsating beat that flowed through me, and then past me as it leads somewhere else.

I glance up, my jaw almost going slack at the sight in front of me.

Hades walks forward, probably a little quicker than I imagined because currently, everything was going in slow motion.

A piece of his hair hung over his blue eyes, that were shining so bright it was a sin that he was considered the most evil. The designs on his skin poked out from underneath his suit top, trailing down his neck and disappearing under the collar. A black suit jacket covered the top, tight enough to outline the muscles in his arms. I continue my observation, my eyes dropping down to his legs and his shiny black shoes.

He lifts his hand. A strong, muscular, sexy hand that had a golden band around the ring finger.

As my gaze returns back to his face, over his plump pink lips to his eyes, I notice they are just now returning to my face, and his once bright eyes were now darkening.

"My Queen," his accent bleeds through a little more than normal, smooth like honey and husky, as if a million thoughts were rushing through his head. And not the innocent kind.

He takes my hand, brushing his lips over the top of it.

He still manages to take my breath away, no matter how many times I see him.

He pulls me to him gently, his voice lowering. "You are truly an angel," his eyes travel all over my face, "I wish I could say more, but we would never leave the penthouse if I continued to explain how your beauty begins to make me feel."

I take a deep breath, getting lost in his ever-changing eyes. "You look.." I pause, my voice coming out breathless, "absolutely delicious."

And he did, from his head to his feet. And I couldn't wait to tase him again.

He must've caught on to the last part of my thoughts because his grip on me tightens slightly, his eyes almost going completely black.

"We should go," he says tightly, as if restraining himself.

I nod, looking back to say goodbye to my friends. But they were already gone, and it was only us who lingered.

The driver stops the car in front of a bright restaurant called La Boucherie, before getting out the car to open Hades' door.

I wait as Hades walks over to my side, opening the door and helping me out.

I thank him before looking up at the place in awe, my eyes widening. "Woah,"

Hades chuckles, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Shall we?"

A man opens the door for us, greeting Hades quietly.

As we walk in, the first thing I noticed was the clear class wall. It gave view to the bustling city beneath, and the bright assortments of light that covered it.

"Right this way, sir." The hostess leads us to a more secluded area, that was even nicer than the other area. Chandeliers hung over the tables, but were dimmed slightly for those who wanted to enjoy the outside view.

Hades pulls out my chair, seating me before sitting across from me.

"Hello, my name is Cassandra and I will be your waitress for the night. Any drinks to begin your evening?" She says sweetly, too sweetly. Her eyes linger on Hades, but his eyes remain on me.

"What would you like, my love?"

I clear my throat, diverting her attention to me. "Just a water please." I glance back at Hades, who sends me a small wink.

The area between my legs awaken, manipulated by the sexy man in front of me.

"Actually, give me your best wine."

Hades chuckles gently, grabbing my hand to press a soft kiss against it. "I'll have what she's having."

The waitress nods, leaning over Hades to place a menu on the table before dumping mine on the table less graciously.

I scowl, narrowing my eyes at her back as she walks away.

I'm brought back to reality as slow circles begin on my knee, up and down. I snap my eyes to his, to see a mischievous, lustrous look in his eyes.

A few women who were at tables with men I presumed were their partners unashamedly stared at Hades, the hunger in their eyes sickening.

"No one can seem to keep their eyes off of you, I suppose you have the same affect on them as you do on me." I smile at him, my eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

"I could say the same about you. The men in here are drooling over someone they cannot have." His intense stare penetrates deep into me, tying my soul into knots that would take year to come undone. His hand rests on my knee, making me tense as it slowly travels upward.

Thank god it wasn't skin to skin. I'd burst.

"Here you go! Are you guys ready to order?"

I barely recognize her words, my gaze lingering on Hades. His stare pierces mine, and I could feel warmth pool into my lower belly.

His nostrils flare as he clenches his jaw, and without a glance her way, he says "Check please."

I swallow, my mouth becoming dry instantly.

I was hungry, so damn hungry. But not for food.

The tension was so strong, I was convinced that everyone within a close proximity of us was in so deep they didn't even notice.

"Um, alright." She says, her voice choked as she returns quickly.

I moan as he pushes me up against the penthouse door, his hands taking their place on my ass.

I dig my fingers into his hair, tugging on it roughly as he places his mouth over mine, groaning in pleasure.

Our tongues collide, and I begin to wish more than ever that our clothes would just disappear in order for him to have his way with me.

Suddenly, a loud ringing noise pierces through the passionate atmosphere, and it takes me a few moments to realize it was a phone.

But, we pay it no mind. I work to unbutton his shirt, pushing it off of him along with his jacket. My hands immediately dive towards his abs, feeling them beneath my palms.

He groans against my mouth, squeezing my behind with his large hands.

Another ring cuts into the air, now nonstop.

I slowly pull away from him, breathless and panting.

"You should probably answer that, or they'll never stop."

He shakes his head, his eyes completely black. "Ignore it."

He leans in to place his lips on mine once more, but we're soon stopped by another ring.

I sigh, placing my hands on his chest. "Go ahead. I should probably get out of this dress anyway, it's unhealthy to be breathing this hard." I attempt to joke, only to hide the disappointment beneath.

He clenches his jaw, nodding once.

I turn, pointing to the zipper. "Unzip me, please."

He obliges, unzipping slowly. Goosebumps rise on my skin as his fingers slide across my back gently, and I feel him step closer.

The phone goes off again and I hold in a sigh, pulling away. "Thank you. Now answer. I'll be in the room."

I press a soft kiss to his cheek before scuttling away, mindful of the gaze that pierced my back.

Once in the room, I slide the dress off gently before laying it back on the bed. I remove the scrappy heels, along with my undergarments before walking into the bathroom.

I stare at myself in the mirror, the dark lines on my skin fading. I shrug at myself before washing the makeup off of my face, and letting my hair down before stepping into the shower.

The hot water works to release the tension in my muscles and I close my eyes, letting it wash over my hair before grabbing the shampoo. I place a small amount into my hand, rubbing it into my scalp before rinsing.

Cool air rushes into the room, and goosebumps automatically rise on my skin.

I pay it no mind until the glass doors of the shower slides open, and hands grab onto my waist.

Tingles spread throughout my body and I hum, grabbing the conditioner, squeezing a whole bunch into my hand and placing it in my hair.

I turn, looking up at Hades. The look on his face knocks the air out of me, his large figure towering over me.

"U-um, w-what happened on the phone?" I manage to get out as his eyes trail down my body as he takes his bottom lip into his mouth.

I almost moan, and I can feel my nipples harden under his gaze.

He takes a step closer to me, but I step back. His eyes flick up to mine as a spark goes through them, like a wolf recognizing its prey as a challenge.

Swiftly, he pushes me against the shower wall, pinning my hands above my head. "I'm the King. What do you think happened on the phone?" His voice was husky, and full of need.

I'm rendered breathless as he lifts me, forcing me to wrap my legs around him.

He slams his lips to mine, a desperate feel to this kiss. I moan as his erection presses into me and I gravitate my hips near it, wanting to feel some friction.

He growls, biting my lip into his mouth roughly before sucking away the sting.

I moan, "Hades, please."

He pulls away, ignoring my words as he kisses down my neck, biting and sucking on his way down. He releases my wrists, instead grabbing ahold of my hips as he lifts me higher to gain access to my breasts. 

His tongue flicks out over my left nipple and I buck my hips against his body, biting my lip to prevent me from crying out. The sensitivity in my body was at high levels, and anything he did to me would easily make me come undone.

He works on me slowly, moving to my right nipple. He bites it, tugging on it with his teeth.

I cry out, my legs tightening around his body as my head falls back.

A small growl leaves his mouth and before I could understand what was happening,Hades grabs my legs and places them over his arms before thrusting into me roughly.

I gasp, my eyes almost rolling to the back of my head as my body welcomes his size, adjusting to it.

He stills for a moment, letting out a groan. "You feel so good."

I'm still trying to regain my breathing when he thrusts again, this time not stopping. He pushes into me roughly, before pulling out slowly, to the tip before slamming back into me.

My mouth falls open, loud moans leaving me, echoing against the bathroom walls.

He grips my hips, his thrusts becoming faster. Our skin slaps against each other roughly and he reaches up, grabbing my jaw as he slams into me.

My muscles clench, and I feel myself tighten around him. Waves and waves of endless pleasure hit me, and I dig my nails into my palm, forcing my fist against my mouth.

"Look at me," he growls, his voice sounding animalistic.

His dark stare holds me in place as an orgasm rushes over me, causing my eyes to water.

He reaches down, his fingers finding my clit as he rubs in slow circles, and I come undone again, my back arching off of the shower wall.

Orgasm after orgasm hits me as he continues his relentless thrusting, his jaw clenched tightly.

I whimper, feeling another orgasm building. I reach down, attempting to pull his hand away from my sensitive bud but he presses against me, locking my hand between our bodies.

"Hades," I cry out, my legs going numb as another wave rocks through me.

I struggle to breathe as black dots show in my vision and Hades groans loudly, bursting inside me.

My arms go limp, resting lazily on his shoulders. We both pant, attempting to catch our breaths.

"Let's get you cleaned up," he says softly, lifting me bridal style into his arms. He switches the shower to a bath and he waits as the water flows in before setting me in the warm water gently, and sliding in behind me.

He washes me, making sure to be gentle. Soon, we're both out of the water and laying in the bed.

I turn around to face him, wrapping my leg around his waist.

"More?" He chuckles, his hand reaching out to pull me to him.

I trail my hands down his abs, under the sheet. "It's been three weeks. I think I deserve a little more." I kiss his chest before sitting up, licking down his body.

He groans, "You're insatiable."

This chapter is longer than my usual chapters, even though I tried to cut it down! I hope y'all still enjoy! Love you all, and thank you so much for following along on this story!


Xoxo, AuralKill💜✍🏽

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