A Home Filled With Love

By hopefulljules16

53.5K 1.5K 307

16-year-old Kai Valentine was born with a stutter and left in an abusive household. He has major trust issues... More

Chapter 1 - A New Start
Chapter 3 - A Safe Home?
Chapter 4 - Meeting the Family
Chapter 5 - Flashback Feelings
Chapter 6 - The Talk and The Scare
Chapter 7 - Part Two of The Talk and The Scare
Chapter 8 - The Hotel
Author's Note

Chapter 2 - Finally Leaving the Hospital

6.6K 180 12
By hopefulljules16

The doctor comes in looking at his board and when he looks up and sees me awake, he smiles nice and big. "Well, hello Kai. I'm glad you're awake. My name is Doctor Anderson and I will be the one looking after you, has Mr. Black said anything to do with why you are here?" Doctor Anderson says as he checks all of the machines around me, and weirdly I get nervous when Nathaniel leaves my side but I ignore it.

"U-um, I think h-h-he was g-going to a-a-after you l-leave..." I look to Nathaniel for reassurance and when nods and smiles, I can't help but smile back at him. "Ok, while I'll give you the sugar coating of why you're here and Mr. Black can tell you the rest. Is that ok with you Mr. Black?" the doctor asks, Nathaniel nods in agreement. "Ok good, good. So yesterday evening you were brought in with serious injuries ranging from broken bones to temporary paralysis in both legs that was due to the damage done by your father." I can feel the blood running from my face as soon as he says paralysis and I can feel the panic slowly swallowing me whole.

My chest feels tight and my breathing is erratic, it feels as though the world is spinning. "Kai, little one look at me and breath. You are fine, you are with us. You are safe and you are not going back to that evil man." I can just barely hear Nathaniel through the sound of blood rushing through my ears.

When I don't look at him after he said to, he slowly reaches his hands over so that I know what he is doing. His hands reach both my ears and cover them and he leans over me with his chest pressed against mine. For some reason, I slowly start to follow the rhythm of his breathing and chest movements.

"There you go little one, just continue doing that until you are comfortable." Nathaniel whispers in my ear after slowly removing his hand from it. I finally look at him and I see that he has a gentle grin on his face with a very gentle look on his face. "Hello little one, are you ok?" He whispers quietly to me. I quickly but gently nod my head and make a little smile at him. He nods back with a smile and sits back down in the chair by the bed.

"He is good now Doctor but I would appreciate if you don't bring up a certain someone" Nathaniel said to the doctor with a stern expression but when he turned back to me he had that gentle look and smile to his face. "Hey darling, you good snookums?" Bailey all of a sudden says. With his sudden words I flinch away in fright but I do look back at him to nod my head. Instead of doing that, I change my mind because he looks so sad. I guess it made him feel bad that he made me flinch.

"S-sorry Ba-Bailey, I'm o-ok though. T-T-Thank you." I stutter out and hesitantly reach my hand out to hold his like before. He doesn't hesitate to take a hold of my hand with a big smile and nod in my direction. I finally gain enough courage to look back at the doctor and he has a gentle look on his face.

"I'm sorry Kai, I did not mean to frighten you or make you upset. Would I be able to continue on about what is wrong and what we can do to fix this?" The doctor said with a gentle voice as he slowly crept towards the foot side of the bed. I nod in agreement and quickly squeeze both Nathaniels and Bailey's hand in comfort, they gently return the squeeze back with smiles.

"Ok, when you arrived here at the hospital you had internal bleedings around the abdominal area, the bruises around your body range from old to brand new. We patched up the internal bleeding in the emergency surgery we had to do to because your body wasn't responding to anything we did. The bruises and the third-degree burns which were the result of boiling water being poured over you were gently wrapped after the surgery. Now the one I was most worried about is the fracture done to your spine, which has resulted in temporary paralysis. When you were asleep we did some bodywork outside with your lower half to see the damage, you still have some control but for the most part, you are paralyzed. Do any of you have questions?" The doctor asks after giving me the whole rundown of what is wrong with me. I shake my head but I do have a million questions.

When I don't speak the doctor looks over to Nathaniel and then Bailey, "Do you have any Mr. Black?"."I do actually, when will we be able to take Kai home, how will he be able to move around the home and is there any meds Kai will need to take?" Nathaniel asks all the main questions I wanted to ask but was way too scared to do so. "Kai should be able to leave later on today, I want to do a little more tests and then he is good to go. We will lend you a wheelchair and crutches to use when he starts to walk again, he'll have to go to physiotherapy for help with that. I will write you up a list of meds he will need and prescription of other ones he will need." The doctor tells Nathaniel everything that needs and will be done.

"Ok doctor, thank you. I think that is all the questions we have." Nathaniel says. Finally, the doctor leaves after Bailey asks if he could give me some pain meds and I slowly nuzzle closer to Bailey and the meds bring me under.


The next time I wake up which feels like a lifetime away, I can still feel the warmth of Bailey but this time it's like I'm surrounded by it. When I open my eyes all I can see is Bailey's face, I slowly lean away from him to see how it is possible that I can see his whole face. Well... it looks like Bailey had crawled into bed with me because he is literally curled around me.

I wonder if Nathaniel is in here with us too, with that thought I slowly turn my head around to look behind Bailey and I. Nathaniel is indeed in fact in the room with us but he doesn't look as comfy as Bailey does though. He is sleeping slouched over in the hard and uncomfortable hospital chairs, his head is bent in that angle that you know he'll have a kink in his neck.

I am so confused though, why are these people helping me? Why are they trying to get close to me? WHY AM I LETTING THEM CLOSE TO ME??? I don't think I have ever felt so comfortable with other people as I do with them, it makes me a little scared and nervous because they might use that against me... I'm scared.

I must've been some deep in thought because I jumped pretty hard enough to wake Bailey from his peaceful slumber when the doctor walked in and started talking. "Oh, I'm sorry Kai. I did not mean to frighten you. I was just coming in to check up on you but it seems like you are already awake, while you were asleep we did the mandatory tests and everything came back positive. You are perfectly healthy, though a little underweight, you can go home with a wheelchair and crutches, along with a healthy eating regime and some pills you will need to take. Does any of that not make sense?"

"I-I think, d-d-does N-Nathaniel and Bailey know?" I asked about Bailey even though I was well aware of him being awake and listening in to the conversation which is perfectly fine. "Yes they both know already, they were both awake during your tests to keep an eye on you. Now, if you wish to leave soon I have already signed you out, all you have to do in wake up Mr. Black and be off. It was nice to meet you but I hope I never see you again under these circumstances. Have a lovely day." With that, my doctor walked out of the room with one last smile.

"I'll get sleeping beauty up for us, you stay here darling." Bailey says as he crawls out of bed sleepily. I watch as the most mischievous look comes over Bailey's face and I start to giggle quietly. Just when I thought Bailey was going to tap his shoulder, he pounces right in Nathaniel's lap. All I hear before I start to giggle hysterically even though it hurts is Nathaniel's loud groan and Bailey's evil laughter.

"Goddammit Bailey... why didn't you just shake me awake?" Nathaniel asks breathlessly while gently pushing the laughing boy off of him. Bailey tries to answer but he can't get anything out with his laughter, meanwhile Nathaniel sees that I'm giggling too. "So mister... I see that you were in this little planning. What would you do if I tickled you as punishment?" He asks while he creeps towards with his hands held out in the tickling fashion. "N-N-No thank y-you... I d-didn't know that he was g-g-going to do that" I stutter and slowly move away on the bed. "Ok little one, it's ok I was only joking, my darling" he said as he smiles and lean forward and placed both his hands on my face and kissed my forehead.

Soon after Nathaniel sent Bailey who was still giggling to get the wheelchair that I'll be using until I'm healthy enough to walk with the crutches, which were already given to us earlier. When Bailey got back, Nathaniel helped me get into the wheelchair and although I was quite nervous at first with touching me. We slowly made it to the hospital parkade and into the car with hesitance. I mean seriously, I know they were suppose to be helping me and I felt safe doesn't mean that they won't try anything.

Bailey had gotten into the back of the car with me to keep me company as Nathaniel said he has to make stops for meds and food, he told me that if I get tired to rest. So to be perfectly honest with you that is what I did when Nathaniel started driving and turned on the music softly, didn't help that Bailey was playing with my hair.

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