Unexpected Lycan Book 1

By SandraWooley

293K 16.2K 598

Alexandra Rodgers has been through 2 failed marriages and the death of her grandmother. She moves to Milford... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

chapter 13

7.4K 416 28
By SandraWooley

Alex walked in the kitchen with her 'shadow' behind her. It had been a month and she was starting to get used to him. "Good morning guys! Marcus take a seat and I'll get us some coffee."

"You seem chipper this morning." Owen smiled.

"Feel great. Slept like a baby last night. Marcus how do you take your coffee?"

"Black is fine Luna."

She got their coffees and sat down at the table. Alex narrowed her eyes and looked at each of them. "Okay, I want some answers. First, why does everyone call me Luna? Second, what's the deal with Trevor, that mansion and all those people there? Third, why do I need a guard?"

They all looked at each other nervously. Just as Alex was about to have a hissy fit, as Gran used to say, Shirley spoke up. " I'm afraid we can not answer your questions. You will have to talk to Alpha Trevor."

"What do you mean?! I don't want to talk to that ass! Ok...ok...here's what's gonna happen. If you don't answer me, the shadow over here is leaving and you're both fired!"

"I'm sorry Luna. Unless we get the Alpha's permission, we can not discuss it with you and I'm not leaving." Marcus spoke up.

Shirley placed the plates on the table and Sammy walked in. He went over to Marcus with his tail wagging and sat beside him. "You too Sammy! Traitor!"

"Alex dear, eat your breakfast and I'll speak to the Alpha." Shirley smiled.

After a few bites Alex sat her fork down. "Why does everyone call him Alpha? Is he part dog or something?" Marcus choked on his coffee.

"Certainly not! Alpha means leader." Owen exclaimed.

"Are you guys some kind of cult or something?" Alex asked with one eye squinted.

"Alex, please stop with your questions. We will talk to the Alpha and see what we are allowed to tell you. But you must understand, he will probably not allow it. He wanted to be the one to tell you." Shirley gave her a pleading look.

"Fine...for now"

Marcus excused himself and walked outside.


It had been a month and Alex is still refusing to talk to me. I'm going to have to just go over there and make her listen. Just as I stood to leave the office, the phone rang.


"Alpha, its Marcus. I really think you need to come over here. Luna is asking a lot of questions about Alphas, Luna's and the pack."

"What did you tell her?"

"Nothing. We told her she had to ask you and she got mad. Shirley told her we would ask you what we could tell her and she threatened to kick me out and fire Shirley and Owen."

"I'll be right over. Thank you for calling Marcus. By the way,why didn't you mind link me instead of call?"

With a deep sigh, Marcus replied, "Because Alpha, when I mind link and she sees me, she starts hitting me on the back and asks if I'm epileptic."

Trevor laughed til he had tears. Marcus hung up.


I was sitting on the swing, drinking my coffee, when I heard the boat approaching. "Marcus you traitor! You called him, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry Luna but he is the only one that can answer your questions." Marcus shrugged.

"Fine! I'll ask the questions, he will answer and then leave!"

Marcus chuckled and walked toward the dock, where Trevor was tying the boat off.

"Marcus, take the boat back to the pack house and relax a while. I'll call you when I'm done."

Marcus laughed and got in the boat. "She's not going to like that, good luck Alpha."

Alex saw them laughing and talking by the boat and then Marcus got in and left. Alex ran down the steps. "What the hell! Marcus you come back here! ARGHH!"

Trevor walked slowly over to her, Alex had to admit that he looked good. He was wearing a muscle shirt, shorts and sandals. She shook the thoughts away and reminded herself that he is a cheater.

"Good morning Alex, I hear you're causing trouble."

"You listen here Bud, all I want are answers. You answer my questions then you leave. Got it?!"

Trevor laughed, "That is what I love about you, your fiery spirit."

Alex turned and stomped back up the porch steps with her arms crossed. Trevor, still laughing, followed her into the house.

Alex led him to the living room and pointed to the couch. "Sit!" He looked at her, shook his head and sat down.

"Okay I want answers..." Trevor held up his hand to interrupted her. "Alex I will answer your questions after we have a little talk first."

"No way Jose!"

"Fine. I'll be leaving now." He stood, walking towards the door.

"Wait! What do you want to talk about?"

He turned and walked back with a sad look in his eyes. "Why did you become angry and leave?"

"You know why! You cheater! Did you really expect me to stay when you made a fool of me and probably hurt your girlfriend!"

"I don't have a girlfriend! where did you get such a crazy idea?" He stared at her wide eyed.

"Then please explain to me why you had women's toiletries, makeup and perfume in your bathroom?!"

Trevor started to laugh. "Stop laughing this is not funny!"

"But it is Alex." He walked forward with a smile and took her by the shoulders. "I bought them for you. I thought when you woke up you might need them." He had a huge grin on his face.

"So your saying there is no one else in your life?" She asked quietly.

He pulled her in for a hug. "You are the only one I want Alex. There is no one else in my life." Trevor kissed the top of her head.

"I feel like an idiot. I was sure you had a girlfriend and you were trying to cheat on her." Alex took a deep breath and looked up at him. "I'm sorry"

"It's ok. Are you done being mad at me?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Now! Question and answer time." Trevor took her hand and led her to the couch.

"First, I need to know what you remember about the night you collapsed."

"Well..hmm...I went to Adrian's house for drinks and then this creepy guy showed up. I remember Adrian was really mad that this guy was there. They walked away to talk. Adrian came back and took my hands and that's it. I don't know why I fainted." Alex shrugged and looked up at Trevor. The bastard enthralled her! Trevor was livid. "I did have some pretty crazy dreams though."

"Dreams? What happened in those dreams?"

"I know this is gonna sound crazy." he motioned for her to continue. Alex took a deep breath. "Ok, first of all, don't think I'm crazy?" Trevor nodded."I dreamed that Adrian had fangs and there was blood on his lips. Then there was this huge and I mean HUGE wolf, standing over Adrian with his teeth around his neck. I remember I was terrified that it would eat me next."

Trevor was stunned. She thinks it was all a dream. How am I going to explain this! Crap, Crap double Crap! Ok, calm down you can do this! " When did you have this dream?"

"Hmm...I just remember the dream and then darkness. Then I woke up in your house." Alex didn't tell him about the voice in the dark. She felt a need to keep it secret.

Trevor knew he had to approach this carefully. "What if I told you it wasn't a dream?"

Alex started laughing. Then she saw the serious look on his face. "You're kidding right?"

"Alex I want you to listen to me and don't interrupt." Alex nodded. "Ok. Have you looked at the scar on your neck?" Alex frowned. "No. What scar?" Trevor took her hand and placed it on her neck where the bite marks were. "Do you feel those?" She nodded. "That is where Adrian drank from you." He waited for a reaction but she just stared at him wide-eyed. "What you saw was not a dream. I was the one that took Adrian down."

Alex got up from the couch and started pacing, shaking her head from side to side. "No...no...no. That's not possible!" Trevor went to her and grabbed her arms to stop her pacing.

"Alex, look at me." She continued to shake her head, looking at the floor. He shook her,"Alex! Look. At. Me!" She slowly lifted her head to look at him. "Know this now, I would never lie to you. What happened was real." Trevor took a deep breath and decided he would jump right in. "I was that wolf! All of us here are wolves. Well, except Adrian he is a Vampire. I need you to accept this fact so we can move on. Okay?"

Alex was beginning to shake. Trevor led her to the couch and sat her down. "I need a drink. Something really strong." Trevor left and went to find Shirley. This can't be real. It was just a dream. Things like that aren't real. Proof! If it's real he's going to have to prove it! Alex was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't realize that he had returned, until she felt the glass being pushed into her hands. She looked up at him and with shaky hands, lifted the glass to her mouth. Alex took a big gulp of the fiery liquid and shook her head as it went down. A couple more drinks and she finished the glass. She could feel the warmth start to spread over her. After a deep breath she finally felt that she could speak. "Proof."


"Yes. I want you to prove to me that it was real and not a dream."

Trevor stood and sighed, "Fine. But you have to promise me that you will not freak out and take off." Alex nodded. Trevor started to remove his clothes.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Alex if I'm going to shift into my wolf, I can't do it with my clothes on. If it bothers you just keep your eyes focused on my face."

Trevor undressed and Alex couldn't stop herself from looking down. Oh my goodness! Can you say Greek God! Stop it Alex! Just look at his face. Alex looked back up at his face and he was looking at her with a smirk. "See something you like?" Alex could feel her face heat up. "What? No! Just finish your wolfy thing!" She waved her hand at him to go on. Trevor started to shake, bones snapping and reforming, black hair rising from his pores. Then his face began to elongate and his ears moved to the top of his head. Seconds later there stood the wolf from her dream with glistening black fur. Alex stood up and began to back away. "Waya". Trevor moved toward her slowly with his head slightly down, to show her he meant no harm. "Okay...nice wolfy. You can stop right there." Trevor stopped and looked at her with his head cocked to the side. He sat down, tail wagging, waiting for her to proceed.

Alex closed her eyes and sighed. She looked back at him, "Alright, this is what we're going to do. When I ask you a question, nod your head for yes and a shake for no. Got it?" He gave her a nod.

"Are you going to hurt me?" Shake.

"Are you really Trevor? " nod.

"Can all of you do this?" She gestured at him. Nod.

"OMG! I haven't passed out and started dreaming again!?" Alex pinched her herself, hard. "Ouch!" Trevor yipped and sat looking at her with his tongue hanging out. "Are you laughing at me?!" Nod.

"If I walk over and touch you are you going to bite me?" Shake. He sat very still and watched as she hesitantly approached. Alex closed her eyes and reached forward and touched his head. His fur was silky soft. She opened her eyes. "Amazing. You are so soft. So do I pet you like a dog? What I mean is Sammy likes it when I scratch his ears." Nod. As she rubbed his head and with the other hand scratch his ear, Trevor closed his eyes and purred. Alex laughed, "You sound like a cat!" He gave a low growl and shifted. "I am not a cat!" He pulled her into his arms and gave her a heart stopping kiss. Max was yipping and howling in his head.

Alex felt the tingles spread from her lips all through her body. She realized what she was doing and pushed him back. "What are you doing? I hardly know you!"

Trevor smiled at her. "You are my mate and I have the right to kiss you anytime I want to."

Now she was mad! "Listen buster! No one does anything to me that I don't give permission to!"

Trevor frowned and pulled her to him. "You are MINE! My MATE!" He could feel Max pushing forward and nuzzled into her hair, breathing in her scent to calm himself. Trevor was puzzled, her scent had changed. He could still smell honeysuckle and vanilla, but something was missing. Oh God! She no longer smells human!

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