Book of shadows

By Antiherowitch

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I'm a new witch, early in my ways. This is my diary, my book of shadows. I take spells I find and put them in... More

Rule 1st darling
It is always in you
Types of Witches
Witches Runes
Lesson for all
Summoning Ancestors
Protection Spells/Sigils
Reading tea leaves/coffee grounds
Witches Call
Your Place
Healing Spells
Healing Herb/Flowers
Candles Meaning
Moon Energy
Crystals healing/meaning
Types of Water
Birds Meaning
Witch Trials
Messages to fellow Witches
More Messages.
Karma Spell
Dont judge another witch
B.O.S not only....
Music and Spells
Love spells
Emotions and Revenge
Month of your birth
Respect the B.O.S
Witchy Trend-For Fun
Oujia Board Renewed.


181 3 1
By Antiherowitch

Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These are the elements.

Your date of birth has a influence of what element is yours but that doesn't mean the others don't belong to you as well. For example: I am a earth element  child but I have characteristics of water in me. I can handle earth and water. You can handle both.

These are what characteristics the element holders have whether they are good or bad these are them.

Beyond this line are not my words they are from a website. But I can't find it to tell you the website I accidentally deleted it on my notes and their is no crap go back button so crap.

These will tell you way better then I ever could the characteristics the elements have.

Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

Water people are emotional, intuitive, deeply creative, empathetic, spiritual and psychic.

Water allows people to emotionally connect with others. And yet, water people are so sensitive that they often have a hard time unplugging from life's chaos. Consequently, many water people suffer from addiction as they grapple for distraction from life's pain. Thus, water people tend to be secretive and private.

It is important then, for water people to learn how to hone emotions through meditation and see the value in water. Water is real. Water makes us vulnerable and it makes us human. It connects us with spirit and with soul. If you want to achieve a happy, balanced, and beautiful life... you need water.

The water person is:
Authentic: What they feel is real.
Intuitive: They know what they can trust and can't trust.
Reclusive: Sometimes a recluse.
Unsocial: Water people can struggle to socially interact
Sensitive: They have a deep level of sensitivity
Imaginative: They possess a rich imagination
Loving: They care and connect with others

Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Air people are brilliant, curious, independent, talkative (they literally fill the air with words), observant, and entertaining, but they are also impractical and restless. Air people are intellectuals always on a quest for new information.

And while air people have an enormous propensity to develop new ideas and tell stories (they are perhaps the best storytellers), they have a hard time truly connecting emotionally to others, even though they want nothing more than to be completely understood. It's crucial, then, for air people to learn how to give weight to their words and tap into the earth and be grounded.

The Air Person is:
Fast: They like to get things done quickly.
Intellectual: They have a huge appetite for information.
Communicators: They have a gift for teaching.
Connectors: Air people are great at relationships.
Fickle: Prone to changing their mind.
Disjointed: Confused about what they want in life.
Non Conformists: They make up their own style and rhythm

Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Earth people are grounded, practical, disciplined and focused. They like instruction, rules, and results combined with dependable routine. They are also super organized and clean. In short, earth people are such perfectionists, they are always ready to take on any job or task themselves just to ensure it's done properly. Even then, earth people don't feel like they—or anything they do—is ever good enough.
While earth people have few friends, they are unwaveringly loyal to those they do have. Earth people are very monogamous when it comes to relationships. They refuse to engage in idle chitchat, and above all, earth people are deeply connected—as you might have guessed—to the earth.

The Earth person is:
Practical: They are grounded, they want results.
Organised: They like checklists.
Leaders: They have a specific style and don't understand people that do things differently.
Judgemental: If you are not like them they think you have a problem.
Control: They like things to be done their way.
Solid: They will always get the job done.
Loyal: When they love you they really love you.

Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Fire people are enthusiastic, impulsive, inspirational, humorous, dramatic and fun. They are natural performers. While fire people easily swing from one extreme to the other, it is important to remember that fire people speak and act straight from the heart. They deliver everything with passion.
And yet, fire people easily grow self-conscious when they speak before thinking (which happens fairly often).

So, it is dire for fire people to learn to communicate that they are merely being pushy out of a desire to help. The fire person's challenge is to learn to tame the "fiery beast" inside and create balance by drawing from the three other elements: water, earth and air.

The fire person is:
Expressive: They love to express themselves.
Fun: They are the party lovers, the ones who want the music cranked up.
Edgy: The can be blunt.
Open: They say what others are thinking.

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