JJba: the journey to you

By -Taika-

8.3K 143 86

Y/n, the girlfriend of a young man called Giorno Giovanna, and a stand user. What happens when she encounters... More

The beginning
Memories of the past
A new acquaintance
Full of surprises
Stand info
An angry eel and...slime everywhere!
Unleashed anger
All it takes is one bad day...
Regret and the robber
The sun is shining but...It's a terrible day for rain...
Uncertain destination
Bizarre enemies and genuine feelings
Bonus: a character sheet
Back home
Thank you!

Back together

403 4 2
By -Taika-

Third person view~
Giorno's pov~

Around 8 and a half hours ago~

It was safe to say Giorno won easily, and rekt them all. There was only one teeny tiny problem left. Y/n was nowhere to be seen. Even though Giorno absolutely destroyed the men, Y/n didn't appear randomly in the restaurant, after the stand users "died". And Giorno was panicking. Her jacket and phone were left hanging from the chair, and thus she didn't have any way to contact them. She would if she somehow got her hands on a phone, but you see, Y/n was shit at remembering phone numbers. Giorno knew she couldn't help herself, and to be honest Giorno didn't care. It wasn't that big of a deal. But Giorno did admit it would have been awfully helpful if Y/n could just call Giorno, but she couldn't.

And now that Giorno was back at the gang house and had told about the disaster, Mista, Fugo and Focaccia were panicking as well. They really liked Y/n after all. That panicking would have been enough, but Fugo was about to go full Purple haze distortion on the city. And that was not okay, no matter how worried Giorno was.

They went and tried to find Cannolo Murolo and get some information out of him. But somehow that turned out to be a wild goose chase. You see, Cannolo is a very paranoid man. Some strange occurrences with probable stand users had happened, and that piece of shit just decided to book it. Nobody knew where he was, and there was no one trustworthy enough Giorno could ask for help. Cannolo might be a piece of shit, but at least he was loyal, and thus trustworthy.


When no other option seemed to be available, they went and looked for her in hopes she was somewhere close, and actually alive, not dead. But surprise, they didn't find her. They tried looking everywhere, but nothing. And now, only couple hours they just sat in their gang house, deafening silence surrounding them as they sat and tried to find a solution. Giorno wouldn't forgive himself if Y/n died. No, that was not an option. With some new found determination Giorno stood up, drawing everyone's attention.

"I won't give up. I'll go and look more." Giorno exclaimed, determined but tired. His ((a/n) on fleek, don't @ me) eyebrows were furrowed in worry. Mista, Fugo and Focaccia looked at each other, and then back at Giorno.

"I know you're worried Giorno, I'm too, but I think we would have found her already if she was near by and not somewhere we can't reach. I think we should wait and see, if she's able to get back on her own. There's no way we'll find her by ourselves if there's no clues. Also, we can't ask the gang foe help. What if they take advantage of it somehow. They're not that trustworthy." Fugo noted, not leaving any plot holes, and looked away. Giorno sighed deeply, and looked out of the window.

"I'm still going to go and look. I'll take my phone with me if anything happens." Giorno said and disappeared outside. This would be a long day.

"Please be okay." Giorno thought, as he hurried off.


Y/n's pov~

(back in the present)

It had been many hours already since Y/n had boarded the plane, and so far everything was fine. The plane was full, so Y/n didn't have the luxury of being alone, but she managed. She didn't have annoying people sitting next to her per say, but she preferred to sit alone, unless it was an acquaintance of course. She looked out of the small window from her window seat as the scenery slowly changed to her familiar home country. She had to call Giorno as soon as possible. Giorno wasn't the type to break under pressure, but he must be worried.

The seemingly endless hours passed by as Y/n longingly waited for the airplane to land. Soon (after 8 motherf*cking hours) the plane landed, and Y/n hurried off. The cool night air hit her face pleasantly as she stepped out of the airport doors, and she smiled.

It wouldn't be long before Giorno and her were reunited. Hastily she continued her long journey back. But just as she was about to arrive to her home street, she saw a familiar figure standing not far from her in a clean black suit with his usual accessories.

"Giorno?" She called out, and the figure whirled around to look her way.

"Y/n! I'm so glad you're alright!...and I'm sorry I couldn't save you." Giorno exclaimed as he came over to Y/n and wrapped her in a warm hug. Y/n hugged him back happily, and muffled the usual "Don't worry, it wasn't your fault" against his chest.

Giorno chuckled softly, and pulled away from her with a warm smile, his eyes glinting with warmth and affection.
"You don't even know how much I missed you. I was really worried, Mista, Fugo and Focaccia were too." He told Y/n sheepishly. "He really has grown soft" thought Y/n as she laughed.

"Then I guess we should head back and go reveal that I'm not dead." Y/n said and grinned, already continuing towards the gang house. She really was childish for a 20 year old woman. Although the same could be said about his team as a whole.

"Yeah, it's really late though, so let's make it quick. I'm really tired to be honest." Giorno admitted tiredly, walking after her. All the stress had washed away, leaving only tiredness behind.


As they got inside, the guys were still awake, playing card games. Based on their expressions, Fugo was winning (obviously). They heard us come in, and their eyes widened in surprise when they saw Y/n. She did the good old jazz hands as she walked in, grinning like she always did. Then her smile was replaced with a frown, as she looked at her team.

"I'm really sorry that I worried you guys. I was teleported all the way to France, and I had to find a way back. I would have called, if I remembered phone numbers. Sorry I have so bad memory." She continued apologizing continuously.

"Holy shit, France?!" Focaccia yelled, and Mista spat out the drink he was drinking. Giorno looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Yeah! I met this guy and he helped me get here, when I helped him." Y/n explained the young men tiredly. It had been a really long day, and Y/n couldn't sleep in planes.

"It's fine Y/n, although, don't you remember your own number?" Fugo asked, as he gathered the cards they had been playing with previously.

"That's true... damn I didn't think of that!" Y/n facepalmed and groaned in frustration.

"Well at least you're here now!" said Focaccia with his usual cheeriness.

"True." Mista said simply in agreement.

"It was pretty eventful and I had to fight couple of stand users, but I would actually say it was worth it. The guy who helped me -Jordan, by the way- was pretty nice." She told them, and they just nodded. Giorno had stayed quiet the whole time, and he didn't seem to like the mention of Jordan.

"Calm down Gio honey, he's only a friend." Y/n said and laughed, when Giorno's eyes widened in surprise thanks to the nickname and 'honey'. They never really said mushy stuff to each other like that.

Giorno just let out an uncharacteristic grunt and turned away, a bit embarrassed. They were acting like teenagers all over again; did the day they were apart affect them that much? Why would it affect them today, they were apart long times on regular basis. Whatever it was, Y/n didn't complain. After that they all retreated to their bedrooms, all tired from the eventful day. Y/n cuddled up in the loving arms of Giorno that night with a smile on her face.

"What a bizarre adventure it has been, The Journey to you." She thought, and drifted off to sleep.



Thank you so much for reading this story, even though it was probably pretty mediocre and badly written.


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