Greenville: Season Two

By quantoria04

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Now that Damien Clark has control of the East and Westside, things in Greenville are going to get much more i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

666 25 32
By quantoria04

Season finale

The next morning, Seth woke up in Bayley's bed with a sore neck. He opened his eyes and looked over at Bayley who was curled up in a ball at the other end of the bed. Seth watched her with a smile on his face as she slept peacefully. After a few minutes, Seth took a deep breathe and got up. He walked out of the room and made his way downstairs.

"Good morning, Seth." Brandi said as she sat down at the table with Cody.

"Morning." Seth said.

Joe walked into the room and stood next to Seth.

"I should be able to get the traffic footage today." Joe said.

"Hopefully we get a face." Seth said.

"Whoever did this.. We can't kill them." Joe told everyone.

"Why not?" Seth asked in confusion.

"I promised Bayley." Joe said.

"Shit, Joe. You've gotta stop making promises." Cody said.

"This person tried to kill Bayley, shouldn't they pay for what they did?" Seth asked.

"She doesn't think so." Joe said.

"We could still kill them and just not tell her." Cody said.

"She would never speak to me again." Joe said.

Seth looked at Joe and took what he said into consideration.

"So we don't kill this person. We keep them alive." Seth said.

Joe nodded to Seth, acknowledging that they were on the same page.

On the Westside, Kenny woke up to the smell of bacon and coffee. He got up and walked into the kitchen to find Kota cooking breakfast.

"What are you doing?" Kenny asked.

"Making breakfast, want some?" Kota asked.

Kenny looked over at Sonya, Aj, and Finn who were sitting at the dining table. He grabbed Kota's arm and pulled him out of the kitchen and dragged him into his room.

"What kind of game are playing here?" Kenny asked.

"I'm not playing a game, Kenny. I just want to spend time with my friends." Kota said with a smirk on his face.

"I know what you are trying to do." Kenny said.

"What's that?" Kota asked.

"I don't know exactly.. But I can tell it's not good." Kenny tried to explain.

"You don't want to be with me, I get it. But those are my friends too, so whether you like it or not, we are going to be seeing a lot of each other." Kota told him before walking out of the room.

Kenny took a deep breath and walked back out into the kitchen.

"I don't know if we should go." Finn said.

"Of course we should go." Sonya said.

"It's going to be a bunch of Eastsiders walking around with their checkbooks. It's not my kind of thing." Finn said.

"It's a charity event, Finn. It will be fun." Sonya told him.

Finn looked up at Sonya with hesitation.

"Fine. But all of you have to come with me." Finn said.

Kenny froze for a second, realizing that Cody would be at the event.

"I don't think I can go." Kenny said.

"You were just complaining last night that you had nothing to do tonight." Aj said.

"I'll be your date if you want." Kota said as he winked at him.

Kenny looked at Kota and took a deep breathe.

"I have a feeling I am going to regret this." Kenny said.

On the Southside, everyone was rushing to prepare for Dean and Becky's wedding.

"Flowers are here!" Corey yelled as we walked into the bar with Karl Anderson.

"Set them on the counter for now." Sasha said as she rushed out of the back room.

Corey and Karl put the flowers down and examined the bar. There were a few chairs set up along the stage and red roses filled the small aisle.

"Is that-?" Corey asked in confusion.

"A wedding alter made out of stripper poles? Yes." Sasha said.

"It's creative, I'll give you that." Corey laughed.

Sasha looked over and saw Karl standing by the door.

"Why are you standing over there like that?" Sasha asked him.

"I think he is just being cautious. He's met Becky twice and she's beaten him up both times." Corey said.

"She didn't beat me up." Karl said.

Sasha let out a laugh as Roman and Renee walked into the bar.

"There he is!" Dean said as he and Jimmy walked out from the back room.

"Wow, you guys really jazzed this place up." Roman said as Renee helped him inside.

"Sasha and Naomi did most of this." Dean said as he looked around.

"Hey I had the idea for the alter." Jimmy added.

"Yeah.." Dean said.

Renee and Roman looked over at the alter.

"Impressive." Renee laughed.

"Where is Becks?" Roman asked.

"She's upstairs getting her hair and makeup done." Dean said.

"We should actually get up there, Renee." Sasha told her.

Renee looked at Roman with concern as Sasha grabbed her hand and pulled her away. Dean took a deep breath and sat down at the bar.

"Are you okay, man?" Roman asked.

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous." Dean said.

"I hope your not thinking of making a run for it because I ain't helpin ya." Jimmy said.

"Wow, thanks best man." Dean laughed.

"I'm just sayin.. Becky would hunt you down and kill your ass then she would kill my ass for helping you." Jimmy said.

"I'm not going anywhere." Dean assured everyone.

Upstairs, Renee and Sasha sat down with Becky and Naomi to get their hair and make up done.

"Has he made a run for it, yet?" Becky asked.

"Not yet." Sasha laughed.

Becky laughed and looked down at her ring.

"Are you okay?" Sasha asked her.

"I'm just so nervous." Becky said.

"Good nervous or bad nervous?" Renee asked.

"Good nervous. It's like everything I have ever wanted is about to happen and I just.. I never thought it would actually happen." Becky said.

Renee looked at Becky with tears in her eyes.

"Are you crying?" Naomi asked her.

"No. I just know what you are talking about.. I know what it feels like to not know if you will ever truly be happy." Renee said.

Becky grabbed Renee's hand as a tear fell from her face. Naomi watched Renee and Becky and started to cry.

"Not you too." Sasha said.

"I haven't married Jimmy because I feel like it will ruin everything." Naomi blurted out.

"What are you talking about?" Becky asked.

"What if we get married and it doesn't work out? What if I cheat on him or he cheats on me.. What if we mess everything up?" Naomi asked.

"And what if you don't? What if you are happy and everything works out fine?" Renee asked.

Naomi looked over at Renee and broke out into tears. Sasha watched in amusement as Naomi, Becky, and Renee started crying.

"Have you guys already been drinking? It's still pretty early." Sasha said.

The girls looked over at Sasha and broke out into laughter.

On the Eastside, Seth was drinking his coffee on the balcony when Bayley walked outside.

"Morning." Bayley said as she walked over and leaned against the railing.

"Good morning." Seth said.

Bayley looked up and laughed at Seth's hair.

"Don't start again." Seth said.

Bayley took a sip of her coffee and looked up at Seth with a grin on her face.

"My friends are coming to the charity event tonight." Bayley said as she looked out at the lawn.

"And Finn?" Seth asked.

"Yeah." Bayley said.

"That's good. I can tell he really cares about you." Seth said.

Bayley looked up at Seth with hesitation.

"What about you? Did you invite any of your friends?" Bayley asked him in attempt to change the subject.

Seth looked down at Bayley and laughed.

"I don't have any friends." Seth told her.

"Not even Sasha?" Bayley asked.

"She hates me." Seth said.

"I doubt that." Bayley said.

"No she does.. She hates me." Seth said in disappointment.

"Can I ask why?" Bayley asked.

Seth let out a sigh and looked into Bayley's eyes.

"I did something.. or a lot of things actually.. But I hurt her, really badly." Seth said.

"What did you do?" Bayley asked.

"Bayley." Seth said.

"I'm not trying to be nosy.. I'm just curious." Bayley told him.

"To be honest.. I'd rather not tell you." Seth said.

"Why not?" Bayley asked as she looked up at him in confusion.

Seth turned to face Bayley as he looked into her eyes.

"I'd just rather not." Seth said.

Bayley looked into Seth's eyes, feeling her heart begin to beat faster.

"I should go.. but I'll see you at the charity event tonight." Seth said as he began to walk away.

"Save me a dance?" Bayley asked him with reluctance.

Seth looked back at her and smiled before walking back inside. Bayley let out a sigh and threw her head down in embarrassment.

That afternoon on the Northside, Alexa returned to her room after lunch.

"Lexi." Aj said.

"Aj, you scared me." Alexa said as she walked over to her.

"I have been in love with you since the day you shared your pudding with me at lunch." Aj said as she looked into Alexa's eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Alexa asked her.

"That was in the third grade.. And I hid my feelings for you because I knew you would never feel the same.." Aj continued.

"Aj." Alexa tried to stop her.

"My point is that after tonight we can finally be together.. if that's what you want." Aj told her.

"I don't understand.." Alexa saidn confusion.

"You just have to trust me, okay? After tonight.. everything is going to change. And I will be here if you want me..but if you don't.." Aj tried to say.

"Of course I do." Alexa said as he held Aj's face.

"But if you don't.. If you would be happier with someone else then that is what I want for you." Aj told her.

Tears filled Alexa's eyes as she thought of Sasha.

"All I want is for you to be happy.." Aj said.

"Why are you telling me this?" Alexa asked.

"Just know that whatever happens.. I love you, Lexi. I've always loved you." Aj said.

A tear fell down Alexa's face as Aj leaned in and kissed her slowly.

"Where are you going?" Alexa asked as Aj walked over to the window.

"I love you." Aj said as she climbed outside and left.

On the Southside, Dean walked into the back room and took a shot.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." Dean said as he sat down.

Roman sat down with Dean and patted him on the back.

"Seven years ago you met your soulmate, man.. That's more than most people get in a life time. And now you get to marry her. If that doesn't make you the luckiest man on the planet, I don't know what does." Roman told him.

Dean looked up at Roman with tears in his eyes.

"What if I fuck things up?" Dean asked.

"You won't." Roman assured him.

Dean took a deep breath and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Are you good here? I'm gonna go upstairs and see Becks." Roman told him.

Dean nodded as Roman stood up.

"Wait." Dean said as he grabbed a sticky note and a pen.

Roman watched in confusion as Dean wrote something down.

"Give this to her." Dean said as he handed Roman the note.

Roman looked down and read what Dean had written.

"Twelve hours and thirty two minutes?" Roman asked in confusion.

"She'll know what it means." Dean said.

"Whatever you say, man." Roman said as he walked out of the room.

Upstairs, Roman walked in to find Sasha giving everyone a beer.

"You guys are drinking too.." Roman said.

"We are having a wedding in a bar, what did you expect?" Renee joked.

Roman nearly tripped over his own feet when he saw Renee in her bridesmaids dress. The dress was floor length red wine in color. Her hair put up, complementing her cheek bones.

"You" Roman was at a loss for words.

"Roman?" Renee asked from across the room.

"Good. Yeah, you look good." Roman try to play it cool.

Sasha and Naomi looked at each other and laughed.

"I came to talk to you Becks.." Roman said as he walked over and sat down next to her.

Becky was still in her sweat pants but her hair and make up were done. Roman opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but didn't.

"Okay, you have to go in another room or something." Roman said as he got up and walked Renee into Jimmy and Naomi's room.

"Roman, what are you doing?" Renee asked.

"You're distracting me." Roman said.

"How am I distracting you?" Renee asked.

Roman looked into her eyes and froze as everyone turned their attention to him.

"I mean all of you. Naomi.. Sasha.. Get in here." Roman said.

Becky laughed as Roman shut her bridesmaids in the bedroom. He took a deep breath and tried to keep his composure.

"Are you okay?" Becky asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Roman said as he walked over and sat back down next to her.

Becky looked into Roman's eyes and let out a small smile.

"How is he doing?" Becky asked.

"Nervous." Roman said.

"If he takes off-." Becky began to say.

"He knows you'll chase him down and kill him, don't worry." Roman laughed.

"Good." Becky said.

Roman looked at Becky and laughed.

"You know for awhile there I didn't know if you guys were going to make it to the finish line." Roman told her.

"I know.." Becky said as she held Roman's hand.

"I've never met two people that were so lost without each other." Roman said.

"I honestly don't think I could live without him." Becky told him with tears in her eyes.

"That's why we're here.. After today you guys are going to have each other forever." Roman said.

Becky let out a smile and looked into Roman's eyes.

"He's been there for you ever since you walked into this bar. And I mean he has really been there for you.. through all of it." Roman said.

"I know.." Becky said.

"That's why if you were marrying anyone else today I wouldn't have agreed to give you away." Roman told her.

Becky took a deep breath and thought of Seth.

"Does he know it's happening today?" Becky asked.

"I don't think so." Roman said.

Becky looked up at Roman and took a deep breath.

"He'll be fine." Roman told her.

Becky examined Roman for a moment leaned closer to him.

"You know they won't care.." Becky whispered.

"What?" Roman asked in confusion.

"Seth and Dean.. They won't care if you're in love with her." Becky told him.

Roman looked up at Becky in surprise.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Roman said as she looked down at his feet.

"Whatever you say, tough guy." Becky laughed.

Roman looked up at Becky and fought back a smile.

"Here. Dean wanted me to give you this." Roman said as he handed her the note.

Becky looked down and read what Dean had written. A smile broke out on her face as tears of joy filled her eyes.

That evening, Eastside's most elite began to arrive at Damien's residence for the charity event. Seth walked outside in his black suit that he had worn to practically every event on the Northside. The back yard was covered with string lights as people made their way onto the dance floor in the center of everything. Seth walked over to the bar and got a glass of champagne as the song "I'll be Good" by Jaymes Young began to play.

"Thank you." Seth said as the bartender handed him his drink.

I thought I saw the devil
This morning

Seth took a sip of his champagne and observed the crowd of people.

Looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue
With the warning

He looked over just as Bayley walked outside in a white gown.

To help me see myself clearer

Seth looked at Bayley wistfully as she greeted her father's guests.

I never meant to start a fire

He looked down at the ground, thinking to himself.

I never meant to make you bleed

A smile came across Seth's face as Bayley looked over at him from across the party.

I'll be a better man today

Bayley flashed Seth a smile as she continued talking with the guests. Seth felt at rush come over him as he saw her eyes sparkle from the lights.

I'll be good, I'll be good

Seth watched as Damien approached Bayley.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt but I think I would like a dance with my daughter." Damien said.

"Excuse me." Bayley told her guests with a smile on her face as she followed her father onto the dance floor.

And I'll love the world, like I should

"Thank you for that." Bayley told her father.

"I thought you needed rescuing." Damien laughed as they began to dance.

Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good

Seth took another sip of his champagne as he continued watching Bayley.

For all of the time
That I never could

"You look like and angle tonight, darling." Damien told Bayley.

"Thank you, daddy." Bayley said.

My past has tasted bitter
For years now

Bayley looked down at her feet and smiled, knowing that Seth was probably watching her.

So I wield an iron fist
Grace is just weakness

As Seth stood there, he remembered all the horrible things he'd done over the past few years and all the people he had hurt.

Or so I've been told
I've been cold, I've been merciless

He fought back tears as he tried to put his past behind him.

But the blood on my hands scares me to death
Maybe I'm waking up today

Seth looked up at Bayley as her father spun her around.

I'll be good, I'll be good

He watched as her long, black hair fell down her shoulder.

And I'll love the world, like I should

Bayley looked over at Seth and began to blush as he smiled at her.

I'll be good, I'll be good
I'll be good, I'll be good

On the Southside, Chris walked onto the stage as everyone got in their position for the wedding. A few friends sat down as Dean walked up to the alter. The bar was mostly lit with candles as red rose peddles filled the floors. Upstairs, Becky had finally put on her dress.

"You look amazing." Sasha told her.

Becky wore her hair down complementing an old pair of Carmella's earrings she had chosen to wear.

"Are you ready?" Naomi asked.

"Let's do this." Becky said as she took a deep breath.

Everyone stood up as Naomi walked downstairs and met Jimmy. She grabbed his arm as they walked down the aisle. Dean laughed at Jimmy as he admired his stripper pole alter. Jimmy stood behind Dean and Naomi stood across from them. Next to come downstairs was Sasha. She met Corey and wrapped her arm around his. Dean smiled at Sasha as she walked behind Naomi. Sasha looked over at Dean and gave him a proud smile. Roman felt nauseous as he waited for Renee to come out. Suddenly, she walked down the stairs. Roman watched with nothing but love in his eyes as she approached Karl Anderson. Renee smiled back at Roman as she walked down the aisle. Roman took a deep breathe, trying to stay calm. At the alter, Dean felt an uneasiness in his stomach as everyone waited for the bride.

"Here we go." Chris said as the door opened at the top of the stairs.

Dean felt his heart stop at Becky revealed herself. She looked down at Dean over the railing.

"Holy shit." Dean blurted out.

Becky laughed as she read his lips. Dean tried to catch his breath as Becky walked down the stairs. Roman held out his arm as she approached him.

"Are you ready?" Roman asked with a smile on his face.

"More than ever." Becky said as she grabbed his arm.

Everyone turned and watched in amazement as Becky and Roman approached the aisle. Dean locked eyes with Becky and finally caught his breath. Becky felt her heart begin to beat faster as she saw Dean waiting at the alter. Roman looked over at Renee and smiled at her. Renee felt an ache her chest as she watched Roman. Becky griped Roman tighter as she started to shake. Finally, Becky reached the alter. Roman leaned down and hugged her.

"I love you, Becks. You deserve this." He whispered to her.

Becky's eyes filled with tears as Roman helped her onto the alter. She and Dean looked into each other's eyes as they stood across from each other. Everyone sat down as Dean and Becky took each other's hands.

"You look beautiful." Dean told her.

Becky let out a big smile as a tear fell from her face.

"I know you both had written vows you would like to say.." Chris said.

"I'll go first." Becky said.

Dean smiled at Becky as she took a deep breath.

"Dean. You have been the one constant in life these past seven years.. We fought all the time over the stupidest things." Becky began.

Dean let out a laugh as he thought back to all their arguments.

"Looking back, I see that all those pointless arguments we had.. it was because we both knew we belonged together but for some reason we could never get past our own insecurities and just be together..  And despite all of that.. you were still there for me when I needed you the most. You are my anchor when the waves come crashing down.. You are the light that leads me through the darkness.. You are my everything and without you I would be incomplete." Becky said with tears in her eyes.

Dean tried his best to stop smiling like an idiot as he felt her grip on his hands grow tighter. Naomi looked across the stage and smiled at Jimmy as he began bawling his eyes out.

"Dean." Chris said.

He took a deep breath and looked into Becky's eyes.

"I had a whole speech prepare but I'm just going throw that out and say what I'm thinking.." Dean said.

Becky looked up at Dean with concern, not sure what he was going to say.

"I have been terrified all day, Becks.. Ever since I woke up this morning I have had this lump in the back of my throat and I have just been so scared.. But that's nothing knew.. Because I have been living in fear for the past seven years of my life. The second you walked into this bar I felt my chest sink down into my stomach. The minute I laid my eyes on you, Rebecca, I knew you were the one for me and that scared the hell out of me. I was sure I would fuck everything up and lose you.. And I was right.. because I did ruin everything and I did lose you.." Dean said as a tear fell from his face.

Becky looked up at him with worry in her eyes.

"But you came back to me.. and that's what this is.. that's what we are about.. No mater what happens to us or between us we are always there for each other.. our love never goes away. And that's why the minute I locked eyes with you at the top of that staircase, all the fear and hesitation I felt these past seven years went away... because in that moment I knew that this is forever.. Fate cannot be ruined.. so even if things get tougher downtown he road, I know we will still be by each other's side through the good and the bad and everything in between.. you are my soulmate and soulmates do not just fade away.. that kind of love if for eternity." Dean said.

Becky let out a smile as her heart grew warm.

"I love you." She whispered to Dean.

"Always." Dean whispered back.

Chris wiped a tear from his eyes and cleared his throat.

"Do you, Rebecca Lynch, take Dean Ambrose to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Chris asked.

Becky looked into Dean's eyes and felt a since of peacefulness come over her.

"I do." Becky said with a smile on her face.

"And do you, Dean Ambrose, take Rebecca Lynch, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Chris asked him.

"I do." Dean said as he looked into Becky's eyes.

Chris looked at Dean and Becky and tried to stop himself from crying.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Chris said.

Dean and Becky leaned in and pressed their lips against each other's as they shared a long passionate kiss. Everyone cheered them on as Becky slightly kicked up her left leg. Roman looked over at Renee with a big smile on his face.

On the Eastside, Seth had finally worked up the nerve to talk to Bayley.

"Can I have that dance now?" Seth asked as he approached her.

Bayley turned around and smiled at Seth as the song, "Better" by SYML began to play. She took his hand and they walked onto the dance floor. They looked at each other with desperation in their eyes as they began to dance.

You came into the picture like a natural
You were unexpected, got me spiritual

"You look beautiful." Seth told her.

Bayley looked down as she began to blush.

I don't wanna say it, but maybe it was fate
And I can not contain it

"You make me feel guilty." Seth told her.

Bayley looked up at Seth in confusion.

And I know, and I know it's a different love

"What do you mean?" Bayley asked him.

And I know, and I know that you make me better

"I have done a lot of bad things in my life and it wasn't until I met you that I felt guilty for any of it." Seth said as he looked into her eyes.

It's a love that will keep me holding on

"You're just such a good person, Bayley.. And you inspire me." Seth said.

And I know, and I know we only get better

Bayley looked into Seth's eyes and felt an ache in her chest.

I came into your picture such a broken fool

"You make me want to be a better person." Seth said.

A million different pieces looking back at you

"That has nothing to do with me, Seth.. You are-." Bayley tried to say.

"It has everything to do with you." Seth interrupted her.

Believe me when I say this, I was giving up

"You're the reason I believe I can change.." Seth told her.

But now you come and save me

Bayley looked up at Seth and smiled.

"I don't think you are as bad of as a guy as you think you are. I mean I know you have done a lot questionable things.. but a lot people have done things they regret." Bayley told him.

And I know, and I know it's a different love

"And that right there.. You keep refusing to see the bad in me.. in anyone." Seth said.

And I know, and I know that you make me better

"The world becomes a pretty dark place when you stop seeing the good in people." Bayley told him.

Seth looked down at her and smiled, feeling his heart begin to beat faster again.

It's a love that will keep me holding on

"You're something else, you now that" Seth laughed.

And I know, and I know we only get better

Bayley looked down and laughed to hide the fact that she was blushing.

Inside, Damien greeted Finn and the others at the door.

"I'm glad you came." Damien told Finn.

"I'm Sonya." She introduced herself.

"It's nice to meet you." Damien said as he shook her hand.

"This is Kenny, Kota, and Aj." Finn introduced everyone.

"I am glad you all came. Bayley will be so happy to see you." Damien said.

Finn walked through the house with the others and made his way outside.

Ohh, ay, ay, we only get better

I don't see Bayley anywhere." Kenny said.

Ohh, ay, ay, we only get better

Everyone looked around but couldn't find her.

Ohh, ay, ay, we only get better

Suddenly, Finn saw Bayley on the dance floor.

Ohh, ay, ay, we only get better

"Is that Bayley?" Sony asked.

Seth spun Bayley around as they continued dancing.

Love can terrify, love can start a fire

Bayley laughed as Seth pulled her back to him.

Holding on tonight, we're burning like a lighter

"Who is that guy?" Kenny asked.

"That's Seth Rollins." Finn said as he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Everything inside us burning with desire, now

Bayley examined Seth's lips as a rush came over her. Just as Seth began to lean in, he saw Finn standing across the crowd.

"Thanks for the dance." Seth said said he was brought back to reality.

Bayley looked up at him in confusion as he walked away. She stood there in disbelief, not sure why he left. Suddenly, she turned around and saw Finn staring at her. She knew by the look on his face that he had seen her with Seth. Bayley walked over cautiously to her friends.

"Hey, guys." Bayley said as Finn practically stared a hole through her.

"This house is as big as our apartment building." Sonya said.

"I'm glad you guys came." Bayley said in attempt to lighten the mood as her friends stood their awkwardly.

"Did he force you to dance with him?" Finn asked.

"What?" Bayley asked in confusion.

"Seth Rollins. Did he force you to dance with him? Because that is the only plausible reason I can think of.." Finn said.

"Finn he's not-." Bayley began to defend Seth.

"He's not what? A bad guy?" Finn asked her in frustration.

Kota looked to Kenny uncomfortably.

"Maybe we should leave you two alone." Sonya said.

"No. Don't go anywhere." Finn said.

"Finn you're making a scene." Bayley told him.

"I've been losing sleep all week because of you, Bayley. I assumed that you were terrified to death sleeping across the hall from the actual devil." Finn said.

"You don't know him.." Bayley said.

"And you do? What, are you guys friends now?" Finn asked angrily.

"Please don't yell at me." Bayley said.

"Bayley, I know you.. You would never associate yourself with someone like him. I don't know what lies he has told you but you can't possibly trust that guy." Finn said.

"What if I do?" Bayley asked him.

Finn's eyes filled with tears as he looked at Bayley in disbelief.

"Then I guess your not the girl I thought you were." Finn said before walking away.

Bayley's friends watched as a tear fell from her face.

"Are you okay?" Sonya asked.

"I'm fine. Enjoy the party." Bayley said as she faked a smile and walked away.

On the Southside, everyone had set up table in the bar in preparation for the wedding reception.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose!" Jimmy announced as they walked back into the bar.

Dean held up Becky's hand as if he had just won something. They walked up to the stage where they had given their vows only moments ago. Dean pulled out Becky's chair as they sat down at their table. Everyone else sat at tables on the floor.

"We actually did it." Becky said as she held Dean's hand.

"Mrs. Ambrose." Dean said as he leaned down and kissed her.

Corey, Sasha, and Karl brought out food for everyone.

"No way." Dean said with excitement as Sasha sat a tray down on their table.

Becky looked at Dean and laughed.

"Is this what I think it is?" Dean asked her.

"Roman's Nana's chili." Becky told him.

"Fuck yes!" Dean yelled.

Roman stared at Dean from across the bar.

"I knew you were the one that ate Nana's chili that day, you son of a bitch!" Roman joked.

Dean and Becky laughed as everyone began to eat.

Sasha sat down at her table and looked at the time.

"Have somewhere to be?" Renee asked her.

"No I just.. Something important is happening tonight, I just don't know when." Sasha said.

Renee looked at Sasha in confusion as she took a sip of her wine.

On the Northside, Alexa was having dinner with Adrian.

"I think we are going in the right direction with this wedding." Adrian said.

"I don't." Alexa said.

Adrian looked up at Alexa in surprise.

"You don't?" Adrian asked.

"I don't want to marry him." Alexa said.

"Sweetie that's not a good enough reason for me.. Business wise, this marriage is a great idea." Adrian said.

Alexa let out a sigh and looked down at her food. Suddenly, she herd a door open.

"Did you hear that?" Alexa asked.

"Hear what?" Adrian asked in confusion.

Alexa dropped her fork when she saw Aj walk up behind Adrian.

"Good evening, Sanchez." Aj said as she held a gun to Adrian's head.

"Aj lee." Adrian said as he recognized her voice.

"That's right." Aj said as she looked across the table at Alexa.

On the Westside, Kota looked over at Kenny as the song "No Right To Love You" by Rhys Lewis began to play.

"Dance with me." Kota said.

Kenny took a deep breath and followed Kota onto the dance floor.

Day breaks and when I turn
You're not on my pillow
My head shakes and then the penny drops
Still your t-shirt on my chair

Kenny looked into Kota's eyes as they began to dance.

Pencilled hearts on paper
I try not to think but I can't stop
And doubt sets in like a storm
I could feel it coming

"You can't just come back into my life like nothing happened." Kenny told him.

"Don't do that." Kota told him.

"Do what?" Kenny asked in defense.

"Act like I just walked away from you." Kota told him.

And words echo out yesterday
Time pushed me to the edge
The jump was my decision
I've only got myself to blame

"You told me to leave." Kota said.

"And you were supposed to stay. You weren't supposed to listen to me." Kenny told him.

Kota looked into his eyes apologetically.

'Cause I have no right to love you
When I chose to walk away
I have no right to miss you
When I didn't wanna stay

A tear fell from Kenny's face as he tried to looked away from Kota.

"I never stopped loving you." Kota told him.

And I have no right to need you
And I knew what my heart was gonna lose
I have no right to love you
But I do, I still do
Yeah, I still do

Kota's eyes filled with tears as he watched Kenny try to hide his pain. They looked at each other and leaned in as they shared a slow, passionate kiss. Cody looked on jealously from across the party.

Back at Dean and Becky's wedding reception, everyone was just finishing their meals as Jimmy stood up to give his speech.

"Oh no." Roman said as he braced himself for the worst.

Jimmy looked around the room at everyone and tried not to start crying.

"Just so everyone knows.. I wasn't crying while y'all were saying your vows. I actually had an onion earlier today and I think the smell just kind of came back to me." Jimmy told everyone.

Everyone broke out into laughter.

"That wasn't supposed to be a joke but okay.. Um.. I've known Dean since we were kids and let me just say he has always been a crazy son of a bitch, that's just who he is." Jimmy said.

Becky looked at Dean and laughed.

"And I've gotten to know Becky really well these past couple years and I found out pretty quickly that she is real bad ass." Jimmy said.

Everyone shook their head in agreement.

Dean and Becky watched as Jimmy continued on with his speech.

"And they say that soulmates aren't supposed to have the same life views but instead, complement one another. And I think the two of you do that exactly. Becky's sexy as all hell, bad assery perfectly complements Dean's craziness." Jimmy said.

"Why do I feel like that was an insult to me?" Dean asked Becky.

"Cheers." Jimmy said as everyone held up their glasses.

Naomi stood up, getting everyone's attention.

"I've never really been one to believe in fate or soulmates.. But when Becky showed up here seven years ago all of that changed. When I saw the way she and Dean looked at each other.. The way they couldn't take their eyes off one another.. They way they practically breathed in sink with each other.. Seeing those two together and seeing how after all this time their love has only grown stronger, I see now that soulmates do exist. I see that when two people are meant to be together they are going to be together, no matter what life throws at them. So thank you Dean and Becky.. Thank you for making me believe." Naomi said as she stared across the room at Jimmy.

Everyone held up their glasses and cheered. Dean leaned down and shared a kiss with Becky.

"Now for the newly weds first dance." Chris announced.

Dean and Becky stood up and walked down the stage as the wedding version of the song" Never Stop" by Safteysuit began to play. Everyone watched as Dean and Becky began to dance.

This is my love song to you
Let every woman know I'm yours
So you can fall asleep each night, babe
And know I'm dreaming of you more

Becky looked into Dean's eyes and let out a smile.

You're always hoping that we make it
You always want to keep my gaze
Well you're the only one I see
And that's the one thing that won't change

Dean smiled at Becky as she bit her bottom lip.

"Every word of this song Becks.. I'll never stop." Dean told her.

I'll never stop trying
I'll never stop watching as you leave
I'll never stop losing my breath
Every time I see you looking back at me

Dean spun Becky around as she kept a smile on her face.

I'll never stop holding your hand
I'll never stop opening your door
I'll never stop choosing you babe
I'll never get used to you

Becky and Dean looked into each other's eyes as they began to breath in sink with one another.

"It's us forever." Becky told Dean as she leaned in and kissed him slowly.

On the Northside, Aj was holding Adrian at gunpoint.

"Aj don't do this." Alexa said nervously.

"Do you know who I am?" Aj asked Adrian.

Adrian didn't respond.

"I was there you know.. The night your murdered Olivia banks.. the night you murdered my mother!" Aj yelled.

Adrian looked across the table at Alexa in confusion.

"I don't understand.." Adrian said.

"She was tucking be in for bed when you knocked on the door." Aj told him with tears in her eyes.

"You must have me mistaken with someone else, dear." Adrian told her.

"She answered the door and you walked inside.. I should have just stayed in bed but I didn't recognize your voice so I wanted to see who you were." Aj said.

Adrian looked down at the table, remembering back to that night.

"You told her that you loved her then you pinned her to the ground.. I cracked my bedroom door open and I watched the entire thing." Aj told him.

"What do you want?" Adrian asked her.

"Do you remember what you told her before you strangled her to death?" Aj asked.

Alexa watched in disbelief as tears filled Adrian's eyes.

"You told her you could not have room for weakness.. Then you watched as the light went out in her eyes." Aj said as a tear fell from her face.

"I did what I had to do." Adrian told her.

"She was my mother! Sasha's mother! And you took her away from us!" Aj yelled in frustration.

"Does Sasha know about this?" Adrian asked.

"Of course she does. I told her everything and she agreed that it was only fair that I take your life since you took our mother's.." Aj said.

Alexa watched with fear in her eyes as Aj prepared to pull the trigger.

"It's a shame that it's not going to happen." Adrian said as he grabbed Aj's hand, knocking the gun on the ground.

Alexa froze as she watched Adrian pin Aj to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Alexa asked as Adrian began to strangle Aj.

Aj looked up at Alexa helplessly as she tried to grasp for air.

"Stop!" Alexa told him as she stood up, not sure what to do.

Aj mouthed the words, "I love you"as she took her last breathe. Adrian stood up and fixed his jacket as Alexa stared into Aj's open eyes.

"No! What did you do?"Alexa asked as she rushed to Aj's side.

"She's dead, don't waste your breath." Damien said as he took a sip of wine.

Miz walked into the dining room with a bottle of wine in his hand.

"Sorry I'm late, I-." Miz began to say as he saw Alexa crying over Aj's body.

"Get rid of the body." Damien told Miz.

Alexa looked up at Miz with tears streaming down her face.

Back at the wedding reception, the song "Let Me In" by Skinny Living began to play and Roman pulled Renee onto the dance floor.

Deep rooted connections
When I look into your eyes

Renee tried her best not to look up, knowing that Roman was staring at her.

I can see there's something blooming
Bubbling up inside

"You know I used to hate you?" Roman asked her.

Renee look up at him in confusion.

Screaming to get out, yeah
But you're too scared to let it

"You were always that girl that came between my two best friends..Before you, we were inseparable." Roman told her.

"Roman.." Renee said.

The past still ties you down
You're struggling to breathe

"But somewhere along the line.. Between all those trips to see you in Mexico.. All those years of keeping your secret.. We became friends." Roman said.

'Cause he left scars, I'm here to heal for you
And I know where you are 'cause I've been there before

"And now we are best friends.. You are the one person I can't imagine my life without." Roman said as he looked into her eyes.

Open up your heart and let me in
Break free from these shackles and let me begin

"And at some point I started to see in you what Dean and Seth saw all those years ago."

"Roman, don't" Renee warned him.

To show you how I love you
I'm begging for us

"I've been wanting to tell you this for a really long time now but the timing was never right.." Roman said as Renee looked up at him helplessly.

Look into my eyes
And trust me when I say this

"Please." Renee begged him not to continue.

What you mean to me
Will never ever die

"Renee, I'm in-." Roman began to say before she interrupted him.

"I'm still in love with him." Renee blurted out.

Roman froze and looked down at Renee as they stopped dancing.

Yeah, he left scars, I'm here to heal for you

"I know it's wrong but I do. I still love Miz." Renee told Roman with tears in her eyes.

And I know where you are 'cause I've been there before

"Please say something." Renee told him.

Roman just looked at Renee in disbelief, not sure what to say.

Open up your heart and let me in
Break free from these shackles and let me begin

Renee watched as he walked away, leaving her there on the dance floor alone.

To show you how I love you
I'm begging for us

A tear fell down Renee's face as Roman stormed out of the bar.

On the Westside, Bayley was pacing on the balcony when she heard someone behind her.

"Liv?" Bayley asked.

"Hi, Bayley." She said as she walked over to her.

"I haven't seen you all night, I was starting to think that you weren't going to show." Bayley said.

"To be honest, I really didn't want to come tonight." Liv told her as they looked out at the guests at the party.

"Why not?" Bayley asked her.

"It's not important." Liv said.

"How is your father?" Bayley asked her.

"Good.. He's good." Liv told her.

"I'm glad, you're father is a good man." Bayley said.

"We found a way to pay for treatment." Liv told her.

"You did? That's amazing!" Bayley told her.

"And I'm actually going to be able to afford to go to Oakville University next year." Liv told her.

"Wow. It seems like everything is really coming together for you, Liv." Bayley said.

"It is." Liv said as she tried to fake a smile.

"I'm proud of you. Most kids your age have everything handed to them.. They don't understand what it means to work for something. But you do Liv, and you should be proud of that. You should be proud of yourself." Bayley told her.

Liv looked into Bayley's eyes and nodded.

"I should get back down to the party. But thank you again, for everything." Liv said as she hugged Bayley.

"Anytime." Bayley told her.

Liv smiled back at Bayley as she walked away.

On the Northside, Sasha returned home from the wedding reception, not sure what to expect. She took a deep breathe and walked in the front door. Adrian was sitting at the dining table with Miz and Alexa.

"Father?" Sasha asked in confusion.

"You sound surprised to see me." Adrian said.

"No, I just-." Sasha began to say as she saw the blank look on Alexa's face.

"Your sister stopped by this evening." Adrian said.

Sasha looked over at Adrian, feeling an uneasiness in her stomach.

"I'm sorry, what?" Sasha asked.

"You can't kill me, baby girl. I'm not that easy to get rid of." Adrian told her.

"I don't understand." Sasha said as she looked to Miz and Alexa for answers.

"You should pack your bags." Adrian told Sasha.

"Excuse me?" Sasha asked.

"You are not welcome in his house or on the Northside any longer." Adrian said.

"But this is my home." Sasha tried to tell him.

"Not anymore. Get your things ready." Adrian told her.

Sasha stared at her father in disbelief. She turned to walked back to her room.

"Oh, and your sister is dead, by the way. I strangled her to death about an hour ago." Adrian said.

Sasha stopped walking as she felt her heart sink down into her stomach. Her eyes filled with tears as she slowly walked down the hall. Sasha rushed into the bathroom and vomited in the toilet. She pulled her hair back and leaned against the bathroom wall as tears rushed down her face.

On the Westside, Seth was trying his best to avoid running into Finn when he saw Joe storm through the house. He went inside and followed him out the front door.

"Stop right there!" Joe yelled as Liv stopped in the front lawn.

Seth walked outside cautiously as Joe pulled out his gun.

"Joe, what are-?" Seth began to ask as Joe puled the trigger.

Seth watched in disbelief as Liv fell to the ground.

"What the hell did you do?" Seth asked as he approached Joe.

Joe froze in shock once he realized what he had done.

"Joe?" Seth asked as he tried to get his attention.

"No. I killed her." Joe said.

"Who is she?" Seth asked.

"Liv Morgan." Joe said, still in shock.

"Wait. Bayley's friend?" Seth asked curiously.

"I saw her on the traffic cam footage.. It was her, she tried to kill Bayley." Joe said.

Seth closed his eyes in disappointment.

"I promised." Joe said.

"What?" Seth asked.

"I promised I wouldn't kill anyone.. She will never forgive me." Joe said with a crack in his voice.

Seth looked into Joe's eyes and remembered how close Bayley and Joe were. He too a deep breathe and made a decision he knew he would probably regret.

"Give me the gun." Seth told Joe.

"What?"Joe asked in confusion.

"It's going to hurt her a lot less if she thinks I did this." Seth said as he took the gun form Joe's hands.

"I can't let you take the blame for this." Joe said.

"You're her best friend, Joe. She needs you." Seth said.

Joe looked at Seth in surprise.

"Get out of here and clean the blood off your shirt." Seth told him.

He watched as Joe ran back into the house. Seth looked down at Liv's dead body as a tear fell from his face. He ran his hand through her blood and wiped it on his suit. Suddenly, Bayley walked outside.

"Seth? Is that you?" Bayley asked from the front porch.

He stood over Liv's body with his back to Bayley as she walked down the steps.

"I've been looking everywhere for you.. I really think we should talk." Bayley said as she walked towards him.

Seth felt a sharp pain in his chest as Bayley got closer to him.

"Seth?" Bayley asked as she approached him.

She looked down and saw Liv's body on the ground.

"Is that?" Bayley asked as a lump grew in the back of her throat.

Seth closed his eyes as another tear fell from his face.

"Is she dead?" Bayley asked with tears in her eyes.

Seth nodded his head slowly as Bayley saw the blood on his shirt.

"Please tell me you didn't." Bayley said.

Seth didn't respond.

A tear fell down Bayley's face as she started at Seth in disbelief.

"I was just talking to her.. this can't be happening." Bayley said as she bent down and watched the blood leave Liv's body.

Seth felt his heart break into a million pieces as Bayley looked up at him with anger in his eyes.

"I trusted you." Bayley said.

Seth just stood there motionless,knowing there was nothing he could do to stop her from hating him.

"I defended you to everyone.. to Finn!" Bayley yelled as she got in his face.

"I'm sorry." Seth said with a crack in his voice.

"So everything you said about changing.. About how I made you want to be a better person.. that was just all a lie?" Bayley asked.

Seth didn't say anything.

"Answer me!" Bayley yelled with tears in her eyes.

Suddenly, Damien and Cody rushed outside.

"Go inside, darling." Damien told Bayley.

"He killed her." Bayley said.

"You need calm down." Damien said.

Bayley looked back at Seth as she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

"I can't even look at you right now." Bayley said as Finn walked outside.

Seth watched as Bayley ran into Finn's arms.

"Take me home." Bayley told him as tears s=ran down her face.

Finn looked over at Seth, realizing that he had some how hurt Bayley.

"Let's go." Finn said as he walked Bayley to their car, knowing that now wasn't the time to fight with Seth.

Damien looked at Seth and patted him on the back.

"I saw Joe inside.. He told me what you did for him." Damien said.

Seth looked at Damien with tears in his eyes.

"Let's get you inside, son." Damien said as he walked Seth back to the house.

On the Northside, Sasha packed her bags and walked back into the dining room where her father was still sitting with Miz and Alexa. Adrian watched in confusion as Sasha sat down at he table.

"Before I go.. Just once, can you tell me why you hate me so much?" Sasha asked as she poured herself a glass of wine.

Miz looked at Sasha in surprise at her calmness. At the other end of the table, Alexa's tears had dried on her face as she continued staring at the spot on the ground where she watched Aj die.

"Your mother was my weakness." Adrian said.

Everyone looked over at Adrian in surprise.

"That's why I killed her. And you Sasha, you are the spitting image of your mother." Adrian said.

"So I remind you of her?" Sasha asked curiously.

"Sometimes.. yes." Adrian told her.

Sasha took a sip of her wine and looked back over at Adrian.

"You realize that you are the sole reason for my misery?" Sasha asked.

Adrian didn't respond.

"I would have been fine with mother.. She would have raised me the right way and I would be happy right now." Sasha said with tears in her eyes.

"The only person to blame for your misery is you, Sasha." Adrian told her.

"And you could have let things be with Cedric.. But no, you had to kill him. You could have just left me alone and I would be married right now, living in some beautiful village in Spain but you couldn't just let me be happy. And then Aj.. She was only person left in this world that I could call family and tonightyou took her from me." Sasha said as a tear fell from her face.

Adrian watched Sasha with discomfort as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"You're never going to let me be happy." Sasha said as she stood up and pulled out her gun.

Alexa watched in shock as Sasha pointed her gun at her father. Miz stood up and pointed his gun at Sasha.

"The minute you pull that trigger, Miz here is going to take you down with me. And sweetheart, I'm sure you don't want to spend eternity with me in hell." Adrian said as he looked up at Sasha with a smirk on his face.

"You think I'm afraid to die?" Sasha asked him.

The smug look on Adrian's face quickly turned to concern.

"After everything that you have taken form me.. You deserve to die." Sasha said.

"Kill her." Adrian ordered Miz.

"Don't!" Alexa yelled at Miz.

Adrian looked over as Miz hesitated to pull the trigger.

"What are you doing?" Adrian asked as Miz lowed his gun.

"I'm sorry, sir." Miz said and he looked over at Alexa.

Adrian looked at Sasha with tears in his eyes as she pulled the trigger. Sasha watched in shock as her father's blood rushed from his head. Another tear fell from her face as she put down the gun. Miz looked over at Alexa and nodded his head, as if to assure her that he had her back. Sasha took one more sip of wine and grabbed her bags.

"Where are you going?" Alexa asked her.

"You two should get married. With my father out of the picture you can get what you've always wanted.. The Northside is yours." Sasha told Alexa.

"But Sasha." Alexa said as she stood up and looked into her eyes.

"Goodbye, Alexa." Sasha said before walking out the door.

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