The Unknown Power

By Kaysoccer12

2.6K 116 14

*Heavily under editing* Earth is no longer the same place it used to be, instead the world is filled with cha... More

Chapter 1 Addison
Chapter 2 Addison
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Addison
Chapter 6 Addison
Chapter 7 Addison
Chapter 8 Addison
*Chapter 9 Addison
*Chapter 10
*Chapter 11Addison/ Azrael
*Chapter 12 Addison/Azrael
*Chapter 13 Addison
*Chapter 14 Addison
*Chapter 15 Addison
*Chapter 16 Addison/ Elliott
*Chapter 17 Addison
*Chapter 18 Addison
*Chapter 19 Addison
*Chapter 20 Addison
*Chapter 20 Addison
*Chapter 22
*Chapter 23 Addison
*Chapter 24 Addison
*Chapter 25
*Chapter 26 Addison
*Chapter 27 Addison
*Chapter 28 Addison
*Chapter 29 Addison

Chapter 3 Addison

123 6 1
By Kaysoccer12

"Um hi can I help you?" I ask Nick, he nods his head with a big grin on his face. I slide my phone into my back pocket and put my bag back in my locker.

"Addison right?" I nod my head cautiously at him.

"You forgot this in class." he says as he hands me my sweater, which I don't even remember bringing to school this morning. Now that I think about it I don't think I've seen this sweater in a while.

"Uh thanks, I don't even remember bringing it." man I must be really distracted today. He just laughs and then sticks his hand out and says, "We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Nick." I stick out my hand and shake his.

"Addison." I mumble as I shake his hand he just continues to smile at me like we just shared a secret.

"What class do you have next?" I ask him trying to be friendly, after all he is new and i doubt he knows many people. He pulls out his schedule and studies it carefully. "Art. You?"

"I have art too." he smiles, does he ever stop smiling?

"Well since I don't know where anything is do you think you could show where the class is?" I nod my head at him, for some reason my voice not wanting to be able to work. I put my sweater in my locker and grab the stuff I need for art as well as my headphones. Once I have everything I quickly close it and turn back around to face him.

"Follow me." I say and lead the way to art. While we're walking to the classroom I decide to ask him the question I asked Cassidy earlier. Maybe I can discover something before she gets the chance.

"Can I ask you something?" he nods his head at my question.

"Why did you move here now with everyone disappearing? And to Chicago considering we have one of the highest rates for people going missing?" when I'm done talking he takes a minute to think over his answer, before answering.

"My mom got transferred here. She's really good at her job and they thought she might be able to help protect the people here from going missing. I think they're trying to act like they have everything under control." He says with a slight laugh and quickly averts his eyes from mine. I look at him thoughtfully and ask him another question.
"What does your mom do?" 

"She's a detective and a fairly good one too." 
"You might want to keep a close eye on your mom, most of the people who go missing have some ability to fight or use weapons." his smile falters,

"Thanks I will." I nod

When we get to class I take my seat beside my friend Macy and again Nick sits behind me and I'm surprised to see Elliott at the very back wall and on the opposite side of the room as me, again. He did not strike me as an artistic student.

Unfortunately lunch couldn't have come any sooner. I normally enjoy my classes, but every class I had, Nick and Elliott were both in it and I could always feel them both staring at me, and any time I turned around they didn't even try to hide the fact that they were. Nick would smile every time I turned around but Elliott just sat there like a piece of stone. I decided that the next time I saw either of them that I was going to ask them why they felt the need to watch me all class and if they could stop.

"Hello Addison." I jump a little at the deep voice. As I turn around I'm surprised to see that the voice  was Elliott. "Uh hi." I say cautiously. He was extremely attractive and his voice sent shivers through me, but I couldn't stop the feeling that he was dangerous and not someone to mess with. We continue to stare at each other, his eyes stared back at me coldly and being closer to him I noticed that in his deep grey eyes he had specks of black, which I find very strange and yet alluring. It was just another mystery to add to Elliott.

"So what do you suggest getting?" He asks finally breaking the silence, his voice raises goosebumps on my skin and I turn around, hoping to hide the fact that he makes me flustered.

"All the food is decent, I generally bring something to eat but I was rushed today so I didn't have time. It's mostly just preference on what you want." He nods and says thanks, and then I remember I wanted to ask why he always stared at me and if he would quit it.

" Hey wh..."

"Addison Grey please come down to the office." the P.A. system says interrupting me, great just what I need. I'd prefer not to get called down to the office. I sigh as I get out of the line and walk down to the office. Guess I'll just have to ask one of them later today.
When the office comes into view, the first thing I see is my mother crying into her hands. As soon as I see her I break into a run to find out what happened.

"Mom are you okay? What happened?" I say feeling very concerned. She turns to face me and gives me a look telling me not to question her, I've seen that look she always gives it to one of us 3 kids when shes done arguing and doesn't want us to question her again.

"Uncle Phil has gone missing!" she says as she starts hysterically crying again. I don't have an uncle Phil, why is she lying? Still I go along with whatever crazy plan my mom has brewing.

"Oh my god really? When?" I say hoping I sound as concerned as I should if my uncle had actually  gone missing.

"He went missing an hour ago. So I'm taking you out of school so you and I can go visit Aunt Mel." She says starting to cry again, I walk over to her and give her a hug while pretending to cry as well.
"I'll meet you outside I just have to go grab my stuff. Okay?" I say to her as I wipe away the tears, she just a nods in response keeping her head down, likely hiding a smile. When we get to the office door we both go separate ways.  When I'm out of view from the office I wipe away the remaining tears.
"Why were you called down to the offi..." when she sees my face she gets really worried.

"What's wrong? Why were you crying?" She asks. Oh she's gonna love this.

"My uncle Phil went missing and hour ago so we're gonna go visit my aunt Mel." she looks over at me confused.

"Since when do you have an uncle Phil or an aunt Mel." I finally let the smile I've been trying to hide, show.

"I don't." I laugh as she gasps.

"Your parents lied to get you out of school?" I nod as my face becomes serious.

"But you can't tell anyone my mom seems really stressed about something, okay?" she nods her head and drags her pointer finger and thumb across her lips as of saying "my lips are sealed".

"Good. Now I have to go, my moms in the car. See you tomorrow."

"Bye!" she says and walks away back to the cafeteria. She probably went straight to my locker when she heard my name get called. With everything going on she probably thought someone in my family had been taken.

I quickly grab my stuff from my locker, making sure I leave the keys so my brother can drive home and run outside. I quickly send a text to my brother letting him know I've left and giving him my locker combination so he can get the keys in order to get home. I look back up and scan the cars looking for my moms silver van. As soon as I see it I go over and open the door and get in the passenger seat. As we are pulling out of the parking lot she says,

"I should have told you this sooner, but I wanted to protect and shield you from it all. However with the arrival of some people, I now know it's time to tell you the truth. I only hope you can forgive me for not telling you sooner"

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