The Unordinary

By elephant576

2.8K 113 16

Six high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else i... More

Character 1-1
Character 3-2
Character 1-3
Character 2-6
Character 5 and Justin-7
Joseph and Justin-8
Character 5-10
The Hospital Visiter-28
The Hospital Vist-29
The Argument-30
Everything Has Changed-31
Still Unbreakable Twinship?-32
The Meeting-33
The Encounter-34
My Family Hates Me-35
Is she dead?-36
What's going on?-37
It's Dad's Fault...-38
Oh Oh-39
Calm, Taliah Calm-40
Newspaper Report
I'm Glad I have you-41
My Brother is Super Annoying-42
My Sweet Little Sister-43
Why am I Friends With Him?-44
Coming here was a mistake-45
What happened? Who did this? Where?-46
Do I have to be here?-47
That blonde girl-48
If only I could-50
You Ok?-51
Doesn't matter-52
Questions Need Answers-53
Pain, Stop-54
Where did they put it?-55
I'm Ok-56
What's wrong?-57
Argh, Stupid Joseph-59
What-60-is happening?
Breathe. Breathe-61
My Precious Crystal-62
Questions Leave!-63
Why not have two 63?
What's Your Name?-63
Beauty Turns to Chaos-64
No Butterflies Aloud-65
The Old Me-67
His face-68
No...This is my fault-69
Don't Let This Happen-70
What am I Supposed to do?-71
I wish I did-73
Be Ok-74
Why Do They Want Me to Say Something?-75
Calling my mum shouldn't be this difficult-77
Who is he?-78
Her Room-79
Are you fine with small spaces?-80
Water isn't always a friend-82
I Hope everything is alright-85
This time I am-87
I wish I could say-88
Is it possible to trust?-89
What have I done?-90
I'm just a child-93
Hot or Cold-94
I hope-95
I shouldn't-96
I Don't Think I Could Feel Safer-99
Take me-100


6 1 0
By elephant576

Taliah's Pov
Everything going on is crazy. I lie on my bed so my head is hanging off. I haven't heard anything from Justin or Sarah. I hope they're ok. There's probably a good reason for them not texting back or trying to contact me. They're probably just super busy or their parents might've taken them on holiday and/or taken their phones off them. Yeah, that's...that's probably why.
"Sissy?" I hear Crys call from the doorway.
"What's wrong Crys?" I hear a moaning sound. Pull myself back fully on the bed. I see dried tears on her face but I also see fresh tears ready to fall from her eyes. "Crys..." I say in the most soothing way I could. I pick her up onto my bed and hug her tight as tears fall from her eyes.
"Where's daddy?"
"You know dad left," I whispered in her ear wishing I could lie about that but she already knew the truth. After our parents told us they were going to get a divorce our dad moved back in with his parents and we were stuck with our mother. I would've preferred it to be the other way round. I much more prefer Dad over Mum. She always broke first. I guess it was nice she tried to keep cool, but that was only when dad was around. Back when they might've cared about each other.

Soothingly I say "You're my little Crystal if you ever need to talk about something my ears will always be open." I hold Crys humming in her ear whilst stroking her head.
"Is there any reason you want dad?" I whisper right next to her ear. She shakes her little head in my arms. I bring my arm and put it in her short-sleeved top to stroke her arm, as soon as I did that she recoiled away from me nearly falling off the bed. "Crys, what's wrong?" I say in a soft tone. Why is she acting so nervous all of a sudden?

I grab her up. She squirms in my arms.
"Taliah, let me go!" She complains trying to push out my arms.
"Not until you tell me what's wrong," I say firmly, but as gentle as I could. I put her down on my bed and turn round to close the door. When turning back where Crys is I come back to a sulking Crys.
"Crys?" She doesn't respond. I pull up the sleeve to the arm I tried to put my hand on. I see a single plaster. Why would she be so nervous for me to see that? I look at her to try and find an answer. Instead of an answer, all I got was a nervous vibe from her staring at the ground and refusing to look at me. I get back into my bed so I'm behind Crys and try to lift her top up. As soon as I put my fingertips in her shirt she immediately pulled it down. "Crys!" I say a bit more sternly.

Eventually, she lets me lift up her top for me to see her back covered in cuts and dried blood.
"How long ago?" She doesn't answer. "Crys? I need to know." I whisper moving her head towards me.
"An hour ago..." How didn't I hear that? She must've changed tops. "Don't tell mum I told you." She says whilst she starts to let tears fall down like a flood.
"Of course I won't. Don't worry about that." I trace all the cuts on her back with my hand. "Crys, come let's go and get you tidied up!" She nods sucking on her finger.

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