By lexandsam

543 52 0

deranged (adj) mad; insane. They are mentally ill and cannot think or act normally. A deranged attacker is a... More

One: College, dudes
Two: Aussie
Three: Party Pooper
Four: Strange
Five: He said that?
Six: Protective
Seven: Love
Eight: Admit It
Nine: Fear
Ten: I Like You
Twelve: Falling
Thirteen: Noah
Fourteen: Lukey Pookey
Fifteen: For real
Sixteen: Psychopath
Seventeen: Going Home
Eighteen: I Promise
Nineteen: Sneak
Twenty: Caught
Twenty one: Noah
Twenty two: Sleepover
Twenty Three: Break in
Twenty Four: Paranoid
Twenty Five: Theo
Twenty Six: Plan B
Twenty Seven: Where did you go?
Twenty Eight: News
Twenty nine: This isn't love
Thirty: Jail Visit
Thirty one: Bail
Thirty two: New Beginnings
Thirty Three- High
Thirty Four: Hometown
Thirty Five: Movie night
Thirty Six: Decision
Thirty Seven: Grad
Thirty Eight: Keeping Secrets
Thirty Nine: Lovey dovey shit

Eleven: Fam

15 0 0
By lexandsam

Noah's POV

I sat as I looked around the lobby. I looked next to see Michael had finally went to sleep. Lexi and Luke went somewhere, didn't even bother to find out where. I grabbed my phone out to scroll through the news seeing almost everything on the shooting.

"Fuck" I said turning my phone off

"Any news on Theo?" Michael asked

"Nope" I said and Michael sat up straight. 

"Why did you guys let Sam stay with Theo?" I asked

"Wow, don't say that. She is her own person! Plus she was pretty good at putting on a different face" Michael said

"Everyone thought they were picture perfect" Michael said

"I'm sorry, dude. I didn't mean it like that" I said sighing

"Everything started to show when Sam told him that he wasn't allowed to know what college she was going to. She told him that she was done with him. Everything became more clear" Michael said

"He would hit her if she wasn't behaving at a party. He would put rules on her but she was scared to leave him. He threaten to hurt Lexi, Sam didn't want her to get brought into something that wasn't her fault" He said 

"MICHAELPROVOST!" I heard this guy yell

"Ambrose!" Michael said getting up and hugging him. Ambrose was tall, he was an attractive dude. His blonde hair was well kept, I could tell he was Sam's brother by his eyes. 

"Michael" What I assumed was Sam's mom said

"How are you kid?" Her dad said

"I'm doing okay" He said

"Who is this?" Ambrose asked pointing to me

"I'm Noah" I said as Ambrose walked over to me

"Nice to meet you, Noah. I'm Sam's mom, Amber. This is Sam's dad, Todd" Sam's mom said and her dad gave me a hand shake.

"Nice to meet you guys" I said

"I'm Ambrose and this is Sasha" Ambrose said relieving a little girl.

"Nice to meet you guys also" I said getting down to see Sasha. She smiled at me and she came over and gave me a hug. 

"How is our girl?" Her dad asked

"Not-" Michael started to say but then Lexi and Luke came into the room.

"Lexi!" Sasha said running over to her.

"Hey" Lexi said picking her up

"What even happened?" Ambrose said sitting down

"Sam took a hit for me" I said sighing

"Theo?" Ambrose asked

"Yes" Michael said

"They better lock him up for a long fucking time" Ambrose said


We sat waiting for new for about an hour. The nurse came and took Sam's parents away. Sasha was sleeping in my arms. She was literally a mini Sam and looking at her made me feel weak, like I couldn't have saved Sam from any of this.


"Hey" I said walking over to Sam and Lexi. They were both wearing skimpy outfits, couldn't tell is they were drunk or just being their goofy selves.

"Dance with me" Sam said

"No" I said laughing

"It's the night before graduation, we need to party it up" Lexi said

"You aren't usually the one to be doing this" I said to Lexi

"We are finally done with school. Need to celebrate" Lexi said and I nodded 

"SAM" Theo said coming over and Sam stopped what dancing

"What the hell are you wearing?" Theo asked

"I'm just having fun, babe" Sam said and he rolled his eyes. He pulled her outside, there was still a decent amount of people outside. Lexi and I followed him. We stood at the door watching them fight.

"It's just getting worse" Lexi said

"You guys will go to college and get away from this" I said, we were just standing back watching them fight. I looked away for a second and heard a slap. I looked to see Sam holding her face. Everyone was looking at them.

"Theo, don't fucking do this shit in front of people" Sam said as Lexi and I ran over to them

"You guys should get away" Theo said and I took a deep breath

"Fuck, you aren't worth it" Theo said walking away. Tears were streaming down Sam's face. 

"Let's leave this party" I said

I dropped Lexi off at home and only had Sam in my car. I pulled up to Sam's house, I turned the car off knowing that she was going to make me walk her to her room. We got out of the car not saying anything. I knocked on the door and Ambrose opened the door. He looked at Sam and his face went red with anger.

"I don't want to talk about it" Sam said walking in the house

"I'm going to fucking beat his ass" Ambrose said

"I need to get home" I said sighing

"I'll see you tomorrow at grad" Ambrose said

"Take care of her and text me if something is wrong and I'll be right over" I said and Ambrose laughed

"You like her?" Ambrose asked

"Doesn't matter" I said

"Have a goodnight, Ambrose" I said walking away


Sam's parents walked out, they stopped walking over to us. Her mom started to cry and her dad pulled her into a hug. I looked at Noah and Lexi, Sasha woke up.

"MOM" Sasha said running over to her mom, Sam's dad walked over to us.

"She's awake for now" Her dad said sitting down

"They are going to take her in for another surgery" He said

"She isn't going to die or something right?" Ambrose asked trying to hold his tough guard up.

"There is always a chance with surgery. We can only hope she will wake after" Her dad said

"Can we see her? Before surgery?" Noah asked

"Yeah, you guys can go see her individually" Her dad said and Noah took a deep breath

"She is in a lot of pain and might not respond to you but she is wide awake. Her eyes are opened" Her dad said

"So who is going first?" Her mom said coming over to us 

"You can go Michael" Lexi said and I looked around at everyone.

"I don't want to go first" I said

"Well Lexi, you go" Noah said and she nodded. She walked away with Sam's dad.

"I want to kill that bastard" Ambrose said

"Me too" Noah said

"Ambrose and Noah...actually all of you guys. You don't need to get to his level" Sam's mom said

"He was aiming for me, I feel responsible for this" Noah said 

"That guy is mental, he was going to snap at some point. I just wish I could give him a piece of my mind" Ambrose said

"He always stayed away from me. What a pussy" Ambrose said

"Ambrose" His mom said

"I was going to say though. Noah, it is not your fault and please don't hold that against yourself." Sam's mom said

"If she dies durning surgery, I don't think I'm going to come back from that. Fuck, I actually have feelings for her" Noah said and I just sighed. I was never first choice to Sam, she would pick Noah  over me.

"Noah" Sam's mom said giving him a hug.

"Who are you?" Ambrose asked pointing to Luke.

"I'm Luke" He said

"He is kinda in love with Lexi" Noah said laughing

"Love is a strong word" Luke said

"Yeah, do you love Sam?" I asked

"Sorry not love. He has feeling for Lexi" Noah said


~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lexi literally just updated and I'm going to throw it right back at her.

I wish I could say I was sorry but this book is 

just so fun to write


Love your girl, 


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