My teacher? Nah he's my husba...

By newheartqree

166K 8.2K 1.6K

Jackson (23) -> Hot teacher Mark (17) -> Dumb kid a little review from the story~~ "What do you think... More

Bit Spoiler
First meeting
Bit angst
Exam shit
Field trip
Little thing
Do I?
Warning To Authors
What Role
The Play
His name
The bruises
The tears
Live with me?
New job or nah?
Hell break loose
Two conditions
Author's space
You are mine
Result and Present
Stupid coincidence
Sighing Of An Author
The Wangs
Author's Stuff
A Spoiler Because I Feel Bad
The truth
Graduation and Vacation
Co'mere Guys
I'm Back But...
Before The Full Chapter Is Published
Santa Barbara
Driving License
It's Me :)
Christmas special
The Wedding (Gown)
The Wedding (Tux)
My teacher? Nah, he's my husband.
Author notice.
I Wanna Ask
Quick Question
Bonus (part 1)
This Is Not Easy
Bonus (Part 2)
Bonus (Part 3)
This is it :')
New book alert!

The vacay (Beach)

3.3K 134 66
By newheartqree

Ok, first of all, I am so sorry for the late update but now I'm backkk. Second of all, if there are any of you guys who live in LA or know about it or whatever, I'm sorry if there are any mistakes that I made in this chapter. I'm not from LA nor have I ever gone there before and all I have is google so, forgive me. About the school, I know they have no branch in LA but I just like that school so I made it happen XD.

So, enjoy.

"WE'RE AT A BEACH!!!" Arms wide opened, he runs towards the water.

After checking in, Mark was so eager to go into the sea so, Jackson cancelled his plan of bringing the blonde for a meal and they got to the beach soon after they changed into their respective swimwear. But not before Jackson forced the younger to apply sunblock because he doesn't want to deal with whining reddish Mark later.

Jackson stood on the shore and gazes at his boyfriend who's playing in the water. God, how angelic Mark looks he thought. His blonde hair and skin look so radiant under the bright sun and his white shirt and shorts just perfect everything. He admits, having this beauty by his side makes him the luckiest person on earth.

*( Btw, Jackson's in a blue halfway-unbuttoned shirt and white shorts and Mark's in a white t-shirt and white shorts on his thigh)*

"Gaga!" Woke up from his thought, he sees the blonde is holding his hand out, motioning the elder to comes to him. Smiling, he makes his way towards the blonde only then getting water splashed all over him.

"You asked for this." He said before doing the same to the younger. Waves of laughter were thrown out as they play around, being in their own world.

Mark runs away for his life but Jackson caught him and throws the blonde over his shoulder. "Hey! You play dirty let me go!" He squirms in the elder's hold.

"Let you go? Sure." And he does just that. He throws the younger into the water and laughs his hyena laugh. "You!" Mark get his revenge by pulling the elder down with him.

So, that's how their evening goes.


Sun is setting and the couple is sitting by the shore, gazing at the beautiful sky. "Wanna take a walk?" Jackson asks the younger and gets a nod as a reply. He gets up and held out his hand which the younger gladly grabs it.

Holding their own flip-flop, they stroll on the shore hand in hand. After a while, Mark suddenly takes Jackson's arm and draped it around his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around the latter's waist.

"Seun, tell me what do you feel right now." Mark looks up at his boyfriend's fine features.

"Amazing. I get to be at this amazing place with my amazing boyfriend. How else would I feel?"

"Me too, and it brings back memories from when I was a child. Whenever I and my family came here, we would play and then walk like this, just us three. Well, I didn't really walk because my dad piggybacks me every time. Oh oh oh and there is one thing that I've always wanted to try!"

"What is that?"

"Water surfing!" Jackson raised his eyebrow at that. "A Cali boy like you never went for one?"

"Nope, my parents never let me because they said water surfing is dangerous especially for an over small kid like me. But I'm big now so can I?"

"Big?" He laughs out loud at the younger.

"Jackson. You. Mean!" He smacks the other's stomach with his flip-flop.

"Okay okay I'm sorry." He wipes the tears at the corner of his eyes. "We'll go for that tomorrow but, I'm telling you it won't be easy, be prepared to swallows gallons of saltwater tomorrow."

"YAS!" He puts his fist up in the air and does a victory dance which causes the latter to burst into another fit of laughter at his silly act.

They soon head back to their suite and get ready for dinner.


"You got some sauce here babe." He wipes the corner of the younger's lips with his thumbs then proceed to lick it. Mark froze in his spot at the younger's act.

"Jackson we are in public."

"So what? You are my boyfriend." Proudly he says that out loud. "What are you embarrassed?"

"What no. I just thought that you might be, I'm a boy after all and some people just won't get it." He fiddles his fork.

"Their stares and words don't stop me from having quality time with my boyfriend. Actually, nothing does. As long as I'm with you, I don't care if the world turns their back on us. But if those things are disturbing for you, we could change the way things works as long as you're comfortable being with me." Care is evident in his tone.

Mark's expression turns soft at that.

"Why do you willing to do so much for me?"

"Because you are my boyfriend." Mark chuckles at that. "All just because of that? Aren't you being over-caring?"

"Excuse me, Tuan, YOU, are my boyfriend, mine so, I am more than free to give how much love and care I want to you. And your job is, to receive it with an open heart. Ya know what I'm saying?" *(Got this phrase from Jae, I'm infected :')*

Mark laughed at his boyfriend's face. "Yes, Mr My boyfriend."

Later that night they...........................................................


oh and they didn't forget to go for a round on the merry-go-round.

*( hehehehehehe sorry for the teasing guys ><)*


Like promised, right when the sun hit the sky, Mark eagerly wake Jackson up to go for water surfing. And of course, Jackson didn't handle the blonde alone without the help from a pro.

Mark finally get what Jackson meant after how much water he has swallowed on that day. He would for sure, fell off the board after a second of being on it and Jackson were playing his part well to laugh at the blonde.




Was his all-day scripts.

After a great one hour and a short break in between, Mark was finally able to balance himself on the board. And the trainer has also gone back 10 minutes ago.

"Just stay like that or you'll fall again," Jackson said to the blonde who's on the board beside him. But being the paper doll he is, he lost it when the wind turns squally and hit him right on the spot. And splash, fell into the water the paper doll is.

Jackson lets out his 100th laugh of the day before jumping into the water, coming to the blonde's rescue. He helps the tired boy up onto the board.

"Let's call it a day, you're tired." And the said boy just nods his head, letting the latter push him back to the shore.

After replacing the board, Jackson took Mark's hand in his and starts to walk away from the beach but before he could even take another step, he feels something heavy in his hold. He turned around and look at the blonde who's standing still. "What?"

"Carry me please?" Flawless puppy eyes on display, lips are pouting perfectly, what else could Jackson does other than rolling his eyes and crouched down in front of the younger. Smiling in victory, Mark throws himself on the broad back. "Let's go~" He sings happily while Jackson could only chuckle at his cute boyfriend.

"What do you wanna have for lunch?" He asks the younger after some time. "I'm craving for Mexican."

"Then Mexican restaurant it is."


"Wait for a while and we'll go after I'm done."

"Ok~" Mark replied while blowing dry his wet hair from showering. After done, he lays on the bed and scrolls through Instagram.

After a good five minutes, Jackson came out from the shower only to see his little blonde sleeping soundly on the bed with his phone on his stomach. Jackson smiles at the sight and went to put on his clothes.

He places the blanket on the smaller and quietly makes his way out of the room going to only God knows where.


His eyelashes are fluttering open as his eyes are slowly focusing on the window. He sits up and realizes that he fell asleep while waiting for Jackson. He looks around and realized the weird silence. "Jackson?" and no reply. He reaches for his phone and saw that it's already 4. He dials in a familiar number and waits for the other to pick it up.

"I see you already up sunshine."

"I'm sorry I fell asleep."

"Nah, I know you're tired. I'm heading back now, just wait for a while."

"Where did you go?"

"Just strolling on the beach."

"Then you are near. Just wait at the lobby, I'll be there in two."


He cut the call and went to wash his face.


Jackson looks up when he feels someone walking towards him and he was right, it's his angel.

"How do you feel now?" He asked the latter.

"Lot better but I'm hungry." He said while rubbing his flat ass tummy. Jackson chuckled and ruffles that blonde hair. "Of course you would. Ok Let's go, you wanted Mexican cuisine right?"

"Yup! Let's go~"

They walk out of the resort hand in hand proudly.


"Jackson I got a problem." The said person looks up from the menu and saw a clueless expression on that soft face.


"I don't know which to choose." He pointed at the burrito and Enchilada. Jackson rolls his eyes at the younger's unnecessary concern.

"Just get both, easy."

"What if I can't finish it?"

"I'm here honey, why complicate things that could be simplified. Just get both so we can satisfy your tummy ok?"

"Okie~" And that was so cute in Jackson's eyes.

Soon the waiter came to get their order and oh what a fine man he is. "Are you ready to order?" He asked while looking directly at the blonde.

"Yes, we want one serving of burrito, quesadilla and a serving of enchiladas, PLEASE." And there goes Jackson Wang chasing the fox away in the nicest way possible.

"Enchilada comes with either fries or mashed potato. Which would you prefer?"

"Mashed potato." And Mark said that with a SMILE I repeat, a FREAKING SMILE WHICH JACKSON WANG LOVES SO MUCH.

"Certainly. I'll be right back with your order soon." And he winked at the blonde before walks away, leaving Jackson gasping at his boyfriend.

"Did you just smile at that fox? Really?"

"It's called manner Wang."

"But babyyyy, he even winked at you. That's not manner, that's flirting." He starts to whine like a big baby.

"But do I flirt back? No, so shut your jealous ass up and chill." He shut the grown-up ass right away.

"Fine." He said with a pout.

Then they talked about whatever only God knows for a few minutes before the waiter from earlier comes with their order.

"Can I get you anything else?"

"NO." Jackson replied firmly and Mark laughs inwardly at him.

"Sure, I'll bring the check right out." He smiles and disappears again.

Right when the waiter was not in sight anymore, Mark let out his laughter, which subsided the elder's jealousy.

A minute into their meal, "Babe where do you wanna go tomorrow?" Jackson started.

"Ermm lemme think." He chews and chews and chews and swallows the food in his mouth. "I wanna visit my home then I wanna go to this one bakery that I used to go to, can we?"

"Anything for you darl. By the way, I've added one more place for our trip."


"Iceland. We are going there after the big bear lake."

"God how much I love Iceland and do you rent a camp car? Because going there without it will not complete the trip." Jackson snapped his fingers at that statement.

"That's so right but no worries, it's reserved."And Mark gives a thumbs up at the elder while chewing his food.

Not long after, the waiter came back with their bill and he obviously hands it to Mark before leaving again. Mark took it but then he feels something behind the paper. He flips it and saw a piece of paper was stuck on the board with "2135XXXXXX -call me" written on it. Before he could do anything, the man in front of him snatched it away and tore the paper from the board before crumples the paper grumpily. Mark just chuckled at that.

"Chill I'm not going to call him or what."

"I'm just letting out my anger on him through this paper." And another chuckle left his mouth.

It was 5:15 when they were done so Mark decided to whine at Jackson to go to the Queen Mary ship while they are walking along the street.

"I wanna goooo."

"But it's scary and you are a scaredy-cat so nope."

"But Jackson pleaseeee you are with me so there's nothing to worry about right right right." He tugs the other's sleeve cutely.

"I AM with you but I'm ALSO scared."

"The sun is still up high in the sky and shining so really very brightly so nothing to be scared of, let's go pleashe." And he looks at the blonde who's giving him the eye of the puss in boots with an are-you-serious face. Finally, he sighed in defeat. "Fine but don't wake me up if you wanna pee in the middle of the night."

"Aye aye captain!" He hugs the latter's arm with a wide smile on his face.

On the boat, Mark was pretty much engrossed with reading the history and looking at the historical things rather than being afraid of ghosts popping out of nowhere and Jackson was HONESTLY relieved that there's no clingy blonde he needs to deal with.

That night they really went all out for their first trip together as a couple. First, they went to a downtown art walk and took pictures together, then they go for bowling at Bowlmor Santa Monica for two hours and fueled themselves up in Chinatown.

After stuffing themselves up for the second time, they walk down the Universal City Walk and Mark didn't forget to get every food he could from the street vendors because he's not a human, he's a horse. When the arrow passed midnight, they hit the street food cinema in Exposition Park. They don't even focus on the movie because they are busy laying beneath the stars and relax.

After they got out of their 2nd movie, Mark dragged Jackson to Koreatown and have the famous late-night doughnuts. Jackson swears half of their expenses went to foods and not that he cares but he's amazed at how much that small body could take in. *(KEEP YOUR DIRTY MIND CLEAN IK WHAT YOU GUYS R THINKING ABOUT)*

They go back to their room when the clock hit two in the morning and after Jackson stopped Mark from having too much sugar intake in one night.


The next day, Jackson woke up at 11 and get ready while letting the blonde sleep some more because he knows the younger was tired from stuffing himself last night.

After putting on his OOTD, he sits on the bed beside the beauty who's sleeping peacefully. He brushes the hair on the other's forehead, revealing the soft skin beneath it where he later placed a kiss on. He snapped a few pictures of the sleeping beauty because who can resist it right? before waking him up.

He blows into the younger's ear and got a stir from him. "Baby wake up~ It's already noon darling." He looks at how the blonde starts to moves and roll on his back. Jackson runs his hand through that soft hair and softly whispered, "Get up now honey, we are going to your house remember." Then the boy opens his eyes slowly and Jackson swears that he does look a lot like a baby.

The first thing he saw right after he opened his eyes was his favourite pair of eyes looking down at him lovingly.

"Good morning cupcake." He said before placing a kiss on the younger's swollen lips.

"Morning Seunie." He said with his morning voice and Jackson loves the sound of it so much. He gets up and stretches his limbs before heading to the bathroom.

They had breakfast at a famous pancake vendor near them before driving to Mark's home.

They were having a conversation when Mark suddenly blurted out, "Hey look that was my school." Jackson takes a look at it and damn how big could a school be. "Stamford American International School." Was written big and glowing in front of the school. He wonders how did the small Mark travel around the school with his short legs.

"Damn that was huge, how did you manage to walk around the school with those short legs of yours?"

"Hey my leg wasn't short and they got a freaking elevator and the arrangement of the building made it convenient for us to move from one place to another."

"I thought the little Mark would find it hard to moves his little ducky legs." He said in a teasing manner.

"Jackson Wang!" And Jackson laughs out loud at the younger sudden outburst.

"Stop in front of the white mansion right over there." Mark points at an enormous white mansion that's just a few feet away from them. Jackson stops the car right in front of the empty mansion and parks it there.

Mark walks towards the guardhouse but no one's in there.

"This house is empty but at the same time, it looks clean." Said Jackson. "Did your parent tell you anything about this house?" Mark asked him.

"Nope, nothing."

"Do you think that... it's haunted?" Mark asked carefully and then...

"Who are you two might be?"



A voice came from behind them and they got startled at it. They turned around in unison then breathe out in relief when it was just an old man holding a bag of things in his hand. Mark's jaw dropped when he saw who the person was.

"James! I thought you were dead!" He voices out his too honest thought and that earned him a smack on his head. Jackson was shocked at that but he didn't say anything to the man. "Teenager nowadays. How dare you say that to an old man like me? Where's your manner?"

Rubbing his poor head, he pouts at him. "But you never get mad when I say it to you before."

"Before? Do I even know you?" Mark's jaw dropped again. "How could you forget me you are so mean." He said it in a sulky manner.

"Kid please tell me whoever you are before I cut your head off."

"Okay then, look at these and try to remember." Then he did a flower petal pose, peace sign pose, poke-cheek pose and his famous smile that shows his pearl white teeth. Both Jackson and the man look at him weirdly.

"What's wrong with you kid?" The man said and Mark's hands automatically drop to his side. "This is too far. Ok, try again, who was the kid that played hide and seeks with you and loved to hide in the guardhouse because he thought that it was strategic to hid there? Who was the kid that will say "I'm home~" with a peace sign? Who was the kid that always asked you to tie his shoelace because no one's style in the house could satisfy him other than you? Who?"

"That was my- oh lord, do you know Tuan Yi En?" And Mark gives up at that. "Ok let me give you one last hint. I AM Yi En, does that ring a bell?"

"You are Yi En?! Are you really my young sir?" The man took a step closer towards him and look closely at his face. Mark take hold of the man's hand and put it on his cheek, "James I've told you I'm no young sir, I'm just Yi En, little Yi En." That's when it hit the man.

"Young sir please stop running or you will fall and bleed!" The boy stopped running and turned around with his cheeky smile on his reddened face.

"James I've told you I'm no young sir, I'm just Yi En, little Yi En!" Said the small boy to the man before running away again.

"Dear God you're still alive!" He drops his bag on the floor and hugs the boy tightly.

"You too." Mark said teasingly and the man smacked him again. "Hehehehe I'm just kidding, I just thought that you won't be here anymore."

"How could I not. Wait let's go inside first and I'll tell you everything and you too young man, please come in." He opened the gate and let them inside.

"Sorry that I couldn't serve you anything because you see, this house has been empty ever since the news about the loss of your parent went out."

"Nah it's okay, actually, the reason why we came here today was that I miss it here and I thought, maybe I'll spend some time here before going back to Korea."

"I hope this is not too late but may I ask who are you?" The man asked the guy who's sitting beside the blonde.

"No it's not, I'm Jackson Wang, his boyfriend."

"Oh, what a coincidence because the person who's taking care of this house right now is also Wang." Jackson chuckles at what the man said.

"And coincidently, I am that Wang." The man's eye went wide at that. "So you are their son? Then we've met before during the party which was held here."

Jackson smiles apologetically at James, "Sorry but I seem to not remember anything about that day."

"Oh it's okay, I'm sure you didn't pay much attention back then as a kid. So, what do you plan on doing here today young sir?"

Mark rolls his eyes, "James stop with that I still can't get used to that name yet."

"Sorry, it's been a habit."

"I want to look around the house. By the way, why does this house look so clean? Did you clean it?" He asks while looking around the weirdly clean house. "No, it's the maids." That caught the blonde's attention. "I thought they stopped working after my parent died."

"They didn't. After your parent died, they still clean the house regularly even though they were not paid. They said, when their young sir comes back, they want him to feels at home and comfortable like always. Trust me, they were sadder when they saw the news about you went missing than about your parent. But they still come by to clean the house because they really hope that you will come back one day. But after their best friend took over everything, all of them were paid to clean this house once a week until now."

"It does feel at home." He said softly to himself with a gentle smile stretched out on his face. "Then where are they now?"

"Today is not the cleaning day, it's three days from now."

"What a pity, I miss them so much but never mind, they should relax on their holiday. I'm going to walk around the house for a while."

"Sure, if you need anything, I'm in the backyard." The man takes his things with him and took a step away but then stopped. "Oh yeah, we never change anything in this house especially your bedroom and your miniature's room." He said before continuing his steps.

"You are loved by so many good people, I'm proud." Jackson pats the younger's hair while they are climbing up the stairs. "Who could hate a sweet kid like me, even you fell for my charms." He said with his cheeky smile.

At the top of the stairs, they came to a huge space with large windows surrounding them and a long-ass balcony at one of them.

"This is where I built the fort at and trust me when I say it filled almost this whole place."

"Who do you sleep in it with?"

"The maids, when my mom and dad were not home, and I still remember how they would fight just to sleep in it with me, but you know, all of them were like still a young woman with healthy and big boobs so it kinda felt weird for me to wake up being squeezed between them." Jackson burst out laughing at the blonde's honesty.

Then they went into the first room around the corner. Mark's eyes sting at the sight of the room looking the same just like on the day they left the house.

Jackson sense how the younger suddenly turned silent so he went to his side and wraps his arm around his shoulder.

"Their room?" He asks softly and earned a nod from the blonde.

"His guitar." He said softly. Jackson looks in the direction the latter is looking at and there, a brown acoustic guitar were neatly placed on its stand beside the bed.

Bracing himself up, he approaches the brown wooden thing. Tears are brimming in his eyes but he mans up and shove it down his throat and flashes his brightest smile.

Slowly he brings his hand up and softly runs his finger down the guitar's headstock and brushes his fingertips above the "Tuan" carving over the fretboard. Thousands of memories are flashing in his mind.

"I'm back, and I miss you."

His voice was shaking and his eyes are blurry. None is falling but none is going back in either.

Jackson looks at the small back and he can't withstand the heartbreaking sight in front of him. He had seen the blonde breaking down before but they never made his tears fall down his cheek like right now. He quickly wipes the tears away and approaches the younger, "I'll be outside." He whispered before making his way out. He knows the younger need some time alone being here after so long and he got nothing against it. He went out to the balcony and calms himself down.

Inside the room...

"How are you doing there daddy? Are you taking good care of mommy? I'm doing good right here but you know, sometimes it gets too hard that I hope I am where you guys are right now." He speaks to the guitar as if its owner is there listening to him.

"Sometimes it gets too lonely that I wanted to end it myself so that I won't face another painfully lonely day tomorrow. Sometimes I wish that I won't open my eyes the next day to see the empty house. I've tried to end it myself so many times but I wonder why I can't, but now ... I got the answer," He smiles sweetly at the guitar.

"Because I am fated to be with someone who will make it noisy again, who will make it easy and wonderful again. He made me feels that I have my own worth and I deserve to live in this world. It's kinda sad that you guys will never see the person that will love your son dearly until the day we die but I'm sure that you guys are watching from up there right? Please give him your blessings because if not, I'll be sad." He chuckled softly.

"He gives me the reason to live and he is the right one, he loves me unconditionally. I love him and I'm sure you guys will love him too. I love you mommy, and I love you, daddy." He hugs the guitar with tears still flowing down his cheeks.

After being able to calm himself down, he makes his way out of the room and met the elder who's scrolling through his phone while leaning over the wall. The guy looks up at him with care filling his eyes. "You good?"

"Yeah." He said and nods at Jackson. "Now let's go to my room." Jackson was relieved to see the usual smile is back.

"Tadaaa! Welcome to my vastness." He said it like in Disney movies with his hands up in the air.

The room was decorated with cute and soft decorations which were filled with plushies and baby blue painted walls. Fake clouds were hanging off the ceiling, on the other side of the room has a fort built up with two plushies in it and the furniture somehow looks like a set of limited edition Totoro shaped furniture. Overall if a word could describe the room, it would be fluffy.

"How's my room?" He asked the elder eagerly. "Fit for a child's room, fluffy."

"Even until now, I still love my room the most. I thought of the decorations and arrangement myself and nothing could beat it." He pats his chest proudly and smiles softly at that. "But you're a grownup now, do you still want to sleep in this kind of room?" Mark's gasps and slaps the other's arm.

"What do you mean "this kind of room?" This is my artwork and don't you dare to diss it."

"I'm not dissing it. Well I mean, my room got nothing like this so I thought maybe you don't like to sleep there."

"I sleep in your room because it got something that I don't have here."

"What is it?"

"You. Now let's go to the next room." He said shyly but soon cover it up by pulling the elder out of the room.

"The second highlight of the day is, my chamber!" As he said, it is a chamber as no matter where you look, you will only a see house miniature in every inch of the room. Three tall and wide racks with a ladder against them were put against each wall and each of them is filled with houses and not even a little space was left.

"You built all of these as a kid? Now I get why your parent suggest you become an interior designer."

"Everything is handmade from scratch by me. You're free to feel proud." And he said that very proudly.

"I'm impressed and I can't deny it."

"That is expected, my dear." He says, sounding like a poet.

The next part of the house they went to is an empty space with the walls filled with pictures. There is wedding photos of the Tuan couple, pictures of them with the Wangs, a picture of a newborn baby which Jackson assumed is Mark and hey, his cheek is really cute and how shocked he was when he saw a picture of him and Mark at a formal party together. So they really have met before he thought.

"This was when I won a tennis competition for the first time." He points at a picture of a kid with a gold medal around his neck smiling as bright as the sun. Jackson look around some more and realized a new fact about the younger.

"Mark you're athletic as a kid."

There are many pictures of him winning different competitions such as tennis, archery, swimming, golf, gymnastics and polo but he didn't have any medal in that one. But there is only one picture for each sport except for tennis.

"I was just trying different things because as a kid I didn't know what is what but I somehow got lucky to win everything I joined except for polo, I didn't stay in the club for long because somehow it gets too dangerous at times and I'm just not up for any thrill."

"And how did you get stuck with tennis?"

"Tennis gives me the feeling that others don't. Like archery is boring, golf is, even more, polo is scary, for swimming, I just hate the after effect of being wet inside the sticky suit and gymnastics, I did get into it for some times but then I'm more interested in martial arts so yeah, that was how I got into tennis until now because tennis gave me joy, a little bit of healthy thrill, feeling of being free and all in all, it's just amazing."

"I don't know if I'm dating a human or an AI. You are so capable that I wonder what more are you able to do."

"I'm able to win you." He said with a cute smile on his lips. Jackson smiles and puts his around the shorter's neck. "That's right, you are the only one in this world who have that capability." Then he placed a kiss on the other's nose softly.

They walk around the whole house for a bit longer before going back to the living room from the garden and there they were suddenly greeted by a number of women who are so familiar to the blonde.

"Yi En!"

"Young sir you're back!"

"It's really our little Yi En!"

"You're still alive thank god!"

All of it was said together and their expression shows how glad and happy they are to see the boy who was once a little kid that they used to love and care for is standing there just fine.

Not wanting to ruin the mood but Jackson can't help but remember what the blonde said about them before.

"Oh my gosh it's not long but you guys look so old now." Again, his honesty code.

"Hey, that's rude to say to someone you haven't met for so long." Said one of them.

"Hehehe just kidding. Meet Jackson, my boyfriend."

"Ohoo you found yourself such a hottie yet here I am being single for almost all my life." Said another woman.

"Not my fault that I'm prettier than you." He flips his invisible hair like a diva.

They had a good time catching up on things together and Jackson is going along with them pretty well. Waves of laughter came once in a while when a funny story about the blonde was revealed.

"When will you come and live here again?" One of the women asks the blonde.

"I don't know if I will ever live here again because Jackson got a job in Korea and of course I'm living with him but, I will come here sometimes because after all, this is the place where I came from and I will always miss it here."

"That's kinda sad but at least now we know that you are fine and happy. When are you guys going back?"

"We are going to Santa Barbara tomorrow so today is our last stay," Mark said, sounding a bit sad.

"If it's fine with you guys, we want to stay here for the night." Mark's eyes went wide at what Jackson said. "Can we? You don't mind?" He wraps his slender finger around his boyfriend's arm and looks at him with hopeful eyes.

"I know how much you miss this place and I don't mind if you wanna stay here for as long as you want."

"You are the best boyfriend I could ever have. Can we?" He asks them and of course, they agree to that.

"You don't have to ask for something that has always been yours."

"Then it would be nice if you guys also stay here with us, you could use your old room," Mark said to them.

"We would love to."

Later then at 4:30 o'clock, they head out to the bakery that Mark mentioned last night.

"This is...a bakery?" Jackson asked the younger, feeling unsure about the old looking building.

*(Ignore the board.)*

"Yep and it hasn't changed at all throughout the years. Let's go." He said before getting out of the car.

He pushed the door open and the bell over the door rings softly. The bakery gives off a nostalgic feeling even to Jackson who has never been here.

"Hi, Welcome to Lacock Bakery, we provide the best taste made by the finest baker. May I help you?" Said a young woman who's standing behind the glass display cases. Jackson is sure that the woman must have gotten tired from saying that line every day.

"Hi, I know this is sudden but is Mr. Tyler here?"

"Yes, he's in the kitchen."

"Could you please tell him someone is here to meet him?"

"Sure but may I ask who might you be?"

"Just tell him it's Yi En."

"Okay, you can wait there for a while." She points at the sofa and excused herself politely.

"Has it always been this empty?" Jackson asks the latter as they sit down.

"Maybe because it's nearing the closing time." And he nods at the information.

Several minutes after, a man in a white uniform came out from the door behind the counter and walks to them while his eyes fixed on the blonde.

"Yi En?"

"You got it Tyler." He stood up and hugs the man tightly for a moment. His eyes then fall on a guy who's unfamiliar to him. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Jackson, his boyfriend." Then he offered the man a handshake which the man gladly receive it. "Eduardo Tyler. I salute you for being able to stand this kid." Jackson chuckles at that because he knows really well what the man meant. "Come, have a seat."

"Nice to meet you again Yi En, but I don't remember watching any news about your return."

"It's better to not make it big."

"I see you've grown into a fine young man after all those years."

"And I see your hair has turned grey." Then they laugh softly at that.

"So, missing my handmade bread?"


"How have you been kid?"

"Things were hard but everything's good now. What about you?"

"Everything's as usual and you came here at the right time because my son will take over this place starting next month."

"Then I guess this will be the last time I eat the bread made by you."

"You can always come and ask me to bake for you Yi En. I would never say no to the sweetest boy I've ever met in my life." And Mark chuckles softly at that.

"I poured a gallon of water into your dough and I'm still sweet?" Then the man laughs, remembering how the boy made him close the store for a day because of the damaged dough.

"And you said you wanted to make a mouth-watering bread for people." And they laugh together at that.

After an hour of catching up on things with each other, the two excuse themselves.

"We need to go now Tyler, It's nice meeting you again.

"Me too Yi En. Please wait here for a moment." He said before disappearing into the same door. A moment later he comes out with a paper bag in his hand.

"Here, your favourite." He hands it to the blonde which he gladly takes it. "Thank you Tyler, see you soon."

"See you soon." He waves at them until the car disappears from his sight. He gets inside the store and locks the door.

"Who was that boss?" Asked his employee, Amy.

"The little angel I told you about."

His hand is wiping the dough bowl but his mind is somewhere else. A piece of fresh memory flashes in his mind.

The kitchen door busted open revealing 6 years old boy with reddened cheek and nose from the cold, "Tyler!" He chirped happily and went to take a seat on the wooden stool while looking at the man who's kneading the dough. "Hey there boi."

"You are squishing the dough again." The man chuckled at the boy cute choice of words.

"It's kneading not squishing."

"Ohhh kneading."

"Who did you come here with?"

"The man in black uncles because mommy and daddy are far away in London for three days." The boy made him laugh again.

"They are called bodyguard Yi En. You are so cute." He puts the dough into the bowl and put it aside which is in front of the little boy.

"Oh, I forgot that word hehehehe." The man smile listening to the cutest giggle coming from that boy. He knelt down to take the flour from the cupboard but they are out of it. "Yi En you must wait here and don't go anywhere okay? I'll be back shortly."

"Aye aye captain." He pats the boy's head before heading to the storeroom.

Meanwhile in little Yi En's mind...

'Why does the dough look so hard? How could people eat if it's hard? They gonna break their teeth, poor them.' Then he remembers the ads about something "mouth-watering" that he watched yesterday. Confidently he filled up a basin with water and pour it into the dough. "There you go, now you won't break anyone's tooth." He said proudly.

After a while, the man came back with two bags of flour in his hand and how shocked he was to see the state of his freshly-made dough.

"What did you do Yi En?" He asked the boy.

"I saved people from breaking their tooth and made it more mouth-watering." He said with a proud smile. The man doesn't know if he's going to say the boy is smart or wrongly creative. He could only laugh dryly while looking at the damaged dough. The store should be open soon and he has no enough time to prepare another one. So he decided to just notify his employee about the sudden close day.

He looks at the innocent boy and could only chuckle at his false yet altruistic act.

'What an angel you are.'


Later on, that night after they collect their things at the suite they went skateboarding at the park near the house and enjoy ice cream as their late-night snack together before going back to the house.

I'm going to make a special chapter for Santa Barbara because something special will happen there.

I dropped some hints in this chapter and if you found them, you can try to guess what it is. The hints here have something to do with those in the previous chapter.


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