opposites attract | j.jk

By -95pjm

28.4K 1.3K 308

"In her raging storms of madness, he is the solid rock anchor she needs. In his systematic way of life, she i... More

1. welcome back, Park Soo-young
2. nice speech, new kid
3. Kang Seulgi
4. V's angels
5. truth unfolds
6. coffee spills
7. prince V
9. intoxicated
10. distant
11. one of a kind
12. never have I ever
13. forgotten
14. get out of my building
15. another secret
16. bunny pt. 1
17. bunny pt. 2
18. catfight
19. crush
20. unexpected turns

8. ms. third place

1.2K 64 17
By -95pjm

The weekend passed by really quickly, I spent my Saturday hanging out with Lisa and Rose then my Sunday preparing for my presentation. I haven't talked to Jackson during the weekend because he insisted he's got work to do.

But who the heck works on weekend?

I simply don't overthink about it because I was busy with my friends and school myself. Monday came and I'm excited to see how Ah Rae is going to be screwed.

Sitting next to Jungkook, he's been either ignoring me or glaring at me while we waited for class to begin.

"Jungkook," I called him for the 5th time this morning. He glanced at me raising an eyebrow. "What are you doing this weekend?" I asked him.

"Soo-young," he sighed leaning back on his chair.

Ooh he talks.

"Shut up."

I smiled before shutting my mouth at least he replied. Then the class started and my group got the first turn to do the presentation and just as I expected, everything went well. The teacher praised us for our work. Next was Jungkook's group, he didn't speak much during the presentation but it was good too.

Then it was Ah Rae's turn. Rose turned to me giving me a knowing look before chuckling to herself. I kept a straight face the entire time. Then it was Ah Rae's turn.

Who would've thought she'd be this dumb?

Instead of bringing her own hand-written material, she depended on the material shown on the screen and she didn't even realized how I have replaced all of her material with an article I copied off Wikipedia. Then when their group finished, our teacher took off her glasses and sighed in disappointment.

"What did I ever tell you guys about plagiarism in my class?" she asked out loud.

"Zero," the whole class answered and the group looked terrified yet confused.

"Ah Rae, do you think I wouldn't realize that your whole material is copied off wikipedia?" our teacher asked. Ah Rae looked taken aback before she tried to defend herself saying she didn't copy the material off the internet. "Well then prove it," the teacher challenged.

Ah Rae stumbled as she typed in her material on the internet and the first link popped up was the wikipedia link I used. I smirked as the teacher gave confused Ah Rae a long ass lecture about plagiarism and that she got 0 for this project.

When the class ended, I was about to leave the class when crying Ah Rae gripped my wrist stopping me from leaving the class. Rose who was standing beside me looked ready to throw hands but I stopped her.

"It was you, wasn't it?"

"Does it matter? You're too careless to even write down your own material and only depended on the presentation," I replied monotonously.

"Do you think this is funny?! I could've fail this class because of you!"

"Did I laugh?" I asked her raising an eyebrow. Once again people started gathering around us waiting for us to fight. Once again Ah Rae raised her hand to slap me but this time I was quick enough to grab and twist her wrist making her yelp in pain. "This is the war you declared when you spill that coffee on me, and you're gonna finish this war with me."

"Who do you think you are?!" she screamed with tears streaming down her face.

"I've told you once and I'm gonna tell you one last time Ah Rae," I said letting go of her hand and stepped closer to her face. "I'm Park Soo-young and you're digging your own grave by fucking with me. I will ruin you, mark my words."

Pushing her away, I turned around to walk out of the door. "I'm gonna tell the teacher you sabotaged me!"

"Show me what you've got," I throw my hands up carelessly as I made my way through the crowds. She can't prove that I'm the one who did it.

"Are you sure she won't report to our teacher that you did it?" Rose asked in concern. I shook my head and smiled at her.

"She doesn't have proof that I did it."

"She can make Dong Guk confess, he knows you used his laptop."

"And I'll make sure Dong Guk won't open his mouth," I told her as we made our way towards the changing room because our next class is PE.

I spent my entire time during PE sitting under the tree and complaining with my sunglasses on. I hate sweats. But I must say I enjoy admiring Jeon Jungkook from afar. He's insanely good at sports.

He's the PE teacher's pet.

I must have saved the entire Korea in my past life because not only one hot boy—Jeon Jungkook is in my PE class but also his friend Eun Woo is in our class too. Rose herself is irritatingly good at sport.

"Park Soo-young?" Eun Woo called from the middle of the field making all eyes directed on me. I groaned before shaking my head making the teacher shook his head.

"I broke my ankle."

"You didn't," Jungkook argued.

"I did."

"Come on, I'll help you," Eun Woo chuckled before running towards me and gave me a hand. Taking his hand he pulled me up then made our way towards the field.

"Your sunglass," Jungkook scoffed before rudely snatching them off. Actually, I know a little bit about basketball and able to do a few basic things. It's just that I'd prefer not to.

"Be careful that's Chanel," I told Jungkook. "What am I doing exactly?" I asked.

"A lay up," Eun Woo replied. Sighing, I did the lay up and surprisingly the ball got through the ring. "Whoa."

Walking back towards Jungkook who looked surprised by my ability. I held my hand out asking for my sunglass.

"Did I surprise you?" I smiled at him and his eyes found mine before he started glaring at me again.

"Your weirdness did," he replied before placing my sunglass back in my hand. I chuckled at his bitterness before going back under the tree.

In the last class today, our exam's result from last week is going to be announced and Ah Rae is nervously sitting on her seat. I rolled my eyes at her ambitions before turning to look at Jungkook who's sleeping.

"Jeon Jungkook," the teacher called out the first name. Jungkook is always, I mean always first in ever classes I have with him. "You're second place this time," he added making the whole class gasped in shock. However Jungkook remains unbothered as he walked in front of the class to retrieve his result.

Ah Rae got a huge grin on her face. She's finally first place? Does that mean V will date her? Oh my God what's going on?

"Choi Ah Rae," the teacher now called. Ah Rae confidently approached the teacher. "You're third," and as soon as the word left his mouth, Ah Rae's smile dropped and I bursted out laughing. Jungkook looked at me before kicking my legs under the table. Yes I sat next to him again.

"Congratulation, our new student—Park Soo-young, you're first place!" he announced making the whole class gasped once again before clapping their hands. I stood up and made my way towards the front to get my paper. "Jeon Jungkook, you've got yourself a competitor right here. Work harder," the teacher told Jungkook who simply nodded at his word.

Returning back to my seat, I felt Ah Rae's eyes burning against me all the way until class is over. Walking out of class I was greeted by V and Jimin who's standing right in front of our class.

"Your shirt," V said while holding out a white paper bag. Taking it from him I muttered a thank you then Ah Rae intentionally pushing me making me trip and fell against V. Not that I'm complaining since V smells really good but she did it.

"I'm gonna snap her neck one day, watch me," I muttered while glaring at her but then Jungkook walked out and walked away. "Bye Jungkook!" I yelled out with a grin plastered across my face.

"What's up with you and Jungkook?" Jimin asked me while giving me a weird stare.

"He probably hates her," Rose chuckled.

"He's just fun to tease because he's so quiet. That's all," I shrugged while chuckling. "I'm sorry about Jackson the other day though."

"Ah Mr. Douche. It's fine, I don't know why he's so upset though," V replied. The four of us went outside of the building because Lisa is nowhere to be found. When we got outside my chauffeur is already waiting for me so after exchanging goodbyes; we all separated our ways.


author's note:

hehe i finally updated after a long time. but make sure to leave comments for the next chapter :)

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