One Forgotten(Fem! Izuku x Ba...


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Former best friends and it never changed. Until Izuki had to move. The separation broke them both. But when s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 (part2 -^-)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Meet the author :3
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
i got tagged for the 1st time ^^
Story Time
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Fuck it

Chapter 7

4.7K 109 13

Two years later
3rd person:
It had been two years since the friends had seen each other. Bakugo became more irritated. Well got irritated a lot easier. While Izu was a lot quieter. She was teased and bullied but no one was there to make it better.

Katsuki POV:
I walked into my house and was greeted by my old hag. "Katsuki! Get your ass back here!" She yelled at me. I ignored her and walked upstairs. I was about to enter my room when I saw her room. I opened my door and threw my bag in, then I made my way to her room. I had forbid anyone from touching a thing in her room. I opened the door and was hit with a burst of cold air. Her old figurines were covered with dust. I don't remember the last time I cleaned it. I looked around, remembering all the things we did together. I made a promise to not forget her, I was gonna keep that promise. I walked around a bit more when I saw her closet. I remember she always hid in there during hide and seek.

(Be warned many flashbacks to come Izu italics Katsuki normal)

"Izuuuu!" Giggling was heard. Katsuki checked around corners and in laundry baskets. "You're never gonna find me Kacchan!!" Her voice was heard. It came from her room so he went into her room. He checked under her bed. Izu was very small so you never knew where she could've hid. The only place he hadn't checked was her closet. Usually, he would look there first, only because it was the most obvious spot. But he thought Izuki would've learned by now. "I.." He quickly opened the doors. "FGOYND YO- WOAH!!" He had indeed found her but, she also fell out of the closet and fell ontop of him. "Haha! Guess you did find me Kacchan!" She giggled at the dazed boy under her.

That day was amazing. We loved escaping into our own little world. One where she had a quirk. Where we could talk to animals. I looked around a bit more my eyes landing on one of her figurines. It wasn't an All Might figurine either. It was of an old hero. Her name was Nana Shimura. We got it in the mail about a year after her mom left. It never said who it was from though.

"What's that Kacchan?" Deku pokes her head behind mine. I had just gotten the mail and there was a medium sized package with it. "I don't know.. it was just on our doorstep. It's addressed to you.." I gave her a worried look before giving her full access to the package. "Woah cool! It's the Pro Hero Nana!" I looked at her as she pulled a figurine out of the box. "I've never heard of her.." "She was really cool. But she passed away. And you never heard of her because she passed away before us." Normally people would ask 'Well how do you know about her?' But, Auntie used to tell Deku stories about heroes from when she was a kid. I didn't question it, well I questioned who it was from.

I smiled at it. We never did figure out who sent it. I walked around a bit more when my eyes landed on a box. It looked so familiar. I walked up to the dresser where it sat. It was small. I took a good look at it before picking it up. I slowly opened it and then I froze.

"It's for you Izu." I said nudging the bag closer to her. She took it out of my hands. I saw Mom and Auntie with their heads poking around the corner. Izu opened the bag and grabbed the box. "Kacchan.. are you sure this is for me?" She looked at me again. I nodded. She opened the box and I smiled. "Kacchan.. Thank you!" She said and hugged me. I remember scenes from movies where the boy would put the necklace on the girl. I watched for a bit as she fumbled to put the necklace on. "Ah!.. here!" I moved her hair off her back to the side and started to put on the necklace. "Thanks Kacchan! I'm gonna go show mamma now!" That's when I thought I was forgetting something. As if it would be important. I brushed it off. "So pretty Izu! Now lunch will be ready soon for now go play with Katsuki." I heard as Izu ran around the corner with her bright smile. "Ka— Chan!" She hugged me once more.

I remember what I forgot. I forgot to make the promise. 'But we made a promise the day we left..' Then again. She forgot the necklace. And I forgot to make the promise. At could it all be tied to the necklace? No. Nah, it's fine. I could still feel tears beginning to fall. She forgot the necklace, the necklace I gave her. I took the necklace out of the box and took it to my room.

When I got into my room I set down the necklace. I ran downstairs and grabbed some tools, then immediately ran back to my room. Mostly to avoid any contact with my old hag and old man. I sat down at my desk. I was able to separate the green heart and what surrounded it from the chain. Then I took out one of my necklaces. Attaching the heart to the new chain, with my more masculine jewelry. It was hidden by other charms. So no one would see it. I smiled. She was with me everywhere now. I have no plans to take it off. I smiled to myself and looked at an old picture that sat on my desk. It was taken only a few weeks before she left. She would never break her promise. At least I hope not. "KATSUKI!! GET DOWN HERE!" I heard my old hag yell. I walked downstairs and saw the TV on. My old hag and old man were both in tears "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I rubbed the back of my neck as I looked at the TV. As I did the old hag turned up the volume.

"And now reporting live is Yagi. Yagi status please."

"Yes. Now I am now reporting live in Tokyo. Northern Tokyo to be exact, where a major fire has broken out. Authorities say that it seems that a villain attack seems to have gotten a bit out of hand. All Pro Heroes are on the scene. Most water heroes are putting out fires at the moment. We ha— Wait! No! New News! A building has seemed to of fallen down! It seems to be an apartment building. Pros are rushing to the scene! Through the fire even! Oh what's this?! Is that All Might?! 'SOMEONE! HELP M-MY DAUGHTER!' It seems that All Might's child is in danger! Further news later Tayki!"

My eyes went wide. "Doesn't..." Hag nodded. "Inko, Yagi and.. Izuki. All live in Northern Tokyo.." She cried into my fathers shoulder.

"We are back! All Might seems to of deflated into a smaller form to get in the ambulance! I think this is going to be a rare occurrence where All Might will not be saving pe- Oh?! It seems the fire has been dealt with! Sadly. Entire North Tokyo seems to of burned down. WAIT ALL MIGHT! Can we please get a close up on your daughter? 'No. Leave us alone!"

I saw what she looked like. "W-Was that.." I started to cry. "That was Yagi." "Meaning.." I ran to my mom. "WHERE IS YOUR PHONE?!" I yelled at her. "Katsuki.. I-I know what your thinking but.. Inko hasn't answered my messages in a year.." I fell to my knees. What happened to Deku..?

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