Destined Lands: Super Sentry...

By MyNameisLennykr

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When Senna Matrik had been caught in an internal battle between rebels and the Kingdom of Zarconia, she suffe... More

CHAPTER 1 - "Boot camp"
CHAPTER 2 - "The need to use a gun"
CHAPTER 3 - "Power of the Flowers" (part 1)
Chapter 5 - "The Assailants"

Chapter 4 - "Power of the Flowers" (part 2)

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By MyNameisLennykr

Senna could see it, clear and vivid as her own body, in her own dream of a fluid environment, would change. She would see her own skin crawl, with little green spikes briefly showing themselves before they went back into her own skin. She would blush a little, realizing that in her own fluid dream, she wouldn't have any clothes on.

She noticed things in her body... Cracks. It represented physical damage. So many cracks were seen in her arms, her legs, her chest and back. She knew it to herself. She was about to break and be nonexistent.

She would step on something solid, though made of water. She was looking at a clear void with a large body of water around her, and an aura of light colors up in the sky. Senna would then start to think to herself if she was turning into something, she clearly wasn't expecting to be. "My body... It's not- Never the same... Now I know."

And she saw her arms slowly sprout leaves. She widens her eyes with some shock to her face, but it quickly faded. She wasn't afraid. And she wouldn't start being like it now. She closed her eyes soon feeling her body start changing instantly. Her skin crawls with green chlorophyll coming through her skin and coming back in instantly. She saw it with her eyes magnified to her skin. Then she grew flowers on her shoulder at each time she wanted to. And then she summons green grass-like blades with lengths of 3 feet each from her arms. All these were seen through her eyes, but she felt like these were inherent to her, since flowers and things as green as life now holds her.

"Who am I now?" Senna asks herself this. And her eyes glow a bright light of white. Her surroundings soon turn into white as well.

Senna was seen sleeping in her white clothing while on the operation bed. She had a few blood transfusion bags there, but they were already empty, and being removed. Soon, some cables and small hoses linked to her have been removed as well. And something was different from her. She had white hair. And the strands of her hair looked like little pieces of straight grass. She looked human enough, but on a microscopic level, her skin had little pores of white pointed grass. It didn't make her skin green because those little green pores have a function, which she would know later on.

N'Zala was looking through a window, breathing out easily as the operation was finished. Glinda Sommers herself was right beside him as they both looked at the sleeping Senna Matrik.

"The operation... It..." N'Zala couldn't finish it. He knew that it was finished and was now seeing Senna being in that lit room all by herself. No shrapnels, and no cuts. It's like her whole body was clean, before she had been injured at all. "It's actually done."

"Yes," Glinda Sommers replied and was right beside him looking through that see-through glass. "I think you're going to like what she's going to be when she wakes up. Well... Mostly if she's still the same girl you know."

"I agree," said a familiar voice to both N'Zala and Sommers. Princess Delfina herself came in as she adjusted her crown while walking in the room and looking through the glass. "That's Agent Senna Matrik. Glinda, is it successful?"

"Yes. No side effects whatsoever. Matrik took the operation and was changed... successfully."

N'Zala took Glinda's words into attention before he spoke. "Changed? How far has she changed?"

"The operation wasn't so stressful, as to how Senna Matrik had accepted the liquid serums used in it. As soon as they were making her body change, her diet would be slowly changing as well. She'll be photosynthetic, meaning she'll take in sunlight and water, normally for her consumption and her survival. She'll have her own internal defenses, like the erection of anything lethal against another subject. For example... she can erect blades from her arms. She had that tendency when we checked during her ballistics scanning. But she can visualize other things as well. It seems her convenient take is the erection of arm blades." Glinda explains this in descriptive detail while she would show illustrations of this on a nearby screen in the room which shows video clips of Senna Matrik while in the operation.

Princess Delfina herself would chuckle, feeling delighted of the news. "Excellent. It seems our official Super Sentry had finally come."

N'Zala finds this slightly weird, but Princess Delfina seemed only interested in Senna Matrik's transformation into a photosynthetic human. Nothing about the forced Triquett conflict seemed to come up as a subject. He cleared his throat to gently get the attention of the princess. "Your Highness, something needs your attention. I can already be relieved of Senna Matrik's recovery, but I think there's a more important subject about the rebel activity."

Princess Delfina nods at N'Zala's words. "That's another thing we need to discuss, Senior Agent N'Zala. See me at the throne room for that. Whenever you're ready-"

"We might need to discuss it immediately." N'Zala would say this with urgency. "There's a possibility hostile forces operate within our continent. This isn't something rebel Zarconians can do, so it's safe to assume there's a faction operating within our borders."

The princess sighs at this. "Fine. Come with me then."

Glinda would see the princess leave together with Agent N'Zala. She looked again through the glass. There was one scientist wearing a protective suit in the operations room. That scientist would then be beside the bed Senna was sleeping in. And he would realize something as he was looking at Senna's face. Her eye twitched a little in movement. Then Glinda would notice Senna's arms. Something green-colored, shape like a blade was coming out at one of her arms, witnessed by her eyes. "Peter, watch ou-!"

But it was too late. Senna opens her eyes, quickly adjusting her vision at a split second to see the suited scientist just about to be shocked of her being awake. Her right arm had erected a green-colored arm-blade while her left was free. She grabs the scientist's suit, hoping to flip him across the bed, but what she expected wasn't what it turned out. Instead, the suit had ripped from its neck, effectively removing the suit's head section. And as time would flow normally, the scientist would step back in fear.

Before Senna would react further, her instinct told her to sit up which she immediately did, just before she made a soft swing of her arm-blade upwards and a strong downward swing towards the head of the operation bed, slicing the fabric, metal and plastic clean off. The scientist in the room would head for the exit just before two strong dart spikes stick to the wall ahead of him, forcing him to stop. Both were green in color.

"Where... am I?" Senna spoke with a tone that defined her even if she spoke calmly that moment: She was wartorn, reborn out of her critical injuries, and traumatized by what had happened to her. She can be seen by Glinda, showing that Senna had red-colored grass hair, and around the eyes was wrapped by dark brown shade. Senna would ask the scientist again... "WHERE AM I?!"

"You're in a facility that's meant for research," said a female voice that came from a speaker in that room.

Senna would see the 'mirror' in that room and she realized it. It was a one-way mirror. She can see her reflection, but the other side is existent, meaning she's being watched. This was while she was looking at her grass hair, realizing she's making emotions with the colors from her hair. As for the mirror's type as one-way... She can tell it was the case because she's had that experience, being on the other side. She would snort before her hair would start fading from red to yellow. "Deep research? I think I've heard of it and read it through some documents." She would sigh and look at the scientist. "I'm sorry." She would say it just before the scientist nods, sighing in relief before making it through the room's exit.

"You seem in control," the female voice said. "Where are my manners? My name is Glinda Sommers." Sommers said it before she cleared her throat. "I'm sorry if I'm not there myself. I was... when you're being operated on."

Senna would look at her arm, with the erected grass arm-blade and examine herself. The blade had a length of three feet, even extending a little from her hand. Then she would concentrate so that her arm blade would go back, which it happened quite instantaneously, as the blade was coming into her forarm. She'd feel as if the blade wouldn't exist afterwards, like it didn't feel solid when it goes back into her. "Amazing... What... happened to me?" She would ask while her grass hair changed to a green color as she looked at the mirror.

"You were in an operation, Agent Senna Matrik. It's experimental but we tried it regardless. Your condition was very critical and a normal medical service wouldn't be enough to bring you back." Glinda's voice stopped for a few moments. There was that pause just because Senna saw an auburn-haired woman wearing glasses over her eyes before she spoke up. "We lost you, for a couple of times, but they were later becoming normal. The conversion from your normal self, to a biology where you'd depend on water and sunlight for consumption... It was never easy. Effectively, you've changed."

"Changed?" Senna repeated this word. "How changed? How deep does it go?"

"...down to your DNA." Glinda answers Senna. "Everything including your organs, your bones... your muscle mass and activity... In one way, those parts become affected. And everything in between like your emotional stability? It'll vary." Glinda said that and noticed Senna's grass hair change again to yellow, symbolizing caution.

Senna's eye shades faded and she looked at Glinda Sommers with a questioning look. "There's something else, is there? I looked at my reflection and I think I'm not surprised of what my hair does." She glares at Sommers, seeing there's more to this than what Sommers is telling her. "There is. And I can feel it."

"What DO you feel?" Glinda asks in curiosity.

"This." Senna gets off the operation bed before undressing herself completely, throwing the medical robes away before she would look Glinda in the eye while aware her own grass hair turns green, looking calmer. "I'm not ashamed of it and it's weird but... Look. My body."

And Glinda would be able to see how Senna's body had changed. She had an image of her mind remembering that Senna had only fair muscle that wasn't overdone. But there was a drastic change, now with Senna able to be recognized with her abdomen getting a fair workout, as well as her legs and arms getting better muscle amount than usual. This is while Senna had the more noticeable features on her body only fading into view when they weren't on her body before... the fact most of her body was tattooed with a rose stem with thorns. She even moved her body around so Glinda would see even the back side. The thorny rose stem would be criss-crossed around her body.

Glinda was amazed by this and was immediately in thought. "This is similar to..."

"My vein lines," Senna said to complete Glinda's loud thoughts. "My wrists, my neck, and even my legs. All of them have veins connecting through a network, and every single one of them... filled with energy for some reason. Look." Senna would raise an arm up to her face, and she focused before an extension of green vines come out and those vines would grow a mixture of white and red flowers, which she does with some ease. "I'm able to grow them with some effort, but I think I can train myself to make sure they feel nothing when I get them out. Though I can feel my flowers and plant life I can use."

Glinda would look at Senna being able to retract the flowers into the vines and letting the vines recede back into Senna. "Amazing..." She said this to herself while the tattoos on Senna's body would fade away. Glinda throws another patient's robe before Senna catches it and wears it over her body. "A little off-topic, but you weren't ashamed at all when you showed me your body."

Senna winced at that revelation and chuckled. "My normal agent days while being part of RSSS helped out, but I think the attitude's gotten stronger. For some reason, my feelings to total nudity become completely suppressed, which I expressed when I didn't make doubts of showing myself off to you. If I was a plant, I wouldn't be worrying about clothes. That comes as a part of my instinct and identity."

"I see," Glinda would reply to acknowledge Senna's statement. "But anyway... you've only covered the basics of what you know about yourself. Training yourself would be a completely different aspect of your development. We need to know if you have what it takes to be a Super Sentry."

"Super... Sentry?" Senna said those words, not sure if they mean something significant. "Should I be honored to have that title?"

"Not a title, more like a rank. Maybe if you know the duties of a Super Sentry and how leadership works, you'd get used to having that rank." Glinda would start to leave the room. "Come with me, Matrik. Your days as an agent, are over."

Senna didn't feel anything otherwise and her grass hair color turned to a light blue. She then followed Glinda out off the operation room. She looked at her hand, briefly seeing her chlorophyll crawling through the surface of her skin. Her whole body briefly had a skin crawl, showing the chlorophyll active on her body.

Senna – Little did I know at those moments when I only became the Super Sentry... Not only do I become my own strong girl... I also become my own source to reproduce a new kind of species in the world.

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