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By deansdestiny

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𝐌𝐀𝐘𝐁𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇. Everything is taken from my tumblr account @maybemitch. More



440 10 0
By deansdestiny

DESCRIPTION: When the news broke to Y/N that their siblings is still alive, they set out to find them. Leaving their home behind.

WARNING: *Y/N and their brother were separated at the start of the apocalypse*. Swearing.


Lilly casted a look towards Y/N - who was tending to a cowering Louis - their facial features oddly familiar. She couldn't exactly pinpoint where she recognised the face, but she knew that if she rattled her brain long enough, she would figure it out. The older women pursed her lips, before she decided to stalk forwards; approaching the familiar faced person.

Lilly rested her hand upon Y/N's shoulder, a cold shiver - like iced water cold - went shooting down Y/N's spine. Y/N didn't like the feel of Lilly's touch, to them her hands felt like death.

Y/N eyes were quick to divert to the placed hand. An instinct was telling them to shrug it off, yet the other half of them didn't want to piss this Lilly person off; that wouldn't be a good idea.

"You know, you look oddly familiar," Lilly began, her words rolling from her tongue. The tone of her voice made Y/N shiver again, the way she was speaking only sent alarm bells to their head. Lilly started down at the person, the metaphorical clogs in her brain ticking away, trying to figure out where she recognised them from. Lilly blinked, a loose eyelash tumbling down her face and then everything clicked in her mind.

Therefore, Lilly snapped her fingers. The snap causing the scared tall boy to flinch. "I know where you look familiar from. I knew this boy, who looked similar to you."

Y/N turned their gaze away from the hand on their shoulder and back to their friend. They felt him jump, meaning that his heart in his chest could potentially be racing rapidly, due to the lack of space between between him and his torturer.

Y/N wasn't going to cave into a women they didn't know. Especially if they were going to play the card they thought they were.

Lilly smirked, her hand tightening on Y/N's shoulder, her nails digging in slightly, bruises likely to form at a later date, "Unfortunately, I can't remember his name. But, seeing you, sparked a memory in my mind," Lilly noticed the silence which was in the room. Y/N wasn't responding and Louis - despite his mouth not throbbing much anymore - didn't mumble. "Do you know his name?"

Y/N finally had enough from this lady, thus causing them to look at Lilly, their eyes burning to the women. Y/N scowled, "No." their voice was stern, they weren't letting Lilly get to them, "I have no idea who you're talking about."

Lilly chuckled, "Such a shame. You see, he mentioned that he had a sibling. Kept a small photo in his back pocket. It was some school photo," Lilly explained the photo she had saw time and time again when they were in the same group. "Very cute. Especially because he lost them at the start."

Y/N felt a hand rest on theirs. Louis was trying to comfort them still, knowing that their brother was a touchy subject. Y/N took a deep breath, composing themselves before Lilly opened her mouth once again, "Guess it's just a coincidence then. However, he did say his siblings name was Y/N. And if I heard correctly, wasn't that your name? I'm pretty sure that's what he," Lilly gestured to Louis, "Called you before... you know. He lost his tongue."

Y/N shrugged, "Small world," their voice was bitter. "It's quite the coincidence that people have the same names. Like woah, shocker. It's as if we all get our names from the same place."

Lilly glared at Y/N, she didn't like the way they were speaking to her. The sarcasm which was laced in their words, really ticked her off. She clicked her tongue, "I'd suggest you drop the sarcasm, otherwise you could end up like your tongueless friend."

"You disgust me," Y/N snapped. They felt Louis hold tighter into their hand; it was a beg for them to back down. Louis didn't want them to end up like him.

Lilly took a step back, heading towards the metal door. She had enough with the teen which was backchatting her and she quite frankly couldn't be bothered to deal with them anymore.

Lilly wrapped her hands around the bars, pushing the door open, then crouching down to lock the gate; imprisoning the two teens as if they were wild animals. Once Lilly stood, her hands wrapped around the metal bars again, her head resting up against them as she stole a look at Y/N.

"You know Y/N," Lilly spoke to them, their head snapping up at the sound of their name, "Your brother is alive. All you have to do is cooperate with me and I can tell you where he is."

The sounds of shoes echoed down the hall, a signal showing that the Ericson teenagers were now all left alone. And because the two were left alone, Y/N's main concern was Louis.

"Hey Lou," Y/N mumbled, placing a hand under his chin, making him look at them. Y/N could see the pain in his eyes, they didn't blame him, what he endured, they couldn't have imagined it. Louis gave a sad smile, but then proceeded to stick his thumb up, indicating that he was alright.

Y/N nodded before pressing them back against the rotting walls. Despite them not wanting Lilly to get to them, the words that their brother is alive had hit them in a way they weren't expecting. Their brother was a subject which most of the Ericson kids avoided.

Y/N sighed softly, before pushing themselves to their feet. They navigate themselves towards the door, they could feel the eyes on them but they knew they were somewhat judgemental stares. Y/N wrapped their hands around the bar, resting their head on them also, mirroring what Lilly did not long ago.

"Lilly?" They spoke. They knew that the women had heard her name. But considering Lilly was leader it might take awhile for her to come. Y/N rattled the bars, the sound of them agonising to the teens ears, "Lilly!"

"Have you decided to drop the sarcasm?" Lilly asked as she came into Y/N's view, a hand resting on her hip, "Are you ready to cooperate?"

Y/N sighed, pressing their head further into bars. They did the one thing which they didn't want to do, cave in. "Just... Are they alive? You weren't lying?"

Lilly place a hand mockingly on her heart, "I'm not one to lie Y/N. Your brother is alive. Take my word for it."

Y/N breathed, trying to calm themselves down, "Where is he?"

Lilly opened the door, casting a glance towards Louis who was watching out the corner of his eyes. Lilly then diverted her eyes back to Y/N. She held the door open, gesturing for Y/N to follow, "Come along. We've got a lot to discuss."


Y/N had the discussion with Lilly when the group was in the boat. Much to Y/N's surprise, Lilly told her about the person that she assumed to be Y/N's brother and the exact location where he was. They knew that they would be taking a shot in the dark with trusting Lilly. But if there is a chance at a reunion with their brother, then they'll take it.

Y/N stood at Ericson's gate - one week after returning home from the war against Delta - they had a bag of supplies slung over their shoulder and a stolen crossbow resting up against their leg.

"How can you trust her?" Clementine asked as she stood holding onto her crutches, she wasn't meant to be out of bed yet, but she wanted to say farewell. "She could be sending you on a wild goose chase."

Y/N sighed, their hand clenching the strap on the shoulder, "You hoped that AJ was okay when you were separated? I'm in the samba boat right now. You don't know until you find out for yourself."

Clementine nodded, "I suppose you're right. Guess this is a see you soon?"

"Absolutely," Y/N smiled, finally picking up the crossbow. They sent a short smile to the group of friends, "I'll be back eventually. I can bring him back here right?"

Violet smiled, "Of course you can bring him back here. This is your home after all."

The three teens - Clementine, Violet and Louis - all stood watching as Y/N began to back away slowly, about to begin their quest on finding their brother. Louis stepped forwards, grabbing the attention of Y/N.

Louis dug into his pockets, fishing out a hand written note, holding it out for Y/N to take. Y/N took the note, unfolding it and read the words which were inked on the paper.

Stay safe and come back.

"I will do, Lou," Y/N said as she tucked the note into her pocket.

"Y/N!" Violet spoke loudly, "If you need us. For anything. You know where we are."

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