Lily of the valley

By Storminaskin

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From the deepest snow drifts of the north to the glaring sun of the desert, from the depths of the ocean to t... More



23 10 18
By Storminaskin

The water gave them no peace, its rapids rose and fell with the rivers wild rush southward. Lily had lost consciousness and Katherine lay across her body; desperately clinging to the raft which threatened, so ardently, to throw them off. The cool spray was some relief from the heat at least, it soaked them to the bone. Katherine muttered a prayer into the crook of Lily's neck, she screwed her eyes shut and awaited fates flip of the coin. Their sopping red and white hair was tangling together. They passed small settlements of animal skin tents and smoked herbs, the air was divinely aromatic, despite the copper scent of fear. Katherine did not see the strange animals that they passed, the coyote and elk, the vivid lizards blinking on sunlit rocks, the eagle soaring overhead. Katherine could hear its cries and they reminded her of home. She was far from that decadent world of white now. 

The raft hit a rock and began to splinter, then another and another. Katherine sliced open her hands trying to hold the wooden boards together, she could not falter, she would not allow herself any moments of weakness. Her body ached with acidic tension. She did not know how far the river ran, she did not know how she would stop the raft, she did not know if there was anybody along the shore that could help Lily. 

They approached the thunderous roar of falling water, tonnes of it. The river sped up and twisted more violently, Katherine gritted her teeth and held onto Lily as they approached the waterfall. She could not see the depth of the fall nor the safety of the landing. 

"We will survive. We will survive. We will survive." Katherine mouthed, prayed, begged of the gods. But the gods only came out in the night, for they were blinded by the sun. They went over the edge. They soared. There was no sound, no sensation, only nothingness. Katherine wrapped her arms around Lily, in preparation to hit the water. They went under, the raft shattered into splinters. The water was quieter under the surface, calmer. All Katherine could see was fresh blue and streaming rich golden sunlight. Instinctively she kicked her legs, hauling Lily up with her. 

Katherine broke the surface and discovered the calmness of a deep lake, the water sat at the heart of a hidden city, golden spires seemed to glow. Katherine could have cried out for relief, she began to swim to the edge of the lake, it was difficult work pulling Lily along with her. Katherine swam on her back with lily resting on Katherine's chest, face up. A trio of golden glinting guards rushed to the lake side, there was no boat and they could not swim in their weighty armour. Katherine slowly paddled towards them. Her relief was undercut with a sense of dread, she longed to trust the inhabitants of that place but knew she could not drop her guard. 

The knights pulled Katherine and Lily from the water, they seemed fraught with genuine concern. 

"What happened?" The tallest guard asked Katherine, while observing Lily's blackened wounds and state of unconsciousness. The knight lifted Lily from the ground and began to walk towards the city gates, he knew that there was no time to lose and would take Lily straight to a medic. Katherine jogged after him, gripping his jewelled arm.

"Where are you taking her!" Katherine was overwhelmed with worry for her and her companions safety in this strange land. 

"For help, what happened?" The city guard responded as he marched through the golden gate. 

"She was bitten, by a creature, I know not its name." The city was overwhelming, the scents of cooking and perfume wafted about the streets. There was a bustling life line of people, dwarves, elves, fairies, even the occasional dryad passed through. The city was a haven for outcasts. 

"Describe it." They turned a corner down an alley cast in shadow. 

"It was long, and thin... and coiled... with no legs." The knight looked concerned, he stopped outside a wooden door and hammered on it. 

"Scaled?" He asked, "What colour?" 

"Yes! Red I think, and black... I'm not sure it all happened so quickly." The door opened and a stout, dark tanned, haggard old dwarf stood the other side of it. He looked at the scene outside his door with irritation, his afternoon of relaxation had been disturbed by their peril. In his mouth hung, loosely, a tobacco pipe which he huffed on intermittently. 

"Snake bite." The knight explained in few words, saving time was vital. The doctor sighed, 

"You had best bring her in then." The calmness of the medic relaxed Katherine, he seemed confident in his abilities to save Lily. The coolness inside his office was a great relief for Katherine, the room was dark and windowless to keep the desert temperature at bay. The knight  placed Lily on a surgery table, beside her sat all manner of horrifying metal contraptions; some coated in dried blood. The doctor fumbled around in a simple wooden cupboard while barking questions at Katherine. 

"What colour was the snake?" 

"Red and black, striped." 

"How long ago was she bitten and how many times?" 

"About an hour and a half ago, bitten twice." The doctor hummed as he took his time browsing bottles of anti venom. 

"Doctor Swift's bedside manner could use some work, but he is the best." The knight whispered to Katherine to comfort her clear fretting, she had not released Lily's limp hand since they had arrived. Doctor Swift exclaimed with a sound of having found what he was looking for; he produced a dark burgundy glass bottle and brought it to Lily's side. 

"Do not worry girl, your friend will live." Katherine exhaled and felt the pressure in her chest deflate. Dr Swift examined the bite wounds on Lily's forearm, her flesh had turned black and purple from wrist to shoulder. "You are lucky, half an hour longer and the venom would have reached her heart." The doctor removed the glass stopper from the vial and filled a syringe with the dark medicine, he then injected a small amount into each of the punctures made by the snake. "That should do it. Come let us sit and wait." 

The doctor led Katherine and the shining knight into an adjoining room, it was the living room of   Doctor Swift's home. There were comfortable, fabric furnished chairs, a bookshelf stacked with medical journals and literature. Anatomical drawings were pinned over the stone walls, the doctor was obsessed with knowledge and healing. Swift brought three glass cups of hibiscus tea into the room as well as a plate of flatbreads and chickpea paste; he placed them upon the coffee table. 

"You're not from here." Dr Swift commented, taking in Katherine's complexion and ivory mane, they made her stand out dreadfully in a city of dark skin and black hair. 

"No." Katherine gave away as little as possible, she was afraid on her own, she needed Lily beside her. The doctor raised his eyebrow at her clear evasiveness. 

"Where are you from... you can trust us you know." 

"We can help you." The knight confirmed the doctors sentiment, they had already shown their kindness by saving Lily, Katherine supposed. Yet she was constricted by fear, Isolde and Lord Ves had helped them also. 

"Who is the King here?" Katherine asked. 

"Dorian of the city of Sol. You know the Kings of Fayrith girl?" The knight looked Katherine up and down, she must have looked a state. In dripping, bland serving garb with matted hair and filth under her nails. Hearing Dorians name could have made her swoon with relief, the Queen of Sol was her aunt; her mothers sister. She had allowed herself delicate hope that that was where they had landed. 

"Take me to him?" The knight and doctor were not sure whether or not she was joking, her solemn expression would suggest not but the request was so ridiculous that she surely had to be. 

"You're joking?" The doctor asked, trying to read Katherine's serious expression. She was taken aback by the suggestion.

"I don't think she is." The knight followed up. 

"I'm not." 

"Why would the King grant you an audience?" Swift asked, mocking humour filled his voice. 

"The Queen is my mothers sister." There was no response, the knight and doctor exchanged glances of uncertainty. The girl that sat before them certainly did not look royal, but there was something in her manner of speaking and body language that suggested it could be true. "I am Katherine of the mountain." 

"How did you get here? What were you doing on the river?" The knight began to believe her, she had all the traits of the mountain princess and why would anybody tell such a dangerous lie. 

"It's a long story." 

"Your friend is going to be out another hour, we have time." Doctor Swift prompted, he found himself eager to hear such a tale. So Katherine made herself comfortable and began.

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