Greenville: Season Two

By quantoria04

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Now that Damien Clark has control of the East and Westside, things in Greenville are going to get much more i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

542 19 1
By quantoria04

Six years ago

Madrid, Spain

"So are you going to tell me how you afforded this luxurious trip or are you going to keep me guessing?" Cedric asked Sasha as he sat down on the bed.

"Sasha Alexander.. I don't know, that has a nice ring to it." Sasha said with a smile on her face.

"Why are you so convinced I'm going to propose?" Cedric asked her.

"Because I know you.. and I can almost guarantee that there is a ring in your bag." Sasha said as she walked over to him.

Cedric looked up at her and laughed.

"You're something else you know that?" Cedric laughed.

Sasha looked down and kissed him on the lips slowly.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too, babe." Cedric said as he looked into her eyes.

Sasha got off him and walked over to the record player.

"Now.. I believe you promised walks on the beach and cheesy romantic dances?" Sasha asked as she played the song "I Ain't The Same" by Alabama Shakes.

Cedric looked up at Sasha as she began to dance.

Well, I've been going through the motions

Sasha pulled Cedric up to dance with her.

Wonder if anyone can see

He spun her around and watched her in amazement.

That I been looking for something

Sasha looked up at his as they swayed back and forth. She leaned in and kissed him slowly.

Have you been looking for me

"I've never been this happy in my entire life." Sasha said with a smile on her face.

"Tell me about it." Cedric laughed.

"I brought a present for you." Sasha told him.

"Did you now?" Cedric asked with intrigue.

"Wait here." Sasha said as she grabbed a Victoria's secret bag and walked into the bathroom.

She smiled out at him as she shut the door slowly. The music continued to play throughout the hotel room as she changed clothes.

I ain't the same no more

In fact I have changed from before

No, you ain't gonna find me

Oh no, cause I'm not who I used to be

Sasha looked at herself in the mirror and admired her black, silk, lingerie.

"Okay, babe. I'm ready." Sasha said as she walked out of the bathroom with a smiled on her face.

She walked back into the living area where they had been dancing and saw Cedric laying on the floor. The smile quickly left her face as her father's right hand, Randy Orton revealed himself. Sasha ran to the floor as all the air left her body.

"No!" She cried out as the blood left Cedric's body.

Well, I used to be a little girl

Just a smiling, feeling free

I wasn't worried bout nobody

Nobody worried bout me

Randy looked at his watch in annoyance.

"We don't have time for all of this. Our plane will be here in an hour." Randy said.

Sasha looked up at Randy in tears her heart sunk down into her stomach. She looked over and saw Cedric's bag by the bed. Randy watched impatiently as she crawled over and searched his bag. Inside the left pocket she found an engagement ring.

Just outside of Madrid, a private plane waited for Sasha and Randy. Sasha got out of the car emotionless as Randy carried her bags onto the plane. She sat down and put in her head phones as the plane took off.

But, I ain't the same no more

You'll find I have changed from before

No, you ain't gonna find me

Cause I ain't who I used to be

Oakville: About two hours of Greenville

"Okay, I think that's all my clothes.. You can just throw everything else out." Becky said.

"You don't have to go." Mrs. Adams told Becky.

"The old man literally told me to get the hell out or he would kill me." Becky said.

"Well you know how he gets when he drinks." Mrs. Adams said.

"I do, that's why I'm giving you this." Becky said as she handed Mrs. Adams a gun.

"Whoa. I can't take that." Mrs. Adams said in hesitation.

"If he puts his hands on you again you just aim and point. I already loaded it for you." Becky told her.

"Thank you, dear." Mrs. Adams said.

"But don't shoot before he hits you because that wouldn't be self defense, it'd be first degree murder." Becky said.

Mrs. Adams laughed as she looked down at the gun.

"I'm not joking." Becky said seriously.

"I'm going to miss having you around here." Mrs. Adams said.

"I left five hundred in cash in my dresser for you." Becky said as she grabbed her backpack and walked out the door.


On the Northside, Seth dragged a man into the basement.

"Please! Someone help me!" The man yelled as Seth threw him onto a sheet of plastic.

"No one can hear you, asshole." Seth said.

"I have a family, please!" The man begged for his life.

"Sorry, man. I've got orders to kill you so-." Seth said as he shot the man in the head.

He watched as the man fell to the floor. Seth walked over and started wrapping up the body.

"Rollins, you need to pick Orton up from the airport." Hunter said through a walkie talkie.

"Yes, Sir." Seth said.

At the airport, Seth pulled up and parked the car. He got out and watched as Adrian's plane flew in on the landing strip. He fixed his sunglasses and put a piece of gum in his mouth. Randy walked off the plane with Sasha's bags as she walked behind him. Seth watched as Sasha approached.

"Seth Rollins." He introduced himself with a smile on his face.

"Do I look like I care?" Sasha asked as she rolled her eyes at him.

Randy laughed at Seth as Sasha got into the back of the car.

"What the hell did I do?" Seth asked.

"She's not in a good mood. I just killed her boyfriend." Randy said casually as he got into the car.

Seth got in the car in confusion, not sure if Randy was joking.

"Did you take care of our problem?" Randy asked.

"Yeah. It's taken care of." Seth said as he looked in the rear view mirror at Sasha.

"You're not doing too bad here, new guy. Keep up the good work and you might just get to stick around for awhile." Randy said.

On the Southside, Dean was sitting at the bar drinking with Roman.

"You wanna dance?" A woman asked Dean.

"No thanks." Dean said.

Roman looked at Dean and rolled his eyes.

"Dude." Roman said.

"I'm married." Dean told him.

"Come on, man.. it's been almost a year." Roman said.

"I'm sorry I'm not like you, Roman.. I actually have feelings. I can't just pretend like it didn't happen." Dean said.

"She would want you to be happy." Roman said.

"You don't know what the fuck she would want." Dean said in frustration.

Suddenly, Becky walked into the bar and approached Roman.

"Excuse me, are you in charge here?" She asked.

Dean looked Becky up and down, not sure what to think of her.

"Not really but he has more pull around here than I do." Roman said as he pointed to Dean.

"Becky Lynch." She introduced herself to Dean.

Dean shook her hand with intrigue.

"I'm looking for a job." She said.

"You from the Southside?" Dean asked her.

"I'm not from Greenville." She said.

"Then where are you from?" Dean asked her.

"Riverton, Rosedale, Oakville.. A little bit of everywhere." Becky said.

"You on the run or something?" Dean asked as he looked down at her bags.

"No. I was in the system." Becky said.

"Foster care?" Dean asked her.

"Look I have experience um.. bar tending.." Becky said as she looked around.

"You do?" Dean asked.

"Two years." Becky said.

Dean looked at Roman and laughed.

"You haven't tended one fucking bar in your life have you?" Dean asked in amusement.

Becky looked at him for a second and let out a smile.

"I really need a job." Becky said.

"Come with me." Dean said as he walked to the back room.

Becky followed him as he shut the door behind them. Dean grabbed two beers from the refrigerator and handed her one.

"You feel like dealin'?" Dean asked her.

"Like drugs?" Becky asked.

Dean nodded as he took a sip of his beer.

"If it pays then I'm in." Becky said.

"Really? Just like that?" Dean asked.

"Do I get a gun?" She asked him.

"Yeah." He laughed.

"Then I'm in." Becky said as she took a sip of her beer.

Dean smiled at her as Chris walked into the back room.

"This is my boss, Chris." Dean introduced them.

"Who's this?" Chris asked.

"Her names, Becky. She's lookin for a job. I thought maybe we could hook her up." Dean said.

"Yeah, we've been needing someone on the pole." Chris said as he grabbed a beer.

Becky looked up at Dean with concern.

"No, I want her on the streets." Dean told Chris.

Chris looked over at Becky in confusion.

"Ambrose.." Chris tried to say.

"Fuckin' Roman would probably do better on the pole. Look at her, man. She's not just another pretty face. She's a fucking cold blooded killer." Dean said tried to impress Chris.

Becky looked up at Dean in confusion. Chris looked over at Becky and she nodded in approval.

"Fine. I'll give her a shot. Take her with you to the meet up today." Chris said before he walked out of the room.

"I'm a cold blooded killer, huh?" Becky asked.

"Everyone lies in interviews.." Dean said.

"I didn't realize they had interviews for gangs." Becky laughed.

"Oh yeah, it's a whole deal. We've got interns and everything. We are like the gangster version of Wallstreet." Dean said before walking back into the bar.

Becky stood their for a minute in confusion and laughed to herself.

On the Northside, Seth was drinking outside by the pool when Sasha walked outside in a green two piece bikini. Seth looked around to see if anyone else was around. She shot him a smile as she walked into the pool. Seth started to chug down his beer, trying not to look at her.

"You getting in?" Sasha asked him.

Seth looked around again.

"Me?" He asked in surprise.

"Well there's no one else out here is there?" She asked.

Seth watched her for a minute, trying to keep his composure. Even though he knew he shouldn't have, he couldn't help himself. Seth sat down his beer and stood up. Sasha watched as Seth took his shirt off. She smiled at him as he got into the pool.

"See, that wasn't so hard." Sasha said.

"Who are you?" Seth asked as she came face to face with him.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Sasha said as she looked into his eyes.

Seth's heart began to beat faster as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his as he ran his hands up her back. Sasha pushed Seth's hair back as they began backing out.

"Sasha!" Adrian yelled as he walked outside with his men.

Seth watched in confusion as Sasha looked up at her father with a smile on her face.

"Good afternoon, daddy." Sasha said as she got off Seth.

Seth stared at her in disbelief.

"Sorry, new guy." Sasha said as she got out of the pool.

Seth got out of the pool, reluctant to look at Adrian. Randy walked over to Seth and stood next to him.

"Did I forget to mention that she's the boss's daughter?" Randy asked.

"Fuck." Seth said to himself.

Sasha walked up to her father and looked him in the eyes.

"You didn't have to kill him." Sasha said angrily.

Seth looked at Randy in confusion.

"Kill who?" Seth asked.

"I told you I killed her boyfriend." Randy said.

"I thought you were joking, man." Seth said as he began to panic.

"Nope.. Hopefully he doesn't ask me to kill ya, I was really starting to like having you around." Randy said.

Adrian looked at Sasha in disappointment.

"Get inside and stay away from my men." Adrian said in frustration.

Sasha walked inside as Adrian brought his attention to Seth.

"Sir-." Seth began to say.

"Relax kid, I'm not going to kill you. That's what she wants me to do. She thinks this would be some kind of payback." Adrian said.

Seth let out a sigh of relief.

"Now let's get inside and talk business." Adrian said.

On the Southside, Dean and Becky jumped a car and drove over to the Westside.

"So how long have you been doing this kind of thing?" Becky asked.

"Not long." Dean said.

"That's very vague." Becky said.

"What about you? What's it like in the system?" Dean asked her.

"Shitty." Becky said.

Dean looked over at her and laughed.

"The last family I was with were the Adams family. They are both in their late fifties and John Adams, the husband, he liked to smack his wife around." Becky said.

"That's why you left?" Dean asked.

"I came home the other night and saw cigarette burns on her arm so I grabbed a iron skillet from the kitchen and hit him in the back of the head." Becky said casually.

"Well shit." Dean said.

"I woke up the next morning tied to my bed. He pulled up a chair and put three lit cigarettes to my arm." Becky told him.

Dean looked over at Becky with sympathy.

"He put his hands on you before?" Dean asked.

"Yeah but I got used to it." Becky said.

Dean got quiet.

"Before I left, I gave Mrs. Adams my gun.. Hopefully she takes care of the bastard." Becky said.

Dean felt a sharp pain in his chest as they pulled up to the diner. He took a deep breath and tried to get focused.

"Okay so we need to convince these guys to give Southside at least twenty percent of profits." Dean said.

"Okay." Becky said as they got out of the car and walked to the back of the diner.

"Well, well, look who it is." A man said.

"Hey, Graves." Dean said.

"Who's this?" Corey asked.

"This is Becky." Dean introduced her.

Becky looked around at everyone.

"So here's the deal.. we can offer fifteen percent." Corey said.

"I need more than that." Dean said.

"More like seventy percent." Becky blurted out.

Dean looked at her in surprise as his eyes widened.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He whispered.

"Doesn't Jericho own this diner?" Becky asked.

"Yeah." Corey said.

"And you don't pay any kind of rent because you deliver Jericho all the product?" Becky asked.

"That's right." Corey said in confusion.

"So the way I see it is you and your friends here are working for Chris. You're getting the drugs from Sanchez and delivering them to Jericho which is when my boy Ambrose here come in. He's the one that gets your product onto the streets." Becky said.

"What the fuck is this?" Corey asked Dean.

"Just hear her out, man." Dean said, hoping she was about to make some kind of point.

"I just don't understand how the hell Jericho has only been getting ten percent of this deal when he is the one doing all the heavy lifting. I think you boys have gotten a little in over your heads here. You work for Jericho, not the other way around." Becky said.

"Yeah, what she said." Dean agreed with her.

"I can give you fifty percent." Corey said.

"Sixty." Becky suggested.

"Deal." Corey said.

Dean looked down at Becky in surprise as she shook hands with Corey.

"Okay then.. I guess we're done here?" Dean asked.

"Nice seeing you, Ambrose." Corey said as he handed him a duffel bag full of cash.

Dean grabbed the bag and followed Becky out of the diner.

"What the hell just happened?" Dean asked in disbelief.

"Holy shit that was fun!" Becky said in excitement.

Dean watched her in amazement.

"Fuck girl, your good." Dean said as they got into the car.

"Roman got me up to date on everything." Becky said.

"You did you're homework, I'm impressed." Dean said as they drove off.

Back on the Northside, Seth went into his room and pulled out a shoe box from underneath his bed. He pulled out a photo of him, Dean and Renee. A tear fell down his cheek as he traced his finger over Renee's face . Seth looked at Dean in the photo and felt his face turn red with rage.

"Can I come in?" Sasha asked as she walked into his room.

Seth threw the photo back into the shoe box.

"You're already in here, aren't you?" Seth asked in annoyance.

"I'm sorry about earlier." Sasha said.

"You were trying to get me killed." Seth said.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make my father angry." Sasha said.

Seth looked at Sasha, still with anger in his eyes.

"I don't know what kind of fucked up relationship you have with your father but this isn't a game to me. If I fuck things up here, I have no where else to go.. I have nothing else." Seth said with tears in his eyes.

Sasha watched Seth for a moment, suddenly feeling bad for him. She walked over and locked his bedroom door.

"What are you doing?" Seth asked.

"Making you feel better." Sasha said as she walked over to him.

Seth looked up at her in confusion as she straddled over him. She looked into his eyes and held his face.

"But-." Seth began to say.

"Shh. Less talking." Sasha told him.

Seth looked into her eyes and suddenly all the anger he was feeling went away. He grabbed her waist as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. She let out a small moan as he slid his hand up her dress. Seth began kissing her chest as she held her head back.

On the Southside, Dean and Becky walked back into the bar with the duffel bag full of cash. They made their way into the back room where Chris and Roman where waiting.

"How'd it go?" Chris asked.

"Sixty percent!" Dean announced.

"What?" Roman asked in surprise.

"No fucking way." Chris said in disbelief.

"Becky did all the talking." Dean told them.

Chris and Roman looked at Becky in surprise.

"We have been trying to get twenty percent out of those guys for months and you walk in here and get us three time the amount we were aiming for?" Chris asked with a smile on his face.

"I told you she wasn't just another pretty face." Dean said as he smiled at him.

Becky let out a big smile as she looked around the room.

"Welcome to the team." Chris said as he shook her hand.

"Now what do we do?" Becky asked.

"We celebrate!" Roman said as he walked back into the bar.

Dean, Becky, and Chris followed behind Roman as the song "Diet Mountain Dew" by Lana Del Rey began to play

You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want

Becky ran out to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing by herself. Dean watched with a smiled in his face as Becky's hair fell down her face.

Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?

Becky looked pushed her hair back and started singing along to the song. Dean crossed his arms and watched her with intrigue.

Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Can we hit it now low down and gritty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?

Finally, Becky walked over and pulled Dean onto the dance floor with her.

"I don't dance!" He yelled.

"Tonight you do!" Becky yelled as she grabbed his hand and tried to make him dance.

Baby, put on heart shaped sunglasses
'Cause we gonna take a ride
I'm not gonna listen to what the past says
I've been waiting up all night

Dean finally gave in and started to dance. Becky looked at him and laughed as he looked into her eyes.

Take another drag turn me to ashes
Ready for another lie?
Says he's gonna teach me just what fast is
Say it's gonna be alright

Roman walked behind the bar and poured himself a drink as Chris sat down.

"I haven't seen him this happy since-." Chris began to say.

"Me either." Roman said as he watched Dean dance with Becky.

"You still need someone to cover your shift tomorrow?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, I shouldn't be out of town for long." Roman said.

"Where did you say you were going again?" Chris asked.

"I've just got some family business to take care of." Roman told him.

Chris looked at Roman and nodded his head.

On the dance floor, Becky put her hands around Dean's neck as the song came to and end.

You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want you

They looked into each other's eyes and everyone else stopped dancing. Becky smiled at him and put her arms down.

"I have to go." Dean said before walking away.

Becky stood there in confusion as Dean rushed out of the bar.

The next morning, Seth woke up to find Sasha laying next to him in bed. He got out of bed and watched her sleep for a minute. When she began to open her eyes, Seth panicked and turned around.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she pushed her hair back.

"What? Me?" Seth asked as he turned back around.

"Were you staring at the wall?" She laughed.

"I should get to work." Seth said as he got dressed.

Sasha sat up in bed and watched him in amusement.

"You're nervous." Sasha said.

"What?" He asked.

"You look scared." Sasha said.

"Well considering what your father did to the last guy-." Seth began to say.

The smile left Sasha's face as she was reminded of what happened Cedric.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-." Seth tried to say.

"It's okay. And don't worry about my father. I can keep a secret." Sasha told him.

Seth looked at her and smiled softly.

On the Southside, Becky woke up and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Morning, new girl." Carmella said.

"Good morning." Becky said as Carmella turned on the television.

Becky looked over when she heard the news anchor.

"John Adams was found in his residence by his wife, Anna Adams this morning around six. Police have officially announced that this was a homicide. We are told that the time of death was around two o'clock this morning. The cause of death was suffocation and police found the victim with what appears to be cigarette burns on his arms. Police have also confirmed that the victim's wife, Anna Adams was out of town during the incident. That is all the information we can give you for now but please stay tuned for further updates." The newswoman said.

Becky froze as she thought back to what she told Dean the day before.

"You know those people?" Carmella asked.

"Yeah. They were my foster family." Becky said.

"Morning." Dean said as he walked upstairs.

"You didn't come in last night. Did you finally hook up with someone?" Carmella asked.

"Something like that." Dean said as he looked at Becky.

Becky stared at him with gratitude in her eyes.

Merida, Mexico

Renee laid on her bed watching The Grand Hotel when she heard a knock at her door. She got up and looked out the window. A smile grew across her face once she saw who was standing outside. Renee rushed to open the door.

"Roman!" She yelled in excitement as she ran into his arms.

Roman hugged her tightly as a smile grew on his face.

"Let's get inside before someone sees me." Roman said.

They walked back into her apartment and shut the door.

"I've been waiting for you all day." Renee said.

"Sorry, I tried to get here as soon as I could." Roman said.

"How is he?" Renee asked.

 "Which one?" Roman asked her.

"Both I guess." Renee said sadly.

"I'm not sure about Rollins but I think Ambrose will be fine." Roman said.

"If you would just let me tell Seth-." Renee began to say.

"It's not safe." Roman said.

Renee looked at him in disappointment.

"Look you know if I could, I would tell them everything but we can't." Roman said.

"I know, I just hate being here alone.." Renee said.

"Well you've got me for now. I guess that's better than nothing." Roman said.

"Yeah, I guess so." Renee laughed.

"So, what are we watching?" Roman asked her.

"Grand Hotel." Renee said as they got comfortable on the bed.

Renee leaned her head on Roman's shoulder as she resumed the show.

"I'm glad you're here, Roman." Renee said.

"Me too." He said as he put his arm around her and started watching tv.

Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment!

Chapter 3 will be released this evening and will continue in present day.

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