The Lengths Of Love (ON HOLD)

By AneesaBadu

1.5K 88 197

When Leticia's mother is murdered, she is determined to find out what happened. But it won't be easy working... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22

Chapter 21

23 2 11
By AneesaBadu

Hey. This chapter is dedicated to @LaurenLove18x @TheKeeper108 @the_dark_dweller for being three of my most dedicated readers. Anyway, here's another chapter. I hope you enjoy. Please don't forget to comment and vote.



Entering the police station, I inhaled deeply before walking to the front desk.

"Hi," I greeted the man at the front desk. "I was told that one of the detectives would like to talk to me."

"Name?" He asked, not bothering to look away from the paperwork in front of him.


"Don't worry John. I've got this one."

Turning around I was graced by oh so pleasant presence of Detective Kirkland.

He led me down a series of hallways before he gestured to an interrogation room near the back.

He closed the door behind him. Before sitting accross from me.

"Before we get started, can I get you anything? Water?"

"We can skip the formalities. Let's get down to why I'm really here."

"You're here because an article of clothing, confirmed to belong to you, was found on the body of a dead child. Can you explain how it may have ended up there?"

"I lost that sweater a long time ago. When I was a little girl myself."

"So you admit the sweater is yours?"

"Obviously. It clearly would have my DNA on it because I obviously wore it. But I couldn't find it which means it probably wasn't washed since then."

"You want me to believe you could not have killed Sylvia Cullingford because of how young you were when she died?"

"Don't you mean Sylvia Ackerman?"

"So you knew about your father's affair with Melanie?" He leaned closer. "How'd that make you feel? Angry? Angry enough to hurt your half sister?"

It was clear what he was trying to do. He was trying to anger me into making a mistake. Into an outburst.

"I've seen kids younger than you do worse." He continued.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not one of them. No matter what you think" I told him, heatedly. "I know what you're trying to do. You aren't going to screw with the life of another member of this family. Not while I'm alive and breathing."

"I'm glad to hear your sentiments. You still haven't provided a concrete reason as to how your sweater ended up on my victim." I opened my mouth to respond. "I know, I know. You lost it. You mean to tell me whoever 'found' your sweater killed Sylvia and decided to bury her her in it? Why would they do that?"

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me? You seem to think you have all the answers."

"I hope you're not insinuating I know who killed Sylvia."

"I'm not insinuating anything. Merely stating an observation."

"Good. Because there's no way I'd hinder the investigaton into the murder of a child."

"Yeah. But you will in the murder of someone's mother," I murmured under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." This time it was my turn to lean forward, placing my elbows on the cool metal table. "Now are you done with your questions? I have places to be."

"You're free to go for now. I wouldn't suggest leaving town though. We may have more questions at a later time."

"Don't worry. I wasn't planning on it," I told him, pushing myself to stand.

He opened the door and motioned for me to exit.

As he was leading me out, he was approached by another officer.

He turned back to me. "I'm sure you can find your way back."

I nodded and continued down the hall. As I was halfway, something told me to turn around. When I did, both Kirkland and the man he was talking to were staring at me, whispering to one another.

I'm used to the stares. When people realize you're the daughter of a murder victim, they tend to stare.

I made my way to the end of the hallway when I glanced into the last room to the right. He was pacing back and forth, talking to someome on the phone.

I quickly looked over to see if Kirkland and the other officer were still there. They were, but they were no longer looking at me.

Taking a chance, I slid into the room and waited for Dillon to hang up.

He clearly still hadn't noticed me as he continued pacing.

"Yes, yes. I'm sure he got the pictures. He will send them to you today. I'll make sure of it."

Who was he talking to? What pictures and why was whoever he was talking to in such a rush to get them?

It was only as he turned around that he finally noticed me standing there.

His eyes widened the moment he saw me.

"Sandra? What are you doing here?"

Did he not remember me telling him this morning I would be coming im for questioning?

"I was asked to come in for questioning by Kirkland. I told you this this morning. Don't you remember?"

"I'm sorry honey. I've just been really tired lately, with work and everything. Then coming here and volunteering."

"Why don't you call your boss and ask for a few days off?"

"He'll never go for it. Besides, even if he did, the guys need me here."

They need him here? For what? It's not like he's helping them solve cases.

What, were they too lazy to file their own paperwork?

"Um, okay."

"Yeah, sweetie. You should probably go. I know you've been dying to see your sistet again today." He briskly walked towards me and guided me into the hallway. "Look, I'll see you at home tonight."

"Okay." I leaned in to give him a kiss but he recoiled, almost as if he were disgusted by me.

I lnow I didn't smell because I took a shower before I came. So what's his deal?

"Um, okay?"

He could clearly read the confused look on my face. "I'm sorry babe. No one here knows we're together here. We can't risk anyone walking in and seeing us. If they did, they'd never talk about your mom's case in front of me again. You don't want that, do you?"

"No, of course not."

"Okay, good. I will see you later." He looked around quickly before whispering, "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied in a hushed tone.

He smiled and gave me a quick hug.

I sent him a swift wave before peering in the hallway. Luckily, Kirkland and the other officer were gone.

Taking this opportunity, I walked briskly until I was outside.

As i walked to my car, my thoughts were consumed by how weird Dillon has been acting recently.

He couldn't be planning a surprise proposal. We're already engaged. So, what is he up to?

Pushing it to the back of my head for now, I got in my car, ready to go see Letty. Maybe she can help me figure it out. She was always good at reading people.



I sat at a patio table outside a local cafe, waiting for my parents to show.

"Would you like more coffee, sir?" A waiter approached.

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Anything to eat?"

I hesitated momentarily before decoding ai actually did neeed to eat something.

"Um, I will have a maple pecan cinnamon roll. You know what, make that two." I figured I'd bring Letty one later.

With that he walk away and I glanced at my watched for what felt like the millionth time since I arrived.

I'm not surprised they're late. They never were really good at the kind of thing, or so my grandmother told me.

Majority if my childhood, they were addicted to drugs, never bothering to show up to any of my school events or extra curriculars.

While almost every other kid had atrleast one parent there, I had my grandmother. Don't get me wrong, I love and appreciate her to no end. However, it would have been nice if they had been there even one time.

The waiter came back with the two cinnamon rolls. "Here you go, sir."

"Actually, can I get a bag for one of them, please?"

Wordlessly he walked away, arriving moments later with a paper bag and I sliped the extra cinnamon roll inside.

"Thank you." He nodded, walking away once more.

As I took my first bite, I heard it.

"Eating without us?"

It was my father. He and my mother had finally arrived.

"You're late," was all I said.

"We know, sweetheart and we're sorry. We got held back with something at work."

I hummed, not sure how to respond.

"So, how have you been, son?"

This is what we're going to do? Act like we don't need to talk about the past?

"I don't know. Why don't you ask grandma. After all, she's the one who raised me while you two supported your drug habits."

It may come off a bit harsh, but if we're going to have a conversation, we're going to talk about the past.

"We know son," my mom said. "We're sorry we left you. We're sorry you feel the drugs were more important than you."

"Felt they were important than me?!" I asked, increduously. "Felt like they were more important?! They were more important. Not once were you at any of my parent teacher conferences, school performances, games. But you know who was, grandma."

My mother reached out to place her hand on top of mine, but I quickly jerked mine away. I saw a quick flash of pain her eyes. It disappeared almost as soon as it appeared but I saw it.

"I know we can not make up for lost time, sweetheart. But, your father and I, we're better. If it takes the rest of our lives, we will do whatever we can to prove it to you. We've changed... For the better. We have our own business and everything."

"How's that going?" I asked, trying to be cordial, looking at my father who had said nothing other then when he first arrived. He always was a quiet man, rarely speaking more than a few sentences, or at least that's what my grandmother told me.

However, it was my mother who answered. Her eyes lit up. "It's going amazing. We started our own real estate company. I design the houses and together we put them on the market."

While I was still apprehensive about letting them into my life, I couldn't deny they both seemed to be doing good for themselves.

"What about you dad?" I turned to him.

My father sat up straighter than before, if that was even possible.

As he opened his mouth to speak, the waiter reappeared.

"Hello. My name is Gabriel. Can I get you folks anything?"

"Coffee, black," my father's gruff voice sounded.

"A red rose tea and lemon scone, please," my mother replied.

He walked away and I turned back to my father.

"Part of the reason we were late is because we were discussing a business deal with a new investor." He told me.

I nodded. "That's great. Is he a big deal?"

What came out of his mouth next caused my jaw to drop.

"He is. As a matter of fact, I believe you know him. Ryan Ackerman."

Letty's dad?! What on Earth would he want with my parents company?

"Um, yeah. I know him. That's my girlfriend's dad."

"That's great!" My mother exclaimed. "He's such a nice man. He seemed really interested in working with us. Apparently he's heard great things."

"Uh, that's really good." My brows were still furrowed. Letty's father hated me, so why is he cozying up to my parents?

This is definitely something I need to keep an eye on. He tried to bribe me and when I didn't accept, he's gone after my parents.

They may have wronged me in the past, but I promised my grandmother I'd try to have a better relationship with them.

There's no way I'm going to let him mess with my family.

Family is everything. They're the ones who are meant to be with you through thick and thin.

They may not always be blood, but over the years, I've built my own family. The men and women who volunteer at my charity, they're family. Letty, she's family, my heart, my home, my everything.

I will do everything in my power to protect my family before I let anyone hurt or take advantage of them.

Ryan Ackerman. You thought you didn't like me before. Trust me, when all is said and done, you will really hate me. You've messed with the wrong man and it's time I showed you. You will rue the day you decided to target me and my family.

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