Family Ties

By wallflowerxwritings

17K 668 118

Jordyn is an undergraduate student struggling to make ends meet. She's working all types of hours and has one... More

A/N: Sorry!!


487 24 12
By wallflowerxwritings

It had been a couple of days since the whole incident occurred. I figured I could go grab some more clothes and other essentials while he wasn't home. I didn't want to be running into him. As I folded my clothes into a suitcase, I heard the front door open. Sighing, I continued to pack.

"Jordyn?" He called out to me.

"In my room." I said loud enough for him to hear. I grabbed a few other items, hoping that he wouldn't come into the room.

"Why are you packing?" He asked me. I still had my back to him.

"I'm gonna be staying with Zoe and Ashley for a while longer." I zipped up my suitcase.

"Can we talk?" He asked me.

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm gonna start looking for a new place to stay." I said to him.


"Dwayne, we don't owe anything to each other. I'm thankful for letting me stay here don't get me wrong, but I'd much rather be somewhere else right now."

"Jordyn. Please can we talk?" He asked me.

"You made it clear the other night that we don't have anything to talk about. I'm gonna get going. I'll let you know when I'll be picking up the rest of my belongings." I said to him. Grabbing my suitcase, I tried to make my way out of the room, but he wouldn't let me.

"Please move." I asked him.

"Not until we've talked."

"Fine, then talk." I huffed as I set my suitcase down and watched him sigh in defeat.

"I'm sorry about the other day. I shouldn't have snapped on you the way that I did. I let my anger get the best of me and I shouldn't have taken it out on you." He said to me. I looked up at him and I could see sadness in his eyes. I just didn't know if it was cause of me, or something else.

"What angered you?"

"Lydia is filling for divorce. It's not that she's doing, but rather how long she's been hiding it from me. She filed for divorce the day she walked out." He said to me.

"Dwayne-" he cut me off before I could say anything else.

"Listen, I like having you around. I'm sorry for the way I snapped but I promise it won't happen again."

"I'm still going over to Ashley's." I said to him.

"Please stay." His hand reached out and took my hand into his.


"Please." He pulled me closer to him.

I don't know how my aunt was able to say no to him and still walk out. I couldn't even bring myself into saying no.

I'm not going to lie, seeing Jordyn made me miss her all the more. It felt as if she had been gone for months and it had only been a week; a long excruciating week.

I pulled her close to me and leaned down to kiss her. She caved into my arms.

"Dwayne... as much as I'd love to, I can't." She said after she broke the kiss.

"Why not?" I asked her.

"As much as I love to be with you, whatever it is we have shouldn't be based off just sex. If you want me, then we have to do this right. I don't want to be hiding from anyone." She said to me.


"It's that simple. I'll be at Zoe's." She gave me a quick kiss before grabbing her suitcase and walking out of the room.

"Tomorrow, be ready at 8. Text me your address, I'll pick you up." I said loud enough for her to hear me.

I wondered if she even heard me, but I didn't want to push it. Instead I made my way to my bathroom, and took a shower.


I was eating my lunch when Jordyn texted me. She sent the address of her friends place. I called a rooftop restaurant and made a reservation for us.

After work, I went straight home and got ready. For some reason I didn't want to fuck it up with her. It's hell being without her and I can't imagine what I'd do without her.

Once I was done, I grabbed my keys and got into my car. Making a quick stop at a flower shop, I grabbed a bouquet of peonies for her. Then I finally made my way to pick her up.

When I arrived, I texted her I was outside and she said she'd be out in a minute. I don't ever remember being this nervous for a date. I wanted things done right with her.

As I got out of the car, she walked out of the house with her friends right behind her. I'm sure they knew about me by now, so I didn't try to hide the fact I wanted her.

"You look amazing." I said to her as she walked towards me.

"Thank you. You look great as always." She smiled.

"These are for you." I reached into the drivers seat and handed her the bouquet of flowers.

"You didn't have to." She was trying to hide the smile but it was evident she loved them.

"It's all for you. Believe me, I want to do this right." I said to her.

She nodded and walked to the passengers side. I opened the door and helped her get in before closing the door. I got into the drivers side and began to drive off, her friends stood on the doorway until we left.

"Quick question." I said her.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do your friends know who I am?" I asked her.

"I told them the whole story the night I started crashing with them."

"Good cause I don't want to hide from anyone when I'm with you." I said to her. She smiled and turned the music on while I drove towards the restaurant.

Almost half an hour later we arrived, I helped her get out of the car and lead her in. Our table was ready and they immediately seated us. Since it was a rooftop restaurant, the ambience felt lighter.

Throughout dinner, we kept talking and asking first date type of questions. It was nice getting to know her a bit more.

"So where to now?" I asked her as I signed the credit card receipt for our dinner.

"What do you mean?"

"Wherever you want to go or do, let me know."

"Okay." She smiled at me as we made our way back to the car.

"Can we talk?" She asked.

"Thought that's what we had been doing all night." I joked.

"Yes, but no. I mean can we talk about the divorce and everything else?"

"Okay.. sure what do you want to know?" I asked as I took the long way home.

"What's gonna happen now? I mean between you and my aunt?"

"It's clear she doesn't want to be with me, I'm not going to fight it. She can get the divorce and that lets me be with you."

"Don't you want to see other people?"

"No. Jordyn, this past week without you has been like hell. I can't ever imagine being without you not knowing if you'll come back or not. You leaving made me realize I don't love being with Lydia as much as I love being with you. You've literally turned my life upside down in a good way." I admitted to her.

"I love spending time with you, but I don't want you to feel like you're doing anything out of obligation. I can take care of myself."

"I know you can, but that's not what this is about. This is me telling you that I love you jordyn. I want to be with you regardless of who knows. But I don't want us to rush into anything. Get your degree, go for your masters, do whatever you want to do and I'll be right by your side cheering you on. I'm not going anywhere without you. If that's what you want." I said to her.

**** A/N****

With this being the final chapter before the epilogue, what do you think of how the events turned out? Should Jordyn take Dwayne's word and be with him?

How do you think Lydia will feel knowing her niece had been hooking up with her ex-husband? Do you think this will jeopardize the relationship between Lydia and Jordyn?

I'd love to know your thoughts and feelings in regards to this story. Please comment/vote/share this story! 

Thank you for reading!!

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