Peace Doesn't Exist

By XYZangel26

3.4K 114 66

The Shinobi World is no more. Extinguished by an unseen apocalypse. Three young travelers explore the epicent... More

Moving On
Back to work
Devil's Ravine
The Hybrid
New Home
Opposites pt.1
Beating up orphans
All Aboard!
My Greatest Creation!
Origins Pt.1
Origins Pt.2
The Board
Future Plans

Opposites pt.2

88 2 0
By XYZangel26

Attention: The Start of the first chapter of the story has been changed. It's important that you read it if you wish to understand this and future chapters. Ignore this note if you already read the first chapter.


Naruto's roar booms across the empty village, all while the Headmaster had a devilish smirk. The Hokage's demonic form corrodes the ground beneath him. Outer bones rattle as the growl grows. Both sides petrified by form the Hokage had chosen.

The Demon vaults over the river falling towards the Headmaster. Ice surrounds the elder blocking Naruto's attacks. Naruto glares to his left spotting the Headmaster's assistant, Hisame. Before Naruto could do anything he was struck with a large gale of wind sending him down the river.

"I'll handle the Hokage. You deal with the others."

"Yes, Headmaster."

The Headmaster drops a kunai with an unusual symbol; he jumps down facing Naruto. "Such a horrid form. What do you believe your peers think you now?"

Naruto snarls. All six of his tails went deep into the water, disappearing. The Headmaster prepared himself. He could not let his guard down, not to this God in monstrous clothing. The Ground shakes. Six large chakra arms emerge from the shores. Three from the left, three from the right. The Elder sidesteps away to Naruto surprise. The Jinchūriki rises a nonexistent brow, the old man was faster than he thought.

Two men fell as the blade slice through their body. Hisame stood above them, disappointed. He blocks a swipe from behind him. The attacker steps back, sword in hand.

"Well, if it isn't pretty little Oka. I'm surprised you haven't quit the Anbu."

"Shut up, you damn traitor!"

"Noisy as always. I thought hurting the ones around you would strengthen you. It appears I was wrong."

Oka jumps forward clashing swords with the traitor. She stuck with fury each hit harder than the last. Hisame blocks all the attacks. He could tell Oka was emotional, remembering the past. But he didn't care.

Hisame was a member of the Anbu. One of the brightest. He was also the head of the assault on Konoha. The suffering started with him. Betrayed the oath, killed innocents claiming it was a teaching. To Oka, it was all bull.

She continues her strikes. Hisame steps back, he breathes cold mist on to his short sword coating it in Ice. With a single swipe, he cuts Oka's blade in two. Oka reveals a hidden knife beneath her bracer and attacks Hisame. Both clash with neither kneeling.

"Stay down."

"Never" Oka barks.

Hisame stomps the ground creating a thousand long needles from the nearby water, which surrounds Oka. He was ready to deliver the killing blow when a large typhoon destroys the needles and sends him backward. A female stands next to Oka, chakra blades on hand.


"Come on, Oka! You gotta step up."

Hisame stood up, aiming his ice enhanced sword at her.

"Mirai Sarutobi, I should've killed you when I had the chance."

"Butcha didn't." She said with an arrogant tone.

Mirai and Oka stood side by side ready face Hisame. Hisame remained unfazed. Both charged towards each other continuing the fight.

Meanwhile, Hanabi fights Hinoko, another traitor of the leaf. Hinoko was able to block all of Hanabi's strikes while blending chakra in her fingertips. Makeshift needles sprout from her fingers and fired towards Hanabi. With her flexibility she able to dodge them, but Hinoko stepped in quickly stabbing her in the sides. Hanabi didn't kneel, she spins rapidly creating a protective shield of chakra that blows everything away, including Hinoko. She stops and once again takes the Hyūga stance.

"You need to try harder if you want to take me down."

Hinoko scoffs at her. She forms more needles pointed towards Hanabi. A roar interrupts her concentration. She glanced at the Hokage. He seemed irate.

Deep in the forest Sarada, Yui and Sumire were carried out of the battlefield. Sumire could feel the anger even from the great distance. The seal on her glows and her body radiates negative chakra. The chakra exits the body forming into a large creature. Everyone fell to the floor as Nue emerges from the forest.

"...Nue?..." Sumire mutters.

The Beast looks at the distance. It nudges its caretaker, trying to get her up. Nue notices the Konoha shinobi that was escorting the kids. It swats him away, taking him out of the picture. Yui observes from afar while Sarada was still having a panic attack.

"What are you doing?" Sumire demands. "It's over. So just stop."

Nue turns around. "Are you listening? Stop, Nue."

Nue races towards the battlefield leaving her owner behind. "NO!"

"What is it doing?" Yui asks in the distance.

"...It's continuing with the plan..."

Naruto withdraws his tails. He wanted to prepare another attack when Nue jumps into the battlefield. It roars disrupting the surrounding battles. Everyone attention was now on Nue. The Headmaster took the time to recuperate. He made it look simple but in reality, he was exhausted. He was nowhere near the Hokage's level.

"What is that thing doing here?" One of the Shinobi shouted.

Nue body cracks, akin to wood shattering. Negative chakra emitted from the cracks, flesh glowing a hue of purple. Fear filled the atmosphere, shinobi knew of its purpose.

"It's going to detonate..." One ninja mutters.

The Headmaster was alarmed. He had a way out, but couldn't save his pupils. Leaving them to die was not a favorable choice.

The large creature was struck by the demonic Hokage. His punch sends it crashing to the side of the forest. Naruto focuses back on the Headmaster. He wanted no one to interrupt his battle.

Naruto slumps to the ground. Bones separate from his body, thrown towards the Headmaster, held by thin threads of red chakra flesh. The Headmaster slams his hands to the ground.

"Earth Style: Mud Wall"

The earth in front of him rises blocking the bone attack. The skeleton returns to Naruto. Nue emerges from behind biting Naruto into the ground. It rises it head with Naruto in his mouth. The red chakra skin begins to burn its mouth forcing Nue to drop Naruto. Nue performs a tail whip hitting Naruto and sending him through the forest. It stares the Headmaster, then continues with the detonation process.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Blast!" The Headmaster hits Nue with the sharp blade of wind exhaled from his mouth. It wasn't enough to cut Nue, but the attack did stun it.

Both Nue and the Headmaster hear a roar from Naruto's location. Naruto spots the Headmaster at the distance, his anger overflowing. The Hokage held his head high, mouth open. Positive black chakra and Negative white chakra appear balancing both to create a highly dense sphere.

"No... he isn't..." Hanabi whispers.

"Has he lost his mind!?" An Academy member yells.

"He won't slaughter his soldiers, just to get me." The Headmaster exclaims.

The ball condenses and Naruto consumes the sphere. The sudden weight sinks Naruto into the ground. His mouth letting out smoke.

"He's going to kill us all!" A voice cries out among the panic.

The Headmaster stood in place observing the Hokage with Nue standing behind. The creature focus was on Naruto. It realizes what he was doing. The blast without a doubt would take Sumire with it. Nue needed to protect her, it is their only goal.

With the Tailed Beast Bomb complete, Naruto fires it from his mouth as a beam, moving at an incredible rate. The ground shakes and few houses were shattered. The Headmaster was in front of the beam when suddenly he vanished. Nue was instead hit with the beam. It took the full brunt of the blast. Nue collapses, defeated.

Naruto spots the Headmaster to the side. He charges in, swinging his claws at the Headmaster. The elder grabs the kunai from the floor and throws it away. He constructs a black chakra rod and stabs the Hokage. It didn't pierce Naruto's body. This technique was nowhere near as potent as the Rinnegan. Just a cheap imitation. Naruto snaps the rod, as a second Naruto emerge from his body and swings his claw.

Before contact was made the Headmaster disappears in a flash. Naruto was left perplexed as his clone returns to his body. The Headmaster grabs the same kunai from before and reveals it to Naruto. Everyone then realizes the technique he was using.

"Your father's Jutsu. The Flying Raijin. It wasn't easy finding and practicing, but I overcame the odds. I'm not as proficient as the Fourth Hokage though. How does it feel, to see your father's technique tainted by my hands?" Naruto growls making the Headmaster's grin to grow larger.

A large golden string comes from the side dividing the two. Out came Megami from the forest, sword on hip ready to cut anyone down.

"Alright, geezers. Fights over."

Naruto roars annoying Megami. She waves a hand making the river rise and sallow him into it. She focuses on the Headmaster.

"So you're the Head honcho? I expected more."

"And you must the Rōnin that's delaying my plans. May I ask why?"


"Sturdy, your services could benefit the Academy."


"Very well, I-"

"You've got his attention."

"Oh, so you know?"

Naruto's upper body emerges from the river. The water was still in Megami's control so he was trapped. She ignores Naruto and asks the Headmaster a question.

"Who are you?"

The Headmaster smirks and complies. "Gaoh Uzumaki." Gaoh bows. He glances at Naruto and smiles. "That's right, we're family."

Naruto loses it. He tries to escape but water wouldn't let him.

"You scream too much," Megami said out loud.

"I would like to chat further, but I have responsibilities to attend to. You can have Yui."

Gaoh waves a hand seal preparing to leave. But before he does he utters somethings Megami.

"Divinity will be ours."

Gaoh teleports him and the rest of the Academy with him. The Konoha shinobi let a sigh a relief, all except Mirai.

"You let them get away!" She yells.

"No, I didn't," Megami replies.

The Rōnin look down at the river and at Naruto. He was frozen. Disconsolate that his son's killer had gotten away.

"Eh, I had a long day. So I'm not dealing with him." Megami groans. She turns and heads towards the forest. "I going to see where my friend disappeared to. Later" And with that, she disappears into the shadows.

Hanabi walks over to the side of the river looking down towards Naruto.


Naruto breaks down letting waves chakra out into the environment. His monstrous form radiates to the outside. The ground shatters, the river begins to boil, red lightning cracks in the air. It was all too much for the shinobi to handle forcing them to retreat deeper in the forest.

From the distance, they could see chaos unfolding. With her Byakugan, Hanabi became heartbroken seeing him. She listens closely and notices that Naruto's screams weren't out of anger but instead, he was crying.

The rest listened as their leader fall, swallowed by his misery.


Sarada wakes up in a bed. She checks her wounds, they were all bandaged. Looking around the only face she saw was her mother's.

"...Mama?..." Sarada wanted to sit up but Sakura lays her down.

"Easy, you'll open the wounds."

"I... I'm sorry, Mama. I broke my promise." Sarada confesses.

"It's okay Sarada. All that matters is that you're safe."

"What happened to Yui. Where's Sumire." Sarada then remembers the Headmaster. "Him. He was there! I-I-"

"He's not here. He won't hurt you." Sakura her down. "Rest, I'll be back shortly." She kisses Sarada's forehead and leaves her to rest.

Sakura enters the room where Sumire was. Unlike Sarada room, Sumire's had much more security. Sumire herself was tied down. Sakura job was to check on her. She had no ill-will towards her. Pity, she had for the girl.

"She's hurting..." Sakura was surprised, Sumire was awake.

"W-what are you talking about?" Sakura said acting like she didn't know.

"Her eyes... It's distorting her mind. Like wastes on a clean lake. I've seen her pain turn real. Losing to the monster she could become. But it's not too late. There's a part of her that still clings on, holding hope. I can feel it." Sumire looks at Sakura with watery eyes. "Save her."

"I will. Always." Sakura holds Sumire's hand tightly. "Sleep, nothing will hurt you here. You're home."

Sumire falls asleep for what seems for the first time in days. Sakura leaves the room and encounters Sasuke laid back next to the door. She knew he was there, listening to their conversation.

"How did you get here?" She asks.

"I heard what happened. Traveled here using my Rinnegan."

"Her powers are getting worse. What are we going to do?" Sakura asks.

"...I don't know."

That is what frustrated Sasuke the most. Not knowing how to save his daughter from the pain. Both ponder for a while, sitting in a bench outside.

"What if..." Sakura had come up with an idea. "We suppress her Sharingan."

"I don't think it'll work. Maybe if I train her some more, we'll discover how it works. Sarada could learn how to control it."

"Problem is you don't have time. Besides, her mental health will continue to deteriorate. Maybe we can develop some sort of juinjutsu. Block chakra from entering the eyes."

"Sakura, we have no experience in juinjutsu. I don't even believe there's someone in Konoha who specialize in juinjutsu."

"We can speak with one of the Hokage. They could know someone."

Sasuke became nervous. "Is this the right choice for her? Is it even our choice to make?"

"If we don't something she'll end up like... you." Sakura holds Sasuke prosthetic arm. "I don't want to go through that again." She whispers.

"Let me talk to her." Sasuke leaves heading towards Sarada's room.

Sarada wakes up once Sasuke enters the room. She activates her Sharingan allowing her to see.


"Don't force the Sharingan. You'll strain your eyes."

"O-Oh..." She deactivates the Sharingan leaving her blind.

"How are you feeling?"

"My body hurts. I feel dizzy. And I'm exhausted."

"You underestimated your opponent."

"Yeah... I thought you had a secret mission to attend?"

"I came to see you, of course."

"Why? I couldn't defeat Sumire, let my insanity take control of me, and turned into a screaming coward when I saw the Headmaster. I'm a failure."

"Do not say such things. You acted when there needed to be action. And for that, I'm proud of you."

"You... are?"

"Of course."

Sarada felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. Now she only wished to see. She hears something making its way towards her bed.

"Shiro! Did Mitsuki send you here?" Sasuke asks.

"Yes. He wanted to know how Lady Sarada was doing. Since he can't come here in person he sent me."

"Why can't he- Oh, yeah, hospital rampage. I forgot. Tell him that I'm fine. There's no need to worry." Sarada

"Very well" Shiro slithers out of the door. The Uchiha family could hear people in hall scream as the snake departs.

"...Sarada..." Sarada focuses on her father. "Do you believe that you can control Shokuyoku?"

"...I don't know. When I fought Sumire I said and did things I'm not proud of. Thinking about it now, I was scared."

"I see..."

"Why are you asking?"

Sasuke doesn't response. Both heard someone come in. All Sarada could see was a blur with a hint of red.

"What did they do to you!? You're in horrible condition!"

"Karin?..." Sarada mumbles.

Karin sits next to Sarada. She rolls her sleeves exposing her forearm. "Here. Bite my arm."

"What? Why?"

"Trust me, you'll be feeling better."

Sarada caves in and bites. Green chakra cloaks Sarada healing her of the injuries. The young Uchiha was amazed.

"I feel incredible! How is this possible?"

"Uzumaki magic!" Karin hands over a box. "Here."

Sarada opens the present. A new pair of glasses were inside. Extremely happy by gift, Sarada hugs Karin.

"Aww, no need to give this lonely nerd affection," Karin tells her.

Sasuke smiles. "I'll leave you two with each other."

"Where are you going, Papa?"

"I'm... going for a walk."

Sasuke departs, leaving Karin and Sarada with each other.

~"4 Months" after the Paradigm Shift~

"Okay, but when are you going to explain what caused the Paradigm Shift? Yūzai demands.

"Hey, context is important. I don't want to hear you complaining about the lack of information."

Sarada stomach rumbles.

"Looks like someone's hungry," Samayō informs.

"There's a grocery store nearby. Most items are still intact. I can scavenge some stuff in there, maybe I can cook something for us." Sarada stands ready to go when she points towards Mujaki. "You, with me."


"Yes, you. I can't carry everything on my own."

Sarada leaves with Mujaki behind her. They reach the supermarket in no time. The Suna shinobi walks in an aisle where he found rice.

"You didn't answer my question."


"How did you come here?" The Uchiha demands. "No one came when Konoha fell. No one has set foot in the Village. But you..." Sarada slowly steps forward. Mujaki felt afraid and he fell on his back. "You're the first to visit. How did you deny these ruin's curse?"

"Sarada! Control yourself!"

"The Gods sent you, didn't they! Here to finish me off. Haven't you won already!"

Sarada sudden ire fades, she slumps down next to the shelves, defeated.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that. I've been isolated for so long. I don't even know why I'm still breathing."

Mujaki felt sorry for her. He wanted to help. "You can come to Suna. I'm sure they'll appreciate your knowledge of recent events."

"And then what? Start a new life? I can't escape this grave. It's my home, no matter how much I hate it."

"One step at a time. That's what my mother always tells me. Just take one step, everything else begins to flow."

Sarada reflects. There's nothing but memories and dead dreams here. Was she ready to move on?

"I have plenty of friends in Suna who can help you! They can learn so much if you stay with us. Of course, we have to constantly rebuild due to the Gelel storms."

"I... I'll think about it."

"Anything you need, you come to me. Just don't lose your sanity. You do have you're eyes under control, right?"

"Absolutely! I improved my control over time." Mujaki let out a sigh of relief. Sarada stares into a dark corner of the store. She could see the other her, the Copy, smiling at her. "...I never felt better..."

A/N: I've been very busy. Every day I'm doing something. For example, my professor was supposed to give us a project at the beginning of the quarter. This week he found out he never handed us instructions. So now we only have 6 DAYS to do the project. College can be fun.

As you read in the beginning I redid the first chapter. I added a new start and fix some issues with the rest of the chapter. That is my vision for this fic. It'll take a while to get there though. I really hope you enjoyed it.

I will admit, I did procrastinate. A lot. You can blame Hollow Knight and Outer Wilds. Two games I HIGHLY recommend. I love them. Hollow Knight in specific is in my top 5 games of all time. Outer Wilds is great too. I really love the Music(OST) in that game. Check them out whenever you can.

Now for the copy and paste outro! If you enjoy the story go ahead and follow and/or favorite. Feel free to share(recommend) the story with others. And please leave a review, it's the best way to know your thoughts on the story. Don't be afraid of giving me criticism too, there's no way I'll improve my writing if nobody says anything. With that out the way, have a fantastic day and hope to see you next time!

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