My World is Drowning [Irondad]

By Foxlily_522

111K 5K 3K

[#4 in PTSD -07/27/19] Peter Parker was one of the few survivors on an attack on New York. Some people though... More

The News [1]
Unnatural Disaster [2]
Bell in the Head [3]
Wicked Wizard [4]
Two More [5]
Third Kid [6]
Observations [7]
Contacts [8]
Squeaky Clean [9]
Selfish [10]
Piss Off [11]
Anger and Jealousy [12]
Denied Love [13]
Anger Anger Anger [14]
Conditions [15]
New Friend [16]
What's Wrong [17]
Diary Dare [18]
Last Days [19]
Night Terror [20]
Morning Plans [21]
Goodbyes [22]
Long Night [24]
Verbal Fights [25]
Trackers [26]
The Chase [27]
Betrayal [28]
Eyes Open [29]
Let It Go [30]
Popsicle [31]
Congratulations [32]
New Story

Creature [23]

2.5K 132 105
By Foxlily_522

Peter's POV:

I sat on my bed in our room, not really sure what I was feeling. Tony had moved Wade in with Harley and I, since he needed Shuri and Wade's old room for some new interns at the Tower. He transformed Harley's bed into a bunk bed, with Wade on the top bunk. He also placed another dresser and desk in our room, crowding it up a little bit. But I didn't really mind.

I heard a knock on our door. "Nose goes," Wade stated, placing his finger on his nose. I put mine on my nose before Harley did. "Answer the door," Wade ordered, dangling his arm over his bunk and snapping in Harley's face like he was a dog.

Harley just groaned, getting up and walking towards the door. He opened it, revealing Bruce holding an American shorthair kitten. Kimba, I thought to myself, sliding out of bed and walking up to the scientist.

"I've been caring for him since you kids went exploring. Thought you're recovered enough to take him," Banner explained, handing the cat to me. I smiled at him gratefully, petting the creature softly. Kimba purred in my arms, sending vibrations into my chest. My heart soared when I stared at the animal, loving it with every piece of my body.

"There's no way in hell that thing is staying in our room," Wade snapped. I just flipped him off and carried Kimba back to my bed. I set him down on my blankets gently, smiling like a dork.

Bruce grinned, and left the room.

Harley just shrugged. "Why can't the cat stay? He's not hurting anything," He pointed out to Wade, staring at Kimba.

Wade grumbled and climbed back up to his top bunk. "Fine. But as soon as that thing shits on the floor, I'm tossing it out the window," He threatened.

I tucked in Kimba, then left the room and walked down the hall. I wasn't sure why I was doing this, but I felt that it was needed. I bit the inside of my cheek, pausing in my tracks. I closed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows, wondering if I should even get involved.

"It's best if you don't involve yourself." Wade's words rang inside my head as I had an argument with myself. I don't care. Steve is a lovely man. I need to do this. I know it. I took a deep breath and kept walking down the hall, stopping in front of Tony's room.

I knocked on his door. A few moments later, Tony opened it. "What do you need?" He asked me, looking a bit tired.

I just glared at him. "Do you love Steve?" I asked him.

Stark looked taken aback. "What do you mean?" He asked, clearly shocked and surprised.

"Just answer the question," I ordered him, not taking any shit. "Do you love Steve?" I repeated, waiting for an answer impatiently.

"Well, yes," Tony answered, still looking caught off guard.

"Then end things with Stephen."

"Excuse me?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "Fucking break up with Strange. You're hurting Steve, whether he knows it or not. I don't care if you love Stephen, Steve doesn't deserve this, and you know it," I snapped. "Break up with Stephen and go tell Cap what you've done."

Tony shook his head. "I can't do that, it'll break Steve in half-"

"If you don't tell him, I will. Trust me, things will end better for you if you're the one to tell him," I told Tony, before leaving the room.

I ran my fingers through my hair, smiling to myself despite the situation. Did I seriously just do that? I asked myself, taking a deep breath. My smile faded as I rubbed my face with my hands. I just did that.

I wasn't really sure how it was going to turn out, but I sure as hell hope that it'll be worth it.

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