Back To The Start (ON HOLD)

بواسطة GoddessOfAphrodite

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I haven't always been like this. I got straight A's. I never skipped school or even talked back to my parents... المزيد

Chapter 1 - How It Started
Chapter 2- Not Your Ordinary School
Chapter 3- Some Kind Of First Night
Chapter 4- Face to Face With The Devil
Chapter 6- Cereal For An Apology
Chapter 7 - Take This Away
Chapter 8 - Throwing Those Two Years
Chapter 9 - Open For 12 Hours
Chapter 10- Matchy Matchy
Chapter 11- Call For Back Up
Chapter 12- Asking Friendship
Chapter 13 - Drunk and High
Chapter 14 - Starting Over
Chapter 15 - Seriously, I Tried
Chapter 16 - My P.O.V
Chapter 17 - Duck Tape My Mouth
Chapter 18 - Proclaimed Ungrateful
Chapter 19 - Surprise Tag-Along
Chapter 20 - Like Nothing Happened
Chapter 21 - Wendy Runaway With Me
Chapter 22 - The Call
Chapter 23 - Back To Reality
Chapter 24 - Unexpected As Heck
Chapter 25 - Then There Was Pain
Chapter 26 - The Feel of The Sun
Chapter 27- Project Make Her Smile
Chapter 28 - Not So Disney Day
Chapter 29 - Getting Back Up
Chapter 30 - The Truth
Chapter 31 - Custaroons? I love you.
Chapter 32 - I Beat Jenna Hamilton
Chapter 33 - Biggest Clue
Chapter 34 - Lzaer Tag Disaster
Chapter 35 - Cannot Be Long Hidden
Chapter 36 - What Happens Now?
Chapter 37 - Three Months And Four Days

Chapter 5 - Hell For Lunch

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بواسطة GoddessOfAphrodite

Chapter 5 - Hell For Lunch

To say my first day was going well was the understatement of the year. I was certainly not having a great day. Everywhere I go, people were looking at me like I was a walking plague. Not that their looks mattered to me, in fact they don't. I was used with looks like those.

Since I was sent to the principals office, I missed my second period. Mr. Marks, a tall guy with a prefect jawline, spent an hour of lecturing me about the school rules. He made it a point to discuss every single bit of the school rules and regulation. For those sixty minutes I practically wanted to tear my hair off.

By third period I was dismissed from my misery. Being a sometimes good girl I am, I headed straight to my next class: Arts. I was into Art, but Art was not in to me. Despite the not so mutual feelings with the subject, I entered the Art room which was found on the 5th floor.

The room was what every high school student would envy. The walls were pale white but it was hidden by amazing pieces of art works. The works varied from paintings, sketches and even out of the world collages. At the middle of the massive room was about 30 sets of wooden tables with drawers inside. In front of the tables was a huge white board and another table which was probably for the teacher.

The bell rang and soon people started to pour in the class. I took the chair at the far back of the room and placed my black bag on the floor with a thump. Once I was settled, a huge girl wearing black entered the room sporting a massive scowl on her face. She scanned the room and her eyes landed on me with a bigger and meaner scowl. Slowly, she started to walk towards my direction.

"Get off," she ordered, her huge voice booming in the classroom.

The people turned their heads to look at us.

I looked at the big girl up and down before turning my head in front, practically ignoring her. I would have stood up if her name was on the table but too bad there wasn't any.

She placed her massive hand on my shoulder making my body tense in anger.

Nobody. Touches. Me.

Matching her scowl, I turned to look at her.

"Big girl, get your hands off of me," I ordered.

Inside my head I was already counting to 20 before I snap her head off (totally exaggerating here).

Her hand dug in deeper through my skin. The horror in the faces of the bystanders were amusing to watch if I was not close to turning into flames.

"I said get off," she repeated.

Her big face was starting to turn red as if I was pissing her off.

"And I said remove your hands. And it seems like none of that is happening."

I stood up but her hand was still on my shoulder. Little by little my patience was breaking. I just got out of the head master's office, and it seems like I was heading straight back.

She was taller than me that I had to stand super straight and tilt my head up. I was a 5'9 girl but damn, this girl was a freaking giant.

My left hand went to her hand as I took it off of me. I made it a point to squeeze her hand at the motion. The pressure of my squeeze was getting bigger and bigger by the second. Soon enough, her mouth formed into an 'o'. Her previous red face from anger was now pale from the pain.

"Hey hey, Tori," someone immediately said beside me.

I turned my head to the person with a glare. My eyes narrowed at the red hair dude wearing a button down checkered shirt.

"I suggest you let her go, Smurf," he teased.

The nickname would have snapped me again, but hearing this red hair say it didn't seem to annoy me. My hand loosened and soon I was not touching her anymore.

The girl cowered away and sat on a different and farther chair.

I sat back down on my chair with my temper slightly calming down. The guy that stopped me was still in the same position. He crouched down, so he was looking at me. I saw his hand held out in front of me. The movement gave me no choice but to look at him with a blank stare.

"I'm Leo Thompson," he introduced.

His smile was wide like a little kid in a candy shop. I hated how much his smile warmed me like I've been standing in the rain for hours.

"Tori Adams."

I shook his hand but didn't last longer than 7 seconds. Even though that act was partially rude, Leo's smile was still there-unwavering.

"Good morning, class!" A chirpy female voice echoed around the room.

Leo stood up from his crouching position then took the seat beside me. He placed his black bag on the table with a smile still imprinted on his face.

I studied his features like a silent creeper. He had a strong jawline, his nose was pointed but not too pointed to make it look weird, his eyes were golden brown making it look like he was a real life Edward Cullen (not that I have watched or read Twilight). All in all he was handsome. The smile on his face made him more attractive. But then there was this unsettling feeling in my guts, it was as if I was comparing him with Alec. And I was not liking my judgements.

I decided to block whatever was going in my head and just looked straight to what the teacher was saying. Her eyes were scanning the room as she recited names.

"Tori Adams?" she announced.

It was if on cue, all eyes looked at me. Their stares were getting annoying. I just wanted to scream at them to just get over it.

"Present," I said.

Ms. Grimmy, the teacher, stood up from her seat and pushed up her black glasses up her nose.

"You're a new student, I suppose?" she asked with a friendly smile on her face.

With her blond hair tied into a bun and her clothes being a long brown skirt and white sleeves, she looked like she was 40 even though her face screamed she was just about 20 something.

"Yes," I said trying not to sound rude as possible.

Ms. Grimmy smiled again before sitting back down. Her hands joined together as she placed them on top of the desk.

"Well, do tell us something about yourself."

I groaned audibly. Beside me, I heard Leo chuckled at that.

"Go on, Tori. Don't be shy," she urged.

I was most definitely not shy. It was just that there was nothing to share about me. Whatever I could share could either be boring or something that could probably get me to jail.

"Go, Tori. I would like to know something about you," Leo cheered silently.

I faced him a bit before standing up. Inside, I debated on what was I going to say. I did not want the spot light on me for too long.

"I'm from London and I have only one friend," I said then sat back down.

Ms. Grimmy looked taken a back from my statement but then she covered it with a smile.

"Well, Tori. You have a new friend. I'm Ms. Tessa Grimmy."

I kept my face neutral with no emotions. Was that suppose to mean that she was my friend?

A friend for a teacher? That seems like a no no for me. And besides, I was not having a friend hunting.

The class went on after that. Ms. Grimmy was orienting us about Greek Art.

"So, Aphrodite," Leo said out of the blue.

I looked at him curiously, if it was me he was speaking to. What a huge embarrassment would it be if he wasn't talking to me.

"What do you say about being Art partners?" he offered.

"Me?" I said soooo stupidly.

He chuckled. "Who else is Aphrodite here?"

I rolled my eyes at his cheesy line. "Not that type of girl, Leo."

He smiled. "I figured. So partners?"

I looked around the room. I guess having Leo as a partner was not a dread. Judging from the people in the room, Leo was a good choice.

"Depends, are you good with drawing?" I asked.

Leo chuckled and nodded his head arrogantly. I was about to make a comment but he grabbed something from his desk and turned it to me. His hands held a sketch pad with a drawing of a girl. It only took me a millisecond to realize that the girl he drew was me. His work amazed me since he only did it for a short period of time.

"That's okay," I teased.

It was certainly a wonder to see him still smile at my comment. I guess it was because it was obvious that I was just teasing.

"I know you like, Tori," he bragged.

He dropped the sketch pad back to his desk. His mouth opened to say something, but before he could even produce a sound Ms. Grimmy spoke up.

"It seems like Mr. Thompson has already started a project," she announced to class.

Leo turned his head to look at Ms. Grimmy with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, Ms. Grimmy."

"Oh don't be sorry. Please do share that master piece of yours to the class," she taunted.

He hesitantly stood up and brought his sketch pad into a full view. The class was silent for awhile then they started to make wolf whistles and teasing sounds.

I rolled my eyes at their immaturity and just blocked out every sound. When Leo sat back he looked at me with apology in his eyes.

"Sorry, Tori. Stupid move right there," he whispered.

I nodded my head. "It's alright, Thompson."

And just like that, he gave me another smile.

This boy sure does love smiling.

"Still partners?" he asked.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes again. "Yes."


The whole hour was practically spent with discussion which I ended up sleeping through. By the time the bell rang, I was giddy. It was lunch time and I have been wanting to stuff my food with mozzarella stick and marinara sauce.

I gathered my things and placed it in my black leather bag. Just when I was about to leave, Leo stood in front of me, blocking my way at the motion.

"So as your art partner, I suggest we eat lunch together," he said smoothy.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his statement. "Do I even have a choice?"

He shook his head, with a smile on his face.

"Then we go," I said, pushing him out of the way.

Leo laughed before following my lead. We walked out of the room and headed straight to the elevators.

Soon enough we were walking in the double doors of the cafeteria which was found at the 4th floor. The line was long since all levels from grade 10 to seniors eat together at this massive cafeteria. It wasn't particularly crowded due to the population but there was still a long line.

"Do you want to get food first?" Leo asked.

I nodded my head immediately.

Leo chuckled before walking towards the line. When it was our turn I placed in my order, which was mozzarella stick, chicken pesto pasta and a lemonade. Leo was in daze but I elbowed him, making him snap back to reality. He cleared his throat before ordering 3 slices of cheese and garlic pizza, jalapeño cheese stick, and mojos. When we got our lunch we started walking again.

"Hey, Tori!" Sasha greeted me with a plate of baked zitti on her tray.

"Hi, Sasha. You going to eat with us?" I offered.

The moment I said 'us', Sasha became aware that I was with a company. Her eyes landed on Leo and soon it was like fear consumed her. She lowered down her head, not even meeting my eyes.

"Uh-uh-um, no. Catch you later," she said quickly before scurrying away.

Before she could get out of reach, I grabbed her arm. She faced me with shock in her eyes.

"Eat with us, Sasha."

It wasn't me who offered. It was actually Leo. The moment fear flashed in Sasha eyes when she saw Leo, I though he was another class A popular jerk. But the way he offered Sasha to eat with us was not a show off. He certainly did mean it.

"A-are you sure?" she squeaked.

I chuckled. "I'm pretty sure Leo is sure, Sasha."

She slowly nodded her head before walking with us.

We took a seat on an empty round table. Sasha was sitting not too far beside me, while Leo was sitting exactly in front of me. I had my back against the people and the view was the clear blue waters of California.

"So, Sasha, what's your dorm?" Leo asked as he took a sip to his Coke.

Sasha was surprised that Leo directly addressed her. She quickly gathered herself and gulped.

"I'm actually sharing a dorm with Tori and Georgina."

Leo spat his Coke out with a cough. His gaze turned to me. "You're sharing a dorm with Georgina?"

I nodded my head with a disgusted look. "Sad, but yes."

"What does it feel like?" he asked, his question directed to both Sasha and me.

"Horrible," Sasha said quickly before taking it back.

Leo shook his head with laughter erupting from his throat. "What a nightmare must that be."

Sasha looked genuinely surprised at Leo response.

Our conversation ran smoothly after that. Little by little we were all being comfortable with each other.

"Her face slammed against the door?" Sasha repeated Leo's statement with a laugh.

Leo was laughing his brains out as he nodded his head continuously. I was amused, but that didn't mean I was laughing with them.

"Who slammed her face?"

I turned my gaze and saw Tate taking a seat beside Leo. Followed by Tate I saw another one occupying another side beside Leo.


We all stayed silent after that.

"I should go..." Sasha said, breaking the momentum of the silence.

Leo shook his head. "No need, Sasha. It's alright. Stop worrying about it."

Tate nodded his head and surprisingly, so did Alec.

"I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Tate Sloan," Tate said with his hand outstretched for Sasha.

Her cheeks were staining red as she shook Tate's hand slowly.

"Sasha Hardens."

After their handshake, Alec came into the picture.

"I'm Alec Austin," he said.

Sasha looked like she was going to pass out. I was annoyed with the fact that Sasha calls him 'The Golden Boy'. Nothing about this guy was golden. And he was certainly not worth putting a 'The'.

Sasha took Alec's hand slowly, as if she was savoring it. She looked red like a tomato but was in the verge of passing out.

When they dropped their hands, an awkward silence occurred.

Leo cleared his throat. "Um, this is Tori Adams."

"I know her, mate," Tate chipped.

"Oh. How?"

Tate slapped Leo's back. "We met at the party last night."

Leo nodded his head in understanding. "Too bad I missed it."

Alec said nothing, and that symbolized as a signal to Leo.

"Alec, this is Tori-"

"I know her, Leo," Alec snarled with his eyes narrowed at me.

I looked at him with a blank look as I ate my pasta. The hell was I backing out from this unsaid stare competition.

"I'm confused," Leo trailed.

From my peripheral vision, I saw Tate nod his head in agreement.

"Am I missing something?" Sasha chirped.

"Nah. We are as blank as you, Sasha."


I didn't know how a nice two hour lunch turned to a fighting match. My hands were fisted as they were were placed tensely on the table. I was standing up with my body slightly leaning against the table as my mouth went to a machine gun mode as a weapon to block out Alec's bullshit.

"No no. You're a bitch, Tori!"

"Shut the hell up. You don't know anything, Alec."

"I know everything, stupid!"

"No you don't. Stop assuming, you jerk."

"Hey! Stop it, guys!"

"I am not assuming, you dumb whore!"


I was going to ignore Tate's scream but my mouth was jammed with a pizza. My gaze shifted to Alec and saw that his mouth was also stuffed with pizza.

"That's my pizza, Tate!" Leo snarled at his friend.

Sasha just sat there with a confused expression as her eyes gazed on us.

I was still fuming with anger. Never did I lose myself to a fight, but this one got me burning like I was having hell for lunch. Well, at the moment, it does feel like I was having hell for lunch.

I was actually having a nice normal lunch with Sasha and Leo, but shitface decided to join us, completely ruining a what was suppose to be a great lunch. Then he decided to make it a dreadful lunch when he started to open his shitty trap he call a mouth.

Tate ignored Leo's comment.

"Stop being immature and sit down," Tate snarled at us.

Hesitantly, with our eyes still narrowed for each other, we took a seat with a groan. Tate closed his eyes before taking a seat.

We all stayed quiet after our little scene. No sound was made. That's when I realize that it wasn't only silent in our table, the whole cafeteria was dead quiet with all eyes on Alec and me.

I looked at Sasha. It was obvious that she was uncomfortable but her eyes also screamed confusion. Knowing Sasha, I knew I was going to explain to her.

There were still some food in each of our trays, but none of us touched it. I dreaded the fact that I was going to throw my beloved mozzarella sticks. With a groan, I took a bit on my cheesy goodness. The others followed my lead and ate their food.

No word was uttered until the final bell rang.

"Catch you later," Leo said directly towards me.

"Where you going?" Tate asked.

Leo rolled his eyes but was still looking at me.

"None of your business, Tate," he said making no eye contact with Tate.

It was like I was either hallucinating or downright crazy, but I actually saw Alec glare at Leo. If he did glare, I was practically smirking.

"See you, Leo," I said as I gathered my things.

"Oh oh. Fine. Go ahead and leave us. Alec, Sasha, we're going to the X zone at 7," Tate announced to our little 'group'.

Alec did not respond but Sasha nodded her head to the offer/command.

Leo laughed at his friend's stupidity.


The next periods have gone by peacefully and smoothly. Due to the fact that I was the only new student, the teachers were having this stupid idea of introducing myself to class. I was getting annoyed and bored with it. There was really nothing to tell.

My second to the last period, History, rolled by fast. Even though my teacher was actually Mr. Duncan and he made the class hell for me, I did my best to ignore him. I kept my eyes in front with it scanning the huge map as Mr. Duncan opened his trap. All in all, the class was pretty much boring.

I walked in the elevator and pressed the 10th floor. It was finally my last period, drama. I was actually dreading it. Having drama as one of my classes was not something I fancy. Drama was certainly not part of my interests. The doors pinged open and I walked out.

The 10th floor was a huge floor that only held the drama room. The sight that first greeted me was the huge stage which was about 20 feet away from me. Technically, an ordinary floor here held about 30 rooms with huge corridors, but at this moment one whole floor held one room.

The room was already buzzing with chatters. I looked around and saw about 50 students sitting by the theater chairs. There were so many chairs that about 1/16 of the chairs were occupied.

"Ah, good day, class!" A french accent boomed by the speakers.

I looked back to the stage and saw a man wearing all black and holding a mic stood in front of us. The noise died down and everybody was looking intently at the guy.

The guy looked around the room as if inspecting each and everyone. I took it as a cue to sit down. I walked as silent and discrete as possible towards the chairs.

"You!" he called.

I stopped in my steps, thinking it was me. My head turned to his direction and saw that he was looking at me with a huge smile on his face.

"Ah, belle dame. Please step here," he said through the mic.

I had this weird feeling that whatever he called me was something related with 'Smurf' since I already got branded with that pet name. But then I wasn't really lucky when it comes with guessing. Slowly, I walked towards the stage with my bag slung on my shoulder.

As I step on the first step of the stairs leading towards the stage, I saw his face. He was smiling widely. His body was toned, in fact, too toned for a teacher. He was by far the hottest teacher here. His face was actually handsome, no wonder the girls were giggling like crazy.

When I was already on the stage, he took my hand and walked me towards the middle of the stage. The class was starting to get a little too noisy.

"Silence!" he said.

The class did nothing but follow him.

"Belle dame, what is your name?" he asked as if interviewing me.

"Tori," I said.

"Ah, Victoria I suppose," he said.


"Tell us about yourself, Victoria," he cut me off.

I rolled my eyes. Victoria was certainly not my name and Tori was not a nickname.

"I'm from London."

He looked at me expectantly as if waiting for me to tell some more, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Silent type," he said.

The class snickered. I looked at them and saw some familiar faces. By familiar I mean I spotted Georgina, Tate and Sasha. I squinted my eyes to see if Leo was also here, but I saw no sign of that red hair. Before Mr- whatever- could say anything, the door opened and in came Alec with his hair sticking everywhere. He was panting when he came in.

"The Golden Boy is late," the teacher said.

Alec came into a halt and caught his breath. Just the sight of him made me want to puke. I was beyond annoyed with him. And with him looking this gorgeous even though he was panting made me angry.

"Sorry, Mr. Aragon," he yelled so the teacher could hear.

"Mr. Austin, do come up here," Mr. Aragon said.

Really? Are the odds really not in favor? Why am I not Katniss?

I shook my internal rant away and just watched Alec walked towards the stage like he freaking owned the place. He walked with a smirk on his face as if he was ready to annoy the shit out of me.

"What do you want me to do?" Alec asked once he was on stage.

Mr. Aragon clapped his hands together. He placed his hands on Alec's shoulders and moved him towards me. Alec and I were only inches away and I wanted so badly to puke.

"Ah, parfait!" he exclaimed.

When he released Alec, he moved away like I have contagious disease. I actually appreciate it, I certainly did not want to be near to that piece of crap.

"Alec, I would like you to show Victoria how everything is done here in my class," he ordered.

Alec chuckled at the name Mr. Aragon called me.

"Victoria?" he snickered.

I rolled my eyes.

"Belle dame, do not roll your eyes. What a waste of such beautiful green eyes."

Ugh. That nickname again.

"Mr. Aragon, I would like to help Alec!" A perky female voice exclaimed.

From the sea of students, I saw Georgina standing up with her hand held up high.

"Georgina, sit down."

I wanted to laugh out loud as I saw Georgina sit down with a slump against her shoulder. Mr. Aragon faced Alec and I.

"Ready, Alec?" he asked.

"What will I do?" Alec asked.

Mr. Aragon took Alec and they talked in whisper. Not more than 3 minutes later, Alec was by my side again and Mr. Aragon was smiling widely again.

"At last, we are now to witness how dear Victoria got in to this magnificent school," Mr. Aragon said.

From the class, I saw Tate making wolf whistles and Sasha was actually clapping her hands.


Alec placed his finger on my lips.

"Shh," he whispered.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You know how I feel about you right?" he asked softly with so much passion in his eyes.

I was immediately lost in his eyes. At that moment I didn't care. My biggest mistake was actually putting my guard a tiny bit down.

Alec's finger moved to my chin, tilting my head up at the process.

"Answer me, Tori," he said softly, as if already begging.

My mouth was tightly shut.

"Please tell me that you are aware of my love for you, Victoria," he said.

And there it snapped me. Alec was acting. This stupid asshole was acting and I was letting my guards down. I was getting swooned by his words. I blinked my eyes as if waking myself up.

The admiration that I felt towards his eyes turned into hate. I was suddenly burning in fury. I wanted to hurt him so badly.

"No," I said.

Alec was stunned that I answered, but that only caused him to get amused.

"Why, my love? Have I not spent my life time showing you how much I love you?"

"No, Alec. You are not capable of loving," I said as I freed myself from his grasp.

I wanted to get away from him as much as possible. My feet started to move to put some distance between us, but Alec held me by the arm. He pulled me lightly, just enough to make him face me.

"But I am capable of loving. I have loved you since we were little, Victoria," he said.

I gazed at his blue eyes and saw that it was looking for challenge. And I was certainly accepting it.

"Then why must you be an asshole?"

The crowd let out a few 'oohs' and 'burn' at my comment. Alec was taken aback for a moment, but then for a split second he was back.

He caressed my cheek with his soft hand. The feeling was foreign, yet it was so familiar that it made me long for it.

"If you weren't such a bitch, I wouldn't have left you," he snarled.

Oh, I was getting under his skin as much as he was getting under mine.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and just let anger consume me than hurt. The same reaction from my previous comeback was given to Alec's.

"Maybe I was just getting rid of you," I retorted and slapped his hand away from me.

Alec laughed as if a devil possessed him. I was aware that we were getting personal. Even I could feel the tension building up and I was aware that the people were feeling it too. I wanted to hurt him more, kill him with words, but there was something holding me back.

"Or maybe, I was just trying to get in your pants. And when I did, you were nothing but a not even a great fuck!"

My heart thumped painfully. That was something that never occurred to me. With Alec's words, I was convinced that that was all I ever was to him. Just a girl he was trying to fuck, and when he got the opportunity, he left me.

The hidden question in the back of my mind was now answered.

I was finally aware as to why Alec just dumped and left me with no explanation.

As much as I anticipated a lot of 'burn' comments, nothing came but dead silence. There was nothing left for me to say. Even the hurt was too much for me to hide the emotion. All along, I thought it was I who was going to hurt him, that his words could not hurt me.

Alec just stared at me with anger in his eyes. He was waiting for me to say something, but no comeback came from me.

"Tori-" he started quickly.

"Magnificent!" Mr. Aragon interrupted.

And I was nothing but grateful to his interruption even though he started this.

"There is no wonder why you got into this school, Victoria," he said.

I gulped and nodded my head. "I'm actually a writer."

"What was that, belle dame?" he asked.

"I got in here because I write," I repeated.

Mr. Aragon was silent for awhile.

"You write?" Alec whispered.

I ignored him. Right now, despise and hate was not something I feel for him. It was something more.

"Such a talented, beautiful woman!"

I could fake a smile at his compliment, but at the moment I couldn't be bothered to even muster a fake smile.

"Can I take a seat now?" I questioned.

Mr. Aragon nodded his head with such energy. I grabbed my bag from the floor, and bolted down the stage. When I got to the chairs where the students occupied, I saw Sasha and Tate make a room for me. I gladly took a seat beside them, not even uttering a word.

I was furious at Alec but mostly I was furious at myself. Why was I letting that jerk hurt me again? He should not have an effect on me. I certainly killed him a long time ago.

"That was some acting," Tate whistled.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Sasha slap Tate's head.

"Ouch!" Tate yelped.

The two stayed silent after that. I tried my best to actually listen to Mr. Aragon teach but my mind was floating somewhere I dreaded. Next thing I knew, I was glaring at Alec's head. He was seated beside Georgia as she blabbered with her hands gripping at his arms.

"Don't look at them, Tori," Sasha whispered beside me.

I jerked up and glared at her. "I was not looking."

Sasha snorted. "Sure you aren't. They would have been six feet under the ground if your looks could kill."

I ignored her statement and just kept my eyes on the stage the whole time.

The bell rang signaling the end of the period. Finally, I have been waiting for this time of the day. I grabbed my things and was ready to walk out but that two stopped me.

"Where are you going?" Tate asked with his hand on my arm.

"To my dorm?" I deadpanned.

"Why? It's your first day. How 'bout you come to X zone with us?" Tate offered.

"Yeah, Tori. I bet you would love it there," Sasha encouraged.

"Since when are you friends with this guy?" I asked her.

"Hey!" Tate snapped.

I chuckled.

"Lunch. Now, Tori, come with us," Sasha urged.

"You and Tate?" I asked.

"And Alec..." Tate trailed off.

"So, X zone?" Alec chirped, his hand slung around Tate's shoulder.

I took it as a cue to leave.

"Where are you going, Tori?" Tate called as I was already a few meters away from them.

"Dorm!" I called completely ignoring them after that.

When I reached the door, Tate and the others caught up.

"Don't be a killjoy, Tori," Tate whined.

"Tate, I'm sleepy. I'll come to X zone with you guys tomorrow," I promised.

"That's promise, okay?" Sasha said.

I nodded my head. I was actually curious as to what X zone was.

We got out of the door together, with me trying my best to not make any form of contact with Alec. By the elevator, I saw Leo leaning his back against the wall. His eyes were shut with his hand clutching his books.

"Yo, Leo!" Tate called.

Leo's eyes opened. As soon as his eyes opened, it laid directly on me. He pushed himself off of the wall and walked towards us.Particularly me.

"Where you guys going?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"X zone. Tori's being a pussy and is going back to her dorm."

Leo raised his eyebrow at me. "You're not coming with them?"

I shook my head.

"Well, let's go then?" He offered with his hand held out.

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"To your dorm, dummy. I'll walk you there."

I was actually surprised to hear this from Leo. It was actually nice that I couldn't help but accept his offer.

"Want me to bring your bag?" he asked.

"Not that kind of girl, Leo."

He chuckled. "Just trying."

"Too bad," Alec muttered.

And it's back. My annoyance sparked in me again.

The elevator dinged open and I walked in with Leo following me. The other guys didn't come with us.

"Not riding with us?" I asked.

Tate smirked. "Nah, you lovers could enjoy that elevator."

Alec was immediately anger by Tate's comment, but what was his right? I was just a not really goo fuck, right?

"Tori-" he started, but I already pressed the close button.

"Um, want to explain that?" Leo asked.

I shook my head. "He's a jerk."

He nodded his head and said nothing after that.

The elevator stopped at my floor and we both walked out.

"So, Tori. Do you want to go out sometime?" he asked as we neared my door.

"Are you dating someone, Leo?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Last time I dated was 3 months ago."

"And who's that lucky girl?"

In all honesty, I was actually telling the truth. Whoever that girl might me, she was lucky. Leo was actually a decent guy.

"Georgina. Boy, was I so unlucky."

I chuckled. "She's really a bitch a suppose?"

"Oh, you have no idea."

We stopped in front of my door. I slung my bag off of my shoulder and hitched my leg up to support my bag.

Leo took my bag in his hands and pushed my leg back down on the floor.

"Here let me hold."


I rummaged in my bag to find my dorm key, which was actually a card like in hotels. I saw the white card and took it out. Zipping my bag and slung it against my shoulder, I opened my door.

"Thank you for walking me, Leo," I said.

"Always welcome, Smurf," he replied happily.

I stepped in my dorm. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Will do."

With that, I shut my door close. It took me a millisecond to realize that I have nothing to do. And Leo actually walked me here for nothing? My hand wrapped around the doorknob, and I turned it, opening the door in the process. Outside, I saw Leo still standing, slightly shocked when I opened the door.

"Actually, do you want to come in?" I asked.

He smiled. "I thought you wouldn't ask."


I'm actually falling for Leo. Hahaha

So Leo or Alec?

Alec's a bit jerky 👿

Long update guys! Wooh.

Criticism is always welcome here!

Vote? Comment? Promote? Follow?

Thank you!

Always smile :)

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