Alone:Bakugo x Oc

By lexi_145

22.2K 486 68

Hinata Inoue is Katsuki Bakugo's best friend and a student of U.A.When all the challenges that face their rel... More

Extra chapter:The funeral


955 23 2
By lexi_145

Hinata pov
When I opened my eyes I was in the water but near Aizawa.He was about to fight the hand over his face guy but his quirk got to Aizawa before Aizawa could erase quick enough.His elbow seemed to disintegrate.
"Game face.Keep that game face on Hinata."
I whispered to myself.Aizawa was slammed into the pavement which caused me to burst from flames of anger.The flames I was surrounded by caused the water to steam.The entire lake,just poof, gone.
"You....are powerful.We could use you."
I lost control of my anger when I touched the bare pavement.It was like blacking out but still being able to hear and see.Hear the painful grunts from the villains I was fighting or the rest of my class cheering me on.And see Aizawa's worried face being slammed into the pavement.There was one villain,he was the leader,and he had 4 fingers at my neck.
"You cleared out the rest of my villains.You are very special.Nomu.Take her."
The huge monster grabbed shoulders and applied pressure.
It was almost like he obeyed my command.Because he dropped me.
"Get to safety Inoue.Listen to me.That man is too strong for you."
"I'm sorry.Can you walk?"
His head must have been spinning.
"How did you command my toy?"
"Fine.Then I'll kill your friends."
Tsu's terrified face peeped out from behind the rock.
I shot a white flame from my palms and it hit the monster.But then again so did Midoriya's punch.
"MIDORIYA TSU!Can you carry Aizawa up the stairs?"
"What about you?"
"You're hurt Midoriya.Help the others.They need a figure like you more than I do."
"Okay.Be safe."
"When you are by the stairs.I suggest run up because I can't cover you that far."
" safe."
"I will.Tell Katsuki to do the same,that's if he doesn't come to save me."
"Let's go."
There were more and more villains getting up from Aizawa just fighting them hand to hand.But then again,more for me.
Midoriya,Mineta and Tsu carried Aizawa up while I defended the bottom of the stairs.
I counted at least 25 villains getting up.
"I'm here to help!"
Sero must have got past Thirteen.
"GET BACK UP THERE!I'm gonna do something crazy."
"I'll burn your ass if you don't get up there are help them fight that smoke thing for Iida to get past."
Quick enough my hands were blistering and bleeding.
Katsuki jumped in behind me when I put my hands on the ground.The ground underneath us cracked and the flames engulfed those who weren't strong enough to stay on their feet.The blood from my blisters were a pain in the ass but feeling Katsuki close to me again made it all better.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
Many secrets were kept from Katsuki just from that day alone.Like that white fire,the control over the monster,the hand guy telling me he wanted me on his team.And that I lost vision from overuse of my quirk.
"What the hell was that Inoue?"
"Sorry Sero.It probably looks like hell down there huh?"
"What do you mean probably?Can't you see it?"
"Not until my vision comes back."
The petty villains were finished off.But the leader and his toy weren't.My vision was regained when the gust of air hit me in the face.
"All Might.I'll absorb the flames.It might even burn you."
"Be careful."
When I touched the ground a stream of blue flames soaked into my body.Everyone was amazed.
"Can you draw power from the earth's core?"
"Does it hurt to do that?"
"How did your flames get to white earlier?"
"Katsuki don't worry."
"You made a white flame and you didn't tell me?"
"Shhhh don't make a big deal of it."
"That's a huge deal.Nobody in your damn family can do that."
"No look.I was gonna tell you but it seemed unimportant at the time."

"Your powers are so cool!"
"It's really not.My powers are extremely destructive.I can't use them to save people like you can."

"Katsuki.Can I-"
The heat that I reabsorbed was too hot for my body yet I held it in so I wouldn't hurt anyone.I passed out into Katsuki's arms.
My eyes fluttered open when I realized Katsuki was standing far from me I shot up.
"What did I do?"
"Your quirk.When you passed out you almost let out a stream of flames at me.We could have killed everyone."
"Dammit.Midoriya bring me down there."
"Just do it.And when you do get to the bottom of the"
"I trust you."
He ran me down to the bottom of the stairs where I trudged to the middle of the broken pavement.Once Midoriya was safe I pushed out all of the excess heat from my body into the ground.I didn't realize I took it too far.Because when I looked back at the puddles in the lake they were all gone.It was crazy that when my parents were supposed to pick me up after a terrorist attack.But they were too busy to come see me.
"Are you okay sweetheart?"
It was Mitsuki's sweet voice from the door frame but I wished it was my mom.
"I'm okay."
"Well you have to stay over night apparently.They said what you did today was amazing but they need to monitor your vitals."
"You should go.Katsuki is probably waiting for you to take him home and cook him curry."
"The brat can wait.Are you sure you are okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Well I'm leaving Katsuki here to spend the night with you."
"What's wrong?"
We spent an hour sitting in my hospital bed with Katsuki running his fingers through my hair.What I told him is something I'll never accept.
I'm different.Always have been.Nobody is like me.At least Katsuki has his mom to ask about his quirk.I'll always be alone...being alone is my greatest fear.But I'll face it.

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