Titanium ~A Bucky Barnes Love...

By sarahhhcatherineee

285K 7K 2.4K

He was helpless, he was lost, he was confused. Most of all, he needed love, and he needed to love someone in... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

4.9K 135 37
By sarahhhcatherineee

 "Well, it could be worse," Bucky mused, flicking on the light switch. Then off. Then on again.

"None of the lights work, James," Caden droned. "How can this be worse?"

"Maybe they're just bad bulbs?" He went over to inspect a light in the ceiling. "Or there are just none at all."

"Great, so we have no electricity?" Caden groaned, walking around the cramped, one-room apartment. "How do they even call this an apartment? It's more like a cell. I feel like I'm in jail- Coulson literally sent us to jail, Buck," she complained. "There isn't even a bed, only a mattress, the fridge doesn't work, look the chord to it has been severed, and I bet you the coffee maker doesn't even work. What would only make this worse was if the water didn't work." She flicked the sink faucet on and off several times. "Oh, look," she looked at him with the most 'done' face ever. "It's worse."

She went over to the fridge, only to slam it shut and doing everything in her power not to throw up. "Are there any missing person reports?" She coughed. "Because I am pretty sure I just found their body. The fridge smells awful."


"Let's hope this mattress isn't as bad as everything else," Caden continued on, laying down on the dirty mattress. "Damn it!" She yelped, jumping up and clutching her back as she glared down at the mattress. A spring had broke through what was left of the cushion and pierced her back. "Bad, definitely as bad."

"Caden," Bucky tried again. "Look at me."

"I can't it's so dark in here with the newspapers covering all of the windows," Caden said as she tore a piece off.

Bucky caught her hand, turning her around to face him. "Stop," he said softly. "It's okay, really."

"Bucky, this isn't a living condition," Caden argued. "It's disgusting."

"Then we'll make it one," he said gently, running a hand through Caden's long brown hair. "Now turn around and let me see your back."

Caden obliged, and Bucky lifted her shirt enough to examine the damage.

"It's just a little scratch," he said softly, wiping away some blood with his shirt sleeve. "You're lucky that spring wasn't rusted, it could have been a lot worse." He lowered her shirt again, placing his hands on her hip as he rested his cheek on her head, breathing in her shampoo scented hair. "A whole lot worse."

"How could this be any worse, Buck?" Caden asked, taking his hands in hers and rubbing her thumb over his knuckles.

"I could be here alone, or in Siberia," Bucky murmured, "At least we have each other here, I don't know if I could do this by myself."

Caden turned around, looking up at Bucky apologetically. "I'm sorry, I didn't even think about that, Bucky. I must have just sounded awful right now."

Bucky smiled, shaking his head. "No, you didn't," he said, placing his hands on either side of her face, pulling her close to him and kissing her passionately. 

Caden was taken aback by the motion, but kissed back, entangling her hands in his hair as he lifted her off the ground and held her bridal style in his arms.

"Hey," he murmured, pulling away. "If we are going to play the parts, we should do it right."

"What do you mean?" Caden asked softly.

Wordlessly, Bucky led her to the hallway by the hand, shutting the door behind them.

"We have to stick with tradition," he explained before picking up a laughing Caden once more, and opened the door, kicking it shut behind them.


They had not been at the apartment for more than thirty minutes when they realized they needed to go out into town and buy some necessities, like food, water, and blankets.

"I will see if we can get the water and electricity turned on when we go down to the lobby," Bucky said as he held out his arm for Caden to take. "Hopefully then, this place will start to feel more like home by the time we get back."

"Let's hope," Caden sighed, crunching up her nose as she took one last look around the apartment.

They made their way down the stairwell towards the lobby, where Bucky explained their dilemma up in their apartment to the steward in what sounded to Caden like flawless Romanian. It was so flawless, his words flowing with ease, that if he had not been gripping on to Caden's hand so tightly with his right hand, the other hidden in his coat pocket, she would never have known how hard talking so openly to a stranger was for him. She laid her head on his shoulder as he and the steward talked, caressing his arm with her thumb as if to send him positive signals, to tell him that he was doing great and that she was right beside him if he needed her.

When the steward nodded his goodbye, at least that is what Caden assumed it was, the two went outside and started walking down the streets towards market.

"What did he say?" Caden asked, pulling the ends of her sweater closer together in a conscious effort to protect herself against the chilly, Romanian September wind. "Is he going to fix it?"

Bucky nodded, looking straight ahead, his eyes peering out cautiously from under the baseball hat Caden had lent him. "It will be fixed when we return."

"Thank goodness," Caden sighed. "It will feel much homier."

"Mhm," Bucky said shortly.

"Are you okay, Buck?" Caden asked, placing a hand on his arm, feeling its tense muscles twitch under her touch.

"I'm fine," Bucky said.

Caden stopped walking abruptly, yanking Bucky to a halt before turning down an alleyway. "Would you like to give that answer another go?" She asked sternly.

Bucky looked around the busy streets of Bucharest, avoiding her gaze until she tugged on his shirt sleeve, regaining his attention. He sighed, before turning back to Caden. "It's so hard," he murmured. "Going around, talking, acting like none of it bothers me, like it is all normal. It's not, Cade. Walking to the apartment, talking to that man, right now, none of this is easy, and I have to make it look natural. I feel like any minute I might panic and do something that I will regret. It's awful, Caden, and I don't know how to process it, I can't process any of this."

Caden responded by putting a hand on the side of his face, kissing his cheek. Pulling him close to her, she rubbed his cheekbone with her thumb, placing her other hand firmly on his hip. "Hey," she whispered into his ear. "Who said you're going to do it alone? I'm not going to leave you by yourself out here, you're never going to have to deal with all this on your own. That's why I'm here, remember?"

"I know," Bucky confirmed. "It's just hard to remember that sometimes." He took Caden's hand off of his cheek and squeezed it. "I'm alright, now, I just-"

Caden shushed him, shaking her head. "I get it, I do. You don't have to explain yourself. You won't be alone, and my job is to remind you of that when you forget, like right now." She smiled her infectious smile. "Now, I'm going to ask you again; are you okay?"

Bucky nodded. "I am now. Thank you."

"You're welcome."


Coulson had given the two plenty of credit to buy their necessities once they settled in, and they were well spent. The first items Caden and Bucky bought were two twin mattresses and small, wooden bed frames, and a little bedside table with a lamp to match. They figured that two small mattresses would be cheaper than one large one, and wood was cheaper than metal in this region, Bucky had explained, so it worked out. They just had to explain to the confused sales clerk as to why exactly a married couple was buying two beds instead of one, something about it being a cultural thing where Mrs. Lupei was from. The man just muttered something Bucky wouldn't repeat, for fear of setting Caden off laughing. They picked out the desired mattresses and the cheapest wooden, boxed frames and left instructions to have it delivered by that night.

After sorting out the sleeping arrangements, they entered the local flea market, selecting a modest table and set of chairs for dining, a working coffee maker, two sets of utensils, plates, and bowls, as well as a few other needs, such as a large pot, a frying pan, and spatulas and spoons. They filled their arms with the bags of the smaller items, the table, and chairs promising arrival around the time they expected their bedding.

The next stop they made at the market was a booth that sold all kinds of blankets, rugs, and other fabrics. Caden selected several yards (to which Bucky corrected as meters- they didn't use yards here after all) off of a bluish-gray cotton roll, saying that she would have curtains made out of it. While the vendor cut and shaped the curtains, Caden asked Bucky his opinion on the blankets that would cover them at night. It was no matter to him, he said, as long as it kept him warm. The vendor, who spoke very limited English, it seemed, suggested his silky-fleece blankets, the most popular one this season, and they matched the curtains. After deciding they could afford the large than expected price tag, they walked away with not only several ready-to-hang curtains but also two ready-to-curl-up-in fleece blankets.

Leaving that booth meant coming to their next stop, and much to Bucky's distaste, it was the fragrance booth. Caden and the vendor chatted for what seemed like ages to him, and the fact that he was the translator did not help his case. The vendor seemed to show Caden every single scent of shampoos, soaps, lotions, and perfumes. It took nearly 20 minutes for Caden to decide on a lavender soap to wash their clothes, lemon and vanilla-infused bars of soap for themselves, coconut extract shampoo, and finally a mint brewed liquid for their kitchen cleanups

"We're in hiding and spending the majority of our time on deciding what we'd rather smell like," he muttered under his breath when Caden gave him the bag.

"I'm sorry, would you like to smell like garbage?" Caden shot him a look as they walked away. "I thought not."

Their last stop was the fresh market, where they picked out numerous amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables, meats, bread, dairy products, and other things. It was enough food to last them at least a month, Caden reckoned. She told Bucky to tell the farmer to have the food delivered to them by that evening when they were able to get their fridge repaired.

"I can fix it," Caden said when Bucky suggested looking for a new refrigerator. "I just need two fuses, a welder, and a couple of metal clamps."

Bucky was able to find all of them.

At last, they were finally on their way home. The sun had started to set, and a running furnace was a cheery sight to come home to after walking through the crisp evening weather. Dropping the bags from their tired arms-- gently, Caden had to remind Bucky, who was all too eager to lose the weight-- they set to work sprucing up their apartment. Caden placed the curtains over the nasty yellowed newspaper (leaving it up to avoid having all-too curious people looking in) while Bucky started some repairs.

"Looks better already," Caden confirmed, looking back at Bucky, who was installing the light bulbs that the steward of the complex had so kindly placed on the counter after turning on their electricity.

"Having light in here helps, too," Bucky said as he twisted a bulb into place, its luminescent glow bringing warmth to the room.

Caden laughed, nodding. She looked around the apartment, fully taking it in once more. The light had definitely made the one room look larger, but it was still cramped compared to what she had been used to. The beds alone would take up most of the sleeping area.

But, she had to remind herself, this was home now. She would have to adjust to its size, and soon if she were going to be happy here. And that was her goal.

While Bucky finished screwing in the lights, Caden twisted the knob of a door in the corner of the sleeping area, the light shining in it making out the silhouettes of a bathroom. She turned on her phone flashlight, going over the room with the help of the little LED light. It was clean, she'd give it that. The white tile had minimal chips and cracks, from what she could tell. The sink was connected to a counter, which had plenty of space to hold the toiletries. The toilet looked alien compared to the American versions, but it was still a toilet, and it worked. There was also a working shower, spanning across the entire back wall, complete with a glass door.

"How does it look?" Bucky asked from the kitchen.

"Well, no bubble baths," Caden said. "But other than that, it's doable."

Bucky laughed slightly. "Never really was a fan of them anyway."

Caden smiled, turning back to the main room, eyeing her main project-- the refrigerator.

"Just how do you expect to fix that?" Bucky asked, coming up to her side.

"Move it out from the wall," Caden instructed. "And I will show you."

While Bucky shoved the fridge out, Caden grabbed the supplies.

"Watch," she said, splicing the new fuses with a knife and placing them on the inside of the severed cord, twisting them onto and connecting the shortened fuses. The metal clamps she used like surgical sutures, clipping everything into place. Taking the welder, she turned it on and set it against the tear, melting it back into one chord once more.

Within moments, the rumbling of the fridge filled Caden's ears, who sat back with a satisfied look on her face.

"How'd you know that would work?" Bucky asked, opening the fridge and feeling the familiar coolness coming from inside of it.

"Tony taught me--no, don't-" Caden started, but Bucky had already slammed the door forcefully shut, leaving a dent where his metal hand had gripped the handle. "The smell..."

"Yeah," Bucky coughed. "I remembered."

Before either could say another word, there was a knock on their door.

"I bet that's our stuff!" Caden said happily, moving towards the door, before being yanked back. "What-"

Bucky immediately loosened his grip on her arm, shaking his head in remorse. "Sorry, I'm sorry. Just... Look through the little hole in the door."

Caden nodded, understanding what Bucky meant, and glanced through the peephole before opening the door.

Several men filed in, carrying with them several boxes.

The man who looked like he was in charge asked Bucky something in Romanian, motioning to the large boxes.

"He wants to know where to put the beds," Bucky asked Caden.

Caden pointed to the sleeping quarters. "Right over here, against the back wall. Set the nightstand up on one side."

The man said something again, and Bucky asked where Caden would like the table to go, to which she pointing to the little dining nook in the corner across from the kitchen.

"There will be perfect," she said, motioning with her hand.

Within minutes, everything had been set up, and the men had left. Caden was fluffing pillows and throwing on the blankets when a knock sounded again. Bucky opened the door cautiously, the farmer coming into his view.

"Irena," Bucky said, getting Caden's attention.

"Oh, perfect!" Caden clapped her hands together when she saw the groceries. "You can just set them-"

But the man had already gone to the fridge, opening the doors and spraying what smelled like bleach all over the inside.

"Kills smell," he said in a thick accent.

And he was right.

Quickly and skillfully, he unloaded the groceries into the fridge, everything fitting perfectly.

"Is that all?" He asked once everything had been set away.

Caden nodded, and she and Bucky thanked him for his service, giving him a nice tip for beridding them of the smell.

After he left, Caden and Bucky had a small dinner of bread and jam, changed into pajamas, and got ready for bed.

"Do you think we should, uh... Move the beds apart?" Bucky asked awkwardly, motioning towards them.

"Oh!" Caden started. "Yes, you're probably right."

Without a word, Bucky shoved the one bed out to the side and further along the wall while Caden replaced the table.

"There! Much better," she said, hands on her hips before turning and climbing into bed. "You know, I think we're going to be okay here," she said as she wrapped her blanket around her shoulders, hugging her pillow.

Bucky looked up from pulling back his covers, lamp light catching the metal of his exposed left arm and throwing patterns of lines on the wall. "You really think so?" He asked skeptically.

"I do," Caden nodded. "Look how much we've done already, sprucing this place up and all. It feels homey now."

"For now," Bucky repeated. "Until we are found again."

"Don't say things like that, Buck," Caden scolded him, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Say what? The truth? They always find me, Cade," Bucky argued. "They already have twice."

"Third time's a charm though, right?" Caden asked, struggling to remain optimistic, even though she knew Bucky was speaking the truth, and she could see the obvious look of fear hidden in his eyes.

"I guess you're right," he said after a moment of silence. He laid down on his bed, pulling the blanket up to his chin. "Goodnight, Caden," he murmured, closing his eyes.

Caden got up from her bed, crouching down next to Bucky as she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Turning out the light, she whispered, "Goodnight, love."

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