TTOOS1: Next To Me ✔️

By penscanwrite

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[C O M P L E T E D] [UNEDITED] ★Highest Rank Attained: #1 in danceclass #1 in girlsquad #1 in seaycee #2 in... More

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By penscanwrite

Kenneth was standing in front of the window, eyes closed as the warm April breeze touched his skin. It was a good day not to think about anything yet it was the day everyone has been waiting for. Then someone came knocking on his door and there revealed the face of his two best friends: Sean and Gabe, wearing their best outfits. Gabe is wearing a red tuxedo and Sean was wearing blue.

"Hey bro, are you coming or not?" Gabe called as Sean removed his eyeglasses to wipe its lenses not even minding how messy his room is.

Kenneth looks at them and grabs the small folded paper resting on a small round table beside him. He smiled at the paper as he held it in his hand and then he faced them both.

"This is the day we've been waiting for. So hurry up and don't be such a VIP." Sean exclaimed and tap Gabe's shoulder as a sign of going. Before leaving, Kenneth looks at his reflection on his human-size mirror and once again look outside the window.

This is it.

Bailey starting to tremble as she watched her own reflection in front of the mirror as someone helped her wearing her makeup and her perfect white dress.

Kaycee knocked on the door making Bailey look at her. She flashes a big smile as she played with the ring on her finger.

"Is she almost done?" Kaycee asked the assistant and the assistant nodded in response. Kaycee walk towards Bailey and gave her a warm hug as soon as she noticed that the Beautiful woman in front of her is getting nervous.

"Can you leave us for a moment please?" Bailey said to her assistant and immediately leave. Kaycee on the other hand decided to help Bailey wear her white dress. "I'm starting to get nervous." She uttered making Kaycee looked at Bailey's reflection on the mirror.

"Don't be. This is the perfect day for you and Kenneth. Don't tell you'll back out?" Kaycee said and laughed at what she said.

"I'm not planning to... But, this feeling. This feeling building up inside me... It's so new to me. And I don't know what to do with it." She admitted wanting to know Kaycee's opinion.

"Does the feeling give you discomfort?" Kaycee asked.


"Well. That's normal Bails. You're not going to die tho. And everyone I know in this state feels the same as you. Now come on and I'll help you with your dress. You don't want anyone waiting for you, right?"

And Bailey nodded her head as her nerves started to calm.

Kenneth started to sweat as he felt nervous. He's been standing down the altar for almost 30 minutes and everyone inside the church started to get bored.
He leaned at his back and whispered to Sean who is standing beside him.

"Where are they?" He asked and Sean was about to answer when Julian came running to them.

"Kaycee said that they're already near the church."

"They're here!" Then Gabe started to shout repeatedly making his voice echo inside the church.

Kenneth's eye lit up as soon as the guests stood up and Kaycee entered the church and talked to one of the seminarians. And immediately, they started the ceremony. After the priest started the ceremony, the door of the church swung open letting the bearers, flower girls, sponsors, and the little bride and groom.

Everything came into slow motion as a woman wearing a white wedding dress with different diamonds as the design, started to walk slowly with her parents beside her.
Kenneth couldn't take his eyes off the woman walking towards the aisle.

She was beautiful indeed. The only woman he loves is finally wearing a wedding dress.

"Take good care of him." Her parents said and Kenneth nods his head not taking his eyes off her.

"Don't stare at me like that." She said and the priest started.

Then they began to say words to each other. Kenneth brought the paper he's been holding before he came here.

"Bailey Sok, I promise to hold onto you no matter what happens to the both of us. I will love you until my very last breathe. I promise not to hurt you because I love you so much. I want to be with you forever. The love I have felt for you will never fade away because you're the only woman I love and will love."

"Kenneth San Jose, thank you for everything. For the unconditional love. For making me whole. I will love you forever and death cannot separate us. I love you more than everything. I will never hurt you and I will hold onto you. I won't let anything or anyone separate us because love has bonded us together. You became my Knight because you were always there to love me and care for me."

They wore each other's ring.

"Kenneth San Jose, will you take Bailey Sok as your wedded wife, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health?"

"Yes, father. I do."

"Bailey Sok, will you take Kenneth San Jose as your wedded husband, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health?"

"Yes, father."

"And now, you may kiss the bride."

Kenneth lifted Bailey's veil and tears started to fall from her eyes. Kenneth wipes those tears as water started to form from his eyes. Their eyes met and a smile had formed into their lips as Kenneth drew his to her lips.

Everyone started to clap as the priest announced them as husband and wife.

"I love you wifey," Kenneth said as he gives Bailey another kiss, still cupping her face with his hands.

"I love you more Kenny." She replied and hugged him tightly.

After the marriage, they celebrate at Kenneth's house and after that, they immediately went to the airport and leave the country so they could both travel the world.

They were happy and contented. And that's what matters now because they already had each other.

"I love you, Bails," Kenneth whispers as they lay down at Kenneth's private plane.

"I love you more babe." She said and she gave him a warm, sweet kiss.

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