All I ever need was you (Hyak...

By amey78

8.9K 258 31

Hyakkimaru Daigo, the son of Jukai and Nui Daigo the most richest of the Japanese' clan he's still not felt a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Happily Ever after

Chapter 5

345 12 0
By amey78

Hyakkimaru's pov

We walked to my home while I was holding Dororo's hands and keep her close since there are some nobles who take advantage of regular girls who need jobs. I notice Dororo was wondering and delightful which she was being cute more. I quietly laugh while I knew she haven't change at all. She still the same girl who I value lot and was my 'only friend I has' before realised my feelings for her. She kind and have compassion with others, despite her being a rube and troublemaker, she still deep cares for what she have and willed to protected it. It was long unlit we got to my mansion which Dororo was pure shooked and saying it bigger than her apartment.

I quietly laughs before went in and seeing the place was large with Japanese tradition designs and the place looks like the castle of the First Emperor. I notice Dororo's experience was pure surprised and look around the whole place. "Wow, Bro. Your home is so bitchin, even it looks like the First Emperor's castle" Dororo said as I chuckled and saying maybe it does but this was a mansion and the Clans are descendants of the First Emperor. Dororo nods while asked if me and Tahomaru gets bit lonely when my parents have meetings to attend to. "Actaully, I stay with them when my husband have to go onto the meetings even help the Tokyo's hospitals lot" I heard a other voice answer her question as we turn around and seeing my mom who was clam smiling.

My mom, Nui No Kata was a tall and beautiful woman that she bears a strong resemblance of me with a long black hair and brown eyes as well, identical thin eyebrows. She was wearing a sleeveless lace, pink floral cocktail dress with white heels. I notice Dororo was amazed and muttered something before mom asked me who she is. "Oh, I'm Dororo Ayano, your Ladyship. I'm a classmate and a friend of your son" Dororo said as she bow at my mom while she give a small laugh and saying she doesn't have to be formal with her. Dororo turn her back and give a nervous laughs while she was rubbing her hand at the back of her neck.

"Oh my, what happen with your hand, dear?" Mom worrying asked as getting me and Dororo off guard while Dororo looked embarrassed and ashamed about her hand. I was the only one who knew about her habits which it was selfharm when she gets mad and when she gets into fighting. She didn't even tell her parents about this, just me. "I almost fell at the stairs when I wasn't being careful and Dororo pulled me when I fall but she ended up getting hurt because me, it my fault for what happen with her hand" I lied to my mom as Dororo looked utter shocked while mom was telling me to be more careful when I don't notice. Well, half of it was truth that I accident hurt her by upset her and making her go to her habits.

Mom asked her if she needs anything but she told her 'no thanks' before I took her to my room which was upstairs. "Bro, you mom is so very pretty and kind. She really remind me of my mom lot" Dororo whisper as I smile before we got to my room and asked her to make herself comfortable while she nods and sat on my bed. I asked her if anyone is waiting for her at her apartment while she give 'Yeah'. "Well, it just my puppy Nota who dying to see me get back home and play with him. He being take care by my neighbor Miss Hikasa. It just me, Nota and the idiot of Itachi who better doesn't get into a motorcycle fights" she chuckled while I got serious when she mentioned him. That man, I didn't know why but I didn't like him or trusted him since he's really looks like a thug gangster.

She mention that he was her legal guardian which means.. Dororo's parents pass away. I know she can't be alone in this age but that man doesn't look like a responsible or the type of man to take care of her. He's really getting on my nerves. "Bro, are you okay?" Dororo asked as I looked at her while she was confused. I asked her what Itachi does work before she started couching senseless and looked at me with shocked. "Umm... Itachi works on a... motorcycle place which repaire the motorcycles and go to a bar as others stuffs. Are you worry about me being care by Itachi as my guardian?" She asked as  I looked shocked before I nods while she told me to not be worry about her.

But I am worry about her more since Mio have a abusive stepfather that sexual abusive her lot when her mom died. I didn't like her stepfather even I hatred him. I didn't know her stepfather sexual abusive her unlit I saw that red mark on her knee. I report him to the police for sexual abusive his stepdaughter but before me and police come to the house, Mio was stab to death by her stepfather as I lost it and punch him senseless woth ragen. The police settled him to death for murder but my emotions and feelings were gone. I don't want nothing bad happen to Dororo because I love and care for with all my heart if I lost then, I will live in hell.

I soon heard Dororo laugh before I looked at her with confused while she give smile. Somehow her smile made me clam down and take off my worries about what happened Mio. "Bro, it's okay if care lot about me but Itachi would never try to hurt or something else since I'm his annoying, pain in the ass little sister. This is the second time when someone else than my childhood friend, cares and worry about me than anything else. It's strange but why you really remind me of him lot. Even your face is very familiar now when your face isn't a emotionless emo"Dororo laugh while I was shocked but soon smile. I know she telling the truth about Itacho even if he's looks like thug.

Just as longest she being truthful then,  there nothing for me to be worry about. She won't end like Mio did. I know this time, it wouldn't happen to her.

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