By TheDepthOfWords

28.3K 766 360

She wants a normal life, but he sees behind her facade. More



1.3K 37 21
By TheDepthOfWords

The rest of Monday continued slowly and I was lucky to avoid every straykids member. Yerhi however is now set on being Minho's girlfriend so she ditched me right after she told me and I quote "I found the love of my life and I'll send you my wedding invite, you'll be the maid of honour" than she skipped down the hallway. I was dead set confused, I mean I've known Yerhi since the start of year twelve yet she's never been this set on a guy.... well maybe she has once or twice but this time she looks dead serious. I guess I'll have to watch what happens there.

Zima and Hima where busy in fashion with a new project and runway assignment coming up where they get a surprise famous guess to watch their work on the runway. For once neither of them has even had a sip of alcohol or slept with a guy. The two of them won't be able to hang out with me and Suhyuk was being all lovey doves with his boyfriend Seungmin. Minyu was left. Pray for my innocent virgin ass!

"One come have lunch" Minyu told me not even waiting for an answer from my side she dragged me out the library where my books and computer sat open. Sighing I gave up and let her drag me along. Eating wouldn't be a bad idea I guess, I mean it's nearly 4 and the only thing I ate today was coco pops for breakie. No way was that going to keep me full.

Students, as usual, where pushing and shoving past in a hurry to get to their next class whilst others looked like they where about to cry. An occasional few I passed looked high and I was tempted to buy some so I can feel less stressed about my cousins arrival tomorrow or the next day, I'm not really sure when he gets here but it's this week and I'm not happy.

To say the halls where packed, well the cafeteria is flooded. People where talking and eating, some where flirting and full out making out. It was like a zoo, full of horny young adults, food and prey to be picked on. Shaking my head in annoyance Minyu pulled me to a table where she sat me down.

"I'll get you food just stay there" Minyu told me as I smiled at her and waited patiently for her to be back. But life hates me, I hate me and so does this guy apparently. His lean body and height was intimidating as I was seated and felt pray under his murderous gaze. The aura around him made me unintentionally shiver as I just prayed for him to continue passing. But no, his feet seemed to be glued to the ground.

"Mihyun?" His asked me, his voice firm and scary as I jumped a little in my seat as I looked up at Hyunjin. His hands where shoved in his pockets and his eyes nearly closed as if he didn't want to look at the world but still wanted a peak.

"You left this" he told me chucking my yellow back pack at me as I stared confused at the older man, clutching my backpack I bowed slightly as I remained seated. "Thank you" I told him smiling despite me not wanting to. He was intimidating and I was thankful that he gave me my stuff yet that didn't make me feel any more comfortable with him looming over me.

"Would you like to sit with me, you don't have to if you don't want to of course" I asked him, my voice quiet and small as I didn't want to intimidate him and I didn't want him to hear me. He seem to think about my offer before nodding and taking a seat in front of me. My body and my heart felt like I was burning in awkwardness. He was intimidatingly gorgeous and his plump lips look so yumm and- fuck I'm off topic yet again, what is with me lately? In simple it's very intimidating to be at the same table with him.

"One I've got your food" Minyu calls and as she sees who's sitting with me her voice trails off. She awkwardly stands next to me, looking between Hyunjin and me before slowly sitting next to me.

"Hi I'm Choi Minyu, I'm a first year student studying law" Minyu starts gainging confidence in our awkward atmosphere. Hyunjin nods but doesn't speak, guess he's like Mori (I hope someone knows what I'm referencing).

Minyu and I eat silently as Hyunjin keeps his eyes closed, he must be tiered. Unconsciously staring at him his eyes shoot open and land on me as I awkwardly look down as if I wasn't looking at him.

"Are you and on- I mean Mihyun friends?" Minyu asks Hyunjin who looks at her than back at me as I awkwardly look at him and Minyu. No! No we aren't! But I can't say that as I'm literally having a mini heart attack out of fear at the moment. The question looks unanswered for what seems like centuries as I gulp down my water, before Hyunjin answers.

"No" Hyunjin says straight, no hesitation and no exaggeration like Felix would have done, then he continues "I'm sitting here cause she offered" he blatantly told her. Minyu just nods and shrugs her shoulders.

"Do you perhaps have a girlfriend?" Minyu asks Hyunjin who seems annoyed with the constant questions and honestly I don't blame him. I'd be pissed off if someone kept pestering me about my personal life.

"No, and I'm not looking for one" he says eyes flickering open and glaring directly at Minyu who sighs at her failed attempt of getting a guy. Time passes and Minyu continues to question Hyunjin about his personal life, as she does this she slides her hand at the end of my skirt and rests it on my thigh, to say my face burned like a tomato is an understatement. Her hand kept squeezing and trailing further up until I got fed up and pushed her hand off.

Her eyes pierced me as she leans in "One let's have some fun" her voice whispered in my ear as I shivered from her warm breath on my neck and what she said was undoubtedly giving me unholy thoughts. Fuck, clean thoughts, clean thoughts, where is my namjesus when I need him?

"Keep being inappropriate I'll give you a detention" says a low and irritated voice as I turn to see my almost angry cousin standing behind me as he glared at Mihyun who had sneaked her hand back onto my thigh.

"Fuck me" I mutter quietly as I pick up my bag and bow to Hyunjin. "Sorry Mihyun but I've got to go study, I'll see you later" I tell her waving as I glare at Yoongi who nods approvingly as I walk out the cafeteria. Before I was too far from the table I heard Minyu say loud and clear.

"Don't forget what I said" as I continued to walk, I was annoyed that Yoongi was back. Plus Minyu needs to stop sneaking on me with her hands and what was with Hyunjin? I swear that boy is fucking scary.

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