The Boy Next Door [ EDITING...

By JaeBee__

140K 3.7K 374

A love story about my favorite artist. More

A Broken Girl.
A Trip to Atlanta.
New Things.
The Big Move.
Fresh Start ?
Is This Love ?
The Past && The Present.
Baby Maybe/Negative Vibes.
Good Graces.
Good Graces Pt 2.
Author's Note
I Love You/Bad Blood
Unwanted Guests.
Author's Note 2
A New Start.
Broken Love.
Stronger than Most.
Authors Note.
Try Me.
Authors Note
Authors Note .
Road Life.
Preparing to Love.
Bad Timing
The Worst Day.
20k Reads !
What ?
The Future.
Keep your mouth closed.
Hiatus ? 🤔

Special Delivery.

3.4K 117 6
By JaeBee__

{ Jaidyn }

I was close as ever to my due date and I was sure to pop any day now. I had just been laying in bed because I was feeling lazy and didn't really wanna get up. Que had cleared his schedule a little bit because he know I was close and he didn't wanna miss it. He was stuck to me like glue fulfilling my every need and I was loving every minute of it. I loved him being around I got lonely when he would leave to do shows I went to a couple but not all. So today I didn't have any plans I was just going to get the baby more stuff she had already had everything two times over and she wasn't even born yet. I got up did my hygiene routine and got dressed I put on some cute sweat pants and blue off the shoulder shirt I put my hair in messy bun and lip gloss I wore all silver accessories and my blue converse. I grabbed my purse and I was out the door.

I spent almost 3 hours shopping then stopped to get me something to eat when I got a call from que.

Que: " baby where are you and why didn't you wait for me " he said

"I'm sorry baby I just wanted to get out so I got the baby some more things and got me and you some food " I said walking to the car

Que: "Thank you baby now hurry home because I miss you 2" he said and I could tell he was smiling

"Okay que I'm on my way now bye" I said

Que: "bye " he said then hung up

After leaving the restaurant I headed home. I arrived and quickly going into the house. I seen my baby sleep on the couch that boy could fall asleep anywhere at any time.

"Baby I'm back " I said softly as I leaned over to kiss him

Que: "hey come here " he said grabbing my hand

"Here's your food babe " I said sitting it on the table

Que: "thank you now relax " he said as he took my shoes off and started to rub my feet

"Oh baby that's feels so good " I said enjoying every minute

After he rubbed my feet he laid in my lap as I watched tv and he dozed off back to sleep.


{ Que }

Everything has been amazing between me and jj it's seems that things have gotten so much better between us and I couldn't be happier. Even though shayla and that fuck nigga Christian tryna break us apart it's actually making us stronger and I can't see myself with nobody else Jaidyn is my other half. She is going to have the baby any day now and I am so excited to finally see my baby girl I can't wait til she makes her debut.


{ 2 days later }

{ Jaidyn }

It was mid afternoon around 3 and I was exhausted I had a long morning and I was beyond beat. I was waiting on que to come home because I hadn't seen him all day yesterday or today he had to rearrange his schedule to fit around me and the baby and I was happy for that but at the same time I wanted him to still take care of business. After 3 hours he finally came home I was now upstairs in the bedroom. He came upstairs and instantly smiled when he seen me.

Que:" Hey Beautiful " he said coming over to kiss my cheek

"Hi baby how was your day " I said sitting up

Que: "It was smooth I had to move alot of shit around so that I could be hear for you and the baby " he said getting undressed

"You didn't have to do that I mean I'm glad that you did but I want you to take care off you business que " I said looking at him

Que: "you don't worry yo little head about that baby because everything is good I need to be here with you and my baby girl she's coming any moment now and I wouldn't wanna miss that for the world " he said looking deep into my eyes. We then shared a kiss as we were kissing I felt something wet between my legs and then a sharp pain

"Oh shit" I cried out

Que: "what baby what's wrong " he said with a panic look "tell me what's wrong "

"Que my water just broke " I said pulling back the covers "I think it's time " I said while trying to breathe

Que: "oh shit " he said in shock. He then put his clothes back on and helped me up "cmon baby I got your bag now we gotta GET to the hospital " he said helping me down the steps and out the door into the car. We then drove the 15 minutes to the hospital and finally arrived

I whined and moaned in pain . He finally got me into the hospital and called someone to help me

Que: "MY GIRLFRIEND IS IN LABOR!" he screamed out while somebody was coming with a wheelchair

"Follow me this way sir " they said directing us to labor and delivery

Que called my grandma and Shannon and they were on their way down here.

"On the count of 3 I want you to push then breathe then push 2 more times " the doctor said " 1, 2 ,3 Push "

"Ahhhhh " I screamed as I pushed my hardest

"You ready push " the doctor said again "ahhhhh " I pushed again

Que: "c'mon jj you got this baby just one more " he said while holding my hand

"Okay Jaidyn one last time you ready, push! "

"Ahhhhhhh " I screamed as I heard crying I was so happy to here my baby girl

Que cut the umbilical cord while wiping his tears away I was so happy we had our own little family now. They cleaned her off and wrapped her up and brung her to me putting her in my arms she was so beautiful and so precious. "Hi camryn " I said as I rocked her I was in love with her already

Que: "can I hold her " he said looking at us I gave camryn to him and he just smiled "hi daddy's baby girl " he said as he held her and sung sofly to her. "Don't worry baby girl daddy will always be here for you and your mommy no matter what I got you " he said to her

My grandma and cousin had finally came but they didn't stay long.

"Baby can you take her and put her to sleep so I can get some rest " I said passing her to que

Que: "of course baby go ahead and get you some rest " he said grabbing her from my arms and rocking her.

Camryn Janay Broadnax

born June 15th at 1:23 am

7lbs 5oz.


The next day we packed up and headed home. We arrived home and went straight to my house he opened the door helping me in and I went straight upstairs. I sat down and took cam out her car seat I know she had to be hungry so I fed her burped her then changed her diaper. Que came in and started taking off his clothes and headed to take a shower. I put cam in her bassinet as she slept. Que came out the bathroom looking so damn good and I had forgot I hadn't had any in 9 months.

Que:"What " he said laughing

"Oh nothing " I said with a smirk

Que: "baby we need to talk " he said putting on his boxers and then basketball shorts

"About what " I said

Que: "well camryn's here now and I feel like We should all be in the same house together " he said sitting on the bed " I think we should just move in together and since I'm always here I can just move in here " He said looking at me

"Sure I mean why not camryn does need both of her parents when did you want to move in " I said

Que: "I was thinking tomorrow the sooner the better " he said smiling

"Okay well good " I said kissing him

Que: "I love you jj " he said

"I love you to que " I said closing my eyes to take a nap

Everything was going perfect.


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