Dally x reader

By flyingmonsters

132K 1.7K 3.2K

Y/n moved into the area. She was a greaser and lived in the area just trying to live a normal life for the mo... More



8.2K 118 388
By flyingmonsters

"Bye soda!" You say seeing soda walk toward his home. He opened his door and waved you a goodbye. You smiled and headed off to your home. Once you got there you put your bike in the garage and headed inside. You saw the door was open and the lights on.

You saw Johnny and dally by your kitchen table. You saw they both looked like they had gotten into a fight. You sigh.

"What the hell happened!" You say walking towards them.

"We got jumped by some socs." Dal responded. He had a cut on his lips and a bruise on his cheek.

Johnny only had a light bruise on his arm it seemed like. You headed toward your kitchen and took out ice packs. You gave one to dally and placed one on Johnny's arm. You headed to your bathroom. Looking for your first aid kit.

"Have you guys eaten dinner?" You ask.

They both say no and you dial a number on the phone. You called and ordered two pizzas. The classic pepperoni.

You headed to the boys and got out the rubbing alcohol and cotton balls. You soaked one in the alcohol and placed it on dally's lip. He hissed at the burn but didnt flinch.

"Well at least you two aren't hurt so bad" you said cleaning up the cut on dal's lip.

"Yeah, thanks for letting us hang here. They could of hurt us bad if we didn't get here. " Dal says.

You smile "It's fine Dal, I'm glad you're all safe" you said.

"How was your date y/n" Johnny says looking back at you.

You look back at him surprised.

"Oh well it went well. I found out he likes racing. So I'm taking him to this race tomorrow after work" you said.

Dal frowned he looked a bit mad. But you didn't pay it much to mind. There was a knock at your door and it was the pizza guy, you paid and took the pizzas.

You placed them on the table and opened them. You grabbed a Coke.
"Do you guys want a Coke or beer?" You said.

"Coke" Johnny said.

"Beer please y/n" Dal says. You hand them their drinks and sit down grabbing a slice of pizza.

You open your coke and drink it enjoying the cool soda go down your throat. You saw Johnny take a slice of pizza and so does Dal.

You smile.

"Hey y/n, you know the stones are having a new album released tomorrow." Dal says.

"What no way!" You say. You thought about going to the record store tomorrow. But you face palmed yourself. You were gonna take soda to the race tomorrow. Maybe you can grab a copy of the record tomorrow you thought.

"You know I can grab you the copy tomorrow if you want" Dal says. You smile and blush.

"Really! I'll pay you back. I really need that album" you smile.

He nods his head no, "no don't worry about it. Think about it as a thank you for helping me and Johnny" Dal says.

You smile.

"It's nothing Dal, plus who else is gonna look over you two idiots." You smirked.

Johnny smiled but yawned after eating his third pizza slice.

"Johnny you can take that extra bedroom if you want" you say.

"Thank you, my parents told me not to come back for a few days. They must be having a big fight and all" he says sadness looming over his words.

"Johnny you can stay here for a while I don't mind." You say with a smile. He nods and heads to the extra bedroom. You wave him a good night and grab another pizza slice.

"What about you Dal?" You say.

"Huh?" He says taking a bite of his pizza.

"Are you gonna say here today or you leaving?" You say.

"Well, if you want me to. But I don't mind heading to my friends place. Like I said. He doesn't care." He says.

"Well the couch is open. Or the bed with Johnny you two are like brothers so I'm sure he wouldn't mind" you said.

He smiled "thanks, but I'm not sleepy yet it's only 10:30." He says looking at the time.

"Well the tv is there if you want it. I should be getting to bed soon." You said.

"So? Soda you like him?" He asks.

"A bit, he's funny and all. I don't know it's hard to explain. We don't click like how we do Dal" you say.

He smiles "Well why are you going to the date tomorrow then?"

"Well I just wanna see if it will get better. If not I'll just tell him if we can be friends." You said cleaning up the trash from the table.

"Okay, well I bet you're tired." Dal says grabbing the trash from your hands and throwing it away.

"Thanks Dal, night" you say. He waved you good night and you head to your room. You head into you bed and sigh as your body hit the soft covers.

You kicked off your pants and put on some shorts. You put on a thin t shirt and almost was like a crop top in a way. It got hot in the night so that was your way on fighting it.

Just as you were about to lay down you heard a crack. Then the sound of leaves being crunched. You looked out your window and saw a black shadow move. You went eye wide and screamed.

Dally busted in the door and looked at you.
"What's wrong?" He asked heading towards you. You stayed still looking at the window and just pointing at it. Dal saw what was going on and headed outside.

You saw Johnny walk into your room and he held your hand taking you to your bed. He sat you down and hugged you. You were scared. Someone was looking at you through the window.

The window was open he could of get in. If Dal wasn't here you would of just froze. You were good at fighting but a attack in somewhere you felt safe was just insane to you. It made you freeze. Your guard was down.

Dal came back into the room with a glass of water. He handed it to you and he nodded at Johnny dismissing him. Johnny needed his sleep.

"You're okay y/n. You're alright." He says rubbing circles into your back. You took heavy breaths feeling a panic attack coming and trying to calm yourself.

Lucky it passed without a problem. You took a sip from your water feeling your nerves settle.

Dal looked at your window and locked it. He then headed towards you and sat down next to you. Making sure you had relaxed just enough.

"Go get some rest y/n.I'm in the living room nothing will happen." He said. He stood up to leave and you grabbed his hand.

"This is weird but can you stay please. I don't feel safe knowing someone was watching me through that window." You said tears wanting to spill from your eyes.

Dal nodded and you scooted to one side of the bed. You then felt the bed sunk due to deals weight. He sat at the edge of the bed and took off that dark colored jacket.

"Do you want pj bottoms?" You say.

Dal looks at you surprised. You then stood up and headed to your closet and took out some old flannel pj bottoms. You handed it to him and he smiled. He went to the bathroom to put them on and came back. He went inside the bed. You felt his breath on your neck. Your back turned to him. You blushed.

He's in my bed.

You felt your cheeks heat up even more. You then shifted and heard Dal shift. You closed your eyes and pretend to fall asleep. Right before you were actually gonna fall asleep you felt dally get closer to you. You felt his fingers move hair out of your face but he didn't do anything else.

You couldn't help but think about Dal. You found it more strange that he didn't say those crude jokes. How he would flirt and all. It did make your eyes roll a lot. And annoy you. But now he is like respecting you. You blushed.

Well he is rather cute. He seems like a sweet person if you get to know him more.

You sighed. Realizing one thing.

I have a crush on dally.

" Y/n?" You hear Dal say. You flinched.

"Y-yeah" you said.

Fuck why am I stuttering now?

"You okay? You seem off." Dal says. But then he puts a hand on your forehead.

"Looks like you got a fever. You're skin is hot to the touch" he says. His deep voice making you shiver.

"Yeah I-Im fine" you said. Your face feeling flushed.

"Okay, get some rest." He says turning to his side so now that you were facing his back. His back was outlined by the shirt he wore.

You were thankful that he didn't take his shirt. You knew some guys liked to sleep without there shirts. You were thankful he was not one of those guys.

You turned and felt asleep.

I like Dal.

You woke up to find Dal asleep on your bed. He looked cute. His hair was messy and he was hugging his pillow. You smile and You head out of bed and to your kitchen to make some coffee. You also ate some leftover pizza from last night. Johnny walked in and sat at the table joining you.

"Morning Johnny" you say.

"Morning you doing all right y/n?" Johnny says.

"Yeah I'm good, dally made me feel better" you said.

"Oh, so you two did the deed-" Johnny said you choked on your coffee and started coughing violently.

"No, no. He just slept in my bed since I didn't feel safe alone." You said blush growing on your cheeks.

Johnny chuckled at your reaction "Do you like Dal?" Johnny said.

You looked at him. You looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about." You said not giving Johnny eye contact. You took a bite of your pizza.

"So you do?" Johnny says.

"Okay maybe a little. After he stopped with dumb pick up lines and we talked. Yeah I like him a bit" you said blushing.

"Well, being honest with you. Dal needs someone like you. You're a nice person. He needs a girlfriend who can help him and all." He says with a smile.

"Yeah but I feel like I would bore him. He seems likes he likes party girls and all." You say.

"Well I think he might like you. He needs a girl like you y/n." Johnny says.

"I don't know Johnny, I do have that date with soda today. If I don't have feelings for soda today I might ask him to just be friends." You say.

"Okay, maybe you can ask Dal on a date?" He asks.

"Why do you want me to date Dal so bad?" You say.

"Well. He doesn't care about much. Heck I'm scared that one day he'll do something crazy. He doesn't have anyone to keep living for. And you would be a good thing for him." He says

"I'll try Johnny, but I can't promise anything" you say with a smile. He smiles back and you yawn waking up from your laziness.

"I should get going, I don't wanna be late" you say taking a drink of your coffee and leaving the empty cup on the table.

"Bye Johnny!" You say waving bye.

He waved goodbye and you head to the garage. You took your bike out and headed to work. You went to work and parked your bike. You took a deep breath and headed in putting on your uniform and punching in to start the work day.

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