Only Beginning

By dead_4_lyfe

811 0 0

Book 2 Macona along with her friends and daughter have been captured. Again. She has no time to mourn, she ha... More

💥 Authors note 💥
Not again
Flirting Failure
Authors Note 😅
Tracker then future trip to Vampires
A trip? 🤷‍♂️
A Determined Flirt
Relay of Past pt. 1
Relay pt. 2
mY mIlKsHaKEs!¡!¡!
A Nightmare
Pregnant?!?!?! WHHHAAAAAA?
An Old Friend
Will not allow it
Smarter then the looks
Not Unasked
Shift kid?
Use it
Litte Blood Won't Hurt
The Same
Niece? What?
Seriously? That?
It Blooms...
Accident Prone
authors note
Big Bad Wolf
It's Time
End Note!!!


14 0 0
By dead_4_lyfe

My new kitten, BP, is a wild one pffff

"What are you doing here? And how?" I raise an eyebrow at him. I don't know how he's here and how he got through the other wolves. Bion along with the big dude from before is standing beside Jayden where he is beside Kyle.

He motions over to Jayden, "He let me in once I mentioned I knew you and I was trying to help." I narrow my eyes at Jayden, "With that little information you allowed him to come in? Jayden, either you can read minds, or you're just plain stupid and to trusting." I wince as my head jerks forward slightly, "That's my brother you're talking about."

Eliza glares at me and I hear Roshini snicker from behind me and whip around to her, "Hey don't be snickering yet. I'm still going to get revenge on you and Keek sometime. I look over my shoulder at Kyle, "In the meantime what are you doing here Kyle? Aren't you supposed to be with the General? You're supposed to be my eyes on the inside."

I hear Keek growl lowly, "So you're saying he works with the guys you're about to go at it with?" I shrug and run a hand through my hair only to freeze hand half way into my hair, "Damnit." I mumble and glare over at Keek, "That was rude to put paint on me. How about-," I lung towards her and hold her against my chest, her arms pinned by one of my arms as I slowly bring my paint covered hand closer to her face, "a little pay back?"

She struggles again me to no avail as I run my hand down her face covering her face in hot pink.
While she continues to squirm in my arm, I narrow my eyes at Kyle and jerk my head towards the door, "Mac let me go!" Keek whines and I shake Keek playfully as Kyle makes his way to the door.

"Guess you really are a mischief maker kid. But don't worry, we'll have plenty of time. Now behave and I have to go have a little chat with your Alphas guest." I give Keek a playful shove away and wink, "Try to not get into trouble while I'm gone, okay?" Keek makes a crude gesture towards me and Eliza growls, "Next time you do that and I'll make you work till you drop, got it?"

Keek gets a challenging look in her eyes and I groan and put my hands on my hips, "Son of a- Keek, she's your Beta and she'll kick you ass without a second thought." I stride forward and grab her by the back of her neck. I don't want her to get in trouble and start a fight. Goddess, I feel like she's going to be a handful, "Fine, come with me. Since you're going to be coming with me and Jayden you'll hear this anyways." Holding in a sigh I pull Keek along with me.

She could be an exceptional fighter if she works hard but her problem with authority needs to change. Because if she wants to stay and train under me, then she needs to listen to everything I say. Because if we're in the middle of a fight, not listening could get her hurt or worse killed. I don't want to have to tell Roshini that her little sister got killed, even worse her seeing Keek die right in front of her.

I feel my face fall at the thought.

No one deserves to experience that. It's painful and can make you do rash things that could get you killed. I nearly killed someone I cared about. But in the end she died anyways. When I think about it, I think I would've let her kill me. When you love someone so much you'd be willing to do anything for them and not-


I'm pulled from my thoughts as I feel a hand latch gently onto my wrist and hear Keeks concerned voice. I tilt my head to let her know I'm listening, but not look at her as I continue to walk towards Kyle.

Why did he decide to walk so far away? Damn.

"What's going on in that idiotic head of yours?" Huffing at Keek, I tighten my grip on her neck making her wince slightly and then loosen my grip, "You don't know what goes on in my head. And I most definitely wouldn't call it idiotic. But you'll soon learn what's going on."

We both go silent and once we reach Kyle he gives a slight bow if his head towards me, "I've heard of your recent activities. Well not to recent, you've killed Cardinal and broke into the cell block, and they found out who you took. Zarahi, powerful and kept as a possible substitute to you. They tested a small sample of the blood they took from you and compared it to all the captives and she was a match." He shakes his head, "They also know of your uniting and are also preparing for war. I will say this, they are stronger they you think. What you've seen was just the surface of their cruelty, torture and experimentation. With your blood they managed to create powerful weapons. It was trail and error for them until they finally managed the perfect carrier."

Crossing my arms I raise a brow at him, "And how do you know all this?"

"I'm not the only one that is rebelling, we stay so we can gather more information. But we are with you and you'll need all the help you can get." Kyle offers up his arm, "I know you're the one leading...." He bows his head slightly again, "Your Majesty." I sputter and take a slight step back, "U-uh okay Kyle." I clear my throat and see Kyle smirk, "Do they know that you've defected?"

"No, they don't but I don't have clearance for anything higher up. That's the only information I know besides rumors." Kyle pouts. Is he seriously put out by not knowing more? We know that they are also preparing for war and they have so called carriers of my blood. And if they call them weapons then they must be strong. So we've got our work cut out for us.

"I also know about Amy..." I snap to sharp focus at his words and my eyes bleed gold, "We don't speak about her." My voice rumbles on the edge of a growl and Kyle looks down, "I'm sorry, I would've thought you'd-" I lung forward and catch him by the throat and lift him off the ground, "Don't you-"

"Mac please stop.." I hear Keeks low voice. Full of fear and yet curiosity, "I don't know who Amy is. But I've only heard her name twice. From this Falcon guy and now him. Are you hiding something?" I growl and look towards Keek, only to soften as I look at her. She has her head down and has her hands together in from of her.

"I'm not hiding anything. It's just a sensitive subject Keek." I give her a sad smile only to tense my grip as I feel Kyle move in my grasp, "Can't- breathe-" I drop him and he crumbles on the ground, gasping for breath, "You can't run from the past. It'll always come back."

I growl lowly and drop to a knee in front of Keek, "I don't want to hide anything from you. But I need you to promise me something. That you won't run or be afraid. I wanted you to come and be an apprentice of mine. To make you worthy to be my heir and take my place if anything happens. If you accept it'll be a hard road but I'll be willing to tell you everything." I lay a hand gently on her shoulder.

"What will happen if I accept?" Keeks voice is a whisper, "If you accept I will teach you and tell you everything I know. But you will be bound to secrecy. I don't not know if I can give you my power but I can train you and make you stronger and pass on any knowledge that I have or receive. But I'll leave the choice up to you. Right now I'll need to speak with Jayden so we can get on the road."

Keek nods silently and I stand up and face Kyle, "I'd be willing to listen to what happened but tomorrow I need to be on the road. You can stay here if Alpha Bion allows it but behave." He nods and I brace myself for what's about to be said.

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