Notice the Unnoticeable (Jota...

נכתב על ידי It-is-mystery

521K 17.9K 29.6K

You always tried your best to exist as you always had. Completely unnoticed. You went to school, went home... עוד

Lay low
Rumor has it
Ice ice baby
I ain't afraid of no ghost
Coffee, Cherries, and Cigarettes
Group chats and shopping lists
Three's a Crowd
Aquarium Adventures
Touchy Feely
The Emotions of the Ocean
Mood Swings
A Thorn in My Side
Cell Phones and House Calls
School Days and Storm Clouds
Good and Bad Days
Today's The Day
The Games We Play
Alliterations and Apologies
Finale Friday

Sports Ball Anime

30.8K 995 3K
נכתב על ידי It-is-mystery

Whoever thought history class first thing in the morning was a good idea was wrong. Whoever thought that showing a film, with the lights off, during history class first thing in the morning was double wrong. You took notes, being sure to write down key events and dates, occasionally doodling little stars and such in one of the corners of your paper. You fought back a yawn, stretching out in your chair for a moment as the credits started to roll. A few groans were let out as the lights were turned back on. The teacher began walking around, passing out worksheets. She announced that it was an open study worksheet, which meant you could work by yourself, with a partner, or even in small groups so long as you weren’t disruptive. You began working on the worksheet, not noticing someone scooting over to your desk.

“Hey, (Y/n), did you take notes?” You blinked, looking up to find Noriaki Kakyoin leaning over to your desk. He’d always been a quiet, seemingly shy kid growing up, but once he befriended Jotaro he seemed to come out if his shell a lot more. They were a weird kind of ‘good cop, bad cop’ duo; opposite for the most part but still close friends. You two would occasionally talk, as you had several classes with the red head. You blinked once more before your brain registered he was waiting on a response.

“Oh, um, yeah. Did you not take any?” You asked, raising a brow at him.

He scratched at the back of his neck in embarrassment, using his other arm to cover his notebook, “I mean, I did. I might have missed a few things…”

“Let me see what you have, and I can help you with what you missed.” You insisted, making room on your desk for his notebook. He let out an embarrassed chuckle as he spread his notebook out for you to see. The boy had clearly paid no attention. There were several doodles of cherries and what looked like some sort of super hero all over the page, with little to no actual notes. The notes that were there were not even coherent sentences, just dates with no inclination as to what actually happened on said date. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes as you turned your own notebook towards him. “Here, you can copy my notes.”

His face lit up, “Thanks, (Y/n), you’re a life saver!”

The two of you worked on the worksheet together, or rather, you answered the questions and Kakyoin copied down the answer. You didn’t mind, he was a nice enough person and rather funny. You watched him write down your notes out of the corner of your eye, his odd cherry earrings bobbing along as he glanced between your papers.

The bell rang, signaling all the students to shift to their next class room. You had to wait a few moments to Kakyoin to finish copying your paper, just idly standing by your desk.

“And…” He drew out the word as he finished writing the last sentence, “Done!” He handed you the paper which you quickly stuffed into your backpack, offering him a hasty ‘see you later’ before hurrying to the door. You ducked your head down as you noticed Jotaro coming into the doorway, not sparing you a glance as he made his way over to his friend. You were in the doorway, almost home free, before Kakyoin called out to you. “Oi! Thanks again, (Y/n), we should study together again sometime.” You turned and blinked owlishly as Kakyoin flashed a flirty smile, Jotaro’s eyes seemingly staring into your soul;  your face blazed hot, uncomfortable with all this sudden attention.

“U-um, y-yeah… right. I’ll, uh, se-see you later.” You quickly fled down the hall to your next class, sliding into your seat just as the bell rang. (B/f), who sat next to you, noticed your flushed face as well as you being nearly late to class. It wasn’t long before (B/f) tossed a folded up piece of paper onto your desk.

‘Making out in the halls again?  ;)’ You rolled your eyes, shooting your friend a look as she wagged her eyebrows at you. You picked up your pencil and hastily wrote your response.

‘Ur hilaaaarious. I was helping Kakyoin with history. He’s a bit of a dunce.’ You could hear your friend snickering as she read your last remark. A few seconds passed before the paper was tossed back to your desk.

‘Wanna come to my house this weekend?  Promise we’ll get some junk food :D’  You waited as the teacher passed by before writing down a response, not wanting to get caught passing notes in class.

‘I’ll ask my mom tonight.’ (B/f) gave you a discreet thumbs up as she read your response. You two stopped passing notes and began paying attention to the math equations your teacher had up on the board. Math was never your strongest subject, instead preferring literature, history, and occasionally science, depending on the subject. Luckily, you had (B/f) to help you out, being as she was a math-wiz; you two had spent many a time at her house, cramming the night before a final or test in general. (B/f)’s parents were rather strict when it came to her grades, where as your parents were just glad you made it this far.

Mid-day soon came, which meant it was time for P.E, another class the you and (B/f) had together. It was usually a very relaxed class, do some stretches, run a few laps, and then some sort of game or activity. Today’s was apparently going to be Volley ball, which was always easy for you and (B/f), as you both just stood near the back of the court, once in a while hitting the ball when it came to you. Thankfully, the school’s uniforms were just a T-shirt and decent length athletic shorts, as opposed to some of the other schools in the area.

You two finished changing and hung out by the back wall of the gymnasium, waiting for the last of the students and coach to arrive.

“That’s odd.” (B/f) commented with a lifted eyebrow. You followed her gaze over to the bleachers where other students sat, also waiting for the class to start. Amongst them, wearing his typical attire was Jotaro. He looked disinterested, sitting in a few rows up, elbows resting comfortably on the bleacher bench behind him. His legs sprawled out in front of him, crossed at the ankles, spanning several rows with his impressive height. What was he even doing in here? He wasn’t in this class.

“I feel like I can’t get away from him recently.” You sighed. You told (B/f) all about your weird encounter last night over the phone, and how Jotaro ruined your small flirting session; not that anything would have come of it, but it was rude either way. “Now we’re going to have to deal with a bunch of girls trying to impress him.”

“We’ll just stand in the back and pretend to participate; same as always.” (B/f) shrugged as she kicked off the wall as the coach walked in. You followed your friend over to the middle of the gym, the coach blowing his whistle to signify that class had officially began.

The students began their stretches, some girls making it painfully obvious they were trying to emphasize specific features for the boy in the bleachers. You, on the other hand, were doing your best to avoid his gaze. You could feel it occasionally drift over to you as you did your best to hide behind (B/f), much to her amusement. She didn’t understand why you were just now noticing Jotaro being around. You all went to the same school for years. He’d always been around, but for some reason you were just now noticing this. The coach blew the whistle after a few minutes, signaling everyone to start running laps. You and (B/f) jogged around, the pace leisurely. Every time you passed the bleachers, you made it certain to look everywhere but the bleachers. (B/f) picked up on it, teasing you as you completed another lap, once again starting to approach the bleachers.

“Look, (Y/n), look, look, look. He’s looking right at you.” You felt your face heat up as you began jogging faster to get past the bleachers, (B/f)’s laugh following behind you. You had no idea if she was right or just trying to get you to look, but it wasn’t helping your anxiety. “Coming back around, ” Your friend taunted in a sing-song voice as you made another round around the gym, “He looked at you again.” You glared back at her, dropping your pace down to match with hers.

“Would you knock it off?!” You whisper-yell, trying to avoid drawing attention. Your friend rolled her eyes,

“I’m just messing with you, sheesh.” (B/f) said in her defense, earning a side eye glare as you jogged. “You’ve been on edge ever since Friday, what gives?” She looked at you fully, slowing down to a brisk walk.

“I don’t know,” You confessed, you looked around to make sure other students were out of earshot, not wanting to get caught talking about someone, “I think I’m just nervous because that stupid rumor went around and now I keep seeing Jotaro everywhere. What if he’s just waiting for the right moment to punch me through a wall or something?”

“What? That’s just stupid. First of all, he wouldn’t hit a girl,” She paused for a moment in thought, “I don’t think he would anyway,” she added quickly under her breath. “Second of all, I’m pretty sure that Jotaro Kujo has better things to do than address dumb ass rumors about him. Think about it, remember that one kid in freshman year said there was a ghost living in his hat?”

“Well, yeah but-”

“That,” (B/f) continued, ignoring your interruption, “rumor spread everywhere and some kids even still believe it. He never beat that kid up because he probably doesn’t give a shit, just like he doesn’t give a shit about some girl with string-beany arms supposedly pushing him.”

“Rude. My arms aren’t ‘string-beany’.” You replied, shoulders sagging. “I guess you’re right though. Sorry.” You rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment.

The coach blew his whistle, ending your conversation.

“Alright class, we’re going to play some volley ball today. I’ll be splitting you up into two teams, team one and team two,” he pointed to one side of the court for each team, signifying them on which side to go to once the team was assigned. You and (B/f) strategically placed yourselves so you’d end up on the sane team, seeing as the coach was just going down the row, alternating numbers;  you both ended up on team two. You both took your usual spot in the very back by back boundary line. Other girls ran up to play close to the net, favorite the side the bleachers were on, in hopes of Jotaro watching. He seemed just as disinterested as he was earlier, his hat pulled down to conceal his eyes in shadow; maybe he was watching, maybe he wasn’t.

You and (B/f) talked as you watched the ball going back and forth over the net, every now and then taking a step towards the net to seem like you were possibly going to hit it, but purposely being too slow. After a few points, the ball finally managed to make it to you two.

“I got it!” You called out, hitting the ball up in the air towards one of the girls closer to the net. She promptly slammed it down over the opposing side of the net, scoring a point for team two. At least you could say you helped in some form. As the game went on, the other girls got more and more heated, sending the ball flying higher and faster with each point.

“This is getting intense.” (B/f) commented, watching the ball.

“Yeah, that’s for sure.” You nodded to your friend, making the fatal mistake of looking away from the ball for a fraction in a second. That short time was all it took to catch you off guard, the ball was spiked hard towards the ground, flying into your ankle. You felt your balance leave your body as you seemed to talk in slow motion, your ankle rolling in the process. You sat stunned for a moment, your lower body laying in the court, while your arms caught your upper body from going down as well. Across the court, the coach blew his whistle, everyone stopping what they were doing.

“Shit, (Y/n), are you ok!?” (B/f) bent over, offering you a hand. You grabbed onto hers, as she tried to pull you up.

“Y-yeah, I thi-“ You let out a hiss of pain as you gathered your legs  under you, ankle painfully protesting the move. “Ow, shit. My ankle.” You managed to get on your feet, with assistance from (B/f) to keep weight off your ankle by the time the coach got to you.

“(L/n), go sit on the bleachers. I’ll grab you some ice.” He turned to the rest of the students, crowing around to see whatever dumb ass got hit by the ball. “The rest of you, get back to the game.” (B/f) helped you over to the bleachers, sitting in the bottom row, a few feet away from Jotaro’s feet.

“Damn.” You said as (B/f) helped you down, looking at your ankle. There wasn’t any bruising or any sign of something serious, aside from a big red mark where the ball made contact.

“Sucks for you.” (B/f) commented before the coach returned, chasing her off back to the volley ball court. The coach handed you an ice pack, instructing you to sit sideways on the bleachers as to keep your ankle elevated, or as elevated as you could in that moment, as there wasn’t anything to really prop your foot up on. On the bright side, you could sit with your back to Jotaro, avoiding any awkward moments that may have tried to creep up.

You sighed and watched the ball being tossed around, this time with less intensity, as the coach told everyone to ease up to avoid any more incidents. Time seemed to move ten times as slow when you were just sitting there.

“You need to keep your ankle elevated more,” You could have swore you heard a soft ‘idiot’ following that statement as you turned to see Jotaro beside you, one bleacher seat up. When the hell did he get there? He was a few feet away last you checked. You just blinked at him, too many thoughts and questions going through your mind to respond quick enough. He let out a deep sigh when you didn’t react to his words, and stood up. Jotaro was tall when you were standing, but when you were sitting down while he was standing one bleacher row up, he looked like a damn skyscraper. He moved one row down, now on your level, beside your feet, legs bowed out wide to accommodate for his height. Your face grew red, unsure of what was happening. You let out a startled yelp as he grabbed your ankle, you trying to pull it out of his grasp out of reflex.

“Ow, what the hell!?” Your voice rose several octaves, nearly hyperventilating, trying to shake your leg from his grasp, only to hurt yourself in the process.

“I’m trying to help you, dumb bitch.” Your body stilled, lips pursing shut from the insult and the embarrassment of the situation; not to mention the fear of him more than likely having the ability to snap your ankle with minimal effort. He calmly placed your ankle on his knee, now more elevated, and crossed his arms. You just sat there, still as a board, trying to look everywhere but at him. You turned only your head to look back at the court, your hands clenching at the bench sides in a white knuckle grip. Girls on the court sent you varying looks ranging from ‘what the hell is happening’ to ‘I’m imagining myself murdering you at this very second’. You could see (B/f) on the other side of the court sending you very puzzled looks, communicating with her eyes that once class is over you’re going to tell her every detail on what the actual hell is happening.

While watching the remainder of the game you felt something odd; more odd rather, as this whole situation was odd in it’s self. Like there was someone behind you, but you knew for a fact that there was nobody else on the bleachers aside from the boy keeping your ankle propped up.
You felt something touch your shoulder, your head whipping behind you, wide eyes searching for whatever it was that just touched you. Apparently, Jotaro noticed your sudden movement and looked in your direction. Your face grew hot as you felt the need to explain.

“I thought I felt something behind me. Sorry.” You weren’t sure why you apologized, but you gave one last look behind you, eyes scanning the bleachers before dragging your eyes back to the game.

“Yare Yare Daze.” He said softly, his head turning back towards the game. You eyed him out of the corner of your eye, or more so, you eyed his hat. Maybe that kid from freshman year was right. Maybe Jotaro Kujo’s hat was haunted.

Wow, I wrote a lot more than I thought.

This chapter is full of cliches.

Also, idk where or when this takes place????  The Bois have their stands, or haunted hats in Jotaro's case, but idk how much they're going to come into play yet? 

Idk anything, I'm just writing and see where we go as we go...

Also, the gifs have nothing to do with the story Im just too lazy to make real chapter photos. (And a cover photo)

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