Junoesque ✿George Weasley✿

By LuLuOnFire

3.5M 123K 91.9K

Junoesque (adj) Beautiful and imposing, like the goddess Juno // #2 in georgeweasley 15.06.2019 #1 in georgew... More



41.1K 1.3K 1K
By LuLuOnFire

Heading into Ginny's room, George told his siblings and Hermione that they were having another Order meeting downstairs. They immediately jumped up and Fred pulled out a realistic looking ear with a string attached to the back of it. Blair was confused but decided to play along with it as she was also curious about what they were discussing downstairs. Not only did Molly shut the door, but a whole bunch of people had arrived at the house and disappeared into the kitchen. Even Professor Dumbledore and the old Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Lupin had appeared and hurried along the hall and into the kitchen.

Lowering the ear down, the Weasleys, Hermione and Blair gathered around the barrister and watched as the ear hung inches above the floor. The ear in Fred's hand crackled at first before the faint sound of voices started to flow out of the eardrum. First, it was Sirius's voice but the words were incoherent, making Fred curse and start to hit the flesh in his hand.

"Don't break it! It's the only prototype we've got!" George hissed, snatching it out his twin's hand and flicking it lightly with his finger. Fred rolled his eyes and scowled at the clear words that replaced the crackling interference.

The group went silent as Molly could be heard offering everyone cups of tea before hearing her son Bill speak up. Blair was surprised to hear of the Weasley that she hadn't yet met personally and listened intently to the interruption coming from Mad-Eye Moody.

"Fudge hasn't even told the Prime Minister about anything," his gruff voice sneered. Even though the group had only ever met the façade that Barty Crouch Jr. used as the man, it wasn't hard to guess that his impersonation was uncanny to the real Moody.

"The Ministry's sweeping it under the rug," Kingsley Shacklebolt's voice boomed. "It's impossible to convince them unless they see You Know Who himself. But by then, he will have recruited his entire following again."

"What did the girl say, Albus?" Remus Lupin's calm and soft voice was heard. "Had she been approached by anyone?"

"I highly doubt anyone would have been able to get past Miss Wool," Professor Dumbledore spoke and peeked Blair's interest. She figured that they were now talking about her as she had been the one who was with Miss Wool for the last few weeks. She leaned further over the barrister as if to hear their voices through the door and not through the ear in George's hand, but found it was impossible and decided to focus on the latter instead.

"For the time being, she's safe. But I still doubt she'd ever be persuaded. Miss Rosier's a clever witch," Dumbledore said again and the group turned their gazes to Blair, now understanding that it was her they were talking about. Blair wanted to hear more and find out why they were so concerned about her, but the conversation's topic started to change.

"Stay alert in the Ministry, Kingsley. If anything comes up that isn't mentioned but is important, mention it at the next meeting," Remus said again before there was scuffling and the sound of chairs scraping backwards.

Blair sighed as George quickly reeled up the ear. The door of the kitchen swung open and the group pulled their heads back over the barrister, standing against the wall in order to not be seen by the people that ventured to the front door. There were quiet conversations that flew up to the second floor, but it was only small talk and pleasantries adults usually exchanged. They could hear the sound of the door opening at the end of the hall and the group around the stairs started to quietly move off back to their rooms, only to be stopped by Kreacher standing in their way with a wicked smirk on his sagging face.

"The blood traitors eavesdropping on private meetings," his croaky voice had a hint of evil to it. "Would little master like to hear of these delinquents?"

"You wouldn't," Ginny hissed and the elf smirked even wider, knowing that he had caught them in the act and now had the upper hand.

"Come on, you grumpy git. We haven't done anything to you," Fred brought his wand out from his back pocket and was about the hex Kreacher, only to have the elf click his fingers and disappear in a thin dust.

"He's gonna tell Sirius!" George cried out in panic. "Mum's surely gonna find out!"

"Let's all runaway! Head for the hills!" Ron exaggerated and even started to head for the stairs, only to have the back of his shirt yanked backwards by a level-headed Hermione.

"Well we were eavesdropping. I told you we shouldn't have!" Hermione crossed her arms with a scowl, knowing that they were bound to get into trouble either way.

"I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THOSE BLASTED EARS FROM YOU!" Molly's angry voice was heard coming up the stairs and she appeared with the face of a tomato. Her eyes mainly focused on Fred and George but occasionally flickered to the rest of her redheaded children. She avoided looking at Hermione and Blair which made Ron scoff aloud.

"What about this is funny to you, Ronald Weasley?!" his mother cried and she wacked her hand against his arm, making him wince and pale at the confrontation.

"N-Nothing Mum," he squeaked and Molly let out a loud huff.

"Give me that ear!" she turned to Fred with her out, glaring up at him from her short height.

"I don't have it," he shrugged with a tone that feigned his boredom. "Blair's got it."

Blair's eyes widened and she feared the moment Molly's fury filled eyes turned to her. Fred knew what he had done and stood with the side of his lips hitched into a knowing smirk, shoving his hands into his pockets. Blair prepared for the worst and resisted the instinct to scrunch her eyes shut, praying for some mercy. But the fury in Molly's eyes dimmed and her face began to sink back into its healthy flesh colour. The woman looked to be contemplating internally on what to do next and eventually sunk into her motherly smile. She was willing her tongue to stay in her mouth and not begin to unleash her fury on the innocent girl.

"Just... just don't do it again," Molly was able to divert the strong tone to George who was standing next to Blair, before she turned away with her fists still clenched and in need of use. The Weasley siblings watched in shock as their mother walked back downstairs without anymore argument and turned to Blair who stood with her jaw hanging open.

"H-How did you do that?" Ron questioned. "You stopped her like some... wall!"

"Mum loves Blair," Fred scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "She'd never tell her off. Same with Harry. She thinks they're angels."

"We should bring you out every time we get into trouble," George mentioned with a wink at Blair, making her smile lightly through her previous state of shock.

"Well it wasn't all bad," Hermione spoke up. "What was Dumbledore saying about you, Blair?"

"Lupin asked if you had been approached by anyone. Have you?" Ginny continued and the group turned their attention to her once more.

"I don't think so. I didn't ever get any visitors at the orphanage. Professor Dumbledore was my first one since McGonagall came to give me my Hogwarts letter when I was twelve," she answered with a small shrug. "I have no idea what they're talking about."

"They'll have another meeting next week. Maybe they'll bring it up again," Fred reasoned, scratching the back of his head thoughtfully.

"We're going to risk doing that again?!" Hermione shrieked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, why not?" George answered. "You don't have to listen in, Granger. I'm sure Ickle Ronnie-kins will tell you all about it afterwards anyway."

Both Ron and Hermione blushed at the mention and shuffled back towards Ron's temporary room. The two had been isolated in the particular room and were constantly talking about their third member of the group that they were hoping would turn up at Grimmauld Place soon. No word had come of Harry and how he's doing at his Muggle aunt and uncle's place. They were beginning to become agitated considering they were told specifically by Professor Dumbledore not to contact him in anyway. They had wanted to know why but were left with Dumbledore's vague answers and wrinkly smile.

"I want to show you some things," George said to Blair once Ginny, Hermione and Fred had retreated into one of their rooms.

Blair followed after George into his and Fred's bedroom and watched him head for the large cardboard boxes that sat in the corner. She leaned against the wall as he started to rummage around in the boxes, his eyes focused on the things inside. He then pulled out a bright pink box and tried to subtly cover the name that was printed across the top. Blair didn't notice this action and watched as he pulled out a tiny pink sweet that had the illusion of being made of marble.

"We've been needing someone to test these out," he stated and motioned for her to take it.

"What is it?" she questioned suspiciously. The sweet sat motionless in the palm of his hand and looked like it would be watermelon or strawberry flavoured.

"Just try it."

Going against her better instincts, Blair took the sweet between her thumb and forefinger. She stared at it for a minute, feeling George's stare on her as she slowly brought it up to her mouth and let it sit on her tongue. She had been right about it being strawberry flavoured and she found that it was quite pleasant. She even started to feel warm in her stomach and her vision started to have transparent pink dots appear.

Blair looked back up to George to question what he had actually given her, but as soon as she met his eyes, she had the unbearable urge to kiss him. Without any consideration of her mind, her arms reached out and cupped his jaw line, yanking him down so that he was short enough for her height. She then smashed her lips against his and clamped her eyes shut at the euphoric feeling. George didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Blair waist with the pink box still in hand and passionately kissed her back, letting her satisfy her urges that he knew he had given her.

The sweet dissolved quickly on Blair's tongue and once it was gone, her mind that was once glazed over cleared and allowed her to think rationally. She pulled away from George and opened her eyes, seeing that the pink dots had disappeared too. The urges she once had were now replaced with confusion and maybe even fear.

"That was brilliant! I can't believe it actually worked!" George cheered with his grin wide and a sparkle in his brown eyes.

"W-What did you do? What did you give me?!" Blair snatched the pink box out of George's hand and read the cursive lettering that was on the front.

'WonderWitch products presents:
Kissing Concoctions!
The sweet that will make even the ugliest of chaps irresistible!'

"You gave me a joke product?!" she cried once she looked up from the packaging and felt her jaw hit the floor for the second time today.

"Yep! Wasn't it great?" George grinned and took the box from her hands. "Just one of these and you'll snog anyone you see! I thought it up. We would have tested it earlier, but there was no way I was giving one to Fred with me in room. Pretty cool huh?"

Blair barely knew what to say. What had come over her was something that she had never experienced before. It was just on the edge of lust and the desire for George's lips on hers was like water on a scorching hot day. Besides the fact that it was partially against her will, she had to admit that it felt amazing once she was kissing George and settling the urge from inside her. She felt light as if she was on a cloud and the warmth within her was something she would hope to feel once more.

"Do you want another one?" George dared to ask with a cheeky grin, popping another one of the pink delights into his palm.

"Yes please."

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