Higher Quality

By AB00giee

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By AB00giee

I couldn't wait for the school year to be over

It felt like I've been in this school forever and the day just started.
The smallest things are pissing me off and my only guess is because I started cramping today.

"Ms.Barnes is their a reason your head is down while I'm teach my lesson? Do you not like what I am teaching?" This annoying ass teacher Ms.Nelson asked rolling her eyes

"Is their a reason your talking to me? No ok then shut the fuck up"

"One thing I don't tolerate is disrespect you can leave NOW!" She started yelling for no reason "If I didn't yell at you don't yell at me the fuck" I scrunched up my face getting up

"You have 10 seconds to get out before I call security Ms.Barnes."

"You see me grabbing my thing right You was a reason to talk so bad ugly frog looking ass." I rolled my eyes walking out that boring ass class

I walked to my favorite teacher Mr.Murph class he always brighten my day with food

"Naja why are you here?" He looked up irritated
I put my hand on my chest fake hurt

"You speak to your favorite student with that mouth I'm hurt." I leaned back
He started laughing

"My bad these dirty ass kids pissing me off like they ugly ass Momas ain't teach them how to SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He yelled the last part having me to start geeking I laughed even harder when Elijah Gave him a face

"Nigga nobody care about ya mad ass."

"Anyways before y'all start can I have some food I have my lady friend and you know how I get Murph."

"Shidd have however much you want , you can eat all that shit for I care." He said passing me the bowl of shrimp and rice making me laugh getting some
"Thank you" I had a mouth full of food

"Close ya mouth." This boy mumbled making me scrunch up my face

"Nah cuh she onnat you know females be tripping when they bloody." Elijah said laughing

"I don't give a fuck that's trifling as fuck plus she a female fuck her mouth open while it's food in it." The unknown boy said

"What me talking with my mouth full has to do with you?" I asked tilting my head and crossing my arms
"You know what let me leave before I really get mad see you last period Murph." He nodded his head while I grabbed my things walking to the office since I know Ms.Nelson bug looking ass wrote me up

"Naja why do I have a write up with your name on it saying you were being disobedient and disrespectful?" The principal Mr.Wilson asked

"First I had my head down because I wasn't feeling good and she's picking at me for no reason and if I don't feel good obviously imma be snappy so she brought that to her self." I told him holding my hands up
"Mhm sure stay with Ms.Smith till ya next hour and stop getting in trouble." He thumped
My head then walked out

I rubbed my head walking to the secretary Ms.Smith desk she's like everyone's grandmother I love this lady

"Hey mama" I kissed her cheek hugging her

She hugged me back pinching my side making me yelp out

"Let's those bad words come out ya mouth and it's gone be you and me you hear me"

I nodded hugging her side smiling real hard
"Girl get off me" she said smiling

"How you been holding up?" She gave me a sympathetic look

"Please don't look like that mawmaw but I'm fine." The story behind that is for another day

"Well mama I'll be in here later if I have time" I kissed her cheek hearing the bell for my next period

I had this class with Elijah , we're close I guess you'd say we grew up in the same neighborhood reason we know each other so well

"Yoooooo" I looked up to Elijah motioning for me to come here

"You act like I didn't just see you" I rolled my eyes while he pulled a seat up for me to sit with him

"You talk to much this why I fuck with Mesh and Jae more than you" I just rolled my eyes looking around

"Naj" I looked up to his phone in my face making me do a quick pose

"Ya ass looking like a fatty" In this
I leaned over to see sticking my tongue out
"Bitch cause it is send me that though"
He rolled his eyes sending it to me

Our teacher wasn't here which wasn't unusual since it's April and he always stop showing up around this time every year so we talked about anything for the period

Once the bell rung we had third period lunch

While Elijah went flirting with some girls I walked to the table seeing my sister


Bestfriend JADE

And our other friend REAGAN

They were all talking and I seen the unknown boy from earlier making me roll my eyes but sat down anyway
  "Tooks you coming with me later to pops house ?" It's my family nickname

"I might if I'm up for it you staying the night or going back to ya moma house ?"
   "Imma stay the night since he been bugging"
"Igh just let me know" she nodded her head and start talking to the unknown boy

Elijah came and sat down with eating off Mesh plate making her pop his hand and his face to frown up

"Son don't touch my food with out asking the fuck" "bitch don't touch my food period" She scrunched up her fast rolling her eyes standing up to leave I guess

Elijah stood up smacking her plate on the floor making me and the unknown boy to start geeking

   Everybody know mesh don't play about her food

"Get up and fight me now" she said punching the inside of her hand      Elijah start laughing grabbing her hands and pulling her towards him  while they walked off

Everybody start going to their own conversations while I scrolled on my phone ignoring everyone's presence

  Then I felt Jade big foot ass kick me under the table

I looked at her like she was stupid "what the fuck" she kept moving her eyes like I understand what she saying knowing I'm slow as fuck

"Bitch you pissing me off" she rolled her eyes

"Z this my best friend I was telling you about Naja this Z he cool peoples"

"Why were you speaking on me to him?" I squinted my eyes at her

"You single he single sooo"
He shook his head "nahh not gone happen lil moma mouth bad"

"You don't even know me to speak on me so mind the business that pays you"

He laughed getting up "see attitude for nun imma holla at ya next hour jade" he gave her a side hugging walking off

"You never can do nothing right" she said making me roll my eyes and go to class

   The day was smooth so far I have last sixth hour with that Z boy every time I looked up he would be staring at me and he wouldn't turn his head or anything so it was awkward as fuck

After school I went straight home not feeling like dealing with anybody right now since I needed to take some more pain pills hopefully I wake up from my nap in a better mood

Igh so boom. Ik this weak asf but let me know if y'all feeling it or not the next chapters will be longer and better I rushed this just to get something out and start writing .

Comment and allat or I'm not trying to post shit.

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