I Found My Mate!But She's in...

Bởi OopsIDisneyedAgain

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Katie is a girl whose father just died and nobody knows how. Her stepmom is a horrible person and sends her o... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 7

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Bởi OopsIDisneyedAgain

Chapter 7

"Ah Ms.McAllister! You're right on time!" rejoiced Mrs. Daily, my creative writing teacher. I nodded; grateful I had made it to class before the shrill late bell rang.

"Please, please, take a seat. We're just about to discuss mood" she sang giddily. I granted her miniscule smile, more of a half-hearted grimace. So far, she was my favorite teacher, but then again, the only example I have to compare her to is Mr. Price so that might not be saying much. As I scanned the room for a seat, I noticed that not even a quarter of them were filled. They were mostly gothic kids, whom I guessed were the poets of the school. I took a seat in the middle of the classroom, not too distant from the teacher so I could effectively participate in the discussion, but not completely in the front so my fellow students didn't mistake me for a teacher's pet. All together there were eight people in the class, including me. This was not surprising, considering that it was a college level class. The Goth teens didn't even spare me a glance as I crouched into the hard, metal desk, stowing my shoulder bag with Draco Malfoy's face on it (Hot Topic) underneath it.

"Alright class, as you may already know, we are going to be discussing mood and how it affects the reader!" trumpeted Mrs. Daily cheerfully. Well isn't she a ray of God dang sunshine? I sniggered quietly at my inner statement.

"Katie, is there something you think is funny that you would like to share with the rest of us, because I'm sure we would all appreciate a little livening up? I mean, look at all these glum faces! It almost makes me want to cry!" she hollered. I peeked around the classroom to see annoyance on every face. Man, is it me or are the people in this school moody as heck?! Seeing that she wasn't going to receive a response, Mrs. Daily sighed and began the lesson. By the end of the 30 minute lesson, I was no more intelligent than before it. I mean, I'm a writer; I know what mood is. As I was weaving my way through the congested halls, I withdrawal my crumbled, creased schedule from my Draco Malfoy bag. I had a free period at the moment, so I assumed I was free to go where I please. Hmm, time to find my quiet place, I thought.

That shrill bell rang again, signaling the beginning of third period, and everyone who did not have a free period quickly exited the halls, leaving it barren except for me and a couple of thugs leaning up against the lockers. I tried to quietly inch by them unnoticed, but luck is never on my side at moments like these.

"Hey, baby, why don't you come over here? I can show you a good time" the pervert taunted, his cold, dark eyes shining with lust. His buddies all had hopeful glints in their eyes as well.

"Um no thank you" I stuttered quickly and started down the hall again, desperately trying to hightail myself out of this possibly dangerous situation. But to no avail, he clasped my slender wrist in one rough masculine hand.

"Now, now, hot stuff, you wouldn't want to be refusing me" he threatened, an evil smirk on his face.

"Um I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to have to" I trembled, still struggling to free my now pained wrist from his iron grasp. He and his goonies let out a chorus of hearty chuckles.

With laughter still hinting in his voice, Mr. Pervert snarled "Girlie, you don't know who you're dealing with. Now, you're going to be good while we-"

"Finish that sentence and your DEAD!" yelled a voice from my right a few feet away. Startled, both the thugs and I turned to investigate who had defended me. Confusion gripped me like a vice as I saw a familiar face framed by mahogany red hair.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Daniel Murphy? How've ya been? Still hanging around with that prick, Hudson?" the pervert taunted. Daniel's eyes glinted red for a split second before returning the deep indigo blue of his real eyes; however, the demented look still radiated off him in every angle. What confused me the most was why he was angry in the first place. He didn't know me, so why was he defending me?

"What's it to you, Mackey?" Daniel sneered.

"Whoa, I was just making conversation, Danny-boy! Now if you'll excuse us, we have some unfinished business to attend to" Mackey retorted turning back to face me, a nasty grin plastered across his face.

"Over my dead body, scum!" Daniel (Danny?) bellowed and flew at the thugs, punching Mackey in the gut. When he stumbled back from the pain and the shock, his followers abandoned him by exiting to save their own necks with shouts of "Lets get out of here!" and "Screw that chick! I can get someone way hotter!" With Mackey momentarily distracted, Danny seized the opportunity and grasped my forearm to quickly steer me away from that awkward situation. He maneuvered me through the halls deliberately as if there were a specific place he wanted to take me to. I stayed silent concentrating on not falling flat on my face.

"You can talk, you know" he said coming to a stop in front of a door labeled "Media Arts." I was taken aback by his statement.

"Well I don't really know you, and I don't think it's customary for two strangers to converse in chit-chat" I reasoned, and he laughed through his nose. He opened the door slowly and gestured for me to enter first. I curtly nodded and did so. What my eyes beheld at this moment both shocked and excited me at the same time. My eyes widened, a mile-wide smile stretched across my face, and I exhaled a quick puff of air.

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