BNHA Oneshots

By larrow

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just a collection of some average oneshots that i've written :) More

Kaminari x Sero: Hanahaki Disease

39 2 39
By larrow

Happy birthday Kagome_Makin ♡♡

Sero pov:

It had to start someday, didn’t it?
Ignoring feelings never worked for anyone.

So here I was now, standing in the boys’ bathroom in front of the sink, coughing like crazy. I covered my mouth with my hands and a few coughs later I opened my palm to find a single flower petal in it. Oh no.

This was the first time a crush had gotten so bad that it made flowers grow in my lungs. It was just a teenieeee tinyyyy crush, come on.
I inspected the petal closely, curious to know more about the situation that I found myself in now. It was rather a large one, it shone brightly yellow and the tip was dipped in crimson red. It also looked suspiciously like a rose. Damn it.

Everyone knew about the Hanahaki disease. If you have unrequited feelings for someone, flowers start growing inside your lungs. That’s just how it works, though what flowers you get variates from person to person. A lot of factors come to play when it comes to that, like what kind of character traits does your loved one have? Are they rather gentle and quiet or wild and loud?
Another thing that nurtures the flowers is what kind of feelings do you have for them and how strong they are. Everyone gets taught the basics of flower language as soon as they come out of the womb, flowers just play a huge role in today’s society.

So back to my flowers. I am 110% sure that the petal I was holding belonged to a rose - the most painful of all the different kinds of flowers that anyone could get. I mean, come on, not only grow normal flowers in your lungs but flowers with thorns.
That isn’t really fair, right? Lucky me haha...ha……… I am so fucked.

“Hey dude, are you okay? Aizawa told us to go look for you since you seemed to be getting sick he said,” I turned around quickly to see who had managed to sneak up on me.

“Ahh Kiri, it’s just you,” I sighed in relief. This was actually a great chance to ask about him and Bakugo since no one was here with us.

“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while now, but did you two get hanahaki? Before you got together I mean...”

“Actually, yeah. We both did, though Katsu would never admit that. That’s how we both knew it was time to talk,” he responded truthfully, “why the sudden interest in it though? Someone catch your eye? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” he wiggled his eyebrows at me and had now the biggest smirk in his face. Images of Denki flashed before my eyes so I harshly shook my head to get rid of them.

“Nah bro, just curious. Never got to ask. As you said: Bakugo would never admit it, he’s way too stuck up on his pride to do so,” I chuckled.


Having us students live in the dorms on U.A.’s school grounds was a great idea. It was nice to have all our friends around, not only at school, but after it as well. This way we didn’t have to call the whole squad up to hangout, we just had to go next door. But that also meant that everyone was always there. Day in and day out.

It had been getting harder and harder for the past few weeks to hide my seemingly random coughs that coincidentally always occurred when Denki started talking about another one of the oh so pretty girls that passed us in the hallway. Since Jirou started dating Yaoyorozu, he luckily started talking less about her specifically but the more random beauties he looked after.

Today was thursday, official game night for class 1-A. Aizawa told us that we needed to spend more time getting to know each other to work better as a team. So the first thing we played, naturally, was truth or dare. Mina suggested it, as always, because it was really the best game to get to know someone. Also she loved lynching someone with pretty personal questions and torturing us with a nasty dare. All the girls loved it too though, and because it was Mina who suggested it, she got all the yes votes she needed from the whole bakusquad as well. So everyone else’s suggestions were outvoted.

The bottle was spun by Hagakure and slowly stopped pointing at Midoriya.

“Truth,” he stated quickly.

“Boys or girls?” she squieked to which he responded confused, “Y-yes? Both, as in bisexual...if that’s what you mean,” he looked over to Todoroki. We all knew they had started dating after the sports festival, even though they didn’t announce it until a few weeks ago.
Immediately all the girls started cursing under their breath and digging in their pockets.

One after another passed Jirou money while she grinned smugly, “Told you girls. Next time I say someone is bi you better believe me. My bi-dar is the best in this entire world.”

Midoriya looked simply shocked, “Wait, you guys bet on my sexuality?”

“Yeah? We bet on pretty much everyone’s. We have a list,” Mina threw in, “and so far I won the most thanks to Kiri and Bakugo, I appreciate it a lot, thank you for coming out by the way, you were the highest bet. I even got the extra bucks for couple bonus,” she winked.

Even Yaoyorozu started to talk about her bets, “I won the bet on Todoroki though. Through him not expressing his emotions as much, everyone thought he’d be aro/ace,” she finished.

“What do you guys think about me then? This is your chance to ask, girls!” Denki gave Jirou fingerguns. Was it just me being jealous ar could I actually feel the flowers in my lungs bloom? My thesis proved itself as right as I started coughing heavily again. Shit.

“Yo, are you okay, bro? You need some water?” Kirishima asked worriedly.

“Yeah that would help. Dry throat you know…,” I tried to play it down.

We got up together and went to th kitchen. I didn’t need a reminder on how straight big flirt Kaminari Denki was.

“So… you wanna talk about it, bro?” Kiri asked while looking for a glass in the cupboards.

“What are you talking about?”

“I may be an idiot but I’m not stupid, you know? I’ve been through it myself,” he gave me a big smile with his pointy teeth, “also, I see how you look at him.”


“Well, what do you want me to do? He is straighter than the stick up Iida’s ass,” I exclaimed in frustration, “I’m just gonna wait for it to stop.”

“I’m glad that you are so optimistic about this but when I started vomiting orange lilies, I knew that I needed to talk to Katsu about it,” he set the glass on the counter for me to take it and sighed heavily.

“Wait, orange lilies?? Seriously man? Bakugo’s gotta have some real anger issues if he gives you flowers like that. I mean they literally symbolize hatred, pride, and disdain,” I laughed.

“Then what kind do you got, hmm? Probably some horseshoe germaniums,” he shot back.

“Are you seriously gonna call your best friend stupid?” I mocked him, “And for your information, they are yellow roses with a red tip.”

“Ouch. I’m sorry man.... I didn’t know,” he scratched the back of his head, “I’m sorry to hear that but it kinda makes sense. You and Kami are really close friends, your guys’ optimism fits well with it too plus red tips are a good thing right-”

“You don’t have to sugarcoat it, Kiri,” I interrupted him, “I know how lucky I got with them.”

Suddenly we got interrupted by Mina’s voice coming from the common room, “Are you feeling any better now, Sero? If yes, get your asses back in here ‘cause Aoyama’s bottle landed on your seat!”

“Coming!” Kiri yelled back, “Let’s head back and see what Aoyama got in stock for you.”

We quickly got back and reclaimed our spots in the circle on the floor.

I didn’t really want Aoyama to ask any questions about the coughing so I hastly decided to take a dare. Couldn’t be too bad, right?

“Okay, mon ami. I dare you to….kiss the prettiest person in the room besides me, of course,” he lifted his chin up high to see my reaction. Out of reflex (or maybe just my own stupidity) I looked over to Denki for a brief moment and all the girls started squealing.

“I knew it!!!!! Sero and Kaminari, AAAHHHHH!!!!”


“Seems like Kaminari was an obvious choice for him, kero.”

“Called it~ I always know where the tea is.”

“It seems Kaminari is your choice, mon ami,” Aoyama smirked.

“Yeah, seems like it, doesn’t it? Sorry Kami…,” I got closer to him until I was sitting right in front of him. He was as red as Kiri’s entire room, he must have been so embarrassed to have to kiss me.

I was really happy that I got to kiss him, this was my first and only chance to do so, probably. But it just didn’t feel right to kiss him under these circumstances. We were good friends. Best friends even. I was happy with that. As long as he was going to be happy, I didn’t need more from him. The friend zone was nice and comfy, here I knew where I was at. I just needed to respect his feelings and be a good friend without expecting more than a mutual friendship from him. Those are all the rules I needed to follow.

I noticed that I had been staring at him for a little too long so Denki asked, “You good?”

I swallowed all my feelings I had for him and sighed, “No, actually I’m not.”

“Of course you are not… how could I even be that dumb? To think that you’d want to kiss me, how stupid,” he bit his lower lip and looked down.

Without missing a beat (aka without thinking) I told him, “It’s not like that! I do want to kiss you, but not like this! I don’t want to force anything on you.”

Denki ignored most of my statement and looked up confused, “Wait so you do want to kiss me?”

“I get how uncomfortable you must have felt thinking you’d have to kiss me, even for a dare,” I mumbled.
All this time, I just waited silently for my feelings to go away and for the flowers to stop growing. Seeing him now, right in front of me, able to kiss him and with a valid excuse to do so, all the moments I wanted to kiss him so badly came back to me. I could have gotten what I wanted for so long but I just kept thinking how unfair kissing him like this would have been. This wasn’t fair. For neither of us.

“Uncomfortable? Me? Nuh-uhh. I want you to kiss me,” Denki stared at me, realized what he had just said and then proceeded burying his face in his hands.

“Wait does that mean you like me too?” I questioned.

“YES I DO- WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘TOO’?????” Denki squealed looking through a gap between his fingers.


“WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT I WAS STRAIGHT??? I AM BI. B-I-SEXUAL- wait no that was wrong. B-I-S-E-X-…U-A-L!! And you missed my coming out because of your random cough…ing……. NO WAY!!!!” I could literally hear everyone’s brain click as they realized that my coughs were not related to a dry throat as I had claimed but to flowers growing on the insides of my lungs.

“YOU HAVE HANAHAKI???” he yelled.






I looked back at Denki, “But if you like me, and i like you, then doesn’t that mean that we like each other?!” my jaw dropped.

“Now back to your dare-,” Aoyama started but didn’t bother to finish as Denki grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me towards him. He pressed his lips on mine and we kissed - for real. Okay, a dare was involved but that wasn’t the reason for the kiss. No one was forced to do anything, we kissed because we wanted to. Both of us.

(We started dating.)

Happy birthday my dear sib-
I just wanted to tell you that I love you and your adorable kitten. I hope you liked this short story I wrote and also here is a trashy drawimg I made for you ♡♡ it was also my first drawing with my graphic tablet uwu

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