Worlds Colliding (The Vampire...

Por katherinep97

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All rights go to the creators of The Vampire Diaries and the CW, except for the fanfiction characters and plo... Más

Chapter 1 - The Birthday
Chapter 2 - The Hybrids
Chapter 4 - Disturbing Behavior
Chapter 5 - The Reckoning
Chapter 6 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
Chapter 7 - Ghost World
Chapter 8 - Ordinary People
Chapter 9 - Homecoming
Chapter 10 - The New Deal
Chapter 11 - Our Town
Chapter 12 - The Ties That Bind
Chapter 13 - Bringing Out the Dead
Chapter 14 - Dangerous Liaisons
Chapter 15 - All My Children
Chapter 16 - 1912
Chapter 17 - Break On Through
Chapter 18 - Murder of One
Chapter 19 - Heart of Darkness
Chapter 20 - Do Not Go Gentle
Chapter 21 - Before Sunset
Chapter 22 - The Departed

Chapter 3 - The End of the Affair

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Por katherinep97

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From 1.01 - Pilot: Night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Kaylin: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 2.04 - Memory Lane: In Ashley's room, Ashley and Nathan kissed passionately.

Katherine: (voice over from 2.07 - Masquerade) "Do Ashley..."

From 2.11 - By the Light of the Moon: In the pouring rain, Cristian and Liv looked at each other for a long moment, smiling, kissing for a few, long, endless moments.

Katherine: (voice over from 2.07 - Masquerade) "Liv..."

From 2.22 - As I Lay Dying: In the library of the Hunter House, Damon and Alex continued to kiss passionately in front of the fireplace.

Katherine: (voice over from 2.07 - Masquerade) "Alex..."

From 2.14 - Crying Wolf: On the dock of the Gilbert Lake House, Elena stood outside on the dock, wrapped in a blanket.

Stefan wrapped his arms around Elena from behind, kissing her on the cheek.

Katherine: (voice over from 2.07 - Masquerade) "And Elena enjoy having all of you worship at their alters?"

From 2.03 - Bad Moon Rising: In the woods, Kacie and Jack kissed passionately.

Nathan: (voice over from 2.16 - The House Guest) "If you find another friend other than me, or other than Kacie, I'm happy for you."

From 2.22 - As I Lay Dying: In the living room of the Hunter House, Ashley and Jack kissed passionately.

Nathan: (voice over from 2.16 - The House Guest) "And I'm happy for Ashley."

From 2.22 - As I Lay Dying: In the parlor of the Hunter House, Nathan and Gabriella clinked their glasses, drinking, looking at the other curiously.

Nathan: (voice over from 2.21 - The Sun Also Rises) "Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Gabriella. Wish it was a better welcome."

From 2.19 - Klaus and Ingrid: In Alaric's loft, Rosalita walked closer fearlessly, looking at Ingrid and Alaric/Klaus calmly as if she was putting them in a trance without much effort. "What I want for you is to start a war with the residents of Mystic Falls. You'll just know to fight in this war and cause a chain reaction that will benefit and destroy all of us."

From 2.22 - As I Lay Dying: In Alaric's loft, Ingrid looked at Stefan, Kaylin and Justin. "Rosalita left. But she did leave us with a little parting gift on wanting us to start a war with your little town. So you better hope that instead, we leave town."

From 3.01 - The Birthday: In the foyer of the Lockwood Mansion, Caroline walked downstairs, holding her shoes to be quiet, about to leave when she heard a sound, turning around, seeing Carol standing behind her, gasping. "Mrs. Lockwood. Hi."

"Leaving so soon?" Carol asked.

Caroline touched her purse, her skin starting to burn at contact, revealing the purse was soaked in vervain. She pulled her hand back instantly, screaming in pain.

Carol raised a vervain dart gun, shooting Caroline in the back.

Caroline fell to her knees.

From 3.02 - The Hybrids: In the Lockwood Mansion's parlor, Carol was on the phone. "I've gotten myself into a vampire situation."

From 3.02 - The Hybrids: In the Forbes Cellar, Caroline was tied to a chair. She was facing the door of her cell which had a barred window in it. "Hello!"

The door opened.

Bill walked in. "Hello, Caroline."

Caroline looked at him in shock. "Daddy?"

From 2.22 - As I Lay Dying: In the warehouse, Kaylin rushed in front of the girl, biting her, drinking until she stopped screaming and fighting, killing her, letting her body fall to the floor. 

Nicola: (voice over from 2.22 - As I Lay Dying) "Where's Kaylin?" 

Kaylin's eyes were still red. Veins were still crawling underneath her skin. She had blood drenching her lips.

Stefan: (voice over from 2.22 - As I Lay Dying) "She gave herself over to Klaus and Ingrid."

Kaylin wiped the blood from her lips, looking at the girl on the ground. She didn't show a reaction to the dead body of the girl that she had killed. She looked at Klaus, knowing that she had to leave with him and Ingrid to honor their deal to save Cristian's life.

Stefan: (voice over from 2.22 - As I Lay Dying) "She's gone."

From 3.01 - The Birthday: Outside the Southern Comfort, Kaylin, Cristian and Justin were talking.

"You need to go," Kaylin told them. "Tell Nikki to stop looking and get out of here."

"No one is gonna stop looking for you until you come home," Cristian told her.

"I don't wanna go home," Kaylin told them. "Leave."

From 2.22 - As I Lay Dying: In Alaric's Loft, Ingrid compelled Stefan. "I want you to embrace what you are here in Mystic Falls. Don't let anyone change you. If they try to change you, if they try to help you, kill them. Only change if you want to. Only you will ask for help, not allow it to happen."

From 3.02 - The Hybrids: In Nicola's room, Nathan, Stefan and Nicola were talking.

"We were wrong," Stefan told her. "We thought Kaylin was gone, but Damon, Nathan and I were wrong."

Nicola looked at them in surprise, walking closer. "Stefan, Nathan, is she okay?"

"No, she's not okay, Nikki," Stefan answered.

"Kaylin's playing the bad guy to keep us safe," Nathan told her.

Nicola nodded. "Our guardian angel."

"But you haven't seen her like this before, Nikki," Nathan told her. "Soon enough, she won't be just acting. She can be saved."

From 3.02 - The Hybrids: In the pack camp, Ingrid, Klaus and Kaylin were talking.

"So, this is your master plan?" Kaylin asked. "Build an army of hybrid slaves?"

"No, not slaves," Klaus answered. "Soldiers."

"For the war that Rosalita wanted you to start, right?" Kaylin asked.

"We're not trying to wage war on your little town, your friends and family, Kaylin," Klaus told her. "Defying Rosalita's wishes when we left town. Though Rosa's mind control still wants us to return and finish what she started. Though we are building an army so big that no one even dares to pick a fight."

"Why would you two defy Rosalita's wishes for a war?" Kaylin asked. Ingrid looked at Klaus, as if wondering if he wanted to tell Kaylin something. Klaus shook his head. Kaylin frowned. "What makes you so sure that they'll be loyal?"

"Well, it's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team," Ingrid told her. "That's something you'll learn."

Kaylin laughed. "That's why you're... keeping me around? To teach me new things about torture? I'm doing just fine, thank you. I've got it covered."

"You'll know why we're keeping you around when my brother's decided that you're both ready for you to know," Ingrid told her.

Kaylin frowned in confusion. "And what the hell does that mean?"

Klaus looked at Ray to see that Ray had blood coming from his eyes. "Something's wrong."

From 3.02 - The Hybrids: In the pack camp, Kaylin came back to the campsite with Ray's dead body.

Klaus and Ingrid were looking at the rest of the dead pack.

Kaylin let Ray fall.

"They're all dead," Ingrid told her.

"We should be able to turn them," Klaus told her.

From 2.21 - The Sun Also Rises: At the Quarry, Klaus and Ingrid bit into either side of Elena's neck, starting to drain Elena of her blood.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.02 - The Hybrids) "We both killed the Doppelganger."

Klaus and Ingrid transformed, biting into Alex and Gabriella's necks, feeding.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.02 - The Hybrids) "I killed the Wraith, Grid killed the Ringer."

From 3.02 - The Hybrids: At the pack camp, Klaus yelled in anger, his head tilted toward the sky. "We did everything we were told!"

Kaylin didn't answer, uncomfortable, trying to stay as expressionless as possible.


Day One

Night - Hunter House - Living Room

Liv was sitting on the couch.

Cristian walked closer with two drinks. "You sure you're not invoking the sisterly wrath by coming here after you snuck off to the Smoky Mountains and nearly getting yourself killed?"

Liv took her glass from him. "One, all my sisters went with me. Two, you're the one that I was in trouble with. And I'm sorry. But I promised Nicola."

"I know," Cristian told her. He sat down. "And you didn't do what you did just for Nicola. You did it for Kaylin, too."

"Well, Kaylin's your and Justin's best friend, she's also really close with Charlie and Jack, and she's in this mess because she was saving my boyfriend's life," Liv told him. "I know I'm not all that close to her, but I owe her. I want to save her, too."

Cristian smiled a small smile. "The old you, the bitter you, would never have grown this soft."

Liv hit him in the chest playfully, smiling. "I didn't go soft."

"Keep telling yourself that," Cristian told her. Liv smiled, putting down her glass, taking Cristian's glass and putting it down, leaning closer to kiss Cristian slowly and deeply. Cristian placed a hand on her cheek, deepening the kiss. They continued to kiss for a few long moments. Charlotte and Jack walked in, seeing them, stopping in surprise, looking away awkwardly. Cristian and Liv pulled away, just as awkward. "Charlie. Jack."

Jack chuckled. "Cristian. Liv."

Liv waved. "Hi."

Charlotte smirked in amusement. "I'm pretty sure if you weren't dead, Liv, you would be blushing as red as an apple."

"Shut up, Charlie," Liv replied.

"What do you want?" Cristian asked.

"Be a little more happier to see us, Cris," Jack told him sarcastically.

"Oh, sorry, Jack, just trying not to be embarrassed by my older siblings walking in on me and my girlfriend making out," Cristian replied.

They all smiled, laughing lightly.

Liv noticed that Charlotte and Jack looked concerned, frowning in confusion. "What? What's wrong?"

Before they could answer, Cristian's phone rang. Cristian answered his phone. "What? You're interrupting my siblings trying to explain why they were interrupting me and Liv."

Katherine stood in a phone booth. "Ooh, that sounds very naughty of you, Mr. Hunter. You miss me?"

Liv, Charlotte and Jack looked at Cristian in confusion, wondering why Katherine was calling him, suspicious.

Cristian rolled his eyes. "Katherine." Liv sat back at the mention of her name, crossing her arms over her chest, not the least bit happy with the woman that had led to her becoming a vampire and getting Jenna killed. Cristian put his phone on speaker. "Where are you?"

Katherine smirked. "Lurking outside your window, pining away."

"What do you want?" Charlotte asked.

"I'm homesick," Katherine told them. "What have I missed?"

"Well, Kaylin's still Klaus and Ingrid's little prisoner and we're still trying to save her, and no one's thought about you since you left," Cristian told her.

"And what about you, Cristian?" Katherine asked. "I hear that you and your little girlfriend Liv, siblings Charlotte and Jack, and your friends have been very busy trying to save Kaylin from Klaus and Ingrid." Liv took a drink. "And you have no idea where they are, do you?"

"No," Jack answered. "But by the way you're trying to lead us on, I would say that you do. Are you trailing them?"

"Two hybrids who want me dead and the male hybrid's little girlfriend who's off the rails, who also happens to hate me for destroying her family?" Katherine asked. "I couldn't be further away."

"Which means you know exactly where they are," Charlotte told her.

"All I know is that Klaus and Ingrid pitched a fit once their hybrids didn't work," Katherine told them. "Now they're looking for some answers."

"How do you know that?" Cristian asked, taking a drink.

"Spend 500 years running, and there will be a few people along the way that are looking out for you," Katherine told them.

"Is that what you're doing?" Cristian asked. "Looking out for Kaylin?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Katherine told them. "I'm conflicted."

Liv spoke normally. "Either that, or you're giving Cris, Charlie and Jack what they want so they'll stop hating you and wanting to kill you after you set Pearl, Cristian and Jack up to go to the tomb for 145 years, and you had my Uncle John kill Pearl and Anna, and you nearly got Cris killed repeatedly, and after what you did to me and Jenna. You can't run from two 1,000 year old hybrids, a 145 year old torture queen, and three 500 year old vampires that all hate your guts."

Katherine chuckled. "And it looks like vampirism has sharpened up her brain and wit. She's right. You got yourself a keeper there, Cristian. Charlie, Jack, what do you think? You think Little Liv is a perfect fit for your little Cris?"

Charlotte and Jack looked at Liv.

Liv looked up at them, smiling a little.

Cristian rolled his eyes at Katherine's behavior toward them, impatient. "Where are they?"


Chicago, Illinois


An SUV drove inside.

Ingrid, Klaus and Kaylin got out of the car.

Klaus was clearly in a better mood. "Welcome back to Chicago, Kaylin."

"What are we doing here?" Kaylin asked.

"I know how much you loved it here," Klaus told her. "Bringing back memories of the good old Queen of Chicago days?"

Kaylin hid a smile, tilting her head. "Blacked out most of them. Like you said, a lot of blood, a lot of partying. A hell of a good time, but the details are all a blur."

"Well, that is a crying shame," Ingrid told her. "The details are what makes it legend."


Flashback 1 - 1920s

Night - Chicago Street

(Song) St. James Infirmary - Gloria's Band

It was night in the city of Chicago, and jazz music could be heard in the distance.

Old fashioned cars were driving past.

A car was parked.

Klaus: (voice over) "Word was the Queen of Chicago got so lonely, she escaped to the city for comfort."



Kaylin and a man were in the car, making out heavily. The man ran his hand along her leg, sliding up her dazzling pink delicate bead dress. Kaylin tilted her head toward his neck, transforming, baring her fangs, biting into his skin, feeding on him, drinking until he died.

Kaylin: (voice over) "Everything was off limits then, which made everything so much fun."



Kaylin got out of the car. She wiped the blood from her lips with a white glove. She trailed a finger around her red lips. She smiled, reaching into the car behind her, grabbing her pink feather boa, lying it around her shoulders. She looked around the city, smiling as if it was hers for the taking.

(End of Song)


Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)


Flashback 1

Night - Street

Kaylin walked down the street, walking up to a bar door, knocking.

The slot in the door opened for the man inside to see her. He opened the door. "Miss Kaylin."

Kaylin smiled. "Charmed."

Kaylin walked inside.


Inside - Hallway

Kaylin walked along the brick wall hallway toward the main bar, wrapping the boa around her neck.


Gloria's Bar

(Song) You Should Know - Pink Frost

A woman was singing with the live band.

Justin was walking through the crowd.

The singer and owner of the bar saw him. "Guess who my eyes have just spied, ladies? Looking for a good time, Mr. Benson?"

"Save me a dance, Gloria," Justin told her. He reached for a glass of champagne. Kaylin grabbed it first, walking along. "Ooh. Please, help yourself."

Kaylin turned to face him. "Oh, I always do."

Justin recognized her. "Kaylin Salvatore."

Kaylin raised her eyebrows, tilting her head. "You've heard of me?"

"I'm pretty sure every vampire in the city has heard of you," Justin answered. "You're building quite the reputation for yourself, aren't you, Kaylin?"

Kaylin shrugged, turning away. "I used to hate even the thought of turning into a monster, but now? I'm this way because my brothers made me this way, because of someone else's orders." She turned to face him. "You know my name. It doesn't seem to be fair that I don't know yours."

Justin smirked. "Justin. Benson."

Kaylin chuckled. "Justin Benson. Hmm."

"You know, I could help you learn a few more things to add to your torture resume, Kaylin," Justin told her.

"Really?" Kaylin asked. "How long have you been a vampire?"

"Just a little bit younger than you, but I've been great friends and a lover to Original vampires for so long, that I've picked up many of the tricks they've learned over the last 1000 years," Justin answered. "I may be a bit younger than you, Miss Salvatore, but I might know more about what you do, than you do, because of the Mikaelsons."

Kaylin smirked, raising her eyebrows. "Is that right?"

"Mm-hmm," Justin answered. "I've heard of just some of the things you've done so far, and you have great potential, and some vampires are even calling you the queen of torture already. Just learn a few more things from me, and you'll have everything you need. Now, why don't you tell me about who made you like this?"

Kaylin gave him a small smile, shaking her head, holding her finger to her lips, walking away.

Justin watched her go, not knowing he had just met one of his best friends for decades to come.

(End of Song)



Night - Warehouse

Ingrid, Klaus and Kaylin were looking over the city at night.

"Chicago was a magical place," Klaus told her.

"Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it," Kaylin told them. "Like I said, I don't remember most of it. I know that I met Justin in the 20s, and we became best friends, like me and Cristian, but I don't remember much about how we met, and how much he taught me, and neither does Justin. Both of us blacked out that decade so much... Justin actually blacked out most of his life, though, even as a human, so I don't know."

Ingrid and Klaus smirked knowingly, exchanging a look.

"Going to get down to business, then?" Ingrid asked.

"Why am I still with you?" Kaylin asked. "We had our fun. You know, I could actually deal with more fun, but your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?"

"We're going to see our favorite witch," Ingrid told her. "If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her."


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Day Two

Morning - Salvatore Boarding House - Nicola's Room

Nicola was lying asleep.

Her alarm started to blare, waking her up.

Stefan walked in. "Rise and shine, Nikki. You're late for school."

"It's summer break, dick," Nicola told him, tiredly hitting the snooze button, sitting up, looking at the time. "And 5:30. What the hell do you want?"

Nathan walked in, looking at her in amusement. "Damn, Nikki. I know that Stefan's been pissing you off a lot over the summer because of Ingrid's compulsion, but damn."

"Oh, sorry, Dad," Nicola told him sarcastically. Nathan gave her a look. Stefan smirked. "This better be something important to wake me up this early."

Stefan smirked. "It is. We know where they're gonna be. Come on, Nikki."

Nicola became more awake instantly, looking up at Nathan and Stefan.

Nathan and Stefan smirked.


Hunter House - Living Room

Cristian and Liv were packing a bag, turning to face Charlotte and Jack.

"Are you sure you guys don't wanna go with us?" Liv asked.

"We're sure," Charlotte answered. "Jack and I promised Tyler and Kacie we would help them out with something."

"Well, that's not vague," Cristian told them sarcastically. "What's going on?"

"No, no, no, you don't worry about it," Jack told them. "Charlie and I will deal with things back here. You two go up Nathan, Stefan, Damon and Nicola get Kaylin back. Obviously, Alex and Elena are going with them. I think Ashley and Gabriella want to talk to Alaric, since not everyone can go to Chicago to get Kaylin."

"All right," Liv told them. "We'll be back soon."

"Why don't you two just tell us what's going on here?" Cristian asked.

"Because we can handle it, Cris," Jack answered.

"Don't worry about us," Charlotte told them. "Just go get Kaylin. She's saved so many of us more than once. It's time to return the favor. Like everyone did for you, Cristian, when you were dying and everyone was trying to save your life, because they were repaying you for how many times you saved everyone."

Cristian sighed. "All right. We'll be back before you know it."

They nodded.

"Good luck," Jack told them.

Liv waved bye. "You too."

Cristian and Liv left. Jack and Charlotte exchanged a look.


Gilbert House - Alex's Room

(Song) Distance - Christina Perri

Alex was sleeping in her bed. She rolled over, lying her head on Damon's chest.

Damon smiled. "Rise and shine, sleepy head."

Alex smiled a small smile. "Hi."

"You know you were dreaming about me," Damon told her, looking down at his shirt. "Explains the drool."

"I was not drooling," Alex told him, sitting up.

Damon chuckled. "Were, too."

Alex looked at the time of her nightstand. "6:00 AM. Seriously?" She looked at Damon. "You should know that a vampire with blood issues should never wake up as early as 6:00 AM."

"Fine," Damon told her. "Don't come with us to bring Kaylin home." He stood. "See ya."

Alex sat up. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. What? What are you talking about? Where is she?"

"Windy City," Damon answered.

"She's in Chicago?" Alex asked. Damon nodded. "Well, how do you know?"

"Cristian, Liv, Charlie and Jack got a tip from an unlikely source, and Cristian called me, Nathan and Stefan, while Liv called Elena," Damon answered. "Stefan and Nate are getting Nikki up, and it was my job to get you. And Ashley and Gabby, I'm pretty sure they're staying behind to talk to Ric about everything. I think Charlie and Jack said something about having a mission of their own, with Tyler, Kacie and Eliza, but they didn't explain what it was about. I don't know what Justin's doing. Start packing."

Alex stood, walking closer. "Is she okay? Kaylin, I mean."

Damon walked up to Alex's dresser, looking through the drawers. "Well, let's just say she's not there to meet Oprah."

"Seriously?" Alex asked.

"Ooh," Damon told her teasingly, pulling out a pair of black and red lacy underwear. "Put these in the 'yes' pile."

Alex took her underwear from him, putting it away, closing it, turning to Damon, tilting her head.

Damon shrugged, smirking, winking, walking away.

Alex watched him go.

(End of Song)


Forbes Cellar

Caroline was still tied to a chair. She struggled with the hand restraints to no avail. She heard a noise. "Daddy, are you there? Why won't you talk to me? Dad!"

Smoke entered the cellar through the vents.

Bill walked in. "Shh. I'm so sorry this happened to you."

Caroline looked around at the smoke cautiously. "Dad..."

"I need an answer," Bill told her. "How do you walk in the sunlight?"

"Just let me go," Caroline told him.

"Sweetheart, please, just answer me," Bill told her. "Then we'll get on with it."

Caroline looked up weakly. "Is that all you want to know?"

Bill nodded. "That's all I want to know." Caroline looked down at her ring. Bill looked at her ring. "Interesting."

Bill took the ring off of Caroline's finger.

"No, Dad, no," Caroline told him. "What are you..." Bill tossed the ring on the floor. "What are you doing?"

"Your ancestors built this place," Bill told her. "People figured it was for unruly prisoners at the jailhouse, but... They had something else in mind. Vervain in the ventilation system to keep their subject weak. Reinforced steel containment chair. And that."

Bill walked out.

"What are you doing?" Caroline asked.

Bill returned with a blood bag, holding it in front of her.

Caroline looked at the blood bag hungrily, transforming.

Bill took the blood bag back. "Blood controls you, sweetheart. This is how I'm going to fix you."

Caroline looked at him in confusion. "What?"

Bill walked over to a chain, pulling on it, rotating slats on the window above and behind her which bathed Caroline in sunlight.

Caroline started to burn in the sunlight, screaming in agony.


On the Road

(Song) Run Wild - Ume

Stefan's old red car and Damon's Camaro were driving down the road.


Stefan's Car

Stefan was in the driver's seat.

Alex was in the passenger seat.

Liv and Cristian were in the backseat.

"I'm guessing you're here in this car with me not just because there's not enough room for all of us in Damon's car," Stefan told them. "I mean, Cris, I know that none of you trust me right now and that's why you're in this car with me. To keep an eye on me. And Liv wants to help. But, you, Alex, you could be in his with him, Nathan and Nicola, and Elena could be in this one with us." Alex didn't answer, biting her lip. "She hates me, huh?"

"No, Stefan, of course not," Liv answered. "It's just... weird for her right now. It's weird for all of us."

Stefan sighed. "Yeah. That's the thing about compulsion, especially Ingrid's. And mind control, especially Rosalita's. It sucks." Alex had to hide a smile at the way he said it. Stefan looked at Alex. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything," Alex told him.

"You didn't have to," Stefan told her.

Cristian looked at him. "All you have to do is say the word. Say that you actually need help, and that you want it, and the compulsion's broken."

"It's not gonna change much," Stefan told them. They gave him a curious look. "Even if I admit that I need help, I'm still high on blood. I still killed people. I tried to kill you, and Nikki, and Damon, and Nathan... I gave up on Kaylin..."

"And helped me all summer long," Alex told him. "Let me help you."

"I don't want--" Stefan cut himself off from saying he didn't want her help with a sigh.

Liv sighed, looking out of the windshield. "Fine. Back to my game. Tell me if you see a Florida plate."

"Why are you looking for a Florida plate?" Stefan asked.

"Because Luke and Ryan are living in Florida right now," Liv answered. "And that's where Lindsey went to visit them."


Damon's Camaro

Damon was driving.

Nicola was in the passenger seat.

Elena and Nathan were in the backseat.

Elena was holding her necklace.

Nathan sighed, looking at the necklace. "I sure wish Stefan somehow miraculously turns himself around to happy-go-lucky, 'cause it would suck if the last momento of Good Stefan was that crappy old necklace."

"It's an antique, Nathan," Elena told him.

Nicola smirked. "Like you, Dad."

"Hmm," Nathan hummed sarcastically, pulling out an old journal. "Read this. Paints a pretty little picture of Kaylin's first experience in Chicago."

"I didn't know Kaylin kept diaries," Elena told them.

"She normally doesn't," Damon answered. "Kaylin only wrote that one because she was trying to figure out what she was blacking out during that time, when she first met Justin. They both blacked out most of the decade, so Lexi came up with the idea of that when she was sent to Kaylin by Stefan and Nathan to bring her back from the edge. Kaylin wrote that journal to try and find out if she could remember anything. Didn't work. She still doesn't remember much from that decade, besides meeting and being friends with Justin."

"Well, it's still Kaylin's journal," Elena told them. "And she only wrote it to see if she could get personal memories back. I'm not going to invade her private thoughts."

"You need to be prepared for what you're both about to see," Nathan told them.

"Kaylin can't be that bad," Elena told them. Damon and Nathan scoffed, knowing how bad Kaylin could really be. "We can handle it."

"If you won't, I will," Nicola told her, taking the journal, opening it. "Here's one. March 12, 1928."

"Wait," Damon told her. "Give us your best Kaylin impression."

Nicola scoffed, shaking her head, but humoring him, she did her best Kaylin impression. "'I've blacked out days. I wake up in strangers' blood, in places I don't recognize with men I don't remember'."

Damon looked from Nicola to Elena and Nathan, mocking a gasp. "I'm shocked! Kaylin's not a virgin?"

Nathan shrugged. "I mean, Kaylin has spent most of her time so worried about her family and worried about turning into a monster again that she hasn't even had much of a love life, and when she did, she pushed it away." He looked at Nicola, nodding. "That was good, that was good. Wanna do another?"

Elena took the journal from Nicola, looking at Damon. "Eyes on the road, grandpa."

Nicola sat back, holding her head as if it started to hurt, relaxing, closing her eyes.

Nathan noticed, frowning in confusion, concerned. "Nikki? You okay?"

Nicola nodded. "Fine. It's just a headache. Don't worry about me, Nathan. Me? I'm just worrying about saving Kaylin."

Elena started to read Kaylin's journal.

(End of Song)


Flashback 2 - 1920s

Night - Gloria's Bar

(Song) My Sweet O Hunk of Trash - Gloria's Band 

Justin and Kaylin were drinking at the bar, drunk and laughing.

Ingrid and a blonde woman walked up to them.

"Well, aren't you having fun with your new friend, Justin?" the woman asked.

"Hey, girls," Justin told them, smiling. "Kaylin Salvatore, I'd like you to meet Ingrid and Rebekah Mikaelson."

"Two of the Originals," Kaylin realized. "You were telling me about them."

"Yeah," Justin agreed. "Rebekah is the lover I told you about."

Rebekah touched his face. "And have been for a century."

Kaylin smirked. "A love story that's lasted a century? Congratulations."

"What about you, Kaylin?" Rebekah asked. "Queen of torture? Yes, I've heard of you, as well."

"You haven't had much love in your life, have you?" Ingrid asked.

"Doesn't seem like you're one to talk," Kaylin replied.

Rebekah smirked. "If you think Ingrid is bad at pushing love away, you should see our other sister Kassandra."

"Rebekah's the one from our family that is always falling in love, and falling hard," Ingrid explained.

"While Ingrid and Kassandra push it away every chance they get," Rebekah agreed.

"And where is this Kassandra?" Kaylin asked.

"Dead," Justin answered. "Sort of. Haven't had the chance to meet her personally, but Rebekah here promises me one day I will."

Rebekah smiled, stroking his cheek. "And you will, Justin. And I think you should meet the rest of our family, Kaylin. I believe our brother will like you very much."

Kaylin looked at them curiously, tilting her head.

(End of Song)



Day - Gloria's Bar

Ingrid, Klaus and Kaylin walked into Gloria's bar.

"Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Ingrid asked.

Kaylin smiled a small smile, looking around. "I can't believe this place is still here."

A woman with her hair white and cut short looked at them. "You got to be kidding me."

Ingrid smiled. "So, two hybrids and a vampire walk into a bar, say to the bartender..."

"Stop," the woman told her. "You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny." She looked at Kaylin. "I remember you."

"Yeah," Kaylin told her. "You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be old and dead?"

"Now, if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?" Gloria asked.

"Gloria's a very powerful witch," Klaus told her.

"I can slow the aging down some," Gloria told them. "Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day."

"Kaylin, why don't you go fix us up a little something from behind the bar?" Klaus asked. Kaylin crossed her arms over her chest, waiting. Gloria smirked, shaking her head. Ingrid smiled, looking down, having expected that response. Klaus looked at Kaylin in amusement, making his voice a little nicer. "Please."

Kaylin nodded, going to the bar.

Gloria chuckled, whispering to Ingrid. "They haven't changed a bit, have they?"

"Oh, they've changed quite a lot," Ingrid answered just as quietly. "She doesn't remember. Yet."

Gloria nodded in understanding.

Klaus walked closer, looking at Gloria, letting his smile fade. "You look ravishing, by the way."

"Don't," Gloria told them. "I know why you're here. Two hybrids out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels."

"So what are we doing wrong?" Ingrid asked. "We broke the curse. With the help of Rosalita, no less. She helped us obtain two of the Ringers for the ritual, the Doppelganger, the Wraith, the werewolf..."

Kaylin turned to face them. "Hang on. Two of the Ringers? As in more than one? I thought Gabriella was the Ringer."

"Gabriella was one of them," Ingrid answered. "You and your friends didn't know that there were two more, did you, Kaylin? I'm guessing Elijah didn't tell you or Nicola because he was trying to keep Liv and Ashley safe and alive. For all the good that did for them."

Kaylin raised her eyebrows in shock. "Liv? Ashley? You're telling me that they're Ringers, too?"

"Yes," Klaus answered. "Why do you think that Rosalita wanted both of them to be involved in the ritual so badly, along with their sisters? Turning Liv into a vampire, a vampire Ringer, was going to help with the ritual, but it didn't need to be Liv to be killed, which is why Ingrid went ahead with killing Jenna, in case we needed Liv alive for later because of her being a Ringer, as well as Gabriella and Ashley. Ringers only come around every 1000 years, so the only doubles Liv, Ashley and Gabriella could have had were from a thousand years ago, which we knew their doubles as well and Alex and Elena's, and then 2000 years before that, from when Rosalita was mortal."

Kaylin processed all of this in shock, turning to the bar to get their drinks.

"You said that Rosalita helped you with all of this," Gloria told them.

"Yeah," Ingrid answered. "Rosalita had had Gabriella held captive for a year, and she helped us get to Liv and turn her into a vampire, so both of them, Alex and Elena were at the sacrifice, but Ashley wasn't."

"Well, either Rosalita screwed you two over again..." Gloria trailed off.

Ingrid rolled her eyes. "Wouldn't put it past the bitch."

Gloria smirked, finishing what she had been saying. "Or Liv and Ashley should have been killed in that ritual along with Alex, Elena and Gabriella. Look, every spell has a loophole or an explanation for whatever you did wrong, but a curse that old... we'd have to contact the witch who created it."

"Well, that would be the Original Witch," Ingrid answered. "She's very dead."

"I know," Gloria told them. "And for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me Rebekah and Kassandra."

"Rebekah," Klaus repeated. "Kassandra. Hmm."

Ingrid tilted her head at Klaus, giving him a look. "Rebekah's been a bit preoccupied since the 20s. Kassandra's been preoccupied since the 1400s."

"They have what I need," Gloria told them. "Bring them to me."

Kaylin found a picture on the wall, shocked and surprised, taking the picture off. "What the hell is this?"

Gloria looked from Kaylin to Klaus and Ingrid knowingly.

Klaus and Ingrid had known that she would have found that picture when Klaus had sent her back there, smirking.

Ingrid looked at Klaus, nodding to Kaylin.

Klaus stood, approaching her. "Well, I told you, Kaylin. Chicago's a magical place."

"But this is me," Kaylin told him. "With you."

The picture was from the '20s of Klaus and Kaylin. Klaus had his arm around her waist, holding her close. Kaylin had her hand on his chest. They were both smiling.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Forbes House - Living Room

Eliza walked in.

Liz was leaving a message on her phone. "Caroline, it's Mom. Just coming up for air after a few all-nighters at the station. I thought we'd have lunch and you and Eliza could remind me I promised not to work so hard."

"Mom, she hasn't answered any of my calls, either," Eliza told her. "I thought she was with Tyler, but I called him and he said that she wasn't, so..."

Eliza didn't get to finish before there was a knock on the door.

Liz and Eliza both looked through the glass door to see Tyler himself.



Kacie was standing outside, sighing.

Jack and Charlotte walked up to her.

"Kacie, hey," Charlotte told her.

"Hey, Charlie," Kacie told her. "Jack."

"Tyler got inside?" Jack asked. "He's talking to Sheriff Forbes and Eliza now?"

"Yeah," Kacie answered. "We're gonna find Caroline sooner than we thought."

Charlotte sighed. "Good. So who has her?"

"My Mom said that Bill Forbes has her," Kacie answered. They looked at her in surprise. Kacie nodded. "Caroline and Eliza's Dad."

"Kacie, don't worry," Jack told her. "We're gonna help Eliza in anyway we can to find and save Caroline."

Kacie nodded. "Oh, I know. But, Jack, we don't need vampire strength to do so. I mean, Bill's human. I'm pretty sure Eliza can talk him down."

"And if Eliza can't get through to their father?" Charlotte asked.

"Then we knock him out and take Caroline anyway," Kacie answered.

Charlotte smirked, nodding. "All right. Nice scheming, Lockwood. Not used to being on this side of the schemes, are you?"

"No, I am not," Kacie answered. "What about Cristian and Liv? You said you were there with them this morning and last night. Did you tell them what's going on with Eliza, Caroline and Bill Forbes?"

"Not yet," Jack answered. "Stefan, Damon, Nathan, Nicola, Alex, Elena and Liv are heading out to Chicago to go get Kaylin, or at least try to. Ashley and Gabriella went to talk to Alaric. With Lindsey Davis gone and visiting your friends Luke and Ryan Thompson, Bonnie with her father's side of her family, it just leaves us to help Eliza and Tyler save Caroline."

"Where's Justin?" Kacie asked.

"I'm pretty sure he's gonna try and find a way to help Kaylin, too, even if it's not today, but soon," Charlotte answered. "Justin can be just as close to Kaylin as Cristian can be."

Kacie nodded. "All right. They'll handle Kaylin. We'll handle Caroline and Eliza's father."


Forbes Cellar

Caroline was still chained to her chair.

The window slats opened again to let in the sun.

Caroline again burned in the sun. She was crying, screaming in pain. "No! Please! Stop! Please stop! Please!" Bill released the chain, closing the slats. The cellar went dim. "I don't hurt anyone, I swear. Dad, I swear. I can handle the urges. I can!"

"If you could handle it, this wouldn't happen," Bill told her, holding a blood bag toward her.

Caroline tried to fight the urge, though she involuntarily transformed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"I'm conditioning you to associate vampirism with pain," Bill told her. "In time, the thought of human blood will make you repress your vampire instincts completely."

"That's impossible," Caroline told him. "Daddy, you can't change who I am."

Bill nodded. "Yes, I can."

Caroline shook her head. "No."

Bill walked toward the chain. "You remember this feeling."

Caroline struggled desperately to try and make him stop, crying. "No! No! No! No, no!"

Bill pulled on the chain again to open the slats and let the sunlight bathe onto Caroline.

Caroline started to burn once again, screaming in agony.


Alaric's Loft

Ashley and Gabriella had come knocking on the door.

Alaric answered the door. "Hi. You're, uh, not who I expected."

"We just came to talk," Ashley explained.

"Stefan, Damon, Nicola and Nathan are trying to get Kaylin," Gabriella explained. "Alex, Elena and Liv went with them."

"So why aren't you with them?" Alaric asked.

"Pretty sure not all of us needed to go," Ashley answered.

"Plus, Alex, Elena and Liv wanted to protect me and Ashley," Gabriella added.

"And you're here now why?" Alaric asked. "To talk me into getting back into the fight? Did you miss the part where I checked out of all this?"

"Come on, Ric," Ashley told him. "We just wanted to talk. We just wanted to make sure that you're doing okay."

"Why?" Alaric asked.

"Because we're not the kind of people who check out," Gabriella answered. "Look, Ric... I'm not very well after being so long with Rosalita, tortured and mind controlled and locked up. And turning into a vampire at the sacrifice after having to watch Jenna die, and Alex and Elena, and watch Liv break down completely that night, and now everyone expects me to be able to take care of them, Ashley and Jeremy, but I don't know if I can. I don't know everything that Rosa did to me, but I know it's all bad, and I don't know if I'm ever gonna lash out, and if I do, I want to make sure that there's someone there who can stop me from hurting anyone."

Alaric considered all of that for a moment, sighing. "I know I said that you could handle things on your own now, but that was before I knew all of that, Gabriella. What I meant by that was like frozen dinners and helping Elena, Alex, Liv, Jeremy and Ashley with SATs. I didn't know you were that bad off from what Rosalita did to you."

"Well, all things considering, Gabby's doing pretty good, but after everything Rosalita did to her, and to Liv the night of the sacrifice, I'm surprised they're both doing so well, and they have every right to be a lot worse off than they are," Ashley pointed out. "But they're strong. Though Rosalita might be stronger."

"There's no 'might be' in this scenario, Ashley," Gabriella told her. "Rosalita said that she wanted to start a war, and that she wanted to cause a chain reaction that would lead us to doing something that released her family? I'm not sure. I don't remember all that very well, because she didn't want me to remember it well. And as we've all seen, what Rosa wants, Rosa gets, no matter how long it takes for her to get it."

"I know you're scared, Gabby," Ashley told her. "So are we. We all know that Rosalita is gonna come back. I mean, she said that herself at the sacrifice. But you don't have to worry about her anymore, because you're here with us."

"Of course I have to worry about her, Ash," Gabriella told her. "She's in my head, all the time. She is in everyone's heads all the time. I can't imagine anyone worse than Rosalita." She looked at Alaric. "All I need is a little help making sure that I don't hurt anyone at home. I couldn't live with myself if I hurt Liv, pun not intended, or Jeremy, Alex, Elena, Ashley."

Alaric sighed. "Gabriella..."

Gabriella took out the Gilbert Ring, holding it toward him. "And I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you, either, Ric."

"That's John Gilbert's ring," Alaric told them.

"It was yours once," Ashley reminded him. "Go ahead, take it. It'll protect you from whatever supernatural danger you could face when you're living in this town."

"He gave it to Elena," Alaric told them.

"Yeah, but Elena's a Doppelganger, so the ring's not gonna work on her," Gabriella pointed out. "John left it for if she ever has kids. Or for Ashley, since Jeremy already has a ring, or if Ashley and Jeremy ever have kids."

"Yeah, well, then why don't you save it for future generations of stubborn, relentless baby Gilberts?" Alaric asked. "Or why don't you use it, Ashley?"

"Because I'm not a vampire hunter who faces threats down with a crossbow like you do," Ashley answered. "And Isobel once gave this to you, and it's helped you so much. You need it more than I do, Ric. Jack, and Nathan, and Alex, Gabby and Liv are always with me, one of them at least, or all of them, and they would never let anything happen to me. And you, you're normally on your own, so we would feel a lot better knowing that even if you're out there on your own, you'll be safe and protected."

"And you don't have to check out of taking care of people," Gabriella told him.

Alaric sighed. "I know what you're doing. Don't. There doesn't need to be a lesson here."

"You're better at it than you think, you know?" Ashley asked.

"Oh, boy, are you and your siblings suckers for a lost cause or what?" Alaric asked.

"You're not a lost cause, Ric," Gabriella told him. "You're just lost. But so are Alex, Elena, Liv, Jer, Ash, and so am I. Our family is gone. We don't have anybody else. I'm sorry, but you don't have anybody, either, so... we're kind of good for each other."

Alaric considered everything they had said, looking at the ring, slowly taking it. "I'm keeping the ring, then."

Ashley and Gabriella smiled.


Chicago, Illinois

Apartment Building - Hallway

Stefan, Damon, Nathan, Cristian, Alex, Elena and Liv were walking up the stairs of the old apartment building that was still in decent shape.

"Even back then, Kaylin sure did have a taste," Liv told them absentmindedly.

"There used to be an all-boys high school around the corner, but it shut down for attendance issues," Stefan told them. "Weird."

"If you're trying to scare us into giving up and going back, it's not going to work," Elena told them.

"Shh," Stefan told her.

Damon, Nathan and Stefan looked toward the stairs.

Nicola walked up the stairs, toward them. "How long was I out?"

"A good few hours," Damon answered.

"And you didn't wake me up because..." Nicola trailed off.

"'Cause we know you haven't been sleeping the last few... months," Nathan answered. "And you've had these insane headaches at least once a day."

"I've been sleeping fine," Nicola told them. "And my head's fine."

"Liar," Nathan told her. Cristian broke the lock to the door. "Any few hours of sleep you can get is precious, Sleepless Nikki."

Nicola rolled her eyes.


Kaylin's Apartment

Stefan led the others inside. "Here we are. Kaylin's second personality home."

"Still looks better than most places," Elena told them.

"And she obviously hasn't been here," Alex added.

"Tour is not over yet," Stefan told them, walking toward a built in counter-like door, opening it to reveal lot of alcohol inside.

"Kaylin hid her alcohol," Liv told them in mock. "What a monster."

"Look harder," Stefan told them.

The girls looked at him in confusion.



Nicola, Elena, Liv and Alex looked at a wall written on from the ceiling to the floor, in many different columns.

"It's a list of names," Liv told them in confusion.

"Mm-hmm," Stefan hummed.

Alex realized. "These are all of her victims?"

"Still handling it?" Damon asked.

The girls walked out.


Living Room

Cristian, Nathan, Stefan and Damon faced Nicola, Elena, Liv and Alex.

Nicola looked at Nathan, Stefan and Damon sarcastically. "What were you doing in the 1920s? Paving the way for women's liberation?"

"Stefan was coming back from the Ripper days," Nathan answered. "Lexi and I had found him and put him back to his old good shape."

"I was around," Damon answered. "Chicago's a big city. Kaylin was a bitch that fed, maimed and tormented as she pleased. She knew I was in the city, but she could avoid me, and I could still indulge in a few Daisy Buchanans of my own."

Elena looked disgusted.

Cristian, Nathan, Damon and Stefan walked for the door.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked.

"Kaylin and Justin's old stomping ground," Cristian answered.

Nicola walked toward them. "I'm coming with you."

"Okay," Cristian told her. He looked at Elena, Liv and Alex. "You three stay here and whip up an actual plan. We'll come back when we find her."

Cristian, Nathan, Stefan, Damon and Nicola walked out, leaving.



Ingrid, Klaus and Kaylin walked in.

"This doesn't make any sense," Kaylin told them. "Why don't I remember you?"

"You said it yourself, that time had a lot of dark holes," Klaus told her.

"No, if you knew me, then why haven't you said anything?" Kaylin asked.

"We're a little busy right now," Ingrid told her. "Memory Lane will have to wait."

"What the hell is going on?" Kaylin asked. She grabbed Klaus by the arm, making him face her. "Answer me, because I am freaking out."

"Deal with your girlfriend, brother," Ingrid told him. "I'm going to wake up Rebekah and Kassandra."

Kaylin gave Ingrid an annoyed look. "I am not his girlfriend."

Klaus chuckled.

Ingrid smirked. "You were. You just don't believe us yet."

Ingrid walked away.

Klaus looked at Kaylin. "It wasn't only you we knew. We knew Justin as well. Justin had been a family friend of us, and a lover to our sister Rebekah for a long time, Kaylin. You remember meeting Justin because you two met on your own. He introduced you to me, Ingrid, Rebekah... and we both ran into an old friend, more of an enemy to us all back then. Rosalita."

Kaylin frowned.


Flashback 3 - 1920s

Gloria's Bar

Justin was drinking blood from a woman. Rebekah drank with him on the other side of her neck.

Rebekah and Justin kissed.

Justin saw her necklace, revealing that it was Elena's necklace. "I've never asked you where you got this. It's beautiful."

"It goes with this," Rebekah told him, looking down at the matching bracelet. Alex's bracelet. "The bracelet was Kassandra's before our brother killed her. A witch gave them to us. Supposedly they're magical."

"And are they?" Justin asked.

"They brought me love, didn't they?" Rebekah replied.

Justin and Rebekah smiled, kissing passionately.

Klaus and Ingrid arrived.

"Justin, Rebekah, it's late," Klaus told them. "If you don't get to the point of why we're here, we're leaving."

"All right, I brought Nik," Ingrid told them. "Just like you asked."

Justin and Rebekah stood.

Justin fixed his jacket, smirking. "Hi."

"Where is this girl you've all been telling me so much about?" Klaus asked. "This... queen of torture?"

From the bar with a glass in her hand, Kaylin noticed them, watching curiously.

Justin looked across the bar toward Kaylin, gesturing for her to come. "It's okay. Come on over, Kaylin."

Kaylin approached them. "Is this the guy?"

"Yes," Rebekah answered. "Kaylin, meet our brother."

Klaus took in her appearance, looking impressed, curious and taken with her already. "So, this is the famous Kaylin Salvatore I've been hearing so much about." He looked at Ingrid. "You're right, she does look like a real queen, just as her name allures to."

"And you must be the Klaus Mikaelson that Ingrid, Rebekah and Justin were telling me about," Kaylin told him. "I've heard of you, too. You certainly like to think of yourself as a king, don't you?"

Ingrid smirked. "Oh, you have no idea. Which makes you two a perfect fit from the start."

Rebekah smiled, nodding in agreement. "I figured they would be. That's why Justin and I wanted to introduce them."

Klaus gave Justin, Rebekah and Ingrid a look, who all smiled in return.

Kaylin chuckled in amusement. "I'm sorry, were you just leaving?"

"Well, I wanted to because I was bored," Klaus answered.

Kaylin smiled, tilting her head. "I'm always bored. So I find every form of entertainment known to man and try it at least once until I'm not bored anymore. I loathe boredom, and something tells me that you do, too. Why don't I show you a few tricks to not be bored anymore?"

Klaus was clearly considering, impressed by her personality and attitude so far.

Justin, Rebekah and Ingrid smirked knowingly.



Day - Warehouse

Klaus and Kaylin stood together, walking toward Ingrid.

"So, I knew your sister Rebekah?" Kaylin asked. "Justin and I knew another Original vampire? Justin was with her? Justin and I don't remember any of you, and we sure as hell don't remember seeing Rosalita in the 20s."

"That's because whenever you and Justin saw Rosalita in the 20s, you were with me, Grid and Rebekah," Klaus explained. "When I compelled you to forget, and when Ingrid compelled Justin to forget your memories of us, it took out those of Rosalita since you were with us."

Ingrid opened two coffins, revealing their sisters. "This is Rebekah, and that is Kassandra. Rebekah is the one that you knew. The one that Justin was with. Neither of you have met Kassandra."

Kaylin walked closer. "I don't remember her."

"Well, don't tell her that," Klaus told her. "You, Ingrid and Rebekah were the best of friends. Maybe just as close as you are with Cristian and Justin."

"But be warned before I pull out these daggers," Ingrid told her. "Kassandra's temper is worse than both of ours."

Kaylin nodded sarcastically. "Oh, good, Ingrid. So Rebekah is like a mini you, and Kassandra is like a mini, more angry version of Klaus?"

Klaus smiled.

Ingrid laughed lightly. "Yes, I guess so." She took the dagger out of Rebekah's chests. "Time to wake up, little sisters." She took the dagger out of Kassandra's chest. "Especially you, Sandra. 500 years is far too long for you to be asleep. Time for you to awake at last."


Rebekah and Kassandra still weren't awake.

Ingrid, Klaus and Kaylin were waiting.

Rebekah was regaining skin color, but Kassandra was still desiccated.

Klaus paced impatiently. "Rebekah's close to waking, but Kassandra still doesn't have color. Any day now, Sandra." He looked at Kaylin. "She's dramatic. A lot like you in that department."

"Or it's taking so long for Kassandra to wake up, because you left her daggered for 500 years," Ingrid replied. "Of course it's going to take a little longer for her to wake up, or even return to color."

Kaylin looked between them, sighing. "Look, why don't you two just tell me what the hell is going on? I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason, right?"

"Well, you have many useful talents," Klaus told her.

"Do I?" Kaylin asked.

Klaus pointed at her. "In fact, I learned some of my favorite tricks from you. Justin was supposed to be teaching you our tricks, but you ended up teaching us a few of your own. Ones that I liked far better than most I had already known."

Ingrid smirked, tilting her head at Kaylin. "You won him over at first sight, Kaylin, but how similar you two were in your darkest time, but being able to feel all the same? That's what sealed the deal. You, me and Rebekah, we bonded over our murderous, dysfunctional families, and we taught each other how to deal with it."


Flashback 4 - 1920s

Night - Gloria's Bar

Rebekah, Justin, Ingrid, Klaus and Kaylin were sitting together at a table.

"So, Kaylin, enlighten me," Ingrid told her. "What makes you worthy of the love or the friendship of two Originals like my brother and sister? We're pure vampires and you're no more than a diluted bloodline, as is Justin."

Rosalita appeared next to the table, smiling, sitting on the other side of Rebekah, leaving a free seat next to her. "Don't listen to Grid, Kaylin. Ingrid's an elitist. But I think Nik's got a little thing for you."

"And how would you know that, Rosalita?" Klaus asked.

"I can read all your private thoughts," Rosalita told him teasingly, laughing.

Kaylin smiled slyly.

Klaus smirked.

Kaylin looked at Rosalita. "I remember you. You were friends with a vampire named Sage in 1912. You told me, Stefan, Damon and Nathan to delve into our darker, monstrous halves. You turned us into monsters."

"Yes, I did, didn't I?" Rosalita asked. "Don't worry, Kaylin, I do this sort of thing to everyone I've ever met."

"She really does," Justin agreed. "Rosalita did it to all of us."

"Then why are you still friends with her?" Kaylin asked. "If Rosalita did all these things to you, to my family, and yours, why would you want to be friends with her?"

"Because they don't have a choice," Rosalita answered, using mind control on them. "I believe that the best way to show your love to your family or dearly beloved ones, is to be cruel to them when they're cruel to you. And so do all of you."

"Rosalita's an old friend of the family," Rebekah explained. "A Doppelganger turned into a vampire."

"I prefer the title 'immortal'," Rosalita told them. "I am not a vampire, and I was not a Doppelganger to begin with. I am the originator of my Doppelganger line."

"Our little brother Henrik used to have a love that looked just like Rosalita," Ingrid explained. "That's how we knew her face before we knew who she was. We met Rosalita a thousand years ago."

Kaylin nodded in understanding. "Hmm. And where's the rest of your family?"

"Well, let's see," Klaus told her. "Um, I killed most of them."

"But not all," Rebekah told them.

Kaylin gave Rebekah and Ingrid a curious look. "And you're okay with that?"

"Well, we all had the chance to choose a side," Rebekah told them. "I chose the right one, eventually."

Rebekah touched Klaus and Ingrid's hands with a small smile.

A man stopped next to the table. "Where the hell's my wife?"

"I don't know," Rosalita told him. "I give up."

"You think you're so tough?" the man asked. "Hiding in your bar, drinking your liquor? A telephone call to Chicago P.D. might set you straight."

"Ooh," Rosalita mocked.

Rebekah, Justin, Ingrid and Klaus laughed.

Kaylin called to a woman. "Lila? Lila, please. Come here for a second."

Lila walked closer.

Her husband looked at her. "Oh, thank God. Come on, we're leaving."

Kaylin stopped him, compelling him. "Oh, no, no, no, no. No. You're sitting."

The man sat down next to Rosalita.

Lila sat next to Kaylin.

Kaylin took off Lila's glove and took out a knife.

"Kaylin, don't be mean," Rebekah told her.

"Just let her do her thing," Justin told her, smiling a small smile. "I didn't teach you this trick, Kaylin. What are you doing?"

Kaylin smirked. "You'll see. Watch and learn why they called me the queen of torture before I even met any of you."

The others were very impressed so far, curious as to where she was going with this.

"What the hell are you doing?" the man asked.

Klaus seemed intrigued.

Kaylin cut a 'K' into Lila's wrist and poured the blood in a glass.

"Kaylin," Rosalita told her.

Kaylin looked up.

Rosalita just looked at her, not having to say a word, using mind control.

Kaylin took Lila's other wrist, cutting an 'S' into it, pouring the blood into another glass. "Thank you so much, Lila. Why don't you go and bandage that up?" Lila stood, walking away, leaving. Kaylin compelled the man. "I'd like you to join me and Rosa there next to you for a drink."

Kaylin slid one glass over to Rosalita.

Rosalita easily took it.

Kaylin gave the man the glass with the blood of his wife.

"What kind of sick freaks are you?" the man asked.

"I said, drink," Kaylin told him. The man took a sip of his wife's blood. Kaylin leaned forward. "I didn't catch your name."

"Go to hell," the man told her.

Klaus laughed.

"Do you want another sip?" Kaylin asked.

"Liam," the man answered. "Liam Grant."

"Liam Grant," Kaylin repeated, sitting back, smiling. "Have another sip, Liam." Liam looked at Rosalita. Rosalita smiled, raising her glass, taking a drink. Liam took another sip. Kaylin pointed at him. "Finish it."

Liam finished the drink that was his wife's blood.

Klaus laughed.



Day - Warehouse

Klaus and Ingrid led Kaylin past the family coffins.

"Niklaus was your number one fan," Ingrid explained.

Klaus rolled his eyes, a little embarrassed by the fact Ingrid told her that.

Ingrid smiled.

"Why should I believe any of this?" Kaylin asked.

Klaus turned to Ingrid. "You stay here with Kassandra and Rebekah until they wake up. Give them something to feed on to wake them up some. Try to talk Sandra down some before I see her and she tries to attack me, which you know she will."

"Well, obviously, after how long you left her daggered," Ingrid agreed.

"Kassandra listens to you," Klaus told her. "In fact, you're the only one she will ever listen to." Ingrid smirked smugly. "Just get through to her, try to keep her mostly calm, at least. Kaylin and I will be back later."

"Back?" Kaylin repeated. Klaus walked toward the door. Kaylin looked at Ingrid. Ingrid nodded for her to follow him. Kaylin sighed in frustrated confusion, following Klaus. "Where are we going?"

"You think I'm lying, Kaylin," Klaus told her. "You and I knew each other, and so much more than 'knew each other'. You trusted me with your secrets, and now I'm going to prove it to you."

"How?" Kaylin asked.

Klaus smiled. "We're going to your old apartment."

Klaus walked out, leaving.

Kaylin paused for a moment, following him.


Gloria's Bar

(Song) We Come Out at Night - Snake! Snake! Snakes!

Stefan, Damon, Nicola, Nathan and Cristian walked through the crowd.

Gloria walked toward them, looking at Stefan, Damon and Nathan. "Well, look at what the wind blew in."

"Gloria," Nathan told her.

"Damn!" Damon told her. "If I knew you were going to age like this, I would have stuck around."

"I always did like you better," Gloria told them. "But I see your sister is still running with the wrong crowd."

"You've seen her?" Nicola asked.

"With Klaus and Ingrid," Gloria answered, looking at Nicola. "Bad combo. They're even worse when they're with Rosalita, Rebekah and Justin."

"Wait, you mean Justin Benson?" Cristian asked. "I didn't think that Kaylin and Justin knew them."

"Well, that's because they don't remember that they knew them," Gloria explained. "Klaus compelled Kaylin to forget. Ingrid compelled Justin to forget. Why don't you catch up with Kaylin later and she will probably explain when she has her answers herself?" She looked at Nicola. "And who might you be?"

"Nikki's family," Stefan answered. "Great-great-great..."

Stefan looked at Nicola as if he was trying to remember how many greats.

"Great niece," Nicola finished. "Kaylin and Stefan are like my big brother and sister, and Damon is like a really annoying enemy/family member, and Nathan acts like he's my father, though Stefan, Damon and Nathan all try to control me like they're my Dads, and they do the same with Kaylin." Stefan, Damon and Nathan gave Nicola a look. Cristian smirked. Gloria looked at them in amusement. Nicola looked at Gloria. "My name's Nicola Salvatore." She gestured to Cristian. "And this is..."

"Cristian Hunter," Cristian finished. "One of Kaylin's old friends that wants to get her away from Klaus and Ingrid."

"Good luck with that," Gloria told them. 

"Well, we'll have better luck if tell us where they went," Cristian told her.

"They'll be back here later tonight," Gloria told them. "They're out running a little errand for me."

"Gloria..." Damon trailed off, touching her hand. "Don't be a tease. What kind of errand?"

Gloria took her hand away. "I don't think so. You may be cute, but you're still a vampire."

Nicola smirked in amusement. "Aren't you a ray of sunshine?"

(End of Song)


Kaylin's Apartment

Liv was sitting on the bed, reading Kaylin's journal.

Kaylin: (voice over) "April, 1932. Stefan and Nathan knew that I didn't want to see them, so they sent Lexi to find me last night. She dragged me off the train tracks. Thinks she can make me care again, like she did with Stefan countless times. My only condition was that she had to help me remember why I blacked out so many times during the 20's."

Alex and Elena walked into the room.

"Seriously, Liv?" Elena asked. "That's private."

"You and Nicola read it on the way here," Liv pointed out, turning the pages to skip the boring parts. "It's my turn now. 'May, 1932. Lexi's driving me crazy. More animal blood, more misery. I've been on Stefan's diet for three days. No more'."

"Liv..." Alex trailed off.

"Shh," Liv told them, turning the pages again. "'June 1932. Lexi's completely helped me back on the wagon. I can still see Justin now and then. Justin's not the killer he used to be, either, but both of us are still trying to remember what happened that we don't remember. And Lexi's still helping me with trying to get my memories, by forcing me to write in this stupid journal, but she says that it's obvious that it's not working. She says I'm obsessed and that I need to let it go. So she's onto her next project. Getting me to learn to let go of the past, let go of the fact that I can't remember most of this decade, and let go of the past where Stefan, Damon and Nathan are concerned. So I can reunite with my family. And deep down, I want to. I just can't turn back into that monster again. But I want to see my brothers now more than ever. So instead of being around them in plain sight and risk letting them turn me into a mosnter all over again, I will see them from hiding, watching over them like a guardian angel'."

Alex smiled. "Aw."

Liv flipped to the next page. "'I saw Nathan and Stefan for the first time in so long, face to face. The bracelet and the necklace I found in Gloria's bar in the 20s? I gave them to them so that if they wanted to give them to girls of their choosing, they can. It was a peace offering between the three of us so we can finally move on and be a family again. I miss my brothers." Elena, Alex and Liv smiled at this. "'This journal thing is getting old and beyond stupid. Screw this. This is my last entry'. Sounds like Kaylin."

Alex chuckled in agreement. "Yeah."

Liv stopped when she heard footsteps out in the hall.

She heard Klaus's voice. "What a charming little homestead. Must have cost a fortune."

Liv tensed reflexively, sitting up.

Alex looked at her in confusion, realizing that she must have been listening to something that she hadn't been, focusing her hearing.

They both heard Kaylin's voice. "Actually, it didn't cost anything. Compulsion. But it looked a thousand times better in the '20s. Why would you bring me back here, Klaus?"

Liv and Alex exchanged a concerned look.


Building Hallway

Klaus and Kaylin walked toward the door.

Klaus saw the broken lock on the door, kicking in the door. "Do you feel that? Is anybody here?"



Alex, Elena and Liv were in the closet.

Liv was next to the list of names.

Alex was on the other side of the door.

Elena was on the other side of the closet, more hidden than her vampire sisters were. Her breathing was slightly heavy.

Liv put a finger to her lips.


Living Room

Kaylin and Klaus walked in.

"It's been vacant for decades," Kaylin told him. "People must break in all the time. Why'd you bring me here?"

"Your friend, Liam Grant, the one who drank his wife's blood..." Klaus trailed off. "I never could figure out why you wanted his name. And then you told me your little ritual."

Kaylin nodded. "To write it down."



Alex, Elena and Liv looked at the list of names on the wall.

They found Liam Grant's name.


Living Room

Kaylin and Klaus were facing each other.

Klaus smiled in what seemed to be pride and/or awe. "And relive the kill... over and over again." He opened the closet door. "You believe me now?"

Kaylin stepped closer slowly, cautiously.



Alex, Elena and Liv were still hidden.

Kaylin slowly walked in, feeling surreal for being back here. She saw the three sisters in hiding, surprised, though she wasn't shocked. She was overwhelmed and a little angry with her family and friends putting themselves in danger for her once again.

Elena gave Kaylin a small smile, looking hopeful.

Alex smiled awkwardly, hopefully.

Liv looked at little hopeful, but she also looked ready to run or fight if she had to.

Kaylin met their gazes calmly, calling back to Klaus. "Look what I found."

Alex was in shock. Elena looked scared. Liv looked angry. They all thought she was turning them over to Klaus.

Kaylin grabbed a bottle.


Living Room

Kaylin walked out of the closet with the bottle, joining Klaus. "1918. Single malt."

Klaus smiled. "My favorite. Let's go and find someone to pair it with."

Klaus walked away.

Kaylin closed the closet door.



Alex, Elena and Liv looked at each other in relief, sighing.


Living Room

Alex and Liv were defensive now, holding vervain and wolfsbane grenades if necessary.

Elena was standing behind a wall nearby.

Stefan, Damon, Nicola, Nathan and Cristian walked in.

Elena walked out of hiding.

Liv looked at Cristian. "Finally! I called you an hour ago."

Damon sighed. "We know where Kaylin's going to be tonight."

Damon sat down.

"We told you that we were practically discovered by Klaus and you're not even gonna ask how it went?" Alex asked skeptically.

"We had an hour of Nikki's snarky commentary pointing out what a bad idea it was to leave you three here alone, process it, and move on," Stefan told them.

Cristian rolled his eyes, looking at Liv, Alex and Elena. "Are you okay?"

Liv, Alex and Elena nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay, good," Nathan told them. "Get ready. We need to leave soon."

"So you guys know where she's going to be?" Elena asked.

"Yes," Nicola answered. "With Klaus. Apparently Ingrid's running an errand for the witch who runs that bar we went to."

"So Damon, Nathan, Cristian and I distract Klaus and all of you deal with Kaylin," Stefan told them. "Luckily, we won't have to worry about Ingrid getting involved while she's doing whatever she's doing."

"Okay," Nicola told them. "Thank you."

Damon stood up. "But you're going to have about five minutes tops before that hybrid freak rips our hearts out. So please, tell me you can do this."

Nicola nodded. "We can do this."

Nathan was very concerned. "Nikki... I don't want you, Alex, Elena and Liv getting hurt over this. Even if it's for Kaylin." He looked at Alex, Liv and Elena. "I mean, we still gotta get you three back home to Gabby, Ashley and Jeremy."

"Like you said, it's for Kaylin, Nate," Nicola told him. "We need to get her back. I know you're worried about us, but all I am worried about is Kaylin. If it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna pay her back for all the times she took care of me, that she saved me. Even if she doesn't want me to."

Stefan, Nathan and Damon looked confused and surprised by what she said, concerned by the way she was saying it, but Nicola looked away. Cristian, Liv, Alex and Elena were also confused and concerned.


Gloria's Bar

(Song) Blood Call - The Elliots

Klaus and Kaylin were sitting at the bar.

Gloria gave them two beers. "Where's Ingrid?"

"Waiting for Kassandra and Rebekah to wake up, calm them down and get them fed," Klaus answered. "We can't just conjure Rebekah and Kassandra on demand." Gloria walked away. Kaylin was overwhelmed with everything she was learning. Klaus looked at Kaylin. "What's with you? I thought Chicago was your playground, queen."

"So this is why you asked me to be with you all summer?" Kaylin asked. "Because you liked the way that I tortured innocent people?"

"Well, that's certainly half of it," Klaus told her.

"What's the other half?" Kaylin asked.

Klaus looked at her. "The other half, Kaylin, is that you used to want to be with me."


Flashback 5 - 1920s

Night - Gloria's Bar

(Song) Ain't Misbehaving - Ella Fitzgerald

Klaus and Kaylin were sitting at the bar, talking happily.

"They're jealous," Kaylin told him. "Your family wants you dead because they can never be what you are."

"What?" Klaus asked. "An abomination?"

"No," Kaylin answered. "A king. You always call me your queen, Klaus. Queen of Chicago. If I'm your queen, you're my king."

Klaus smiled.

Kaylin smiled, giggling.

Klaus looked at her in appreciation, adoring it. "Look at us. Two sad orphans. I would rather talk about other things than my family."

"So what do you want to talk about?" Kaylin asked.

"I want to talk about you," Klaus answered. "Your hopes, your dreams, everything you want in life."

Klaus took out a box, handing it to her.

"What is it?" Kaylin asked.

"Go ahead," Klaus told her. "Open it."

Kaylin looked down at the box, opening it, revealing a multiple colored jewel bracelet. She smiled with shock, looking up at Klaus.

Klaus smiled at her reaction, taking the bracelet from the box, clasping it around her wrist.

Kaylin smiled, looking down. She pressed her lips together, looking up at Klaus. "Just to be clear, I'm too smart to be seduced by you." She bit her lip teasingly, smirking. "I'd rather fall in and out of love as I wish."

"Well, that's why I like you," Klaus told her. Kaylin tilted her head. "I could show you the world, if you want. Take you where you want to be, show you what you want to see. But... I should warn you... Be careful. I'm totally mad."

"I've been hurt before," Kaylin told him. "I can handle the pain. Just like you can, which is why I like you, Nik. I'm glad I met you. I'm glad that Justin, Rebekah and Ingrid introduced us. I might even be falling in love."

Klaus smiled.

Kaylin placed a hand on his cheek, kissing him passionately. Klaus held his hand to the back of her head, caressing it closer to deepen the kiss.

(End of Song)



Night - Gloria's Bar

Kaylin and Klaus sat together at the bar.

Klaus raised his shot of tequila. "To falling in love."

Kaylin didn't answer, overwhelmed.

Klaus watched her reaction carefully, like it was the reason that he hadn't told her all these months.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Forbes Cellar

The cellar was dark.

Caroline had burns marks on her skin. Her head was bowed.

Bill was sitting against a wall. "I want you to know, when Carol Lockwood called and told me about you... I sat down and cried."

Caroline looked up. "Dad, I'm okay. I've learned to adapt. I don't need to be fixed. I can't be fixed."

Bill stood, walking closer. "I've always taught you to try your best. I need you to try your best now." He crouched next to her, putting a blood bag in front of her. Caroline was trying so hard not to transform. "There, see? You're doing it."

Caroline raised her head with tears in her eyes. She could not look at her father. "I can't."

"Yes, you can," Bill told her. "Fight the urge."

"Daddy, I'm starving," Caroline told him.

"I know you are, Care," Bill told her. "Try."

Caroline cried. "Why? You know that this isn't going to work."

"It has to work," Bill told her. "It's the only option."

"Why are you trying to fix me?" Caroline asked.

"So I don't have to kill you!" Bill answered.

Caroline looked at him in shock. The surprise from his words was enough to make her lower her guard. Her instincts for the blood in front of her made her transform. "Daddy, I'm sorry."

Bill looked up. "The sun's gone down. We'll try again tomorrow."

Bill stroked her hair back. He walked out of the room.



Bill closed the locked the door. He heard a gun being cocked, looking up.

Liz was standing at the top of the stairs above him, aiming a gun down at him. "Hello, Bill."

Kacie, Jack and Charlotte stood with her, ready to get involved if they had to.

"Put the gun down, Liz," Bill told her. "Send your friends away. I know what I'm doing."

"That's your daughter in there," Jack told him. "She looks up to you. She loves you."

"Then she'll trust me to do the right thing," Bill told them. "Let me do this, Liz. Not because she's a monster. But because we love her."

"Either stop or we will stop you," Charlotte told him. "Only reason I'm giving you a fair warning ahead of time is because of Eliza and Caroline, being that you're their father."

Kacie sighed. "Charlie, relax. Eliza. Come on. He'll listen to you."

Eliza stepped into view from behind them. "Dad."

Bill looked at Eliza in guilty silence. "Eliza..."

"Daddy, let her go," Eliza told him. "Please."

Bill looked so hurt, but cold as ice at the same time. "I can't, Eliza. You know that."

Eliza walked downstairs to stand in front of Bill. "Dad, it's Caroline. She's still the same Care. You know she is."

Bill shook his head. "She's not the same girl, Eliza."

Eliza never looked away from her father, calling out. "Tyler."

Tyler came out, walking down the stairs behind Eliza, walking closer.

Bill took a step toward him. "You're not going in there."

Eliza stepped in his way, giving him a hard look. "Daddy, you let him go. What are you going to do, Dad? You going to hurt me, too? You going to torture me like you tortured Care?" Bill shook his head painfully, begging for her to understand, trying to place a hand on her shoulder. Eliza took a step back, holding up her hand to stop him from touching her. "Don't." She looked at Tyler. "Go ahead."

Bill tried to stop Tyler. Jack appeared next to Bill, grabbing him, making him stop, pushing him toward Charlotte. Charlotte pushed Bill to where he was sitting down on the stairs.



Caroline was still chained to her chair.

Tyler opened the door, walking in.

Caroline looked up weakly. "Tyler." Eliza and Kacie walked in. "Eliza? Kacie?"

Eliza walked closer worriedly, looking at her with tears in her eyes. "Care."

Tyler walked closer. "It's okay. We're going to get you out of here."

Tyler broke the restraints on Caroline to break her free, picking her up in a cradle.

"My ring," Caroline told them.

Kacie looked around, finding Caroline's daylight ring on the floor, picking it up. "I got it."

Tyler walked out, leaving with Caroline in his arms.

Kacie and Eliza followed him with the daylight ring.


Chicago, Illinois

Gloria's Bar

Kaylin and Klaus were still sitting at the bar.

Kaylin looked at him in confusion. "So, I'm confused. If Justin was with Rebekah, and if Rosalita, Rebekah, Ingrid and I were such great friends, and if you and I had allegedly fallen for each other..." Klaus smirked at the fact that she still didn't believe him. "Then why don't Justin and I remember you or your family, and why don't we remember Rosalita ever being nice to us, since the bitch used us and your family to do her own dirty deeds and made all our lives a living hell?"

Klaus sighed. "As for the part about Rosalita, she was never nice, Kaylin. She was just using her abilities on us to make us seem like we were friends. As for the part about you being friends with Ingrid and Rebekah, about Justin and Rebekah, and you and me? All good things must come to an end."


Flashback 6 - 1920s

Night - Gloria's Bar

(Song) Blue Jade - American Swing Ensemble 

Justin and Rebekah were dancing, smiling and laughing.

Klaus and Kaylin were dancing. Klaus smiled, at peace with the moment he was in, spinning Kaylin to face him, twirling her again. Kaylin smiled happily, laying her head on his shoulder as they continued to dance.

Ingrid was sitting down at a table, watching her siblings have their fun with their loves, smiling, taking a drink.

Rosalita was watching the crowd in boredom, sitting down, having a drink. But suddenly, she seemed to feel something with her psychic powers, looking around, knowing something was about to happen, slowly starting to smile wickedly.

(End of Song)

Policemen entered and shot everywhere in the bar.

Rebekah and Justin hid behind the bar.

Klaus took Kaylin to the side, protecting her.

Rosalita finished her drink with annoyance, standing, starting to walk forward.

Ingrid stood, walking further into the bar to find her siblings.

Justin took one of the bullets from the floor. "They're using wooden bullets. They know."

"That means he's here," Rebekah told him.

Justin nodded worriedly. "I know. Mikael."

Two police officers stood on either side of Rosalita, making her stop walking, aiming their guns at her.

Rosalita gave them an annoyed look, looking from one to the other, controlling their minds.

The two police officers aimed their guns away from Rosalita, aiming them at each other, firing at each other, killing each other, both falling to the floor.

Rosalita walked away.

Klaus pulled Kaylin toward the bar. "Rebekah! Ingrid! Come on, we've got to go, sweethearts."

"Nik," Kaylin told him. Rebekah and Justin stood, walking out from behind the bar. Klaus caught Rebekah by the arm. "What the hell is going on?"

"Justin!" Rebekah told him.

"Go!" Ingrid told her. Still holding Rebekah's wrist, Justin made her bracelet fall to the floor. Magically, the necklace fell with it, connecting like magnets. Justin was about to pick them up, but Ingrid interrupted him to talk to him. "Justin, wait. We've known each other a long time, and Rebekah would be heartbroken if you were hurt because of who is hunting us, just as our brother would be heartbroken if Kaylin was killed by him. That is why he is going to compel Kaylin to forget."

Justin knew what she was going to do, shaking his head. "Ingrid, don't. Do not compel me. I don't want to abandon Rebekah."

Ingrid compelled him. "I don't want Rebekah to be hurt if you were killed by the man we're running from. And to protect you, I need you to forget us. All of us. Every memory of us will be blacked out. You'll have a lot of confusion as to what happened in your life, but at least you would be alive to live it. Goodbye, Justin."

Ingrid rushed away.

Klaus turned to face Kaylin. "Kaylin. I'm sorry, but the fun has to end here."

"What are you talking about?" Kaylin asked. "Nik, what's happening?"

Klaus compelled her. "I'm sorry. You must forget Ingrid, Rebekah and me. Until I say otherwise, you never knew us. Thank you. I had forgotten what it was like to have a friend... or someone to love."

Klaus hesitated to let go of Kaylin's hand, about to leave. He turned back, placing a hand on either of her cheeks, kissing her one last time. He pulled away, closing his eyes once more, kissing her forehead, letting a tear fall.

Kaylin opened her eyes.

Klaus had disappeared.

Kaylin looked around in confusion, not knowing what had happened. She put her hand to her chest, revealing that she was no longer wearing the bracelet that Klaus had given to her. She seemed to know that something was missing, looking at her wrist in confusion. She had no memory of her friends or the man she once loved.



Night - Gloria's Bar

Kaylin and Klaus were sitting at the bar.

Kaylin looked at Klaus in confusion. "You and Ingrid compelled me and Justin to forget?"

Klaus clearly still felt guilty for that night, not wanting to show her how much it still affected him. "It was time for Grid, Rebekah and I to move on. Better to have a clean slate."

"But why?" Kaylin asked. "You shouldn't have to cover your tracks." She pointed at him. "Unless you're running from someone."

Klaus looked at Kaylin, unamused. "Storytime's over."

Kaylin turned her head to see Nathan, Stefan and Damon.

Damon nodded to the door for Kaylin to come outside.

Kaylin looked at Klaus. "I need another drink. A real one."

Kaylin finished her drink in a haste, both angry and annoyed, standing, turning around, walking away.

Klaus took the anger and annoyance she had shown as a reaction toward him and the revelation.


Outside - Parking Lot

Nathan, Stefan and Damon were waiting.

Kaylin rushed outside toward them, pushing Nathan, Stefan and Damon back incredulously in anger. "What is wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with you?" Stefan replied. "You kill Andie one day, you save my life the next."

"What are you, good, bad?" Damon asked. "Pick one!"

"Klaus almost saw Liv, Alex and Elena today," Kaylin told them. "You have to get them out of Chicago."

"None of us are going anywhere until we've got you checked into vampire rehab and on the mend," Nathan told her.

"Liv, Ashley, Gabriella, Alex and Elena are the keys to everything," Kaylin told them. "Klaus and Ingrid can't know that they're alive."

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asked.

"Apparently, Gabriella is not the only Ringer," Kaylin answered. "Klaus and Ingrid and their witch Gloria all say that Liv and Ashley are Ringers, too, and that's why Rosalita wanted Liv to be the vampire in the ritual so badly, and why she wanted to involve Ashley, too. Liv, Alex, Elena and Gabriella were supposed to die in the sacrifice, and they didn't, and Ashley wasn't apart of it like she was supposed to. Now Klaus and Ingrid can't create any new hybrids. Their witch is seconds away from figuring out that Alex, Gabriella and Elena are still alive, and even if she doesn't, they will go after Liv and Ashley either way. You three Salvatore bros and the Hunter bros, Cristian, Jack, you all love the Gilbert Girls to an annoying obsessive level, so take Alex, Elena and Liv home to Ashley and Gabriella and everyone else, and all of you just forget about me."

Nathan, Stefan and Damon were in shock from all of this information, processing it all silently. They didn't answer right away, looking at Kaylin in stunned silence.

"Well, the Gilbert Girls are not the only stubborn as hell brunettes you need to worry about," Nathan told her.

Kaylin looked at them for an explanation.

Nathan, Stefan and Damon looked behind her.

Kaylin turned to see Nicola behind her. She was trying not to be affected from seeing all four of her family members here. She tilted her head. "I'm actually surprised none of you have killed the others yet."

Nicola walked closer. "Not for lack of trying." She looked at Nathan, Stefan and Damon. "Go inside. Help Cristian and make sure he doesn't get himself killed. We got this."

Nathan, Stefan and Damon went inside.

Kaylin looked at Nicola suspiciously. "Got what?"

Nicola shrugged innocently.



(Song) Kale - Nerves Junior

Klaus was drinking.

Gloria called out to the people in the bar. "Last call. Drink 'em up."

The bar started to clear out.

Cristian joined Klaus at the bar.

"I see they've opened the doors to the riff-raft now," Klaus told him.

Cristian smirked. "Oh, I've been called worse."

Klaus chuckled, smirking sarcastically.

(End of Song)


Klaus still sat at the bar with Cristian, turning to see Nathan, Stefan and Damon walking closer. "You lot don't give up, do you?"

"Give us Kaylin back, you'll never have to see any of us again," Cristian told him.

"Well, I am torn," Klaus told him. "You see, my sister and I promised Kaylin we wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did we really sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so..."

"I'm just trying to repay my debt," Cristian told him.

Klaus nodded. "Ah. Even if it kills you." He looked at Nathan, Stefan and Damon. "So what is your excuse? And that little niece of yours. Nicola? Is your family really so afraid of losing Kaylin to the darkness in her by relating the the darkness in me? From what I've heard, she's not happy to see you, either. Which means that it could either be me or her to convince you to let her go."

"What can I say?" Damon asked. "We're a family of thrill-seekers." 

Klaus gripped Cristian by his throat.


Outside - Parking Lot

Kaylin and Nicola were arguing.

"What do you want, Nikki?" Kaylin asked impatiently. "Cristian, Stefan, Nathan and Damon won't be able to distract Klaus for long."

"Oh, I don't know, Kay," Nicola told her sarcastically. "Come home."

Liv approached Kaylin from behind.

Nicola was distracting Kaylin.

Kaylin knew Liv was there, rushing to turn around, catching her hands as Liv tried to snap her neck. "How much clearer can I make it?" She threw Liv back into the brick wall behind her, making her fall. "I don't want to come home!"

Liv stood.

Kaylin turned to face Nicola, transforming. Nicola backed away nervously, but didn't believe Kaylin would really hurt her.



Klaus lifted Damon off the floor by the throat with one arm. "Oh, dear, what was that? I'm boozey, so you'll forgive me if I miss your heart the first few tries." He stabbed Damon in the stomach with a toothpick. Damon groaned in pain. "Oh! No, that's not it. Hmm." Stefan and Nathan rushed toward Klaus, pushing him back to make him let go of Damon. Klaus pushed Damon to the floor, gripping Stefan by the the throat, pushing him against the wall, stabbing him in the chest with the toothpick. "Ooh. Almost."

Klaus angled the toothpick upward toward Stefan's heart.

Nathan stood. "You want us to leave you alone? Tell your sister to take her compulsion off Stefan and let Kaylin go."

Klaus threw Stefan into a table, making it break and making him fall to the floor. He faced Nathan, Damon and Cristian, chuckling in amusement. "I find it amazing that you lot think that this is how it works. It's not. You remember when Rosalita told us to start a war with everyone in Mystic Falls? Why do you think we're doing things the way we are? So we can avoid it."

"Why would you care about avoiding Rosalita's war?" Stefan asked.

"That's what Kaylin asked, but now she knows the answer, even if she doesn't believe me yet," Klaus told them. "She will soon." He ripped a part of the chair off as a makeshift stake, crouching over Nathan, using one hand to hold him down and the other to raise the stake. Cristian rushed closer, spinning the stake to stake Klaus in the chest, but not having effect as he was a hybrid. Klaus started to laugh. "I'll give you points for trying." Nathan stood, backing away toward Stefan, Damon and Cristian. "You don't have to negotiate Kaylin's freedom. When I'm done with her, she won't want to go back."



Alex and Elena walked toward Liv. They were watching Nicola and Kaylin.

"Klaus and Ingrid are obsessed with siring these hybrids," Kaylin told them. "The second that Gloria figures out why it's not working, he'll come for Liv and Ashley, and then they'll figure out that Alex, Elena and Gabby are alive, and then all of you are done for."

"Look, I know you're trying to protect us, but we can't let you do it," Elena told her. "Come with us, Kaylin, please."

"And what do you expect if I do?" Kaylin asked. "Huh? It's never going to be the same, Elena."

"I know that," Liv told her. "We all do."

"I don't think you do, Liv," Kaylin told her. "I've left bodies scattered from Florida to Tennessee. Innocent people. Humans."

"Lexi found you, Nathan and Stefan like this before," Alex told them. "And she saved you."

"And you know what Stefan did after that?" Kaylin asked. "He spent 30 years trying to pull himself together." She looked at Nicola. "To a vampire, that's nothing. To you? That's half your life. Nathan took months to get back on track."

"How long did it take you?" Nicola asked.

Kaylin looked away. "A few weeks, maybe a month."

"Exactly," Nicola told her. "It took you less time than it took Stefan and Nate because you wanted to change, because you had complete control over yourself. You can change again. You spent so much time with Lexi's help because you were trying to remember the things you had blacked out, but it doesn't matter anymore. We can't give up on you, Kaylin."

Kaylin looked back at them, nodding. "Yes, you can." Alex tried to vervain Kaylin from behind. Kaylin caught her wrist without looking at her, twisting her arm to break it, flipping Alex over her head onto the car hood next to her, making the windshield shatter, shocking Nicola, Elena and Liv. "It is done!" Alex looked up, groaning in pain. "That part of my life is done! I don't want to see any of you. I don't want to talk to any of you. I just want all of you to go."

Kaylin looked at them, hoping that they bought her act, turning around, walking away.

They didn't have a choice but to let her go.


Damon's Camaro

(Song) Shelter - Birdy

Nicola sat in the passenger seat, not saying a word.

Elena sat in the backseat, holding her necklace.

Damon got into the driver's seat.

Nathan got into the backseat, looking between them. "You okay?"

Elena shook her head, not saying a word.

Nicola looked angry and devastated. "Just drive."

Nathan and Damon looked at them in guilt.


Stefan's Car

Alex was in the passenger seat, healing.

Stefan got into the driver's seat.

Alex looked at him. "You okay?"

"Mostly," Stefan answered. "I barely got hurt. What about you? Kaylin got you good?"

"She was just trying to convince us to let her go," Alex told him. "I guess Kaylin gets her wish. I can't believe Liv and Ashley are Ringers, too. Like Gabby."

Stefan sighed, looking around. "Me neither. Speaking of. Where's Liv and Cristian?"

Alex looked out of the windshield.

Stefan looked outside.


Parking Lot

Liv and Cristian were talking alone.

"I heard everything that Kaylin was saying, Liv," Cristian told her. "How are you doing? With the relevation that you and Ashley are Ringers like Gabriella? Making you and Ashley just as important to the hybrids as Alex, Elena and Gabby."

"In shock," Liv answered. "Not sure if it's real. You know?"

Cristian nodded in agreement, understandingly. "Yeah. Me too."

"Kaylin was trying too hard, Cris," Liv told him. "It looked like she was going to break if we didn't believe her. Something's going on with her, and she needs help."

"If she doesn't get it, we might lose her forever," Cristian told her.

"Do whatever you have to," Liv told him.

Cristian nodded. "I will. I'll stay here and keep an eye on them... without getting caught. But in order to do that, I can't be worrying about you. I need to know that you're safe."

Liv nodded in understanding. She reached onto her tiptoes to kiss him softly and sweetly, pulling away. "Bring her home. But come home in one piece. I'll call Justin, send him out here to help you, so you'll be safe, and he can help you stay alive."

Cristian nodded, sighing. "Maybe he can help me get through to Kaylin."

"What do you want me to tell Charlie and Jack?" Liv asked.

"Nothing," Cristian answered. "I'll call them and let them know. But they should stay in Mystic Falls. This is up to me and Justin now."

Liv walked toward Stefan's car, looking at Cristian for a moment, waving.

Cristian waved.

Liv got into the backseat of Stefan's car.

Stefan's car and Damon's Camaro drove away, leaving.

Cristian watched them go.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Forbes House - Caroline's Room

Caroline, Eliza and Liz were sitting on Caroline's bed.

Caroline was showered, healed, in pajamas. She was finishing a blood bag, handing it to Eliza. "Thank you."

Caroline and Eliza embraced for a long moment, pulling away.

Caroline laid down, covering herself up with the covers.

"Honey, your Dad..." Liz trailed off. "All our families, we have beliefs that have been passed on through generations. And we were taught never to stray from them."

"You did," Eliza told her softly.

"You both taught me to look at things in a different way," Liz told them.

"I just thought that he was the one who got me," Caroline admitted.

"He did," Liz told them. "He will again."

Tyler stood in the doorway.

Eliza looked at Caroline, smiling a small, sad smile, standing.

Liz stood, following her.

Caroline stopped them. "Mom? Eliza?" Eliza and Liz looked at Caroline. "Thanks for believing in me."

Eliza and Liz smiled small, sad smiles, nodding, walking out, leaving.

Tyler walked toward Caroline, trying to make her feel better. "Would now be a bad time to give you crap about sneaking out on me?"

Caroline managed a smile.

They both chuckled.

Caroline was crying, sitting up.

Tyler laid next to her under the covers.

Caroline put her head on his head, continuing to cry. "He hates me. My Dad hates me."

Tyler kissed Caroline on the head, holding her comfortingly after the hell that her own father had put her through for the last few days.

(End of Song)


Chicago, Illinois


Klaus entered the room in the warehouse full of his family's coffins, joining Ingrid and Rebekah. There were two guards lying dead on the floor nearby.

Klaus looked at Rebekah. "Rebekah, dear." Rebekah walked away, ignoring Klaus. Klaus nodded as if he knew she would ignore him, turning to Ingrid. "Where is Kassandra?"

"She had to get more to eat after being daggered for so long," Ingrid told him. "I got Rebekah to calm down. Not so much Kassandra."


Outside - Alley

Rebekah, Ingrid and Klaus walked outside, looking for their sister.

Klaus spoke in a soft singsong voice. "Kassandra..." Around the building corner, Kassandra was feeding on a man to satiate her hunger, killing the man, letting him fall, looking up angrily when she heard her brother's voice, still transformed, looking at the dagger in her hand, which had been in her chest. "It's your big brother. Come out, come out, wherever you are."

Kassandra rushed toward them, stabbing Klaus in the chest with the dagger, making him gasp in pain. "Go to hell, Nik!"


Flashback 7

Warehouse - Outside

Ingrid, Klaus and Rebekah were next to a car in a warehouse.

"Hurry up, Rebekah," Klaus told her. "Let's go."

Rebekah didn't move, continuing to look toward the other end of the warehouse. "They'll be here any second."

"Do you want to die?" Ingrid asked.

Klaus rolled his eyes. "We've been found. We need to move."

"I'm not leaving without Justin, Nik, and I'm surprised that you would leave without Kaylin," Rebekah told him.

"They're not coming," Klaus told her. "We have to disappear. We have to let them go."

"What did you two do?" Rebekah asked.

Ingrid grabbed her arm. "Come on. We don't have time for one of your tantrums."

Rebekah pulled her arm free. "I don't want to run anymore, Grid! All we do is run. I want to be with Justin."

"Fine," Klaus told her. "Then choose. Him or us." Rebekah didn't answer. "That's what I thought. Get in the truck. Let's go."

Klaus and Ingrid turned around, walking toward the truck.

"Goodbye, Nik," Rebekah told him. "Goodbye, Grid."

Klaus and Ingrid stopped walking.

Rebekah turned to leave.

Klaus appeared in front of Rebekah, driving a dagger into her heart, temporarily kill her.

Ingrid turned to face him. "Niklaus!"

Klaus ignored her, putting Rebekah into their car.



Night - Warehouse - Outside - Alley

Kassandra glared angrily at her brother.

Klaus took the dagger out of his chest, holding it out beside him, dropping it to the ground. "Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't kill me."

"Yeah, but I was hoping it would hurt more," Kassandra told him, walking inside.

Her siblings followed.



Kassandra walked toward the coffins, glaring at them. Klaus, Rebekah and Ingrid followed.

"I understand that you're upset with me, Kassandra," Klaus told her. "So I'm going to let that go. Just this once."

Kassandra rolled her eyes, turning to face her sister. "Grid, would you blame me at all if I ripped his heart out?"

"It would just grow back, Sandra," Ingrid pointed out. "And please calm down."

Kassandra gave her a look. "Grid--"

Ingrid walked closer, taking her hands to calm her down. "Shh. You're not daggered anymore. Just take a moment to settle down. I know it's overwhelming, waking up five hundred years in the future for you."

Kassandra was shocked by the number of years. "500?"

Rebekah rubbed her shoulders. "Sandra. It's okay." She glared at Klaus. "I'm not entirely happy with our brother either."

"Yes, I know, Rebekah, but luckily with you, I know how to make it up to you instantly," Klaus told her. "Brought you a little peace offering." He called out. "You can come in."

Kaylin hesitantly walked in, looking at Rebekah, but she didn't remember her.

Kassandra frowned in confusion. "Who is that?"

"An old friend," Ingrid answered. "One that Nik compelled to forget us. But she's about to remember now."

Rebekah was shocked to see her. "Kaylin... Where's... where is Justin?"

Kaylin didn't answer, completely overwhelmed, not knowing what to do.

"And Justin is..." Kassandra trailed off.

"The vampire I love," Rebekah answered. She gave Ingrid a look. "While Nik compelled Kaylin to forget us, Grid compelled Justin to forget."

"To protect him, Rebekah," Ingrid replied. "For you."

Kaylin was growing more and more overwhelmed.

Klaus looked at Kaylin for a moment, walking closer, putting his hand on her shoulder, compelling her. "Now you remember."

Kaylin started to remember everything, closing her eyes.


Flashback 8 - 1920s

Night - Gloria's Bar

It was the same night the bar had gotten shot up by the police.

Rebekah, Ingrid, Kaylin and Rosalita stood next to each other, looking across the bar to where Justin and Klaus were sitting, laughing.

Rosalita smiled. "I think your boys might stop hating each other, after all."



Night - Warehouse

Kaylin opened her eyes, looking at Rebekah and Ingrid with newly recovered memories, in shock. "Rebekah. Ingrid."

Ingrid smiled. "Hello, Kaylin. Old friend."

Klaus was standing behind Kaylin for her to receive different sets of memories when she would see him. "Kaylin."

Kaylin turned to face him, receiving a flood of memories.


Flashback 5 - 1920s

Night - Gloria's Bar

It was the same night that Klaus had given Kaylin the bracelet at the bar when they had shared the kiss.

Kaylin looked at the photographer, smiling. "Hey, take a picture of my boyfriend and me."

"I'm not really interested in taking pictures," Klaus told her.

Kaylin smiled. "Oh, come on, Nik. Immortality or not, life can end at any moment. And I would like something to remember us by."

Klaus sighed, still not inclined. "Kaylin..."

Kaylin tilted her head, giving him a look. "Nik."

Klaus couldn't resist a smile, sighing. "Fine."

Kaylin smiled.

Klaus had his arm around her waist, holding her close. Kaylin had her hand on his chest. They were both smiling.

The photographer took the picture.


Earlier in the Night

Klaus and Kaylin sat together. Klaus smiled. Kaylin placed a hand on his cheek, kissing him passionately.


Flashback 7

Night - Gloria's Bar

Klaus and Kaylin were dancing. Klaus smiled, at peace with the moment he was in, spinning Kaylin to face him, twirling her again. Kaylin smiled.



Night - Warehouse

Kaylin was completely overwhelmed with the memories, looking at Klaus. "Klaus. I remember... the way I used to feel about you." Klaus smiled a small smile. Kaylin turned to Rebekah and Ingrid. "And I remember you. We were all friends."

"We are friends," Ingrid told her, smiling. She let the smile fade, returning serious, looking at Rebekah and Kassandra. "I've waited so long for Nik to let me wake you two, and he only let me now because we need something from you. A witch friend named Gloria tells us you know how to contact the Original Witch."

"The Original Witch?" Rebekah repeated in distaste.

"What do you have that Gloria needs?" Klaus asked.

Rebekah touched her neck. "Where's my necklace?" She looked at her wrist. "Where's Kassandra's bracelet? What did you do with them? I never take them off. Did you give Sandra her bracelet back?"

"Where did my bracelet go?" Kassandra asked. "Wait, Rebekah, you were wearing my bracelet? Why--"

Rebekah and Kassandra went to check their coffins.

"Nik, Grid, we need to find them, now," Rebekah told them. "I knew that Sandra would kill me if she ever found out I lost her bracelet!"

"Stop being dramatic," Kassandra told her. "I'm not going to kill you, Rebekah, but I'll kill whoever took my bracelet. I want it back!"

"Tell me those aren't what the witch needs, Kassandra!" Klaus told her, grabbing her arms.

Kassandra pushed Klaus off, looking into her coffin, but didn't find them. She slammed the lid shut, throwing it back on the floor in a fit of rage.

Kaylin looked away, remembering the bracelet and necklace Rebekah had dropped in the bar. They had connected like magnets, like magic, which she had found in Gloria's bar after Klaus compelled her, and in the journal that the Gilbert Girls had been reading earlier, it had said that she had given them to Stefan and Nathan. Kaylin looked at the four Mikaelson siblings nervously, knowing that they were angry, and that Kassandra could very well kill her if she found out that she had taken the bracelet and necklace and given them to her brothers, one of whom gave them to Elena and Alex.



Cristian was walking down a mostly deserted street, on the phone. "Okay, you were right. She was there."

Katherine was in the phone booth. "I'm always right. Let me guess... it ended in tears and heartbreak?"

Cristian rolled his eyes. "Where are you?"

Katherine smirked. "Why? Do you want to come rub sunscreen on my back?"

Cristian scoffed. "I'm thinking Europe. Italy, maybe. Or Spain. You were always a sucker for those lazy afternoons."

"Keep guessing, Cristian," Katherine told him. "Bye-bye."

Katherine hung up, laughing.


Flashback 9 - 1920s

Night - Gloria's Bar

Kassandra/Alex's bracelet and Rebekah/Elena's necklace were on the floor.

Katherine was standing above them. She sensed Rosalita, rushing into hiding.

Rosalita looked down at the antiques.

A man walked toward Rosalita. "Hey, lady." Rosalita turned to face him, stepping away from the necklace and bracelet slowly. "Chicago P.D."

"I'm not afraid of you," Rosalita told him.

Kaylin watched them, picking up the necklace and bracelet as she did.

The man looked at Rosalita, looking stunned as if he recognized her, or someone who looked like her. "Oh, I'm not here for you." He showed her a drawing of Ingrid, Rebekah and Klaus. "Have you seen these three?"

"I've never seen those people before in my life," Rosalita told him, giving him a look, using mind control. "I won't find them until way after they leave Chicago, and neither will you, Mikael."

Mikael turned to the police officers. "Wrap it up, boys. We're through here."

Mikael looked at Rosalita.

Rosalita smiled, tilting her head.

Katherine and Kaylin watched in intrigue from their different places, while Kaylin had no idea Katherine was watching her and Rosalita.



Day Three

Morning - Street

Katherine was walking along the street, hailing a cab.

The city sign on the cab said Chicago.

Katherine looked around, getting into the cab.


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