Second Star to the Left

By disidoro_zarah

80 1 0

The first star to the right wasn't the only star. You've seen Neverland now meet Alwaysland More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


11 0 0
By disidoro_zarah

The second day of school is always harder than the first, it's not because it's mentally harder, it's just harder to get up and ready in the morning and to stay awake during the day. As always the saving grace of us all is friends. Tho mine are missing, again.

Let's look at the time, oh yeah its lunch and I'm in our normal spot. it started out normal we all sat together eat and talked about classes and if/how people have changed over the summer. Then they all looked at the time and one by one made up an excuse to leave, Flooly had to talk to a teacher, Tam had to get stuff from his locker and Layla went to the bathroom ten minutes ago. They left earlier too when we first got to school Layla all but ran from me and the others didn't show up to my locker.

One glance at the clock already tells me that lunch is about over and that there not coming back. I finish my food and toss out my trash and start to head out before the big rush. I had already grabbed my stuff for my next class so I wouldn't have to stop at my locker. My next class was chorus, which all four of us have together...or should have together. They never showed up, and the teacher and everyone else know that I'm always with them asked me where they were. Some excuses later and a boring 80 minutes later I was on my way to science. Sitting in the lass room when was Flooly with a guilty smile on her face. 'Yeah, I'm not happy.' i thought as I took m seat next to her. It was silent between us all throughout the class and after she waved bye and left me again. No one came to my locker, Layla wasn't on the bus, or at home. 

I was all alone. My aunt didn't get home till late, Layla still wasn't home then, so I made an issue for her saying that she was already asleep. I grabbed a cookie and headed upstairs closing her door so my aunt wouldn't find out she was missing yet and went to bed.

The next morning I got up and ready, went downstairs and there she was in the flesh, Layla. 

"Hey sorry about last night was helping a friend, um their also giving me a ride today, so I'll see you around." I just dropped it, not having the energy to care. A honk disrupted the silence "Oh that's them, bye." she ran outside before I could respond. I take a peek outside, not clingy just curious. The car was one id know anywhere, Tams, there was a head in the backseat that was unmistakenly Floolys. Why didn't she tell me, why wasn't I invited? My Aunt, the sneaky spy she is, put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a cookie.

I saw them, from afar. During classes, it was silent, or awkward like they weren't sure how to deal with me being so close to them. The only ones that spoke to me were during lunch, we laughed and joked and made plans for tomorrow after school to go to the mall. But no Flooly, Tam or Layla or the rest of the day. Layla came home around 6:30 grabbed some food then stared at me, blinked and was gone hidden in her room till morning when she would leave with Tam and Flooly. The mall came and went, so did a week then two. Tam dropped Spanish with me, and Flooly moved seats in science. 

By now I had a routine and my aunt noticed this routine. The next Monday my aunt asked me to stay home after Layla left, she said it would make them wonder about me. Nothing, no texts or calls from them, but my other friends did Hunter and Alex texted me the most and it was nice. Alex was a sweetheart, she was very self-confident and mentally strong, we had Spanish and science together. Hunter was like a twin I never had, we had English and math together.

That night Layla came home gave me the work that I missed and went to her room. Another week went by and there was no improvement, and my mental health didn't improve either. 

"You should think about seeing a counselor or something, its not good for you to be alone."My aunt told me while giving me a cookie. So I did, I'm now being treated for depression, why cause I'm all alone.

Tomorrow is my birthday, I hope something changes. I've tried to talk to them, but they don't respond, they give me looks like I'm crazy or something. My aunt said that if tomorrow things aren't better, then I can come home whenever I want and I and she would celebrate together.

The Next Day

I woke up early so I could put a bit more effort into myself today. It felt nice, to focus on me and not others. I ran downstairs eager to show my aunt my outfit, she was making double chocolate chip pancakes!!!!! I devoured them, saving some for my aunt of course. By the time Layla came downstairs, I and my aunt had finished eating. I looked at her waiting for a smile or a good morning or even a freakin Happy Birthday! she looked at me walked close and grabbed the apple that was behind me and left. she freaking left.

School wasn't much better Hunter and Alex wished me a happy birthday in all my classes so that way others would say it too. My mather teacher gave me a chocolate bar and my history teacher gave me a homework pass as if I needed it tho.  Lunch was the hardest tho, I walk in and there right before my eyes are Tam and Layla kissing at the table I normally eat at with Hunter and Alex. My cousin and my crush both best friends of mine, crushed my spirit in two seconds flat. I ran from the lunchroom and ran to the office asking to go home. Within minutes I was home sobbing in my room, my aunt had to go back to work for a bit but promised to be home by 3. it was 11:30.

I was all alone, my parents gone, my best friend's gone, crush gone, aunt gone, happiness gone.

My phone lights up, its Flooly I cautiously open the message in it was only four words that sent me into a frenzy of sobs and rage.

I'm sorry, happy birthday -Flooly'

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