The Treasure Across the Ocean

By TheCuteOne1234

1.3K 39 11

You know Minjung. She's the 13th member of Izone. It seems like she came from nowhere but that's not true. Ev... More

Good vs Evil
Audition Day


233 9 3
By TheCuteOne1234

Mikaela grabbed her chair from the stands and placed it in her spot on the ground. This was the only class that the girl did not have with Ella. She felt a bit lonely.

     She sat quietly as the room began to fill with excited kids. The bell rings signaling the start of class, however the volume in class remains.

The director, calls for attention but the class ignores his calls. He calls a second time and a third. Even a fourth. His face goes red seconds from exploding.

Mikaela takes a large breath before screaming, "SHUT UP!" Instantly the room fell quiet before another girl rolled her eyes.

"You don't tell us what to do." She girl spat.

"Maybe so but she was the only one that was quiet and ready for class. Look at the time. Class started 5 minutes ago. It's been 8 months since school started. You all should know that when class starts you shut your yap. I'm here to teach you and I assume that with all the talking, you know your parts so each one of you will sing your part individually in front of the class. Whose first?"

The room goes silent. Not a word. They all dreaded going first. Or even singing in front of the class.

"If you cannot sing in front of the class, how do you expect to sing at the concert?"

"I'll go if it's a trio." A boy speaks.

"Perfect, new kid come up here." The director speaks. "And you can pick."

    "It's been two weeks since I moved here. I'm still the new kid?" He speaks.


The boy confidently walks up to the front. His eyes meets Mikaela's as she lets out an audible gasp. He smiled towards Mikaela and tilted his head.

Mikaela shook her head in response. He gave a slight nod and picked another alto. Before he could pick a soprano to sing, a girl, with her head high strutted across the room.

The music began as the trio started to sing. The boy from the ice cream parlor sang with the alto girl with perfect balance and harmony. The soprano on the other hand, stuck out like a soar thumb.

She took center stage with the melody but she out sang the others. She missed some notes of the melody which caused Mikaela to press her lips together. Why is it that the pitchy people have the most confidence? She thought.

After they sang, the students clapped for them as the teacher asked for feedback. Mikaela's throat itched. She wanted to say, that the balance was off and the pitch was off but she kept her mouth shut. That girls wasn't someone to mess with.

"Mikaela? You look like you have something to say." The girl challenged.

She recognized that tone. Without looking at the girl, she remarked "quite honestly, there was no balance whatsoever, the other two blended together well. And you did a good job standing out as you are the melody but it sounded like you were trying to drown them out. Singing louder than you should have making you go sharp. Some other times, you didn't take a big enough breath making you go flat. As for the other two, your tempo was a bit off." Mikaela explained.

The smile on the girl's face dropped. Ready to tell her friends about the 'know-it-all.' Her eyes glaring daggers towards Minjung.

"You asked. I answered. Don't get butt hurt because it wasn't the answer you expected." She spoke.

"Okay students. Get your music for Africa!" The director announced.

Mikaela grimaced at the song choice and clenched her fist. However, after the song started, her frown turned into a smile and she began to tap her toes and sway. She bopped her head to the beat.

Then they moved onto the next song, You Raise Me Up. Mikaela sat quietly as the teacher asked for volunteers to sing the solo.

"Mikaela wants to go!" Zach yells.

The girl jumped from her seat and vigorously shook her head. "What! No I don't."

"Perfect. Sing towards the imaginary crowd please."

Mikaela closed her eyes. She inhaled through her nose and slowly exhaled through her mouth. She licked her lips.

When I am down, and oh, my soul so weary

Her eyes flutter open. Adding the honey in her voice. She was delicate but controlled. She started gently increasing slightly as the phrase goes eventually, she decrescendos by the last word of the phrase.

When troubles come, and my heart burden be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit a while with me.

The choir joins in at the chorus. It plasters a larger smile over Mikaela's face hearing them behind her enunciating every word.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.

The director stopped them. He had a glimmer in his eyes. And a smile. "Okay that will be it for today. On to the next song."

"Mr. Percard, class ends in three minutes." A girl spoke.

"No it ends in eight. That's right you take my time I take yours. And if any of you complain, I'll add another minute."

"We'll get passes right?" A boy asked.


Panic swept over everyone. Everyone sat quietly. Their hearts dropped and they held their breaths.

"Next time we better be ready to start on time. Put your chairs away." The director spoke.

Deep sighs were exasperated from their lips. Some dashed to the chair stand while others scurried to the cubbies that held their music.

Mikaela stood from her seat and handed her folder to her partner. She grabbed both chairs and held it over her head.

There were two minutes left of class as everyone huddled by the door. Eager to escape. A hand appeared on Mikaela's shoulder. As she turned to face the person, a smirk plastered on her face.

"You didn't tell me you were in Choir stranger." The boy announced.

"You didn't ask Zach."

"Well I think I know what your passionate about." The younger girl raised her eyebrow as she stayed quiet. "Singing."

Mikaela let out a breath of air. Slightly, the end of her lip curled upwards. Side to side her head went.

"I'm serious, the way your eyes light up when you sing. You perfectly convey the tone of the song with your face. Even if you hate the song. Perfect musicality. And an amazing voice I might add." Zach expressed. A gasp escape from parted lips. "You should try out for the solo!"

"No." Mikaela disagreed. She knew, the moment she mentioned anything about choir, her father would make her drop the class.

"Well think about it stranger." Zach whispered as he left her side.

"Don't forget that auditions for You Raise me Up is this Thursday!"

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