By uduliza

338K 11.5K 253

"I have nothing to give you or make you happy but, yet you're willing to be with me?"- Daniel "I don't car... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Author's note

Chapter 5

8.1K 339 1
By uduliza


The week was going too slow for my liking. I missed Daniel even though it has only been two days since I last saw him.

I couldn't sneak to T&K's anymore due to last time and also work load and school has been so tiring but am hopeful because I know I'll get to see his gorgeous face on Saturday

Thinking about seeing him again has lifted all my stress away. I focused back on the teacher as he explained different biology terms to us.

After school, I went straight to the animal shelter where Suzzy was already waiting for me

"Hey Alex" she greeted which I answered lifelessly

"What's wrong? You look void again" she stated

"Well I feel empty" she giggled then murmured something "what did you say?"

"I said you're probably missing your man" I gasped

"He's not my man" I argued defensively while she rolled her eyes

"Keep telling yourself that. It's so obvious that you're crazy about him." I pouted knowning fully well she was right

"I don't know Suzzy, i feel like I'm going to go mad anytime soon. And the worst part is that, I told him that I want us to take things slow and he agreed" she sat close to me

"He agreed so what's the problem? Is that not what you want?" I'm confused with what I want

"I don't know anymore. I feel unhappy and empty when he's not around but thinking about him lightens my mood instantly. I don't want to take things slow anymore and I don't know how to tell him. I'm so confused" she sighed then gave me a hug

"Why don't you make the first move then?" She suggested

"Are you crazy? What's he going to think of me?, I was the one who wanted to take things slow remember. What if he rejects me?" I panicked

"Come on Alex, you'll be fine. It doesn't always have to be the guy who makes the first move" she stated

"Of course it is. I've read stories and watched movies, it's always the guys." She got up to start changing into her uniform

"Most of the time yes but, is it written any where in the Constitution that guys should always make the first move?. Also, guys are humans too, they deserve to be shown love as well" I got up change my uniform pondering on what she said

"I guess you're right, but what if he rejects me?" I asked her as she fixed her shoes

"He won't and I'm going to make sure of that" she smirked

"What are you planning to do?" I hope I don't have to embarrass myself

"After work, we'll go to my place" I hope this works. I agreed and then we went to carry out our duties




After work, I followed Suzzy to the garage and saw her get into her car. She was quite wealthy but I didn't really know much about her but, I'll try to change that

We arrived at a big mansion. I thought maybe we were just passing by or something but she got down and walked inside confidently

"Psss Suzzy, where are you going?" I whispered not wanting to alert the occupants that there were Intruders

"Come on Alex, what are you still doing there" she came back and dragged me along with her "welcome to my house" say what now. I gaped like a fish as she dragged me towards her room

"This is your house? Holyshit" she giggled while I continued scrutinizing the whole house

"Yeah" she took me to her room which was bigger than my whole apartment.

"Gosh...all this for you?, I want to be your sugar baby" she giggled plopping down on the bed

"You could be my sugar sister" she giggled as I continued accessing every detail in the fucking room

"If you're this rich, why do you work at the animal shelter?"  She sighed. I hope I didn't offend her with my question

"See this house is my mother's husband's birthday gift to me. The guy is nice and all but, I'm not a spoilt brat, I want to earn my own money, be my own person, and not just a girl who leaves off her parents wealth like everyone sees me" she looked down at her hands feeling sad. I totally understand her

"I don't see you that way. You're a nice, intelligent and beautiful woman and I've come to love you" she's the only one I have close to family

"Aww I love you too. Back to business"
She clapped her hands dragging me to her closet

"So... What are we doing?" I asked admiring her beautiful clothes

"Well, we are getting you the perfect outfit for Saturday. Such that when this daniel boy sees you, he's going to flip" I love that idea

"Oh fairy Godmother, work your magic on me." We both giggled as we tried on different outfits

*Two hours later*

After constant rummaging through her entire closet, we finally found the perfect outfit. It consisted of a beautiful black gown paired with a denim jacket and some heels. We moved on next to makeup. She taught me which shade to use and all

"Suzzy, don't you think I'll look like I'm trying too hard?" I asked worriedly

"Of course not. You want to make a statement and this will help you. He's not going to see this coming" I hope so

"I hope so Suzzy" I plopped down on her bed while she went to get some snacks

"Why don't you crash here for the night. You can even move in if you want to" I was thrilled

"Of course. But I don't want to be a burden on you"

"You're never a burden. On less, you want some alone time with your man" I blushed at the thought of spending alone time with him

"Sstop, I don't know how to" I covered my face with my hands blushing profusely

"How to what?" She gasped looking at me like I had grown a horn

"Well I..I haven't had a lot of experiences with....um guys" her eyes widened

"Well do not worry my twenty-one year old virgin friend, I've got you covered" she smiled throwing her hands on around my shoulder

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