Best Thing

By AngelStar100781

655 0 0

Caitlin decides to come clean to Nash, & then they are gonna tell everyone that they know, Will it be success... More

Best Thing: Part B: Chapter One:
Best Thing: Part C: Chapter Two:
Best Thing: Part D: Chapter Three:
Best Thing: Part E: Chapter Four:
Best Thing: Part F: Chapter Five:
Best Thing: Part G: Chapter Six:
Best Thing: Part H: Chapter Seven:
Best Thing: Part I: Chapter Eight:
Best Thing: Part J: Chapter Nine:
Best Thing: Part K: Chapter Ten:
Best Thing: Part L: Chapter Eleven:
Best Thing: Part M: Chapter Twelve:
Best Thing: Part N: Chapter Thirteen:
Best Thing: Part O: Chapter Fourteen: Epilogue:
Best Thing: Special Dedication To:

Best Thing: Part A: Prologue:

35 0 0
By AngelStar100781

Captain Nash Bridges was getting the barge reorganized, & making sure that it stays secured & tight, He was happy with the progress, & was so glad for his buddy, Lieutenant Joe Dominguez's help, like he promised, Together, they pulled off a miracle, & everyone was happy, & there was peace among everyone on the barge, cause Nash could not take any stress at that time, cause he couldn't handle it, If something went wrong in the reorganizing progress.

Joe was working the computer like a pro, as their friend, teammate, & love one, Inspector Harvey Leek was showing him, They were working on a big case, but it was not too tough to solve, but the three men were happy about the extra hands that are gonna help them out, & they are not gonna look a gift towards the horse's mouth, & take it for granted.

They were gonna take a coffee break, when Nash's cell phone rang, & he nodded to his love ones to go ahead without him, & answered it, "Bridges, SIU", & there was no one on the line for a second, He was about to hang up, when a familiar voice said this to him as a response.

"Nash ?, This is Caitlin, I am back in town.....(laugh): I know a blast from the past, then she got serious, & asked, "Can you meet me ?, There is something I need to tell you, I can't over the phone, Please ?, I know I have no right to ask you, But......", she cut off by Nash say this.

"I will meet you anywhere, Cait, I missed you so much, These past six months has been hell without here, with me, & in our bed", He said choking back on the emotion, that was stuck in his throat. He was telling the truth, he never stopped loving her, & couldn't really move on.

"I missed you too, Nash", Caitlin said softly.

They arranged a place to meet at, Nash hurried up stairs & filled Joe & Harvey on everything with the phone call, Joe said encouragingly making a "shooing" motion, "Go, & get  the answers that you are looking for, Kimosobe", The Grateful Dead Lover nodded in agreement, & said, "Go, We can finish this in our sleep", Nash thanked them profusely, & left to meet Caitlin at their favorite spots, where they used to have their lunch at.

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