The Gilbert Witch 7

By salvatoreloverzz

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Emely has been in a dark place since Elena went into her slumber. She's been talking to witches to see if sh... More

Out Of The Easy/Day One Of Two Thousand
Never Let Me Go
Age Of Innocence
Heart-Shaped Box
Live Through This
Best Served Cold
Mommie Dearest
An Old Enemy
Oh My Godess Part 2
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
Cold As Ice
Hell Is Other People
Things We Lost In The Fire
Postcards From The Edge
The Women's Work
Moonlight On The Bayou
Trying To Kill Davina
Time Jump
The Nightmare Begins
Lancelot And Guinevere
Beauty And The Beast Part One
Beauty And The Beast Part 2

I Carry Your Heart With Me

394 10 2
By salvatoreloverzz

Flash forward-Alaric's House 2016

Third Person Pov

Three years from now, in an unknown town, Alaric is sitting at the dining room table of a house, where he is using a soldering iron to attach wires to some kind of machinery.

His face is covered in sweat, and initially, it looks as though Alaric is wiring a bomb or some other explosive.

However, once he's finished he reveals that he was actually trying to fix a baby doll.

He pushes the button to test it, but when it doesn't work, he groans in annoyance.

Oh, damn it! "He groaned.

Just then, two very young girls appear next to the table.

Then emely's kids appear behind them.

Shawn who changed his eyes to look like his father.

And Autumn who loved the way she looked.

They are two sets of fraternal twins.

The other set one of whom has brown hair and one has dark blonde hair, and are probably only three or four years old.

Shawn and Autumn are four or five years old.

Is it fixed yet? "Both girls asked.

Not yet. Sweetheart, it's past all of your bedtime! "Alaric said smiling.

No! "They all complained.

Yes, it is! Do you want to brush your teeth? "Alaric asked.

The girls giggle loudly land run away.

Shawn and Autumn smile at Ric.

He smiles back.

They both teleported next to the twin girls.

Hey! No magic. "Ric said sternly.

Autumn and shawn giggle.

Alaric chuckles and calls after them as they continue to run into the other room as they all giggle hysterically.

Alaric then mutters under his breath as he turns off the lamp on the table.

Surgery will have to resume tomorrow. "Alaric said.

Alaric raises his voice to call out to the girls and the other twins.

All right. Josie, help your sister find her PJs, okay? Shawn do the same. "Alaric said.

The all continue to giggle and run around.

However, after a long moment, they become silent, and when Alaric notices the lack of noise, he begins to get concerned.

Girls? Shawn? "Alaric called.

When he gets no response, he begins to seriously worry and stands to his feet.

He then walks over to a nearby cupboard, where he opens one of the doors and pulls out one of his stake-shooting guns, which has four additional stakes attached to the side.

He then slowly walks out into the foyer and cocks his gun before seeing something ahead of him and gaping in shock.

Emely and Damon are standing in the threshold of the open front door while Alaric's daughters stand between then and stare at him in confusion.

Mommy? "Autumn said curiously.

Emely smiled.

Emely, Damon. "Alaric said warily.

Well, aren't you adorable? "Emely said smirking.

She glances down at the twins.

Heh. You girls, too. "She said.

Alaric frowns and quickly rushes to put himself in between the twins and Emely.

Stand behind daddy. Shawn protect your sister. "Alaric said sternly.

Shawn put a shield around them.

Emely's smile dropped and she glared at him.

Damon noticed this and got worried.

Why so gloomy? Looks like you got everything you wanted. "Emely said sternly.

The fact that you're here means somebody died. "Alaric said nervously.

No, not yet. But, if you don't do exactly as we say, that could change real fast. "Damon said.

Alaric gulps anxiously and stares at Emely and Damon as he leans against the door frame.

So, you gonna invite us in? "Emely asked.

Shawn looked at his mother in curiosity and fear.

Something no mother wants.

And Emely felt saddened about this.

Present Day 2013

Emely's Pov

I'm walking through the wing of the hospital that is under construction.

I'm on the phone with Lily.

Lily, tell me you have Elena. "I said plainly.

Let me speak to Oscar. "She ordered.

No can do. I'm about to wake him up from his little vervain nap. "I told her.

You do realize that when you get her back, you're not actually getting her back, right? She's still in a box. "She said annoyed.

Do you think I need to be reminded of that? "I scoffed.

And yet, you're leveraging a member of my family just to get her body closer to you. How selfish can you be? "She asked.

Very selfish, so spare the lecture. Your not my mother. Thank god I might add. "I said sighing.

Emely if you or Damon, have harmed Oscar in any way... "She started sternly.

I roll my eyes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Say goodbye to Elena. It's not my first hostage swap! "I said annoyed.

I hang up the phone and walk into the room where I kept oscar.

Oscar... "I called.

Once I get into the room, i stop dead in my tracks when i see that Oscar is not where I left him.

Instead, there's just a puddle of blood in the middle of the table.

Uh-oh. Oscar? "I said alarmed.

I slowly walks around the room and look around.

I can smell the blood on you, buddy. "I said.

I hear the closet pop open a crack, which confuses me.

When I open the door further, Oscar's body tumbles out of it, and I just barely catch him before he falls.

When I look at his face and see that his skin is gray and desiccated, his eyes widen in alarm and horror.

You've gotta be kidding me! Damon! "I yelled annoyed.

He walked in.

What? "He said confused.

He sees Oscar's body.

Oh, that's not good. "He said surprised.

Ric's Apartment

Me and Damon just brought Oscar's body back to Ric's apartment.

Stefan is there looking unhappy.

How the hell did you let this happen? "He asked me sternly.

Don't even think about blaming this on me! I'm not the one that unscrewed his heart. "I told him offended.

No, you're just the one who chased him down, kidnapped him... and are still technically holding him hostage. "He said.

To get Elena back! "Damon said annoyed.

Stefan gives him a look.

And how's that working out for you guys? Because from where I'm standing, she's in more danger than ever because you both won't let her rest! "Stefan said frustrated.

You spend one day with Mommy Dearest, and now you're on her side? "Damon scoffed.

I don't have to be on her side to see what's happening here. You can't be with Elena, so you're making all your bad decisions about Elena. "Stefan told me.

I sigh.

And I point at Oscar.

We need to get rid of this body. "I told him.

He shakes his head.

No, no, no. You need to get rid of this body! "He said.

Your helping me no matter what. "I demanded.

He rolled his eyes.

5 Minutes Later

Damon and Stefan are carrying Oscar toward the door.

Just as I was about to open the door, we hear a knock on the door and immediately freeze where we're standing.

Emely? Damon? I know you're in here. Open up! "Mary Louise called.

I gestured them to hide the body.

They vamp-sped in the bathroom then back.

She knocks on the door again, more furious this time.

Emely, Damon, open the-- "She started.

I open the door with a fake smile on my face.

Hello. "I greeted.

Mary Louise just glares at me before walking in without a word, and Nora gives me a cool smile and she walks in.

Oh. Hello. "Damon said.

Mary Louise looks around the living room in distaste as Damon and Stefan join her.

I close the door.

And I join them.

University housing. How lovely. "Mary Louise said.

How sad. "Nora said smirking.

Not as sad as being exiled here by your own mother. Lily must have had the wrong address for the hostage exchange. Where's Oscar? "Mary Lousie said.

You just missed him. "Damon said nervously.

You reek of blood. "Mary Louise said skeptically.

Well, I've been... I've been binge-ing. "Damon said sheepishly.

And I've been judging. "Stefan added.

Nora gives them both a look as she picks up a very old looking ceramic vase from the nearby shelf.

Not gonna find him in there. "I commented.

She drops the vase onto the floor, causing it to shatter, and Damon winces when he realizes how mad Alaric is going to be.

I snorted.

Ughhh. Look, I get it. Okay? You got me-- "Damon trailed.

Nora walks across the room and purposely knocks over a jade glass statue, which shatters on the coffee table.

The sight of it makes Damon get desperate to stop them, and Stefan hastily grabs a framed photo of Alaric and Jo out of Nora's hands before she can break it as well.

Oscar turned the tables, and he knocked us out, and he took off. We lost our one and only bargaining chip. "Damon told them.

Then why isn't Oscar answering his phone? "Mary Louise asked in disbelief.

Stefan watches as Nora sees the door to the bathroom is ajar and walks over to look inside.

I mean, the guy doesn't want to be found! "I said anxiously.

When Nora pushes the bathroom door open, she's surprised to see that no one is inside.

Why don't I believe you? "Nora asked annoyed.

Well, this is pointless. Come, Nora. "Mary Louise said sighing.

Mary Louise gives Nora a significant look, and she reluctantly follows her girlfriend to leave.

As she walks out the door, she's about drops her smoothie onto the ground and gives Damon a smug look.

But I stop it with my magic.

Yeah no. "I said rolling my eyes.

She glared at me and left.

Once Nora and Mary Louise walk out the door, Damon sighs and gives Stefan an annoyed look.

Well, go get his body. "I said pushing them.

Once Damon and Stefan are sure Mary Louise and Nora won't see them, they start to work on retrieving him.

5 Minutes Later

They come back.

And they toss Oscar's body onto the couch.

Just then, a college girl walks into the apartment and stares at us blankly.

Uh, wrong... door... darling. "Damon said awkwardly.

The girl rolls her eyes and holds out a cream-colored envelope, which Stefan hesitantly takes from her.

Hmmm. 'Kay. "He said warily.

Stefan opens the envelope and reads it aloud, looking confused.

"A message from Miss Nora Hildegard, dictated but not read. For every hour that Oscar isn't returned, a Whitmore student will die... Starting now." "He said.

Before we can react, the girl stabs herself in the neck with a letter opener and gags as she collapses onto the floor.

My eyes widen.

Stefan looks alarmed, but Damon just looks horrified.

No! "Damon yelled.

Stefan turns to look at Me and Damon with wide eyes as the girl bleeds out on the floor in front of us.

Well Ric isnt gonna be happy. "I said sighing.

55 Minutes Later


So stefan is making me a thirdwheel in his and Caroline's stupid plan.

Apparently I can't be trusted alone now.

Sometimes they annoy the shit out of me.

So I'm standing with a flyer in my hands and pretending to read it.

I see them so I yank the flyer off the wall.

They finally pass me, and Nora stops and yanks the flyer out of my hands.

What's this? "She asked.

Oh, nothing. It's just some silly "Heaven and Hell" ball. Damon told me to have some fun, but I don't know. These days, Halloween just seems like an excuse to get drunk and show skin... "I trailed.

I take the flyer back and smile fakely.

Sorry. No Heretics allowed. Halloween's only for people who dress up as psychopaths! "I told them sarcastically.

As if we'd want to drink cheap beer out of plastic and then brag about it all over the internet. "Mary Louise scoffed.

Nora rolls her eyes at Mary Louise's remark.

As if you'd even know how to do that. We're going! "Nora said.

To a college party? "I said in disbelief.

I laugh condescendingly at them.

Oh, okay! Okay, good luck with that. "I said mockingly.

What's that supposed to mean? "Nora said offended.

Nothing! No, you two will fit in just fine. Seriously, you guys have nothing to feel self-conscious about. "I said smiling.

I turn to walk away.

Did I say you could leave? "Mary Louise asked.

I stop and smile triumphantly.

I dropped my smile and turned around.

No. But you see I got these things called legs. And I can walk out on any conversation when I want to. "I said smirking.

Mary Louise glared at me.

What do you want? "I said rolling my eyes.

My Dorm

I walk in with a small red handbag in my hands.

I see you found a dress... from Caroline's closet. "I said.

Mary Louise, looking slightly nervous, turns toward me, as I hand her the purse.

haven't been to a party since New Year's 1902. Be honest-- will I make a proper modern devil? "She asked.

I smile fakely.

Shouldn't be too much of a stretch... "I stated.

I chuckle as I walk past her.

...Unlike the hips of that dress. "I told her.

Would you prefer I chose a different one and dyed it with your blood? "She asked angrily.

Look, I'm not gonna pretend to like you because I clearly don't. Your girlfriend wore my sister's dress because of her insecurities. So go ahead threaten me all you want. But we both know that I would win if it ever came down to a fight. "I told her coldly.

She glared at me.

Now, it's your turn. Siphon off this annoying anti-vampire spell. "Caroline said walking in.

Aw, are you prohibited from showing physical affection for your significant other? Try being gay in 1900. "Mary Louise said.

What do you care about some silly spell? You don't even like Valerie. "Caeoline said.

You're right. I don't. I've had to endure two lifetimes with that conniving shrew, and I've learned that when it comes to Val? You don't get on her bad side. "Mary Louise said.

Whatever. "I mumbled.

Emely! "I heard a screech.

I fell to my knees.

Ahh! "I yelped holding my head.

What are you doing? "Caroline asked terrified.

I'm not doing anything! "Mary Louise said defensively.

I have to go. "I said in pain.

What? Why? "Caroline asked.

Hayley needs me.  I told her.

I flashed to new Orleans.

New Orleans

I walked in the mikaelson compound.

I see Freya, Elijah, and Vincent.

Where is she? "I asked sternly.

Elijah looks at me.

Where working on it. "Vincent said.

What the hell does that mean? "I asked in disbelief.

A messenger came. Some compelled tourist. He left this... "Freya said tearfully.

She gestures toward the box on the table.

I walk up to her.

And I gently lift the corner of the lid to the box.

I see a bloody heart inside, i immediately shut the lid and take a deep breath.

Who? "I asked hesitantly.

Jackson. "She answered.

I close my eyes and sigh for a moment.

Freya holds up a letter in her hand.

Courtesy of the Strix. "She said.

Hayley yelled my name. She probably yelled when they did this. "I told Elijah.

She's alive. "He said relieved.

Freya sighs and sits on the couch as Elijah takes the letter and begins to read it.

"Dearest friends, please find enclosed the heart of Jackson. Hayley's will follow unless you meet me at Coltrane's Autoshop, 1268 Adderly in the ninth. Kind regards, Tristan." "He finished.

Elijah sighs.

So, unless we meet their demands, Hayley will be next. "Elijah said furiously.

Unless we have some leverage of our own. "I said smirking.

Elijah looked at me confused.

1 Hour Later

Klaus walks in.

Two Original vampires and two powerful witches a powerful hybrid of both against an army of miscreants? I'm rather looking forward to it. "He said.

Keep in mind that I'm mortal, and, as much as I want these guys out of my city, I like breathing. So, let me go to the covens. I can propose an alliance. They hate you guys, but if I explain what's going on... "Vincent tried.

There's no time. "Elijah said.

There never is. But, before we rush into battle, let's keep in mind that Tristan may be the very foe to lead you to your doom. Isn't this exactly what the prophecy foretold? Rebekah's on the run. I will not lose the two of you, as well. "Freya said.

Rebekah's safe. "Elijah stated.

He looks over at Klaus hesitantly.

Brother, perhaps you should stay... "Elijah trailed.

And what kind of father would I be if I didn't fight for the mother of my child? No, I have no intention of being outmaneuvered by Tristan de Martel, of all people. "Klais scoffed.

Intention's got nothing to do with it. As long as Tristan de Martel has the Serratura and your baby's mama, the advantage is all his. "Vincent said.

Going back to what I said. And we take that advantage from him. "I stated.

Freya turns to Klaus with a knowing smirk.

I'm gonna need something that belonged to his sister. "She told him.


The car flips and lands.

The Strix guard and driver groans in pain as they kick open the doors to pull themselves out.

The Strix vampires then start to walk toward Vincent menacingly as they pop their broken bones back into the correct positions, but before they can even try to lunge for Vincent.

I vamp-sped and teared out the heart of one while Elijah staked the other.

Nice timing! "Vincent said impressed.

Klaus just pulled Aurora out of the SUV, and she looks up at him with a smile, looking high and dazed.

Oh, my love. I knew you'd find me. "She said smiling.

Her gaze lands on me.

And her smiles falls.

What is she doing here? "She said weakly glaring.

I smirked at her.

Patrick's Dock

Me, Elijah, and Klaus are waiting inside of the warehouse when a half-dozen Strix vampires vamp-speed into the room.

We start walking toward them as another few dozen or so vampires join us.

Here they come. "Klaus said.

Gentlemen. Madam. I wish I could say it was a pleasure. "Tristen said.

Klaus nods in acknowledgement and gives Marcel a knowing look.

Marcellus. Made your bed with the enemy, I see. "Klais said.

Membership has its privileges. "Marcel said smiling fakely.

Let's get on with this, shall we? "Klaus said smirking.

Tristan turns back to a tall, blonde vampire woman and nods.

Her and a guy vampire bring Hayley forward.

She's shackled.

She's so weak she can't even stand on her own, and when the vampires let go of her, she collapses onto the floor in between the two groups as Elijah and Klaus stare at her in horror.

I stared at them angrily.

Hayley Marshall-Kenner, only slightly worse for wear. You'll have to forgive her if she seems a bit off. There's enough wolfsbane in her system to kill an entire pack. However, here she is, as requested. Now, where's my sister? "Tristen said.

She lives. You can thank Elijah for that. "Klaus sneered.

Klaus walks toward Tristan so they're standing eye-to-eye.

I wanted to flay her and hang her skin as a flag. Anyway, enough chit-chat. Let's conclude this tedious business, shall we? "Klaus said.

My sister first. And, if you're tempted to argue, consider the numbers. "Tristen said.

I walk up to tristen pushing klaus slightly.

Klaus smirks in amusement.

I walk even closer to tristen so that our noses are nearly touching.

Tristan looks slightly nervous, but stands his ground.

A strix vampire stepped forward.

I lifted my hand and used magic to choke her.

Ah ah! Dont want to make a mess do we? "I said smirking.

Tristen looked at me and he nodded at his vampires to step back.

I let go of the girl vamp.

Klaus walks over to the rusty green shipping container, and he opens it showing Aurora sitting inside with a black hood over her head and her wrists bound behind her back.

Tristan, still suspicious, turns back to a vamp.

If they try anything, attack. "He ordered.

She nods in agreement, and Tristan vamp-speeds into the shipping container toward Aurora.

He takes off her hood, and her head rolls on her shoulders, still sedated from the drugs earlier.

When Tristan looks back at his second in command vamp, she nods at the vampires standing guard over Hayley, allowing Klaus and Elijah to take her.

Aurora wakes up when Tristan starts to break her bonds and smiles at him weakly.

Oh, brother, you came for me. "Cami said.

Oh he has no idea.

Always. "He told her.

Tristan stands once he's finished and pulls "Aurora" to her feet, and she wraps her arms around him in a hug.

Come on. Come on. "He said.

While they're hugging, cami reaches into Tristan's pants pocket and pulls out the Serratura.

As soon as she has it, she yanks herself out of his embrace.

He looks at her warily when he sees the medallion in her hand, and slowly reaches out to take it from her, not knowing what she's trying to do.

Rory...? What are you doing? "He asked her.

Before Tristan can react further, Cami slams the Serratura against the wall of the shipping container, which activates its power and causes the warehouse to shake for a moment as though an earthquake has just hit.

The medallion is stuck to the wall, and Cami looks at Tristan with crazed eyes as Tristan, realizing what has just happened, tries to run out of the shipping container and is blocked by an invisible barrier.

Tristan looks at Cami in horror.

No... Aurora... What have you done to us? "He asked.

Not to us... "She said smugly.

Cami walks right past the barrier and joins us outside of it, triggering some kind of secondary barrier.

To you. "She finished.

Cami turns back into herself.

What is this? "Tristen asked furiously.

You know what they say-- payback's a bitch. "Cami told him.

How is this possible? "He asked horrified.

The Serratura creates an impenetrable boundary. Nothing living or dead can pass through. "I said smirking.

And, thanks to your lunatic sister, I'm neither. "Cami added.

Tristan's eyes widen in alarm when he realizes that he is truly trapped inside of the shipping container forever.

No. No. NO! "He shouted.

Klaus rushes over to Cami and puts his arm around her before quietly murmuring in her ear.

Stay close to me, okay? "He told her.

Tristan stares at the Strix vampires, who don't seem to know what they should do

What are you waiting for? Take them! Now! "He yelled.

Just as the Strix are about to obey this command, Elijah steps forward to address them himself, putting his body protectively in front of Hayley, who is still barely standing on her feet

Before you rush headlong toward almost certain death... As your sire, I would like you to employ just a little bit of common sense. "Elijah said.

We are ancient vampires, Elijah-- each of us almost as strong as you. "The woman scoffed.

You might almost be successful in subduing us, but at what price? Most of you will die in the process, and for what? To avenge a fool marching you headlong toward your very extinction in the name of a witch's prophecy? You do realize he engineered absolutely all of this purely to satisfy some petty grievance against my family? "Elijah told her.

Elijah turns and walks toward the shipping container, smiling fakely at Tristan as he leans against the metal door.

Tristan doesn't care for any of you. "Eljah said.

Stop listening to him! "Tristen said fursiously.

Elijah ignores him and continues.

The only danger here is the choice that you must make. You see, I am not your enemy. "Elijah said.

He stops in front of the woman and nods in acknowledgement.

It's true, I delivered you into this existence. I can just as easily pluck you out of it. The choice is yours to make. "Eljah said.

The woman looks torn, but continues to glare at Elijah as though she's entertaining the idea of fighting them anyway.

Come on. Give me a reason to fight. You might be stronger than them but not me. I guarantee that. "I said smiling.

She glared at me.

Marcel leans over her.

She's right. And she's powerful. It's done. The moment has passed. Be smart, Aya. Smarter than Tristan. Don't waste any more of our guys. "Marcel told her.

Aya. That does sound old.

Aya doesn't seem pleased that Marcel is ordering her around, but after a moment, she turns back to the rest of the vampires.

Stand down. "She ordered.

Tristan becomes more furious to see that the Strix have been convinced not to avenge him.

You will not abandon me! "He shouted.

Aya walks toward where Tristan is trapped in the shipping container and gives him a regretful look.

It's a shame it has to end like this. "She told him.

Aya, this isn't over! "He said enraged.

Aya puts her right hand over her heart in a sort of salute to her former leader.

May the ghosts of our fallen keep you company. "She said coldly.

The Strix then begin to leave the warehouse.

Aya. Aya! AYA! "Tristen shouted.

Oh, what a shame. I really needed to let out some anger. "I said sighing.

I look to see klaus chase after Cami.

Where are you going? "He asked her.

She didn't deserve this.

Cami ignores him and continues walking, though it's clear that she's becoming weaker by the moment as she wobbles on her feet.

Are you so eager to die? "He asked her frustrated.

I'm already dead. "She said.

I snorted.

Klaus glared at me.

"Sorry" I mouthed.

Klaus keeps following her.

Well, at least let me thank you. "He told her.

Cami finally stops walking and turns to face him.

Do not mistake me helping your family with forgiveness for what you tried to do! My choice in this is the only thing I have left, and no one is taking that away from me. You need to get that. "She told him.

My eyes widen.

He tried taking her choice.

She turns to walk away again, but

Klaus vamp-speeds in front of her to block her way, and she sighs in annoyance as he pleads with her.

Camille, I'm begging you. Don't leave me. "He pleaded.

Cami gives Klaus a look and continues walking, but when Klaus attempts to follow her again.

I vamp-sped in front of him.

I won't let her die. "He told me.

If you care about her, you will let her choose. "I told him softly.

I will not lose her because of your sudden principles! "He said angrily.

I grabbed his face.

Listen to me. All she has left is her choice. You take that from her, you lose her forever.  "I said sternly.

He gulps anxiously.

I dropped my hands.

Let's finish this. "I said grabbing his hand.

We walk with heading towards elilah and a healing Hayley.

So, this is to be my end? "Tristan asked.

Elijah smiles at him patronizingly, and Klaus smirks as he leans against the door of the container.

However, Hayley continues to scowl at him with hatred and fury.

No, no. This is the very beginning! You are going to the bottom of the ocean, where you will drown in darkness again and again and again over the course of centuries. "Elijah said.

I smiled amused.

This will be your splendidly horrific and perpetual end. "He said gleefully.

What have you done with my sister? "Tristen asked anxiously.

Nothing... yet. But, I assure you, her death will be spectacular. "Klaus said.

Tristan looks even more worried now, but when Elijah and Klaus go to close the door, Hayley stops them.

Wait. "She said.

She walks forward so that she can look Tristan straight in the eye.

You took a very good man from this world. He will be with me forever, but you? You will be forgotten. And as you rot in the ocean, remember my face. "She told him.

She reaches over to grab the shipping container door and begins to close it.

Because it's gonna be the last one you ever see. "She said coldly.

She slams the door shut with a loud bang.

I hugged her and she cried in my arms.

I'm so sorry. I should have got here sooner. "I told her.

She shook her head.

No. What matters is that you came in the first place. "She said crying.

I rubbed her back soothingly.

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𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗒𝗻𝗲: π˜‹π˜ͺ𝘒𝘳π˜ͺ𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 π˜”π˜ͺ𝘹𝘦π˜₯ π˜‰π˜­π˜°π˜°π˜₯ 𝘚𝘦𝘳π˜ͺ𝘦𝘴 "π™ΏπšŠπš’πš—πšπš’πš—πš πš’πšœ 𝚊 πš‹πš•πš’πš—πš πš–πšŠπš—'𝚜 πš™πš›πš˜πšπšŽπšœπšœπš’πš˜πš—. π™·πšŽ οΏ½...