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Love is a crazy thing but still we search for it. When you thought you found the one but it turns out you're... More

56 (end)
not an update
NEW STORY!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜


596 39 6


When me and Kai reached my room, I was immediately pinned on the door as Kai look straight into my eyes. I already know what this is about.

"Look at me and tell me what you know about the situation Taehyun is in" he said. His voice demands but his eyes were desperate.

"I. . . I can't. . . . . I promised Taehyun. . . . " I stutter as I saw him looking down only to realize he's crying.

"Kai. . I'm sorry. . . I want to tell but . . . but Taehyun. . . he wants to be the one to tell you. . . "

I crouched down at his level as he was kneeling already.

Kai has changed over time. The first time I met him, he was like a baby to Soobin hyung, always wanting to be by his side. But as time goes by, I noticed how Soobin and Yeonjun hyung grew closer than before and Kai then become more independent. When the gang beat me up, he grew from a baby to an adult all of a sudden. He become stronger emotionally. Even if his relationship with Soobin hyung didn't change I can see him mature. And when he and Taehyun grew closer, I see how he become more of a positive thinker and always a protector. He always show his strong personality and seeing him crying right now broke me.

"Taehyun . . . I know he's in danger. Someone is after him and I know I know nothing but I want to protect him.  Tell me why does he want me not to know?" he sobbed as he clings to me.

"Taehyun wants you to understand him. What I can say was that he doesn't want you to get into trouble. He's scared of you and the fact that you become different when angry scares him. It scares him that you might actually do the bloody stuff." I said as he calms down.

We are now sitting side by side by the door.

"How can I convince him to tell me?" he asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know either. He asked for help and I just kinda force it out of him" I replied as he laugh.

"You really have a talent of forcing out informations from people" he laughs as I nod

"Thanks by the way. I just hope he'll tell me. Sorry for scaring you. And I'm really amazed at how you keep promises."  he smiled before we stood up and walk downstairs where Taehyun was seated.

"Taehyun, I've read the text. I called the owner and it's not a wrong number. Tell me, who is he? I know you don't want me in this mess but I am your brother and I am already in. He don't know me. Beomgyu won't tell me" Kai immediately said and I can see Taehyun become stiff in a second.

"I. . ."

"Don't be scared. I won't do anything that I know will hurt us" Kai said and that's what it take for Taehyun to spill the tea

But Taehyun still left out one detail. The detail that really make me cry and weak on my knees. The detail that scares me. The detail that I think was the most important to be told. But I understand him. But I also want him to tell everything to Kai.

After his story, Kai was speechless as he stares at blank space. Tears are falling from his eyes and I don't know what he is thinking right now.


After what I found out about Taehyun I don't know what to feel. I feel guilty, angry, sad, scared, useless, horrible at the same time.

Was this the reason he would always cry in the middle of the night? And there I was, getting angry at him without knowing.

Was this the reason he would always like to stick next to my dad and mom? And I always judge him as a clingy baby and hate him.

Was this the reason why he never take the public transportation? And I am thinking he's grabbing my dad's attention.

Was this the reason he always look at me as if he hates me or I'm a sort of a criminal? He was scared the moment I grew monstrous and was cautious of me because he was scared I might be like his stepfather.

I felt stupid.

I was crying as I collapsed on the floor and if Beomgyu was not there to hold me, I will surely hit my head on the table.

I was enveloped in a warm embrace and I dont know what to say rather than

"I'm sorry"


Its been three hours since I last tried to call Beomgyu and Kai. I have an uneasy feeling in my gut that something was happening to them that was not good. And every time I tried to call them, the voice of that annoying woman was all I hear. That just make me worry more .

It's already late in the evening when I was sitting outside Yeonjun's house. The air is so refreshing. I still try to contact the three but no avail.

"Problem?" I look back and saw Yeonjun sit beside me as he stares at their field.

"I just can't contact the three. I'm getting worried" I replied as he pat my shoulders.

"You should check on them tomorrow. " he replied as I nod.

"You not coming?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Mom needs me still. I can't leave unless she's alright. You on the other hand can be needed by your brother" he replied as I sigh. He's probably right.

"Thank you by the way" he said and I look at him.

"About what?" I asked as he smiled.

"You just makes my life different. If you weren't there when I'm breaking down, I don't know what might happen to me. Also thanks for waking my mom up. I'm sorry if she makes you uncomfortable" he said as his ears turn red.

"It's alright. And about her waking up, I do nothing when she open her eyes and accuse me of trespassing only for your dad to calm her down" I replied as he grew redder which is so adorable by the way.

"About what my mom said. The threat thingy, was that true?" he asked as he look down and its my turn to get flustered.

About that, I really did say it.

"Ma'am, I'm Soobin. I'm your son's friend and I have come to visit him and you as well. I know you might think I'm crazy but I plan to take Yeonjun away when we reach the right age. I mean, I really like him and I don't know how to tell him but I want you to be the first one to know. I hope you'll wake up soon. So Yeonjun can smile bright again. I just don't know how to confess and now you think Im crazy already"

"What did you tell her?" Yeonjun asked again and I can't even open my mouth to answer.

What if he doesn't like me back?

What if he just see me as a friend and nothing else?

What if he likes someone else

What if he.  ..   ..   ..  ..


I don't know why Soobin suddenly become quiet. He was just staring at the ground for a long time.

"I don't know how to say this without you changing how you look at me. But please whatever I will say, promise me if you don't like it, just forget it happen" Soobin starts as I suddenly grew nervous.

Is he leaving?

Does he like someone already?

"I know I just met you a year ago but. .   .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  "

I'm already stunned but what he say next make me want to jump in joy.

"I really like you"

I am speechless as he stare at me with gentleness and fondness in his eyes as mine were filled with tears.

"I.    .    .     .    .    .    .    "

"Please if you don't like me, pretend it never happen" he said as he look crestfallen.

I held his hand as he was about to leave as I stood up.

"I've been waiting to hear that from you" I smiled as his eyes twinkle with joy and he hug me.

"Do you feel the same?" he asked as I nod and smiled as tears fell from my eyes.

All those time I thought he like someone was so embarrassing. I've always liked him before but I'm scared because how can a low class person like me can be with someone like him who has literally everything.

It feels so fast that we are feeling this way but I don't know how did it happen in the first place. He hugged me as I let my tears fall ...

"May I?" he asked while were staring at each others eyes and I nod

Not long after, I closed my eyes as i felt his lips land on mine.

Was it too early for that? I'm sorry  i just want them to be happy because the events coming up next will be heartbreaking sorry

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