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Love is a crazy thing but still we search for it. When you thought you found the one but it turns out you're... More

56 (end)
not an update
NEW STORY!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜


776 44 8


I woke up finding myself in between Yeonjun and Soobin hyung. O they're still asleep so I got up and get dressed. I know I have earlier classes than the two of them today so I have to take the ride with my dad. Or should I just get a cab?
I went to the bathroom and take a bath after I finish, I went out to find Yeonjun hyung already awake as he stare outside the window.

"Hyung you're early" I said as he smiled and stretch his arms.

"I just felt someone move and I'm awake" he said as he went to the bathroom to wash himself up.

After I put my uniform, that is when Soobin hyung woke up

"O Kai you're going already? Will you take the ride with your dad?" he asked sleepily as I just nod.

"I guess so. I mean I can't tag along with you or I'll be in detention. I'll go ahead hyung. Oh Yeonjun hyung is in the bathroom. He's already there for so long. See you at lunch" I said before climbing down the stairs.

"Kai, you're leaving?" I turn to see Mr Choi sitting in the living room.

"Oh I'll be late if I don't go. Soobin hyung just woke up. I'll go ahead Mr Choi" he gave me a nod as I ran to my house. Mr Choi always scares me and I don't know why.

I felt my phone vibrate and I smiled

From: Mom

"Son, I'll arrive there at maybe 5 in the afternoon. Can you pick me up at the train station? Your dad can't"

Oh yes finally

Beomgyu (finally 😂)

I place the bouquet of flowers on her grave as I sat on the grass.

"Mom, this might be the last time I'll visit you. I don't know when I'll be back. Anyway, I'm still lonely though. It felt so unreal to see your name on this stone. I did not enroll for this year. I thought I will just find my dad instead. I force uncle to tell me where my dad is. Don't get mad at him. And after knowing my dad, I realize he might not accept me. But I have no other family left here and the money you left me isn't enough to keep me living. No one wants to hire me when I went to look for a job. So I will leave for Seoul tonight and I'm saying my goodbyes. I love you mom"

I exit the cemetery and headed home. It felt so empty and lonely without my mom. You see, it's just me and my mom ever since I'm a baby. We live in this house but last month she passed away due to lung cancer. I didn't know she's dying. She never told me anything. I am just devastated when I got a call one day saying my mom is dead. It is so unexpected and I'm not ready. I felt so alone so one day I asked or forced my mom's best friend to tell me who my dad was. And now, I'll search for him in Seoul as uncle said that is where he lives.

I cried as I held the strap of my backpack tightly. I will go to Seoul tonight because I don't know where else to run. I have known no relatives aside from my mom's best friend and I can't live with him because he has a family of his own. We also don't have a house as it was burnt down 2 months ago. We rented a room but not anymore.

My stomach growls as I just smiled to myself. Crap I'm hungry and I can't even afford a meal. My mom and I barely ate 3 times a day as she really want me to finish high school. Tears continue to pour as I reminisce our memories. She, my mom is always tired.

I sat on a chair waiting for my train to arrive. And beside me is an old lady who seems to be struggling with her things.

"Ma'am do you need help?" I asked as she smiled and nods happily.

"Where are you heading?" I asked

"I'm going to Seoul. How about you young man? Where are you going all by your self?" she asked as I smiled.

"I'm also heading to Seoul. Oh the train is here" I said as we both enter the train with me behind her still holding her luggage.

Moments later we arrive at Seoul and the lady bid me goodbye as a person pick her up not before she handed me some cash as her thanks.

I am clueless as it is my first time in Seoul and I literally have no idea where I am. I felt like a baby not knowing what to do. How do we do this? I don't even know where my dad lives. As I am walking I suddenly bumped into someone making us fall on the floor. Crap that hurts. Why is he running?

And from his clothes I can guess he just finish his classes.

"I'm sorry. Are you OK?" he asked as I nod.

"I'm just in a hurry--  Mom!" he ran off and as I look back he is hugging his mother as the woman smiles stroking the back of his son. Oh here we go again. I'm crying again.

I wipe my tears as I went out not knowing where to go.

"Hey boy, going somewhere?" I look back and saw a taxi driver waving at me.

"Hi sir, can you take me to . . . uhm .  . Choi. . Choi Jin yang's house?" he just nod with a shocked look on his face.

I really hope my father is a good person.

As I got off the taxi, I was met face to face by an enormous gate. Right I forgot to mention my dad is apparently the richest man in the country. How did my mom met him anyway?

With trembling hands, I press the door bell.


I am relaxing in the living room after school. Well last night sleep over was really fun and I didnt expect I will enjoy some new company. Just then. I heard the doorbell ring and as I look around no one is available for me to ask to open the gates as the maids are all on their day off.

I got up and went to open the gate only to be met by a very unfamiliar boy standing looking I don't know, scared. He is dressed in a simple shirt and jacket with some faded jeans and shoes that seem to be new.

"Yes?" I asked as he look at me total shock is evident in his eyes.

"Is this Choi Jin yang's house?" he asked as I slowly nod and he look at me with wide eyes.

"I. . . I assume. . you're his. . . son" he stuttered as he fidgets with his fingers. "May I. . .  speak. . . uhm. . may I speak with your dad?" he looked at me as his palms are clasped together as if he's pleading.

"Uh I'm not sure he will entertain visitors now. What's your business any way with him? I mean yeah" I asked and I can see how he hesitated.

"Well come in then. It seems this is a life and death situation. I want to warn you that my dad is not actually very friendly" I said and as we enter the living room I spotted my dad on the couch.

"Dad, someone want to talk to you" I said and nod at the boy to come closer . "I'll go ahead. I'm in my room just in case" I said leaving them there.


Crap I'm shaking. I met Jin yang's son and himself as well. I mean his son is confused and I don't blame him.

"How did you manage to let Soobin make you enter?" he asked as I look at him totally speechless. And without proper thinking, I pulled out my mom's picture from my bag and showed him.

"What's this?" he asked as he examine the photo and as if something flashed in his mind, he immediately look at me.

"How are you related to her?"  he asked me.

OK its now or never.

"She's my mother" I finally spoke as he seems to examine me.

"What are you trying to say?" he asked.

"I'm your son" I said again not knowing what else to say.

He look at me question is evident in his eyes.

"How?" he asked.

"Well my mom really never told me about you. She passed away two months ago and it is totally a surprise to my part. Her best friend took me in for a month then I kind of force him to tell me who my dad is and he spilled the tea telling me your name and how you two meet" I answered and he just chuckled before pulling out his phone and dialed someone.

"Yes book me an appointment today ASAP" he said as he stood up making me flinch.

"Wait for me, were going somewhere" he said as he left upstairs.

"So you're my dad's son?" I look around and I saw the boy from earlier. "I'm Soobin by the way. May I know your name?" he asked.

He seems more gentle than his father.

"Beomgyu. Choi Beomgyu. I had this name ever since I am a child not knowing why until now" I answered and he nod.

"Well if you're his son, I can't argue. In fact it will be fun as I will have some company in this house- - oh" he stops as Mr Choi comes back completely dressed as he gestures me to follow him.

"I'm sorry about your mom. It must have been painful for you and hard. You see, I never actually thought that she will get pregnant. And what happen between us was an accident and we are both wasted. Me being so depressed and she being extremely happy. I'm sorry kid. But I just wanna make sure you're mine." he said as we stopped in front of a hospital and I'm confused.


Beomgyu in the house.

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