By jeaIous

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o. cherry bomb when a virgin meet the cherry popper. jeaious © 2018 More

cherry bomb.
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
forty three.
forty four.
forty five.
forty six.
forty seven.
forty eight.
forty nine.
fifty one.
fifty two.
fifty three.
fifty four.
fifty five.
fifty six.
fifty seven.
fifty eight.
fifty nine.
sixty one.
sixty two.
sixty three.
sixty four.
sixty five.
sixty six.
sixty seven.
sixty eight.
seventy one.
seventy two.
seventy three.
seventy four.
seventy five.
seventy six.
seventy seven.
seventy eight.
seventy nine.
eighty one.
eighty two.
eighty three.
eighty four.
eighty five.
eighty six.
eighty seven.
eighty eight.
eighty nine.
ninety one.
ninety two.
ninety three.
ninety four.
ninety five.
ninety six.
ninety seven.
ninety eight.
ninety nine.
one hundred.
one hundred one.
one hundred two.
one hundred three.
one hundred four.
one hundred five.
one hundred six.
one hundred seven.
one hundred eight.
one hundred nine.
one hundred ten.
one hundred eleven.
one hundred twelve.
one hundred thirteen.
one hundred fourteen.
one hundred fifteen.
one hundred sixteen.
one hundred seventeen.
one hundred eighteen.
one hundred nineteen.
one hundred twenty.

sixty nine.

791 23 35
By jeaIous

never in her life did chérie think she was going to spend her new year this way.

at first, she thought she was going to stay up late with her family, doing family stuff until she realized her aunties and uncles had kids to take care of and clearly couldn't stay up until midnight.

she believed she was going to stay with her dad but as their fun daughter and father bonding time turned into bored daughter and passed out father bonding, chérie took up on her cousin's offer.

chérie enjoyed getting drunk, but did she want to spend it with horny strangers ? she didn't knew the answer to that just yet.

a small grin hide behind her glass shot as she watched her cousin dance around in the middle of the main room.

the party was taking place at a guy her cousin supposedly knew of even though they had to sneak in by climbing the fences and walking around the studio like they were spy.

after they managed to get into the house as a couple left the pool door open, they blended in the crowd quickly.

now, chérie sat on the chairs at the far back of the room, distancing herself from any stumbling or falls while she watched, lorena, her cousin dancing like she was on crack.

chérie was still sober, hoping to wait until it strike midnight to let go of her sober mind, but there was a lot of time left so she casually sipped on a glass shot.

fancy seeing you here, chérie almost dropped the drink from her lips when a familiar face she thought she would never see, or hoped at least, appeared by her side.

hey gina, she smiled tightly back at her. let's just say chérie wasn't very fond of her, not after the whole thing that happened in her apartment.

what are doing here ? i thought you moved to LA ? chérie wouldn't help but look up at the tall girl. her blonde hair was neatly put into a low ponytail, the fair pink lipstick popping on her pale skin along her purple dress with a huge slit in the middle, showing off her legs.

i could say the same to you, gina let out a laugh before looking over her shoulder and waved over the girl serving the drinks.

i'm still not familiar with the people of california, it's better if i spend it with those i know, because drunk me isn't exactly responsible, she gulped down her drink in one shot before wiping the fallen drops on her chin.

iriny, amira and perline, gina nodded to a group of girls who were concidendly dancing along side her cousin.

lorena, chérie pointed her tiny finger towards the wild girl. i thought you will be celebrating new year with ashley and vanessa, and who i guessed to be your boyfriend, i forgot his name, gina tapped her finger against the table while leaning on it.

chérie gulped hard, drifting her attention to the cup in her lap. just wanted to visit family this year, you know with college and moving away, i felt like i was neglecting them, chérie easily lied, concentrating on the fading nail polish.

gina frowned, not expecting that answer. an answer that wasn't answering her question, nonetheless she changed the subject as she saw her brother coming her way.

oh right, chérie meet gregorio, greg, gina immediately stood up and smiled brightly at the older boy.

he had wavy brown hair that matched the color of his eyes. he had a weird nose, chérie wouldn't help but notice. a button nose, literally.

hi ? chérie blushed. she was always awkward when it came to meeting someone for the first time. the boy politely nodded his head as a reply.

that's my older brother, well step brother, he's kind of a mute, doesn't speak a lot, gina glanced back behind her when she heard amira calling for her.

mind keeping my phone with you, the girls are calling, she quickly gave her phone to gregorio, before taking the remaining drinks in her hands and bringing them to her friend.

chérie bite her lips nervously. it seemed that gina always managed to leave her in an uncomfortable position. she wiggled her legs around before going back to playing with her rings.

her back stiffened when she saw gregorio take the seat beside her. it was silent for a moment, if you didn't count the music and the sound of people talking. chérie expected him to speak but instead he stayed mute, just like how gina said.

gregario, uhh gregorio right ? her words that were meant to be loud and confident came out as a whisper.

she flickered her gaze on the side of his face and waited for a reply. greg, is fine his voice was deep but also sharp.

chérie blushed and was glad the lightning in the room was dark as red light brightened the walls of the room.

i didn't know gina's father got remarried or even had a stepmom, chérie cleared her throat hoping to make a conversation. it was new year meaning she had new set of resolutions she wasn't going to keep up. just like last year, and that year before.

making friends was the second on the list, right after getting over a broken heart.

gina's father married my dad actually, he nodded along the beat while he waited for her reaction with raised brows.

chérie seemed taken aback at first but quickly smiled when she saw him staring. oh that's great, i'm not against lgbt or anything, i mean both of my best friends are gay and lowkey fucking not that it's any of my business or should it imply that i'm not against gays because i'm friends with them, chérie merely closed her eyes in frustration at humiliating herself.

greg didn't seem to mind nor did he reply, instead he turned his gaze away from her and to the crowd dancing in sync.

there was a moment of silence, an awkward one. she thought about making a silent escape or excuse herself and proceed to scream at herself in the bathroom when he spoke up again.

have a new year kiss ? he didn't look at her yet and chérie was grateful that he didn't.

not really, she huffed, just when she didn't think about him, someone had to remind her.

me neither, this time his eyes meet hers and chérie couldn't pin point the sudden glint in his.

i have to go to the bathroom, she blurted out before almost jumping off the chair and pushed past the heavy bodies.

not even glancing at the girls giggling in front of the mirroir, she forced herself in a stall and sat on the seat. finally, she breathed out in embarassment.

god could i make myself anymore of an embarassment, i'm s-, her sentence was cut short when a loud bang came from the stall beside her. she froze in her seat, not expecting the blow.

allo ? i'm sorry i didn't mean to be so loud, chérie knocked on the wood and cringed at the way she was communicating. when she didn't hear anything expect groans, her mind went to curious mode.

chérie quietly bend low on the tiles, discarding the fallen trash, and peaked over at the stall next to hers.

she forced down a gasp when she saw a girl sucking off a guy. he had short golden brown hair yet his face was hidden by a scarf around his mouth, his open features reminding her of someone.

jason ? the pained whisper seemed to be heard by the couple when the girl pulled the lenght out with a wet pop ! and glanced around her until it landed on a crouched down chérie.

the familiar yet unfamiliar man groaned in frustration but he stopped midway when he noticed the staring going on between the girls below him.

chérie noticed that unlike jason's brown eyes, his were blue.

chérie was horrified when both noticed her. one glanced at her in irritation, while the girl only seemed to caress her tired jaw and seemed exausted.

chérie froze for a second before she yelled out in a high pitched voice, sorry and scrambled off the floor and out of the bathroom.

chérie put a hand to her cheek and wiped away a fallen tear, i am so fucking dumb, pathetic, her own voice echoed in her brain.

before she could continue to insult herself for her stupidity, she stumbled when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.

chérie, lorena long nails almost pierced chérie's skin. lorena's hair was all over the place and her make up was smudged under her eyes.

chérie expected her to drunkenly ask for another drink or mumble something stupid, instead, she watched as her cousin ran through the door she just ran out without another word.

chérie wrinkled her nose, debating on going back in for her but choose to stay put when she thought about accidentally meeting the couple in the stall.

choosing to wait for her to come out, she rested her back on the wall, few feet away from the entrance.

her legs began to get tired as five minutes turned to ten. she took her phone out to distract herself and checked the time when she received a notification.


INSTAGRAMjasonmccan just posted a photo ! slide to see the notification.

her thumb unconsciously brushed at the notification and it went directly to his latest post.

happy new year guys, also never invite your horny friends over if they are only coming over to ruin your favorite couch, read the caption.

the photo was of him holding a pillow to a side of his head while making a cute face that was supposed to be disgust. chérie emitted a giggle put soon her lips turned into a frown.

oh hell nah, a voice breathed down her neck before her phone was snatched away from her.

lorena quickly took the phone and placed it in between her breast and chérie cringed.

what are you doing ? give it back, chérie tried to reach for her phone but lorena smacked her hand away.

what are you doing ? lorena emphasized on the word you while watching in disapointment at chérie's slumped form.

it's new year, no scrolling through your exes social media, no crying and no sadness, only fun ! she cheered but chérie still wasn't convinced.

lorena watched as chérie went and sat on the dirty floor, pushing away the dirty red cups and trash.

she sighed and went to sit beside her, chérie's head rolling in lorena's shoulder as she huffed.

i can't stop thinking about him, chérie mumbled, forcing back her tears.

lorena was expert in so many thing. math, lying, getting what she wanted, make up, getting clothes for cheap prices, negotiating but she was no good in comforting. so she went straight to the point.

look, with a finger on her chin, she turned chérie's face to look at her.

you broke up with him for a reason, and yes you may love him but you left him because even if you loved him, that love wasn't enough to make you stay, her eyes jumped back and forth from chérie's sad ones.

i don't know what happened between you two but the best thing you can do now is move on or else why did you leave ?

chérie hoped he would call. fight for her, plead for her. she was selfish, she knew that. breaking up with a guy and hoping for him to beg her back.

i want to hate him for not chasing me, but i hate myself more for wishing that he did, chérie closed her eyes and sucked in a harsh shaky breath. she felt lorena's fingers interlock with hers in a comforting way.

stop, lorena suddendly pulled away and pressed her hands on her shoulder and shook her, a sense of determination coming over her.

you won't think about him, just don't, it's new year and you got plenty of dicks around you, choose one and go crazy, and as the saying goes the best way to get over someone is by getting under someone else, chérie only dumbly stared back at her.

isn't that a quote from google, lorena whined and got up on her feet, pulling chérie along.

shut up and get dick, i'm going to get two cocktails and you are going to drink until you pass the fuck out, chérie didn't even have time to argue when lorena stumbled for the drinks.

chérie sighed and bite her lips, looking around. people were still so hyped up that the year went from 2018 to 2019, even thought nothing was changing beside the month and the year.

when she caught sight of a girl nearly dropping her phone, chérie mentally groaned as she realized lorena still had her phone between her breasts and cinged. her phone was going to be sticky especially because of her sweat and the body shot lorena did before.

she scanned the crowd for lorena, hoping to at least convince her to take it out of her breasts when her eyes captured the one she left behind, moments before.

he graced a gentle smile and nodded her over. chérie looked around, expecting him to be talking to someone else but when she noticed nobody was around her, she looked away from him, avoiding eye contact.

it was already awkward enough when suddendly, a body hit hers and she almost fell.

stop doing that, chérie hissed at lorena who only shrugged. i got the drinks, now drink, chérie didn't have time to protest when lorena took chérie's cheeks and squished them together until her mouth opened.

she started pouring in her mouth, not caring that it was dripping down her neck, her breasts and into her dress.

chérie started to choke on the rapid liquid foaming up in her mouth. she pinched lorena's arm before she let go of her face and chérie spite out the rest.

what the hell ? chérie screamed, watching as lorena kept laughing. on instinct, chérie grabbed the other drink and tried to do the same to her.

however, lorena turned away and laughed, when the drink chérie spat out, made the floor slippery and managed to make her slip and fall back on her ass.

both girls laughed before chérie fell back too, being unbalanced from all the drinking and laughing.

with more drinks, dancing and getting crazy, chérie sweaty body backed away from the humping crowd she was forced in and sat in a round booth.

her legs were killing her and the short dress was awfully sticky.

thankfully, chérie had wiped the rest of the drinks from her body even though she still smelled like alcohol.

her eyes flickered to the countdown on the big screen, watching a seconds by.

only two minutes left.

everybody were with their partners for the night while she sat in alone in the booth. her eyes widened when she saw lorena already making out with a guy, not at all worrying about the scared new year kiss.

she laughed to herself quietly when suddendly her eyes meet brown ones, who landed on her just as hers landed on his.

this time however, he didn't approach or say anything, just smiled and looked away. he didn't have a drink in hand nor a girl, like he had said earlier, he really didn't seem to have someone for new year.

yet drunk chérie didn't seem to like that he didn't approach her. her drunken feet took her to him and he looked away from the screen and stared at her with a smile, hi ? he asked, his voice held amusement.

chérie didn't pay attention to it, instead studied his face, he was cute, she admit that, beside his weirdly shaped nose.

a hiccup came out of nowhere, making him smile before it turned to worry when she stumbled and gripped his shirt, woah there, he steadied her, noticing how close she was to him.

he gripped her hands but stopped when he noticed her phone hanging from her fingers, nearly slipping. he took the small device and placed it on the counter beside them before fully gripping her body.

you have something on your shirt, she spoke through her hiccups only making his smile widen. she shook her head, before biting her lips to stop the hiccup.

chérie pointed with her finger on the invisible stain she was talking about and as planned he looked down to it.

quickly, she bend her head until her lips meet his. it was short, only a peck and she pulled away a second later.

well played but it isn't new year yet, he rose his brows while nodding to the tv. 10 seconds left, he bite his lips and chérie wouldn't help but look at it.


his back leaned away from the counter and his eyes locked with hers, asking permission.


she nodded and her eyes crossed when he slowly bend lower to her size.


he patiently teased her as he ran his nose up her cheek, her eyes fluttering close at the touch.


his hand placed themselves on her waist, pulling her close until they were inches apart.


slowly, one of his hand titled her chin to his face, chérie stopped breathing as his other one curled in her hair.


chérie's fingers grasped at his wrists when he pecked the corner of her lips.


she took in his scent shakily, the smell of fragrance and alcohol hitting her nose.


his lips turned into a smirk when he noticed her flustered state.


their lips brushed as their forehead pressed lightly against one another, warm flesh to blushing one.


greg placed his lips on her. his hands that were resting on her face now gripping it softly as his brows frowned in concentration.

happy new year !

chérie instantly felt dizzy and lightheaded. she didn't know if it was a result of the alcohol or the hot wet kisses slowly setting her body on fire, maybe it was a combination of both.

greg was returning the kiss rather sloppily until chérie lost her footing as she placed her hand on his biceps when she felt his hand grip her waist, pinching it making her ticklish. chérie gasped and gregorio took the opportunity to entwined heir tongues and he groaned in appreciation as all good sense left him and an hungry instinct took over.

gentleman though he was, he allowed his desires to guide his hands to explore her body. his fingers caressing the sides of her face and neck as his hungry mouth continued to feast on hers.

they heard yelling, moaning, singing and even a scream of bloody murder but both didn't pay attention until they felt a hand pulling each other from their embrace, their lips still puckered up when they were forced to pull away.

happy new year, lorena grinned and pecked chérie on the cheek before doing the same at the unknown boy chérie had been liplocking.

chérie stood in surprise, her eyes half lidded. she wouldn't help but lick her wet lips before she watched lorena laugh at the shocked expression from gregorio.

when she turned back at him, he smiled sheepishly at her, a warm tint over his cheeks with his lips swollen.

chérie wouldn't help but smile back at him, not noticing the phone buzzing off on the counter table beside her.


CALL — missed call from jason,
slide to call back !

lorenaaa posted on her story !

cheries posted on her story !

lorenaaa just posted a photo !

[ slide to see posts ]

♡ liked by vanessahudgens, ashleybenson, ginavero and 673 others.

lorenaaa this girl literally made me cancel my dick appointment and forced me to drive home on new year because she wanted to change her outfit only to come back to the same party and guilt trip me to buy her a sex on the beach because she was thirsty when all she did is change her dress, p.s : my dick appointment seemed to have a reschedule and now it's new year and i'm stuck with this bitch and no bed warmer


username1 boobies

cheries he probably had HIV or AIDS so honestly i did you a favor

lorenaaa i'm still stuck with you, i would take AIDS over chérie any day

username2 i won't, your sis is fine asf

ashleybenson why you never look this good with us

username3 whatsup with you and your hot family, give me your genes

vanessahudgens i see you with your cuban tan

username4 i'm so alone, its new year and i'm on instagram reading this shit

username5 everyone is focused on the girl's titties and so am i but HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS

username6 she went from twerking on the table while everyone was filming her to a baddie with everyone staring at her, wow

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