Thespians | Kim Taehyung

By Sthenomilke

608 69 173

Rain is a young engineer who is very devoted to her job. She is a star employee and a brilliant professional... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Thirteen

46 3 17
By Sthenomilke

Kim Taehyung picked up his phone and answered the call without even looking at the caller ID.


     "Hello, yes, is this Kim Taehyung?" A dark female voice replied. It sounded as if the person was feigning a masculine voice.

      "Uh... who is this?"

      "Listen, I know that this is cultural appropriation and that you're older than me, but YAH!"

     "Is this—?"

     "Yes, this is Rain. YOU LEFT YOUR DAMNED WALLET AT MY HOUSE. IT'S LITERALLY FOUR IN THE AFTERNOON AND I JUST NOTICED. It was lying very innocently on my couch. That fiend!"

     "I— what? No wonder I couldn't find it..."

      "I swear to the cosmos, Kim Taehyung, if this was another excuse to see me, I'm going to start thinking wrong. Tell me, was it the Puerto Rican coffee? I know it was, don't lie to me, Kim." Rain's tone had changed from angry to playful. She held her mouth to stop the giggles that threatened to expose her giddiness.

     Taehyung chuckled deeply. "I swear by my beloved dog, Yeontan, that I did not leave my wallet there on purpose. I actually thought it was stolen and I was in the process of calling my bank to cancel my cards."

     "Right. I still don't believe you. Tomorrow I have class, by the way. I'll be busy all day."

       "I'm not in a hurry. When are you free again?"

     "Thursday and then during the weekend."

     "Hmm... I'll be at BigHit on Thursday."


"Maybe you could visit me this time."

"You got some nerve, Kim."

"Well, you can keep the cards, but I need my license," Taehyung quipped. Crunching and munching could be heard from his side of the line.

"I don't want your money, Kim Taehyung. I'm going to have to ask my translator to give me a ride."

"I'm sorry, Rain. I didn't want to cause you trouble. I could send someone to pick it—"



"Shut up. Could you text me the address and specifications to discuss them with— hold on, my doorbell is ringing. COMING! Don't hang up," Rain got up and nearly fell while traveling from the couch to the main door. "Fuck."

"What happened?"

"Nothing, I nearly died. I'm fine." Rain opened the door. A smiling Eunae greeted her with a couple bags of groceries.

"Unnie Eunae is here to cook for her sister! Make way, bitch."

"Speaking of the devil... here's my translator. May I put you on speaker?"

"Yes, of course," the Korean man said while laughing softly.

"Eunae, it's Taehyung. He would like to tell you something."

"Hi, Eunae. I accidentally left my wallet at Rain's apartment. I was wondering if you could bring her to BigHit on Thursday so that she may give it back? You can come along, too. Seokjin doesn't shut up about you."

"Hmm, I see. At what time should you expect us?"

"Whenever it's most comfortable for you gals. We're going to be there all day preparing for Friday's concert. Last minute tweaking and resting."

"Why aren't you going to be home instead?"

"Noona, you're making things difficult. We need to be at the company for some last minute instructions from our managers, too. However, most of the day will be spent doing nothing inside the company headquarters. I think we're shooting a dance practice, as well, but I'm not completely certain. I'd have to ask."

      "I see. Very well. Don't tell Seokjin that I'm coming. Let's surprise him. Oh, and don't tell the others, either. Let's have a little fun! Should I bring board games?"

     "Ah, well, that sounds nice. Sure! Please, I don't want Rain to feel left out of our conversation."

     Eunae proceeded to translate everything that Taehyung and her had
said for the past few minutes. Rain agreed with the plan.

     "It's settled, then. See you on Thursday, TaeTae."

     "Alright, we will be seeing each other, Mr. Kim. Oh, and make sure we have permission to enter the premises."

     "Will do. Take care! See you!"

     Rain hung up the call and proceeded to look at her friend who was completely beaming.

     "RAIN!!! THIS IS INSANE! Ah, I'm so happy." Eunae began jumping up and down on the hardwood floors. Her indoor shoes sounded light against the harshness of the ground. "WE ARE GOING TO SEE OUR MEN!"

     "Eunae, you're too loud and emotional," Rain commented nonchalantly while looking at her perfectly manicured short acrylics. They were painted an ocre color and they were shaped like squovals.

"Oh, stop pretending that you're not dying inside."

"I guess that I'm weirded out by all of this," Rain replied honestly. "I mean, friends with BTS? Really?"

"Stop overthinking and just live a little. We deserve this."

"But the consequences..."

"We'll worry about them later, Rain. Can you do this for me? Can we try to live in the now and stop thinking about the future for just a little bit?"

"Okay, okay. You're right."

"Now, we are cooking dinner together and you are telling me everything that happened this morning."

     The women had made a traditional Korean dish and were currently stuffing their faces happily. It was already six thirty in the afternoon. Once they were half way through their meal, Eunae spoke up, as she fiddled with her chopsticks:

     "Taehyung likes you, I have no doubts about it."


     "Don't deny the obvious."

     "I won't, but I don't want to talk about this. This wasn't even supposed to happen. I'm going to ignore it. At least, for now."


     "Because this is all very distracting and my first workshop examination is on Monday. I cannot afford to get distracted."


     "But nothing, Nae. The reason I'm here is my workshop. That is my priority."

      "Okay, but you won't cancel our spa day that we will have after your exam, right?"

      "Most certainly not. We shall have an amazing spa day. Korean skincare will heal our skin. I trust you."

     It was Thursday morning and Rain found herself lying on her bed. Even though she should have been excited for the day's coming events, she had a complete lack of energetic supplies due to her deteriorating emotional state. The only one who knew how bad it had actually gotten was Eunae, since the Korean woman confronted Rain about it. Her friend helped her book an appointment with an English-speaking psychologist.

     Rain's panic attacks had become more frequent and violent. And her sadness, loneliness, and emptiness levels were steadily increasing. Her symptoms were bordering a dangerous frontier.

     She was reading some Nietzsche while pondering on the meaning of life when her phone suddenly started vibrating. She looked at the caller ID and her eyes lit up. She picked up the call shortly afterward.


"I feel insulted, attacked, and disrespected... you didn't even bother telling me that you were on the other side of the planet. I'm disgusted. Why did I even call you?"

"I'm so happy you called! You're the first one who's called me besides my mom. My other friends are all so busy with their jobs. How are you?"

"Aaah! I can't even be mad at you for more than ten seconds. I'm great! How about you? How goes Korea?"

     "I love it here. I'm fine. How's med school and the investigation?"

     "I've been running on caffeine and anxiety pills for, like, two days? Yes, but I get to rest tonight because I already had that awful exam. The investigation is great. The director loved your proposition and we are looking for the professionals that you suggested. He would still love to meet you, though."

     "I see. I hope everything goes well. Let's take down cancer! And, well, maybe I'll consider meeting him. It sounds like an enriching experience to learn from such an eminence in the investigative medicine field. How about that girl?"

      "What girl?"

     "The girl? The Jewish girl that takes most of your courses with you."

     "Ah, Emilia!"

     "So, that's her name? Cute."

     "Would it shock you if I told you that I asked her out?"


      "I asked her out."

     "Yes, I reckon. And?"

     "We went on a date."

      "Mhm, and?"

     "We're talking."

      "AHA! Spill."

"We're just talking. Apparently, we like each other. Everything is going smooth."

"That's great."

"How's the workshop?"

"It's interesting and tiring, but overall very fun. Lots of complex stuff pertaining to the processing, control, and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals. We are looking at new technologies that help these processes become more efficient procedures."

"That sounds so neat! I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you."

"How about emotionally? How are you holding up? It must be hard for you to be away from home like this."

"It's been tough, honestly, but I've met so many wonderful people. I think that that's what's keeping me afloat."

"I meant it when I said that you could call me anytime, for anything. I do not want to see you hurt. You've been through enough already."

"I know, it's okay."

"I'll contact you later, alright? It's super late here and I need to cease operations before my brain decides to shut down automatically."

"Alright, goodnight to you, Carlos. Take care and I love you."

"You, too. Love you, too! Talk to you soon, Rain. Have a good day."

Rain hung up and sighed. It was always like this. Her mental illnesses were like a burden to her.

She got up from her bed and proceeded to make some scrambled eggs and toast. The smell of freshly brewed Puerto Rican coffee wafted through her small, but luxurious apartment. She grinned at the familiar and comforting scent.

      Lee Eunae arrived shortly after, while Rain was taking a warm shower, and then proceeded to go get ready in her friend's room. Today would be a day they would never forget, or so she hoped.

"Aaaand... CUT! That's a wrap! Splendid work, everyone."

The BTS members found themselves exhausted on the floor of a BigHit practice room. Indeed, they had shot a dance practice for the title track of their impending comeback.

      Remembrance struck Kim Taehyung and he proceeded to run to the bathrooms of the company, rushing his brothers to bathe themselves and be, at least, presentable before noon.

     "Hyung, am I that disgusting?" Asked Jungkook while drying his sweat with a hand towel.

     "Yes, now please take a shower. All of you."

     "Yah, I'm older than you. Stop giving me orders," Jin whined with narrowed eyes.

     "Specially you, Jin-hyung. You'll thank me later."

     "I will end you, Kim Taehyung."

     "Do this, for me? You will be thankful."

      All of the boys wore baggy clothes that were the definition of comfort. Their hairs were sweaty, messy, and dirty. Taehyung would have taken a water hose and showered them himself, if he could. The alien of the group glared at his brothers; thus, they began to comply with his demands.

The boys found themselves with new clothes and clean slates. Bareness decorated their faces, as they each waddled tiredly toward their common area. Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi, and Kim Namjoon went into their respective studios to work while the rest of the men chose to play games and relax before their managers gave them further instructions.

     Taehyung went into his studio, which was only established one year ago, just to get away from the others. When he arrived this morning, he tidied up the place. Books filled the shelves, art hung on the walls, and games plagued the racks. His décor was nothing short of amazing. It seemed regal, antique, and, yet, simple and uncomplicated, unlike his fashion and thought processes.

      The young man sighed and waited for his favorite YouTuber's arrival.

"Please tell me that we are not in front of BigHit Entertainment, right now. Pinch me, Rain. I might be dreaming—yah!"

"You asked me to pinch you," Rain replied while looking at the building in front of them. The women had parked their car inside the exclusive company parking lot. They now found themselves in front of the entrance. "I don't know if we should be here. Maybe we should just leave the wallet at the reception and leave."

"What if these bitches steal Taehyung's belongings? Oh, hell to the no. We are giving him the wallet ourselves and I am not leaving until he touches it with his own hands."

"Yeah, but what if they don't let us in?"

"They let us park just by giving our names. I think he took care of everything. You're overthinking," Eunae snapped her fingers repeatedly, making her metal bracelets bangle. "Get. Yourself. Together. Activate. Your. Damn. Logic."

"Don't. Snap. Your. Fingers. At. Me." Rain mirrored the older's action.

"Respect. Your. Elders," Eunae sassed. "Now, let's go get our men!"

     The two women entered the building with arms linked. A luxurious white and gold lobby welcomed them. They found themselves in an utter trance when they were suddenly interrupted by the young receptionist's voice.

     "Yes, we are looking for Kim Taehyung," said Eunae proudly. Rain nearly face palmed at the harsh mention of Taehyung's name. She could understand the context of what her translator had said.

     "Can you understand English?" Rain asked the young woman and the latter nodded. "We are Rain Rojas and Lee Eunae, our names should be written somewhere. We have an appointment with Mr. Kim Taehyung."

     "Just a moment, I will make a call," the woman courtly replied. Rain and Eunae started bickering while the receptionist made the call. "Understood. I will send them up with someone. A person from security would be best, yes. Thank you."

     "She thinks we're criminals," Eunae whispered. Rain nudged her arm at her.

     "They have to keep the boys safe. Activate your damn logic." The oldest glared at the foreigner.

     "Please, follow him," the receptionist pointed towards a man in a security uniform that was standing right behind them. The young lady bowed respectfully to the suspicious guests and continued her work.

     "Okay, thank you. Have a good day," Rain bowed with a small smile. Eunae also bowed and followed the younger, who had already begun to accompany the guard, closely behind.

     After walking countless of hallways, everything had stilled. They had taken the back elevator and were now walking through the back wing of the building, on the fifth floor.

     "Yah, Rain. Is that Soobin from TXT?"

       "What?! Where? Wait, isn't that Yeonjun, though?"

     "Aaa! You're right. He's so cute!" Eunae squealed.

      "Shhh, I know. If you keep swooning, you're gonna get us kicked out. Act cool. Oh, he's coming this way. I am not here."

     The young man bowed to the women who he passed by. He wore a cap that covered his dark hair.

      "I can die peacefully, now," Eunae mused un a hushed tone.

      "Isn't that going to happen when you meet Park Jinyoung?"

       "Ah... yes. True. I still must live to see him and GOT7 live."

"Right this wa—"

"Rain, is that you?!" A male voice boomed from behind the women. They turned around to see Kim Namjoon smiling, stunningly exposing his deep dimples. "What are you guys doing here?" The tall man bowed, as he got closer.

"Hello, Namjoon," Rain replied with a nervous smile. "We're here to see Taehyung."

"Correction: You're here to see Taehyung. I'm just tagging along because I am your lift," Eunae replied while smiling to the leader of BTS.

"I bet you didn't mind tagging along, though," Namjoon replies mischievously. "I'll take you to where we are! If that's okay with you."

"Sure," said Rain.

"You're so short, Rain," Namjoon commented while the guard who previously guided them walked away. "Cute."


"Ugh, finally! That guy was driving me insane. He made me nervous! We are not just some random fans," Eunae whined while examining her surroundings, avoiding the man's amused gaze. Her red hair looked especially fiery, since she had recently re-dyed it. Her olive skin was perfectly complimented by the intense and slightly dark redness of her favorite dye. Namjoon was a sucker for redheads, but he knew that this woman in front of him was someone else's romantic interest.

The tanned tall man walked the ladies toward BTS' part of the floor; they nearly had one entire level for themselves, due to the boy band's indisputable success. Their area was barred by a pass-coded one-way glass door. The three people group entered the wooden-walled palace.

     Soft music and the aggressive pressing of buttons could be heard once the glass door was ajar. Then, shouts permeated through the space. Rain and Eunae glanced at each other in reaction to the ruckus.

     "I apologize for their behavior. They're supposed to be grown men... but they act more like bratty children," Namjoon murmured.

     "Hyung, did you get us some snacks?" A voice said in Korean from inside. The owner of the voice walked toward the entrance and saw the alien group of people. His pale cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he realized who they were; he proceeded to bow deeply. "N-noona, hello."

Jungkook's stuttering and nervousness got fairly severe when he was around older or domineering women. Rain found this charming and utterly irresistible. His blushed complexion made the Puerto Rican woman smile as she neared him. She ruffled his soft, fluffy, and dark hair while she smiled brightly.

"Hey, Kookie! How have you been?"

Jungkook's blush deepened as he looked everywhere but at the woman who was speaking to him. He swallowed hard. "I-I've been good. How about you, Rain?"

The woman in question chuckled. "Good. I'm glad you're doing alright. Missed you!"

The young man's blush deepened even more. "M-missed you, t-too, n-noona."

"Hey, Jungkook. I'm your real noona, Eunae. Nice to see you again!"

"H-hi, noona."

     "Yah, why are you all talking at the doo— oh, hi, Eunae!" Seokjin's cheeks were stained a reddish pink color when he noticed the presence of a certain redhead. "Hello, Rain." The eldest bowed respectfully. His eyes constantly traveled back to Eunae. He thought she looked ravishing.

     "Hey, Jin," Eunae bowed slightly as she replied.

     "Hello, Seokjin," Rain replied while mirroring her translator.

"I was going to get some snacks for the boys when you two game along. Taehyung is working in his studio.Want me to take you there?" Asked Namjoon.

"Yes, please."

"Would it be okay if I stay here with the boys outside? You can give Taehyung his belongings yourself, can't you?"

Rain narrowed her eyes and nodded. "Certainly."

The three boys showed the women around and the leader indicated where Taehyung's studio was, but his directions were a little vague. Eunae stayed to play games with Seokjin and the others. Namjoon strutted toward his Rkive Studio and shut the glass door behind him. Jin spoke up and pointed toward the hallway where the leader's studio was located.

     "Taehyung's studio is on the last door to your right in that same hallway, right next to Namjoon's Rkive."

      Rain walked toward her destination, determined to right all wrongs and tie all loose ends. She looked back to see Eunae and Jin already deep in conversation. His symmetrical eyes bore a sparkle that could only be a product of pure infatuation; he listened intently to her funny monologue whilst a smile engraved itself upon his plump lips. Nae's expressive nature warmed the cold room. Seokjin had become the most ethereal human being Rain had ever seen; happiness never looked so good on someone.

     Rain smiled to herself and continued walking toward Kim Taehyung's studio. She found herself in front of, yet another, one-way glass door. There was only one letter in silver metal that identified whose studio it was: V. She proceeded to knock thrice and wait patiently for the most beautiful man in the world to open the door.

Her anticipation was shorter than what she had expected. Kim Taehyung opened the door and smiled brightly while gesturing her to come in. They both bowed to each other when the woman had walked into the room. Rain examined Taehyung's features for any sign of tiredness or dullness. There were some hints of them, but they were significantly less noticeable than the last time she saw him.

Rain observed and took in the room. There was recording and sound equipment everywhere, but everything was neatly in its place. Books, games, and art took up most of the space, giving it a sophisticated and beautiful aura.

"Your studio is very winsome," Rain commented in awe. Taehyung gave her a look of confusion. "I apologize, that's a complex word; it's very beautiful."

     "Thank you," Taehyung replied with a deep voice. He seemed tense.

      "Hey, what's that?" Rain asked while walking toward his computer. She sat on his chair. He seemed to be buying something from an online supermarket.

     "That's an online international supermarket," V replied.

     "Yes, but what are you buying? It doesn't seem like the place you'd buy normal groceries from."

     "Correct. I am looking for Puerto Rican coffee. Apparently, it's the only type I really enjoy."

       "Hmm, I knew it. Look at the prices... they're ridiculously high! I could just tell my mom to ship extra coffee for me. I don't think she would mind. It would take a little while to get here, though."

     "Well, I'll buy these in the meantime." 

     "Suit yourself. I'll tell her about it." Rain stood up and turned around to face the tall young man. He generously towered her. She took his wallet out from her purse. "Here it is, nice and safe." She handed him his belongings; their hands touched as they exchanged the small leather pouch.

     Gentle sparks electricity flooded their fingertips; then, their eyes met in the most natural of ways. Their gaze was intense, sweet, and unwavering. Their hands were still touching, one transferring warmth to the other; the difference in the size of their hands was almost laughable. A small smile tugged Rain's graceful lips and she removed herself from Taehyung's warmth, finally handing the wallet over to its rightful owner.

     Their interaction was interesting. They were both too indulged into their staring contest to classify what had happened as awkward. In their opinion, it was perfect. In that moment, no words were necessary or needed, for their eyes told a thousand stories and recited millions of poems.

     Yes, that was it, their gaze was a single verse and their whole interaction was poetry. Together, they would write the most stunning balladry, for they were both music to each other's ears and poems to each other's eyes.

     They observed every detail of each other as they talked about uninteresting things: the weather, their current state, and daily life. They were too caught up in their unaltered gazing conquest. The minutes flied and turned into hours; they had completely lost sense of time as they wandered through the wonderful valley of each other. They were works of art admiring what each of them considered as a masterpiece.

Nevertheless, Rain had failed to notice a very small, but fundamental detail: that sparkle that Seokjin bore in his eyes when he stared at Eunae was the same iridescence that was engraved onto Taehyung's deep orbs when he gazed at her.

Author's note: Hello, my dear readers! I hope you are all doing fantastic.

Here is an extra long chapter for you! I hope you love it. 🖤

This one was hard to write for me because I'm going through some tough times.

But, as promised, here is the update for the week.

What did you think of this chapter?

Please vote and comment!
It helps me out a lot!

Take care and have an amazing week!



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